flows/pipelines can dynamically be adapted to current
situations, for example reacting to sensor drifts. This
enables heterogeneous collaboration and meets the re-
quirement of R5.
Evaluation of R6: Time Constraints. By opti-
mally utilizing the resources of the Raspberry Pi and
the MCC118 GPIO HAT, a maximum recording rate
of 80 kHz per worker, resulting in a 2 MB/sec network
load, could be achieved without causing queue jam-
ming. The CPU load of the local streaming system
node implemented with Redis was utilized by 3 work-
ers at an average of 60%, enabling fast processing of
events. A reaction to incoming events takes place im-
mediately after their occurrence. If more workers are
added in the future, Redis can be scaled both hori-
zontally and vertically to continue ensuring a fast re-
sponse time. The system met the time requirements in
the DQ-Meister project and thus fulfills requirement
In this work, a Data Acquisition System for dis-
tributed sensors was discussed with respect to pro-
totypical ML operations. This hierarchical system
consists of multiple embedded sensing devices, which
are synchronized. The system has been shown to be
easily extendable and it is not dependent on specific
technologies like OPC-UA. ARTHUR supports data
pre-processing close to the resource to reduce net-
work load and can additionally be tailored to spe-
cific data pre-processing use cases. The same goes
for specific data quality assessments where thresholds
for data values can be defined and acted upon on with
customized events. The proposed system was evalu-
ated with several Raspberry Pis and low cost sensors
making it affordable, even for early stages of proto-
typing. The provided interface enables a heteroge-
neous collaboration between domain experts and data
scientists. In order to uphold the time constraints of
different use cases, appropriate hardware can be used
without a problem as the architecture of the system is
hardware agnostic.
For the future, it is planned to integrate cam-
eras for visual surface quality inspection and integrate
ARTHUR into non-Raspberry Pi hardware. Addition-
ally we intend to add more complex hardware, like a
precision RTP oscilloscope with a max. sample rate
of 40 G sample/s in order to further test the limits of
the system. Furthermore a thorough security analy-
sis of the system has to be conducted in order to be
prepared for future Machine Learning audit require-
ments. Finally, the system will be evaluated with a
complex manufacturing use case.
This work as outcome of the project DQ-Meister*in
with the project number P2021-01-013 has received
funding from the Carl Zeiss Stiftung.
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