Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
Ciheng Zhang
, Decky Aspandi
and Steffen Staab
2, 3
Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Web and Internet Science, University of Southampton, Southampton, U.K.
Eye-Gaze Saliency, Image Translation, Visual Attention.
World-Wide-Web, with website and webpage as a main interface, facilitates dissemination of important infor-
mation. Hence it is crucial to optimize webpage design for better user interaction, which is primarily done by
analyzing users’ behavior, especially users’ eye-gaze locations on the webpage. However, gathering these data
is still considered to be labor and time intensive. In this work, we enable the development of automatic eye-
gaze estimations given webpage screenshots as input by curating of a unified dataset that consists of webpage
screenshots, eye-gaze heatmap and website’s layout information in the form of image and text masks. Our cu-
rated dataset allows us to propose a deep learning-based model that leverages on both webpage screenshot and
content information (image and text spatial location), which are then combined through attention mechanism
for effective eye-gaze prediction. In our experiment, we show benefits of careful fine-tuning using our unified
dataset to improve accuracy of eye-gaze predictions. We further observe the capability of our model to focus
on targeted areas (images and text) to achieve accurate eye-gaze area predictions. Finally, comparison with
other alternatives shows state-of-the-art result of our approach, establishing a benchmark for webpage based
eye-gaze prediction task.
Analysis of user behavior during their interaction with
the website (and contained webpages) is important
to evaluate the website overall quality. This infor-
mation can be used to create more optimized web-
pages for better interactions, as such, there are needs
to characterize these behaviors. Some of the charac-
teristics include users’ tendency to focus on certain
areas (e.g. upper left corner) during browsing (Shen
and Zhao, 2014). Other important characteristics can
be defined from users’ eye-gaze data, which normally
represents visual attention of the users during website
interaction. This data is usually acquired from hu-
man pupil-retinal location and movement relative to
the object of interest that allows one to pinpoint exact
webpage area, where users focus during their inter-
actions and its relations with overall webpage struc-
ture. Although this information is crucial to create a
more optimized website for better interactions, How-
ever, acquiring these eye-gaze data from every user
during their browsing duration is difficult, given the
complexity of the acquisition setting. Thus there is
currently a need for an automatic approach to predict
these eye-gaze locations given an observation of the
In computer vision field, saliency prediction task
has been extensively investigated that allows estima-
tion of people’s attention given an image. The main
task is to estimate saliency map, which highlights first
location (or region) where observers’ eyes focus, with
photographs of natural scenes (Zhang et al., 2018;
Kroner et al., 2020) commonly used as input. Several
methods have been developed so far to solve this task,
including machine learning (Hou and Zhang, 2008;
Li et al., 2012) and recently deep learning based ap-
proaches (Kroner et al., 2020) with quite high accu-
racy achieved. With this progress, there is an oppor-
tunity to adopt these automatic, visual based saliency
predictors for eye-gaze predictions task, by represent-
ing input observation in a form of webpage screen-
shot. This enables adaptation of task objective for
eye-gaze heatmap prediction, in lieu of saliency map,
with both predicted maps representing area where
most people (or in our case users) attend.
The challenges however are differences between
saliency and eye-gaze prediction tasks in terms of
content, structure and layout of input images. For
Zhang, C., Aspandi, D. and Staab, S.
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites.
DOI: 10.5220/0011747300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
instance, there is not any concept of depth on web-
page screenshot as opposed to natural images, an as-
pect that is highly utilized for general visual saliency
estimation. In addition, high contrast and varied col-
ored areas on natural image are commonly regarded
as saliency area, which may not be the case for web-
page screenshots, given that user eye-gaze locations
are highly dependent on the type of interactions dur-
ing website browsing. This problem can be recti-
fied by the use of a data-driven approach (Pan and
Yang, 2010), which can be made feasible through
fine-tuning using a specialized dataset on a particu-
lar task. However, this attempt is currently hampered
by the lack of such dataset.
In this work, we curate a generalized dataset of
eye-gaze prediction from webpage screenshots to en-
able effective training for machine and deep learning
approaches. Using this dataset, we propose a deep
learning based method that incorporates image and
textual locations of webpage through mask modali-
ties and combines them with attention fusion mecha-
nism. We then evaluate the impact of transfer learn-
ing, including comparison with other alternatives, to
establish a benchmark for this task. Specifically, the
contributions of this work are:
1. The establishment of a unified benchmark dataset
for eye-gaze detection from webpage screenshots,
derived from website and user interactions data.
2. A novel deep learning-based and multi-modal
eye-gaze detector with internal attention that
leverages characteristics of input contents and im-
portance of each stream of modality for accurate
eye-gaze predictions.
3. Benchmark results of automatic eye-gaze location
estimators and our state-of-the-art results for eye-
gaze detection task given webpage screenshot in-
An early example of work analyzing website con-
tent is done by Shen and Zhao (Shen and Zhao,
2014) where three types of webpages are analyzed:
Text-based, Pictorial-based, and Mixed (combination
of Text and Pictorial) websites. The authors show that
some attention characteristics of users during their
interactions with webpage exist, with main finding
that users usually pay more attention to some relevant
parts of websites (such as left-top corner of a website)
and their tendency to focus on areas where large im-
ages are present. Furthermore, on the websites from
‘Text’ category, their preference to focus on certain
parts of websites (middle left and bottom left regions)
is perceived. Lastly, they propose multi-kernel ma-
chine learning inferences for eye-gaze heatmap pre-
dictions (which represent visual attention of users) for
their developed website eye-gaze dataset of Fixations
in Webpage Images dataset (FiWI).
In computer vision field, the task of locating (or
predicting) users’ attention to natural image is com-
monly called as saliency prediction. These tasks are
commonly solved by utilising machine learning tech-
niques, given their automation capability. An earliest
example of this method is Incremental Coding Length
(ICL) (Hou and Zhang, 2008) which aims to pre-
dict the activation of saliency location by measuring
perspective entropy gain of each input feature (sev-
eral image patches) as a linear combination of sparse
coding basis function. Other algorithm of Context-
Aware Saliency Detection (CASD) capitalises on the
concept of dominant objects as additional context to
improve their prediction (Goferman et al., 2011). Fur-
thermore, D Houx (Houx et al., 2012) propose
an approach that aims to solve figure-ground separa-
tion problem for prediction. They use a binary and
holistic image descriptor of Image Signature, which
is defined as sign function of Discrete Cosine Trans-
form (DCT) of an image as additional input. Subse-
quently, Hypercomplex Fourier Transform (HFT) (Li
et al., 2012) is used to transform input image to fre-
quency domain to estimate saliency map. One rele-
vant work utilizes deep learning based method, given
their accurate estimations and ability to leverage huge
datasets size (that are increasingly present). This ap-
proach is based on Encoder and Decoder structure
with a pre-trained VGG network to predict saliency
maps (Kroner et al., 2020). Finally in recent years,
several researchers extend the saliency approach to
work with image and depth input. One example is the
work from Zhou et. al. (Zhou et al., 2021) that uses
Hierarchical Multimodal Fusion Network to process
both RGB (Red, Gren and Blue) colours image and
depth maps (one channel) as additional modality for
the input, which results in more accurate gaze maps
Even though all of the described methods work for
general visual saliency predictions, however, their ca-
pability to predict users’ eye-gaze location on web-
page is not yet investigated, given lack of dataset
available. Thus in this work, we propose to cre-
ate a specialized webpage based eye-gaze prediction
datasets to allow for the development of automatic
eye-gaze predictions of webpage screenshot inputs,
then utilize it to develop our deep learning based eye-
gaze location predictor.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: The flow of dataset generation.
3.1 Dataset Gathering and Processing
In this work, we search, process and curate a gen-
eralized eye-gaze dataset from available datasets in
literature. Here, we focus on three publicly avail-
able user-website interaction datasets (where eye-
gaze and webpage screenshots are present): GazeMi-
ning (Menges, 2020), Contrastive Website (Aspandi
et al., 2022a), and Fixations in Webpage Images
(FiWI) dataset (Shen and Zhao, 2014). In this sec-
tion, we provide a short description of datasets, and
proceed with description of pre-processing algorithm
that we conduct to produce our unified dataset. The
processed dataset is available at
and available after
GazeMining is a dataset of video and interac-
tion recordings on dynamic webpages (Menges,
2020). In this work, the authors focused on web-
sites which contain constantly changing scenes
(thus dynamic). The data was collected on March
2019 from four participants who interacted with
12 different websites.
Contrastive Website dataset is a recent website
interaction-based dataset, where participants were
asked to visit two sets of websites (each of four)
and performed respective tasks (flight planning,
route search, new searching and online shopping)
resulting on more than 160 sessions (Aspandi
et al., 2022a).
FiWI dataset (Shen and Zhao, 2014) is a dataset
that focuses on website-based saliency prediction.
However, it is small in term of webpage screen-
shot availability (only 149 images) compared to
two previous datasets that prevents its use for
larger scale evaluations (this is especially true for
a deep learning model). Therefore FiWI dataset
is mostly (and commonly) utilized as comparative
evaluation with other models, but not for model
Figure 1 shows the flow of our dataset curation,
data pre-processing and the results of the generalized
dataset. The first step of pre-processing is elimina-
tion of empty screenshots (which exist in small quan-
tities on GazeMining dataset), i.e. no screenshots are
present, which can come due to rapid sampling dur-
ing acquisition. Secondly, due to dynamic nature of
the observed websites, webpages’ static parts (that
consist of all unchanged, rendered webpages’ ele-
ments during interaction time) are removed (or black-
ened) on original datasets, which necessitates us to
find and collect only recorded screenshot - thus re-
moving irrelevant observations (black parts). Thirdly,
we remove the duplicate webpage screenshots of both
datasets for efficiency and generate respective loca-
tions of Image and Text as independent layers (called
Image and Text Mask, which we will detail in Sec-
tion 3.2.1). Lastly, eye-gaze heatmap layers are gen-
erated (as ground truth) with respect to duration of
each observed eye-gaze. This pipeline is applied to
all datasets, with the exception of Contrastive Web-
site, where first and second steps are skipped, and for
FiWI where only last step is necessary. In the end, our
unified dataset includes four sub-folders (data, label,
Imagemask, TextMask) with a total of 3119 screen-
shot examples (1546 samples or 49.6% from GazeMi-
ning, 1424 instances or 45.7% from Contrastive Web-
site dataset and 149 examples or 4.7% from FiWI)
along with the associated ground truths.
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
Figure 2: Structure of Multi Mask Input Attentional Network.
3.2 Multi Mask Input Attentional
Network (MMIAN) for Eye Gaze
Our pre-processed datasets allows us to propose a
deep learning based model to benefit from sizable
number of observations (Rodriguez-Diaz et al., 2021).
Here we propose a Multi Mask Input Attentional Net-
work (MMIAN) that aims to predict eye gaze loca-
tion given a webpage screenshot as input. Specifi-
cally, given input webpage screenshot images of X
with X as 2D matrix of webpage screenshot image,
and n as number of batch size, MMIAN estimates
eye-gaze locations of
, where each
Y is a 2D ma-
trix of eye-gaze heatmap, with each cell value repre-
sents probability of eye-gaze locations. The structure
of MMIAN follows encoder-decoder scheme that is
inspired by Multi-scale Information Network (MSI-
Model) (Kroner et al., 2020) consisting of several
modules: input and Mask Encoder, Mask Generator,
Attentional Feature Fusion, Atrous Spatial Pyramid
Pooling (ASPP) Module and Decoder. In this work,
we further propose several important modifications:
1. Incorporation of several input masks to include
webpage content information of textual and im-
ages spatial location.
2. Addition of attention mechanisms for effective fu-
sion of input modalities.
Overall architecture of MMIAN can be seen in
Figure 2. Specifically, an input webpage screenshot
image is passed into mask generator to produce an
image mask and text mask. Then both masks are con-
catenated and fed into Mask Encoder to extract rele-
vant features, while input image is simultaneously fed
into input Encoder. Feature Fusion module then fuses
extracted mask features and input features with sev-
eral attentional modules and combines them in a con-
joint block. This feature block is then fed into ASPP
part to enlarge field of views, capturing different reso-
lution views from the input, thus producing richer fea-
ture representations. These features are then passed
through series of up-sampling layers (Decoder) cre-
ating an eye-gaze saliency map as a final result. The
implementation code of our model is available on our
3.2.1 Input Masks Generator
It has been observed that webpage layout (which in
principle is arrangement of images and texts) is an
important aspect of webpage (Shen and Zhao, 2014).
To benefit from this information, we propose to in-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) Input (b) Text Mask (c) Image Mask
Figure 3: One case of input and text mask generation. Figure (a) is an example of webpage screenshot, Figure (b) and (c) are
the generated text mask and image mask respectively.
corporate spatial locations of both image and text on
websites with mask representations: image and text
masks. These masks are represented in form of a ma-
trix, where each cell is activated in the presence of
both image and text in webpage screenshot.
Image Mask Generation: For image loca-
tion recognition, we use method from M. Xie et
al. (Xie et al., 2020) which produces bounding-
box locations of an input image in a binary map
(i.e. map value is set to 1 where image is present,
otherwise 0).
Text Mask Generation: we use one of avail-
able optical character recognition (OCR) meth-
ods of Efficient and Accuracy Scene Text detec-
tion (EAST) (Zhou et al., 2017) to locate location
of text of webpage screenshot input. Similar to
Image Mask, this process generates correspond-
ing Text Mask in Binary map format.
One example of generated masks from our curated
dataset can be seen in Figure 3. We can see that both
of masks contain quite accurate locations of both Im-
age and Text on an input webpage screenshot. Even
though some mild imperfections occur (i.e. some but-
tons can be recognized as images, it does not fully de-
tect locations of certain images due to small size, and
some text within images are included on text masks),
however in general the locations of both image and
text on input webpage screenshots are properly rec-
ognized. These masks are then concatenated to be fed
into Mask Encoder part.
3.2.2 Input and Mask Encoder
Encoder part is a series of Convolutional Neural Net-
work that aims to extract visual features from input
matrix, which is original web screenshot image and
concatenated generated Masks, for Input and Mask
Encoder respectively. Both Encoders are based on
VGG16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) architec-
tures with last fully connected layer removed, and
further reductions of convolution layers (five convo-
lutional layers with Relu and two max-polling layers)
applied for Mask Encoder. Input and Mask encoder
then produce MaskFeatures and Screenshot Features
to be combined through Multi-Modal Attentional Fu-
sion module.
3.2.3 Multi-Modal Attentional Fusion
We employ multi-modal inputs (that consists of web-
page screenshot and generated masks) to benefit from
additional stream of information (Zhou et al., 2021;
Aspandi et al., 2020). Moreover, we introduce atten-
tional fusion mechanism for more effective fusion of
these modalities, as opposed to simple fusion opera-
tions of summation or concatenation (Aspandi et al.,
2022b), and further solving the problems of inconsis-
tent input semantics and scales (Dai et al., 2021). An
example of attentional feature fusion block (AFF) can
be seen in Figure 4 where it receives two streams of
inputs (denoted as F1 and F2) and initially fuses these
input features through matrix addition (denoted as
). The result from addition of internal Multi-scale
Channel Attention module (that aggregates channel
context by a series of point-wise convolutions) and
a sigmoid function generates a fusion weight. This
fusion weight and its another counterpart (where it
is negated by one) are multiplied (denoted as
) by
each of original inputs respectively, and then added
together (
symbol) to produce their weighted av-
erage as fused feature of Z. This fusion process is
applied to the received MaskFeatures and Screenshot
Features three times, to allow for observation of dif-
ferent scales of respective features (these operations
are marked as circled A in Figure 2). The resultants
of the fused features are then concatenated to a con-
joint block for subsequent pipelines.
3.2.4 Atrous Spatial Pyramid Pooling Module
ASPP module is made by superimposing different
atrous convolutions (Chen et al., 2017) filters to ob-
tain features from larger receptive fields. This is
beneficial given that it is common for webpage lay-
outs to be modularized into a variety of different sub-
layouts. This thus increases receptive fields (or field-
of-view) of internal convolutional layers (where the
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
Figure 4: Left is Attentional Feature Fusion block, right is
Multi-scale Channel Attention module (Dai et al., 2021).
result from several filters are combined together) en-
ables us to capture such layout configurations. In our
ASPP module, we use dilation rates of 4, 8, and 12,
with number of 1 × 1 filter to be 256 to ensure kernel
size compatibility. This module is applied to conjoint
block input, and subsequent features are obtained for
decoding operation.
3.2.5 Output Decoder
Decoder part consists of a series of convolution layers
with up-sampling to decode input features, generating
final prediction of eye-gaze heatmap location (in the
form of a 2D tensor and in binary mode). Specifi-
cally, number of up-sampling blocks consisting of bi-
linear scaling operations (each sequentially doubles
the number of input tensor) and a subsequent convo-
lutional layer with kernel size 3 × 3 are used. With
this module, we provide the features generated from
ASPP as input features and final eye-gaze heatmap
predictions are obtained. Finally, we convert binary
heatmap to gray-scale format, to conform to the origi-
nal scale of eye-gaze heatmap from ground-truth map.
3.3 Training Procedure
To evaluate the impact of training of models uti-
lizing webpage screenshot based eye-gaze predic-
tion datasets, first we perform training process us-
ing an original saliency prediction model of Kro-
ner’s Model (MSI-Model) (Kroner et al., 2020). This
model has been pre-trained on general visual saliency
dataset (SALICON) (Jiang et al., 2015), which we
call as P-MSI, that serves as baseline. Given this
pre-trained model, we perform fine-tuning using our
pre-processed datasets (GazeMining and Contrac-
tive Website dataset) producing FT-MSI-GM and FT-
MSI-CW respectively, and evaluate observed accu-
racy gains. We did the model fine-tuning instead of
performing training from scratch to maximize the po-
tential accuracy obtained - we empirically found that
the overall obtained accuracy of the latter to be sub-
stantially lower.
Additionally, we propose to evaluate the impact
of training using a combined dataset (i.e. we com-
bine examples of both of GazeMining and Contrastive
Website) by further training MSI-Model with this
merged dataset, that we name as FT-MSI-CMB. The
training is conducted until convergence and no fur-
ther accuracy improvement is perceived. Afterward,
we proceed to training stage of our proposed model of
MMIAN by first transferring Encoder and Decoder’s
weight from best performing models of the previous
step, and initialized weights of both Mask Encoder
and ASPP by zero-mean uniform distribution.
All of the training is conducted by minimizing
Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) loss function as
shown in Equation 1, with Y indicating ground truth
and ε is a regularization constant to guarantee that
denominator is not zero. In this loss, estimation of
saliency maps can be regarded as a probability dis-
tribution prediction task, as formulated by Jetley et.
al. (Jetley et al., 2016). The output of estimator
is normalized to a non-negative number, with KLD
value used to measure level of differences between
predictions and ground truth. Finally, Adam opti-
mizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with a learning rate of
is used for overall optimization.
Y ||Y ) =
ln(ε +
ε +
) (1)
3.4 Experiment Setting
3.4.1 Dataset Experiment Setting
In this experiment, all of three pre-processed datasets
(cf. Section 3.1) are utilized, with training, valida-
tion and test instance numbers are shown in Table 1.
Specifically, both GazeMining and Contrastive Web-
site datasets are divided with 60%, 20% and 20% of
samples for training, validation set, and test set re-
spectively. Whereas for FiWI dataset (Shen and Zhao,
2014), all samples (of 149 images) are used for test-
Table 1: Training, validation and test set for each dataset.
Splits GazeMining Contrastive Website FiWI
Training 928 868 -
Validation 309 278 -
Test 309 278 149
3.4.2 Quantitative Metrics
We use three quantitative metrics of Area under Re-
ceiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC), Nor-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
malized Scanpath Saliency (NSS), and Person’s Cor-
relation Coefficient (CC) to judge the quality of mod-
els’ prediction.
NSS is commonly used for general saliency pre-
diction tasks as a direct correspondence mea-
sure between predicted saliency maps and ground
truth, which is computed as average normal-
ized saliency at fixated locations (Peters et al.,
2005). Furthermore, NSS is sensitive to false pos-
itives, relative differences in saliency across eval-
uated image, and general monotonic transforma-
tions (Bylinskii et al., 2018). With Y
as a bi-
nary map of true fixation location and N to indi-
cate total pixel number and i indicates each pixel
instance, NSS value can be calculated using an
equation as shown below:
Y ,Y
) =
AUC-J evaluates predicted eye-gaze heatmaps as
a classification task, where each prediction pixel
is evaluated through a binary classification setting.
Here, a certain threshold value is used to decide
whether it is deemed to be correctly predicted as
eye-gaze locations, thus emphasizing frequency
of true positive. We use method described by Judd
et. al. (Judd et al., 2009) to select all required
CC metric aims to evaluate level of linear rela-
tionship between two input distributions. In eye-
gaze location prediction task, both generated eye-
gaze location map and ground truth are treated as
random variables (Le Meur et al., 2007), and level
value is calculated with both of these map inputs
following equation 3. Thus, with operator σ as
covariance matrix, CC value can be calculated as:
Y ,Y ) =
Y , Y )
σ(Y ) × σ(
Y )
In this section, we first present results of both base-
line and our proposed approach using part of our pre-
processed dataset (GazeMining and Contrastive Web-
site), as outlined in Section 3. Then, we provide a
comparison of best results of our approach with al-
ternative saliency prediction models using full set of
our pre-processed dataset, establishing a benchmark
for eye-gaze prediction task given webpage screen-
shot inputs.
Table 2: Results of fine-tuned models on both preprocessed
GazeMining and Contrastive Website datasets.
No. Models
GazeMining Contrastive Website
1. P-MSI 1.037 0.699 0.130 0.839 0.683 0.109
2. FT-MSI-GM 1.398 0.753 0.170 0.717 0.651 0.093
3. FT-MSI-CW 0.695 0.655 0.081 2.364 0.777 0.277
4. FT-MSI-CMB 1.447 0.752 0.170 2.269 0.789 0.269
4.1 Impact of Fine-Tuning Using
Independent and Combined Dataset
Table 2 shows results of four alternative models that
are trained using different datasets. Here we can see
that pre-trained MSI (P-MSI) model performs worse
in comparison to other models, which suggests its in-
ability to generalize to eye-gaze saliency prediction
task. We can further observe that when fine-tuning is
applied, improvement from original P-MSI is notice-
able, especially when it is tested on similar dataset
used for fine-tuning. This can be seen with higher
values achieved on all metrics of FT-MSI-GM and FT-
MSI-CW compared to P-MSI on GazeMining dataset
and Contrastive Website dataset respectively.
When model is trained using combined dataset,
however, accuracy improvement is instead lower.
This is indicated by lower quantitative values
achieved by FT-MSI-CMB as opposed to their coun-
terparts (FT-MSI-GM and FT-MSI-CW), that are
trained separately. This phenomenon may come
from difficulty of estimator to learn from these two
datasets, which are quite distinct, and also from the
nature of task executed by the users on each dataset.
Figure 5 presents visual prediction examples
for baseline model (P-MSI) and best performing
model (FT-MSI-CW) for Contrastive Website Dataset
(where the example is originated). The screenshot ex-
ample is a part of route search task, where user has to
enter vehicle information to estimate fuel consump-
tion. Thus it is natural for users to focus on dialog
box (displayed in the center of the webpage screen-
shot) resulting in users’ fixations being located within
this area.
By evaluating the predictions of eye-gaze
heatmaps of baseline model of P-MSI, we can see
that even though it manages to predict parts of
ground-truth (eye-gaze) locations, however, it also
falsely predicts other less relevant locations as eye-
gaze locations (i.e. advertisement part). These results
come from its tendency to detect high color contrast
as area of interest, which is common in natural image
datasets (SALICON (Jiang et al., 2015)). However,
this leads to higher occurrences of false positive, thus
reducing its accuracy. Our fine-tuned model however,
manages to reduce existing inaccuracies by absorbing
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
(a) Input+GT (b) P-MSI (c) FT-MSI-CW
Figure 5: Comparison between pre-trained results from P-MSI (baseline) and FT-MSI-CW (Fine-tuned). Figure (a) shows
webpage screenshot with ground truth (eye-gaze heatmap). Figure (b) and (c) show predictions from P-MSI and FT-MSI-CW.
the characteristics of dataset during fine-tuning,
adapting model to this specific eye-gaze prediction
task. In this example, we see that the predictions of
fine-tuned models are more precise, especially on
dialog box and they exclude some of high contrast
area that are normally recognized as saliency area
(e.g. advertisement locations).
From the experimental result, it can be concluded
that saliency detection model trained on natural image
dataset does not work well for direct application to
web screenshot scenario. This can be mitigated by
performing careful fine-tuning to only use a dedicated
dataset. Given this result, then we use FT-MSI-GM
and FT-MSI-CW as base for MMIAN optimization,
and for comparison in the next section.
4.2 Impact of Multi-Modal Masks and
Attention-Based Fusion
Table 3 presents results of our proposed MMIAN
model and best results of fine-tuned MSI-Model from
previous section. From this result, it can be seen that
MMIAN produces higher value across quantitative
metrics in overall, outperforming results from fine-
tuned MSI-Model. The gains on all of these metrics
altogether, suggest that estimation results of MMIAN
are more accurate compared to the best of FT-MSI re-
sults (from FT-MSI-GM and FT-MSI-CW), with im-
provements on both true positive (as judged by AUC-
Judd) and false positive Instances (as evaluated by
NSS and CC score).
In order to provide a more comprehensive analysis
of the impact of the use of image and text Masks and
attention mechanisms, we first show locations of de-
tected images and texts on webpage screenshot input
to provide semantic explanations of their relevances
for our MMIAN model to produce accurate predic-
tions. Then, we implemented a Gradient-weighted
Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) (Selvaraju
et al., 2017) by propagating multiplied error value
and gradient to each convolutional layer, enabling us
to investigate the relevant activation of convolutional
kernels - with respect to image input - indicating
most prominent part of webpage screenshot for pre-
diction. The example of original webpage screenshot
input that includes image and text locations (drawn as
bounding box), associated eye-gaze location ground-
truth, generated Grad-CAM and each prediction of
fine-tuned MSI and MMIAN is shown in Figure 6.
On Figure 6, first we can see that prediction of
MMIAN is more accurate than FT-MSI, with larger
and correctly identified eye-gaze areas are present.
This is especially noticeable in areas where both im-
age and text are present. For examples there are ar-
eas where button resides (that is recognized as image)
and product description, which in this case, are in-
deed the locations where user looks at. This perceived
higher accuracy can be attributed to the use of image
and text masks during learning, which is combined
effectively through attention mechanism to properly
’guide’ learning process to put priority in this area.
This impact is also apparent from observation of grad-
cam heatmap of FT-MSI and MMIAN, where grad-
cam heatmap of MMIAN are seen to be more con-
centrated on both of images and text area simultane-
ously (indicating where models’ attention is) as op-
posed to ones produced by FT-MSI. Lastly, we also
notice that there are more frequent activations of grad-
cam heatmaps of MMIAN compared to ones from FT-
MSI, which may suggest that larger perceptual field of
view from MMIAN is indicative to be able to produce
more accurate eye-gaze estimations in overall.
4.3 State-of-the-Arts Comparison
We compare best predictions of our approach against
other available, seven generalized visual saliency
1. Context-Aware Saliency Detection
(CASD) (Goferman et al., 2011).
2. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCTS) (Houx et al.,
3. Hypercomplex Fourier Transform (HFT) (Li
et al., 2012).
4. Incremental Coding Length (ICL) (Hou and
Zhang, 2008).
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Example of prediction results of MMIAN and Fine-tuned MSI Model (FT-MSI). First column of (a) and (d) shows
webpage screenshot with outlined text (light green box) and image (purple box) area, along with eye-gaze heatmap ground
truth. Second column (b) and (e) shows predicted result from FT-MSI and MMIAN model, with third column of (c) and (f)
shows respective Grad-CAM heatmap.
5. RARE (Riche et al., 2012).
6. SeoMilanfar (Seo and Milanfar, 2009).
7. Spectral Residual (SR) (Hou and Zhang, 2007).
including one specialized eye-gaze location estimator
of Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) (Shen and Zhao,
Table 4 shows results from all evaluated ap-
proaches. Here we see state-of-the-art results of
MMIAN that outperforms other alternatives, includ-
ing eye-gaze predictor of MKL with a large margin
on FiWI dataset (note that there is no training in-
volved for FiWI dataset evaluation). This result is
mainly due to large differences in task characteris-
tics between general visual saliency prediction (where
first seven models are trained) and webpage screen-
shot based eye-gaze estimations tasks (where MKL
and MMIAN are specialized). This highlights the in-
ability of visual saliency based models to generalize
on this specific task. Furthermore, our approach per-
forms better than MKL on FiWI, demonstrating the
effectiveness of our overall approach for eye-gaze es-
timation task.
Table 3: Quantitative results of both fine-tuned MSI models
and MMIAN model.
No. Models
GazeMining Contrastive Website
1. FT-MSI 1.398 0.753 0.170 2.364 0.777 0.277
2. MMIAN 1.579 0.764 0.184 2.487 0.787 0.292
Figure 7 shows predictions example of our
MMIAN and four other best performing model on
FiWI for evaluation (excluding MKL, due to lack of
available implementation of the model). Based on this
figure, we can observe that most of alternative models
produce a large area of webpage screenshot as poten-
tial eye-gaze locations. However, this leads to largely
false positive prediction, given the mismatch between
predictions against actual eye-gaze locations from
user of these webpage screenshots (i.e. most area
are falsely identified as eye-gaze locations). In con-
trast, our approach produces more precise estimates,
as observed by more refined (and accurate) predicted
area of eye-gaze locations (that explains large mar-
gin in terms of NSS metrics value from our models
compared to others, as shown in Table 4). This is
mainly due to the tendency of visual saliency models
to focus on pure appearance of webpage screenshot
(i.e. high contrast images), as opposed to MMIAN
that has been conditioned to the specific character-
istics of our pre-processed eye-gaze dataset (which
inherently contains eye-gaze characteristics of users,
given webpage screenshot). Remarkably, our models
is also capable of correctly predicting eye-gaze loca-
tions on relevant areas, such as text (third row), im-
age (fourth row) and their combinations (first, second
and fifth row), in comparison with other approaches.
Here we see that our models’ predictions are consis-
tently more accurate than alternatives, demonstrating
the effectiveness of our approach.
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
Table 4: Comparison of existing saliency predictors evaluated on test sets of our full pre-processed dataset. The boldface
indicates best results, red color implies second-best results, and third-best results are marked by blue coloured fonts.
No. Models
GazeMining Contrastive Website FiWI
1. CASD (Goferman et al., 2011) 0.567 0.653 0.064 0.419 0.614 0.053 0.680 0.732 0.233
2. DCTS (Houx et al., 2012) 0.479 0.618 0.053 0.256 0.552 0.035 0.541 0.671 0.195
3. HFT (Li et al., 2012) 0.707 0.644 0.088 0.534 0.593 0.067 0.740 0.737 0.251
4. ICL (Hou and Zhang, 2008) 0.485 0.518 0.057 0.192 0.490 0.030 0.444 0.618 0.162
5. RARE (Riche et al., 2012) 0.632 0.653 0.072 0.382 0.589 0.052 0.850 0.758 0.280
6. SeoMilanfar (Seo and Milanfar, 2009) 0.393 0.584 0.038 0.350 0.571 0.044 0.445 0.651 0.163
7. SR (Hou and Zhang, 2007) 0.566 0.639 0.062 0.510 0.612 0.062 0.635 0.714 0.216
8. MKL (Shen and Zhao, 2014) - - - - - - 1.200 0.702 0.382
9. MMIAN (proposed) 1.579 0.764 0.184 2.487 0.787 0.292 1.385 0.786 0.397
Figure 7: Five examples of screenshot inputs from FiWI dataset (with respective eye-gaze heatmaps ground-truth overlaid)
and predictions from other five saliency predictors (including ours).
In this work, we enable the development of automatic
eye-gaze estimations given webpage screenshot in-
puts to enable the improvement of the webpage lay-
out, and hence respective user interaction. We do this
by developing a unified eye-gaze dataset from three
available website and user interaction-based datasets:
GazeMining, Contrastive Website and FiWI. We then
pre-process each dataset to produce necessary data
for eye-gaze prediction task, such as webpage screen-
shot and corresponding eye-gaze heatmaps as ground
truth. In addition, we generate image and textual lo-
cations from webpage (in the form of masks) which
can be used for training and modeling. Given our uni-
fied eye-gaze dataset, then we propose a novel deep
learning based and multi-modal attentional network
eye-gaze predictor to benefit from the characteristics
of the dataset. Our proposed approach leverages spa-
tial locations of text and image (in form of masks),
which is further fused with attentional mechanisms to
enhance the prediction results.
During analysis of the impact of fine-tuning using
our pre-processed dataset, and the effects of training
when the combined dataset is used, we found that the
prediction results are indeed improved when careful
fine-tuning is conducted. Then, we evaluate the pre-
diction of our full approach (MMIAN) with respect
to the ground truth, existing text and image locations
from webpage screenshot, and part of Grad-CAM ac-
tivations. Here we notice accurate predictions of our
approach, especially on textual and image area where
users are looking at, with large and wide activation of
Grad-CAM that are concentrated on these locations.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
This observation demonstrates the benefit of the use
of both image and text masks as input in combination
with attention mechanism.
To measure the competitive results of our pro-
posed approach, we compare them with other saliency
prediction alternatives, establishing a benchmark for
eye-gaze prediction task. In our comparison, we
found state-of-the-art results of our model with high
scores across quantitative metrics, and lower false
positive rates than other approaches. Visual analy-
sis further confirms our findings, that our approach
produces more accurate prediction of eye-gaze loca-
tions on relevant website locations, including where
text and image are present. The result suggests the su-
periority of our approach in capturing user behavior.
Future work will be to incorporate other user behav-
ior characteristics (e.g. mouse trajectory), including
users’ identity (if accessible) such as age, and loca-
tions as additional modalities to further benefit from
this information to improve prediction accuracy.
This work is funded by UDeco project by Germany
BMBF-KMU Innovativ - 01IS20030B.
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