At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
Maria Angela Pellegrino
and Alessia Antelmi
a degli Studi di Salerno, via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Review, Open Data, Workshop, School, Data Literacy, K-12 Learners.
Open Data are published to let interested stakeholders exploit data and create value out of them, but limited
technical skills are a crucial barrier. Learners are invited to develop data and information literacy according
to 21st-century skills and become aware of open data sources and what they can do with the data. They are
encouraged to learn how to analyse and exploit data, transform data into information by visualisation, and
effectively communicate data insights. This paper presents a systematic literature review of initiatives to let
K-12 learners familiarise themselves with Open Data. This review encompasses a total of 21 papers that met
the inclusion criteria organising them in taxonomies according to the used data format, the adopted approach,
and the expected learning outcome. The discussion compares the included initiative and points out challenges
that should be overcome to advance the dialogue around Open Data at school.
According to the Data, Information, and Knowledge
pyramid, human beings build knowledge by exploit-
ing data and information (Frick
e, 2019). Data are the
facts from which information is derived, while infor-
mation provides meaning and context for data. Trans-
forming information into knowledge requires skills,
experience and insights gained through practice, re-
flection and social interaction (Piedra et al., 2017).
Recent studies have focused on the (re)use of data
with specific reference to the Open Data (OD) field
(Piedra et al., 2017), as it enables the opportunity to
freely adapt existing pieces of knowledge to create
personalised learning (Piedra et al., 2016), stimulate
critical thinking, collect relevant information and pro-
duce reliable conclusions (Tovar and Piedra, 2014),
and ensure learners’ readiness for the future job mar-
ket (Wolff et al., 2019).
OD can be freely used, re-used and redistributed
by anyone - subject only to the requirement to at-
tribute and share-alike (Open Knowledge Founda-
tion, 2013). The increasing OD availability may sup-
port innovation starting from citizens’ needs, but it
requires users to have appropriate skills to design
around large, complex data sets (Wolff et al., 2019).
Open allows to not just access, but use, modify, trans-
form and adapt data (Piedra et al., 2016).
OD behave as a valuable source to educate learn-
ers about the concept of data by providing factual
information, such as pollution, traffic, and popula-
tion conditions of their cities (Saddiqa et al., 2021).
Moreover, OD represent a tool to improve engage-
ment and scholarly learning (Piedra et al., 2017) and
raise curiosity about the data source, data availability
and the techniques underlying data access, extraction
and analysis (Trentini and Scaravati, 2020). By let-
ting learners interact with real OD within school sub-
jects, they would familiarise themselves with the con-
cept of data, understand what kinds of perspectives
OD may unlock and how they can be used (Susha
et al., 2015; Morelli et al., 2017), develop data liter-
acy (i.e., collecting, analysing, and interpreting data)
(Van Audenhove et al., 2020), and enhance digital
skills (Coughlan, 2020; Shamash et al., 2015) to be-
come critical thinkers (Watson, 2017; Ruijer et al.,
2020). Initiatives to teach data skills in school are of-
ten based on small data sets collected by the learners
themselves; nevertheless, these skills do not neces-
sarily scale when analysing larger and more complex
data sets (Wolff et al., 2019). OD are mainly used
by higher education students (Saddiqa et al., 2019a;
Anslow et al., 2016; Crusoe et al., 2019; Renuka
et al., 2017), while further effort should be invested in
equipping the younger generation with skills so they
can interact with data (Saddiqa et al., 2021).
This article presents a systematic literature re-
view of the effort invested by educators and experts
Pellegrino, M. and Antelmi, A.
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review.
DOI: 10.5220/0011747500003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 172-183
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
in bringing underage learners close to OD. Learners
need hands-on experience with data collection to un-
derstand the concept of data and how to use OD (Sad-
diqa et al., 2021). For this reason, we focused on con-
tributions reporting on initiatives or structured work-
shops to let elementary and secondary school learners
familiarise themselves and exploit OD. This review
aims to:
understand the current situation related to OD ini-
tiatives with learners up to 18 years old and pro-
vide an overview of the workshops’ settings;
articulate reflections on future directions.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 de-
fines background and the terms used throughout the
paper. Section 3 describes the data collection process
for performing the literature review and clarifies the
inclusion criteria. Section 4 overviews the collected
articles. Section 5 thematically analyses and clusters
reflections regarding how to bring learners close to
OD. Section 6 concludes the article with final obser-
Data Format: Open Data and Linked Open Data.
Open Data are data that can be freely used, shared
and built-on by anyone, anywhere, for any purpose
(Open Knowledge Foundation, 2013). Tim Berners-
Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, proposed a
5-star scheme for grading the quality of OD:
1 star - data are available on the Web, whatever
format, under an open license;
2 stars - data are available in a structured format,
such as Microsoft Excel file format (.xls);
3 stars - data are available in a non-proprietary
structured format, e.g., comma-separated values
4 stars - data follows World Wide Web Consor-
tium standards, like using RDF and URIs;
5 stars - all of the other, plus links to other Linked
Open Data (LOD) sources.
Hence, LOD are the best format to realise OD, where
data are structured as a graph and interlinked.
Formal, Informal and non-Formal Education.
According to the literature, education can be classi-
fied as formal, informal and non-formal (Dib, 1988).
Formal Education: corresponds to a systematic,
organised education model, structured and admin-
istered according to a given set of laws and norms,
presenting a rather rigid curriculum as regards ob-
jectives, content and methodology. Hence, formal
learning is intentional, i.e., learning is the goal of
all the activities learners engage in. Schools are a
typical example of formal education.
Non-Formal Learning: takes place outside for-
mal learning environments but in an organisa-
tional framework. It results from the intentional
learners’ decision and effort to master a particular
activity, skill or area of knowledge. Non-formal
learning typically occurs in community settings:
swimming classes, sports clubs, reading groups,
debating societies, amateur choirs and orchestras,
and associations.
Informal Learning: takes place outside schools
and arises from the learner’s involvement in activ-
ities that are not undertaken with a learning pur-
pose in mind. Informal learning is involuntary
and an inescapable part of daily life. Informal
education comprises visiting museums, listening
to radio broadcasting or watching TV, or reading
Data Literacy Competence Model. The Data Lit-
eracy Competence Model (DLCM) has been devel-
oped by the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Digital
and Media Literacy and comprises two major com-
petence clusters: using data and understanding data
(Seymoens et al., 2020). The competence clusters are
defined as follows:
Using data, or the knowledge, skills and attitudes
to use data actively and creatively, namely:
interpreting: read data, a chart, a table, and un-
derstand what they mean;
navigating: autonomously extract the desired
message out of data;
collecting: collect and organise raw data;
presenting: present and visualise data.
Understanding data, or the knowledge, skills
and attitudes to critically and consciously assess
the role of data, namely:
observing: observe how data is communicated
and used;
analysing: analyse the individual and social
consequences of the way in which data is com-
municated and used;
evaluating: evaluate whether those conse-
quences are harmful or constructive;
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
reflecting: reflect on how the way in which data
are communicated and used should be adjusted
to minimise the harmful consequences.
Design Principles. According to (Wolff et al.,
2019), the design of activities for teaching data liter-
acy should follow a set of principles synthesised from
the existing principle found in the literature.
Inquiry Principle - The inquiry process has
the potential to scaffold data analysis. Learners
should be first lead in a guided inquiry to move
to an open inquiry when they achieve familiarity
with the data and the approach.
Expansion Principle - Workshops should start
from a representative snapshot of a small part of
the dataset and expand out, rather than starting
with the full, large data set and focusing in.
Context Principle - Use data from learners’ con-
text, either local to them or relating to them in
some way.
Foundational Competences Principle - Focus
on developing foundational competencies rather
than practical skills.
STEAM Principle - Take a STEAM approach by
working collaboratively on creative activities.
Personal Data Collection Principle - Learners
should work with data collected by themselves.
This section clarifies the research questions (RQs),
the data collection process and the inclusion criteria
at the basis of the reported literature review.
Research Questions at the basis of this literature re-
view follow:
RQ1 - What is the current situation related to
make learners familiarise themselves with OD?
RQ2 - What should be considered in future OD
initiatives with learners?
Data Collection. The literature review was con-
ducted by in-depth reading, interpreting and cate-
gorising papers proposing initiatives and workshops
to let learners familiarise themselves with OD. The
aim was to develop a comprehensive understanding
and a critical assessment of the knowledge relevant to
this topic. This review considered studies involving
K-12 learners, i.e., scholars up to 18 years old.
This review focuses on contributions with an aca-
demic structure, published as peer-reviewed articles.
The Scopus database is one of the most comprehen-
sive database sources (Bakkalbasi et al., 2006), of-
fering the broadest documents coverage over other
databases (Mongeon and Paul-Hus, 2016), and in-
dexing the widest number of peer-reviewed litera-
ture sources (Mart
ın et al., 2018) in Child-
Computer Interaction and Technology Enhanced
Learning. Hence, the Scopus database is selected in
this paper to review the current literature on initiatives
to disseminate the OD philosophy to K-12 learners.
Scopus includes interdisciplinary literature, across all
research fields, so the probability of missing key re-
search information is greatly reduced. However, the
performed procedure is fully detailed to make it pos-
sible to systematically repeat it on other databases.
We used OD, learners and different variations of
these terms as keywords. Specifically, we carried
out the following query: (TITLE-ABS-KEY ((“open
data” OR “open government data”) AND (child*
OR student* OR pupil* OR kid* OR scholar* OR
learner*)). We limited results to the Computer Sci-
ence, Engineering, and Social Sciences subject areas,
considering only English contributions published in
the last 10 years (2013–2022). A total of 709 papers
met these criteria.
Inclusion Criteria. We excluded all non-peer-
reviewed or not accessible papers as well as papers
with a topic not relevant for this review. For instance,
we left out papers presenting workshops held with
university students. To be included in this review, pa-
pers needed to overview and evaluate, if possible, ini-
tiatives and workshops to make learners author and
exploit OD. Considering these criteria, the number
of selected papers was narrowed down to 21. Fig-
ure 1 summarises and schematically reports the ex-
clusion and inclusion criteria considered during the
selection process at the basis of this literature review.
It is worth noting that the same inclusion-exclusion
criteria are applied both in the abstract and in the full-
article revision. It can be justified by the lack of de-
tails reported in the abstract. It might happen that by
reading the abstract, an article successfully satisfied
inclusion-exclusion criteria, while reading details re-
ported in the article it did not.
This section overviews OD educative initiatives and
workshops proposed in the literature to enable learn-
ers to familiarise themselves with OD (RQ1). Table 1
and Table 4 schematically summarise and compare
the main characteristics of each initiative. Specifi-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
cally, Table 1 lists the data format, whether the learn-
ers implicitly or explicitly use the data, whether the
learners author new or exploit existing data, the ap-
proach adopted in delivering the activity, the learning
objective(s), and the target learners’ age. Table 4 fo-
cuses on the more structured workshops, describing
these activities in terms of setting, modality, duration,
the number of participants, and the design principles
covered by the workshop protocol. Table 3 reports
the skills covered by each OD initiative according to
the DLCM competencies. Two reviewers, first inde-
pendently and then discussing until the agreement, la-
belled the design principles and the DLCM competen-
cies covered by each initiative. In the following, we
briefly describe each initiative in chronological order.
Open Data Kit and Mobile Learning. (Chen et al.,
2014) employed an instructional pervasive gaming
model to deeper participants’ cultural heritage knowl-
edge. 43 10–11 years old learners were invited as par-
ticipants to explore individual and collaborative learn-
ing methods, learning effectiveness, attitude toward
mobile devices, and satisfaction with the gameplay.
DataPet, a Data Game for Children. (Dickinson
et al., 2015) proposed a participatory workshop last-
ing a single day, leading to the design of a digital pet
game by exploring OD and increasing community en-
gagement towards a better understanding of the air
quality of the surrounding environment. The study
involved 30 primary school learners (aged 10).
Data Literacy Projects in Canada. (Argast and
Zvyagintseva, 2016) describe a series of OD-focused
activities in collaboration with the Toronto Public Li-
brary, whose aim was to promote data literacy by pro-
viding participants with a fundamental understanding
of OD and assess how they could be used by citizens
and by the library system itself.
Data Murals. (Bhargava et al., 2016) describe a
Brazilian initiative whose aim was to build partici-
patory and impactful data literacy using a set of vi-
sual arts activities. Specifically, the activity involved
painting a mural to tell a story behind some official
government data of interest.
Translating OD to Educational Minigames. (Dun-
well et al., 2016) utilised the United States Depart-
ment of Agriculture’s OD on nutritional information
to implement four different mini-games to encourage
healthy lifestyles amongst adolescents.
Figure 1: PRISMA chart describing the workflow on the basis of this literature review.
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
Table 1: Comparison of Open Data initiatives.
Data Implicit/ Authoring/
Approach Learning outcome Audience
format Explicit use Exploitation
(Chen et al., 2014) OD Implicit Authoring Game-based Culture learning via mobile-based
pervasive game and attitude towards
mobile devices
(Dickinson et al., 2015) OD Implicit Authoring Game-based Community engagement towards lo-
cal environment quality
(Argast and Zvyagintseva, 2016) OD Explicit Exploitation Workshop, hackathon Data literacy >12
(Bhargava et al., 2016) OD Explicit Exploitation Data stories/art Data literacy 16–21
(Dunwell et al., 2016) OD Implicit Exploitation Game-based Development of healthy lifestyles
amongst adolescents
14 – 16
(Basford et al., 2016) LOD Implicit Exploitation Gamified environment Awareness about Rhino conservation > 6
(Piedra et al., 2016) LOD Implicit Exploitation Blended learning Educational content consumption -
(Windhager et al., 2016) LOD Explicit Exploitation Visualisation-based Administration’s transparency and
public innovation
(Charvat et al., 2017) LOD Implicit Exploitation Game-based Environmental education 6–10, > 14
Alvarez Otero et al., 2018) OD Implicit Exploitation Game-based Environmental education and social
(Ambrosino et al., 2018) OD Explicit Authoring Theory/Hands-on sessions Cultural heritage education 14–18
andez et al., 2018) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory sessions Development of OD-related skills 14–18
(Saddiqa et al., 2019c) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Data literacy 12–13
(Saddiqa et al., 2019b) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Data visualisation 13–14
(Wolff et al., 2019) OD Explicit Exploitation Pencil/Technology Data literacy 10–14
Escape the Buzz! (Seymoens et al.,
OD Implicit Exploitation Game-based Data privacy 10–18
Breaking the news! (Seymoens et al.,
OD Explicit Exploitation Data stories Data journalism 14–16
(Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) OD Implicit Exploitation Game-based Data literacy and geographical educa-
(Kurada et al., 2021) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Geo-spatial visualisations -
(Rubin, 2021) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Data literacy 12–15
(Saddiqa et al., 2021) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Data literacy 11–15
(Antelmi and Pellegrino, 2022) OD Explicit Exploitation Theory/Hands-on sessions Data literacy 14–18
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 2: Summary of Open Data workshops. Legend: the symbol means that the corresponding OD workshop fully supports
the principle, the symbol means that the corresponding OD workshop partially supports the principle, empty cell means
that the corresponding OD workshop not supports the principle, while the symbol - means that the principle is not applicable
to the corresponding OD workshop, for instance we do not consider P
compliant with authoring activities.
Reference Setting Modality Duration Participants P
(Chen et al., 2014) Formal
Two workshops
(In presence)
Hours 43 -
(Dickinson et al., 2015) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
One day 30 -
(Bhargava et al., 2016) Formal
(In presence)
Days 20
(Ambrosino et al., 2018) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
Hours 9 -
andez et al., 2018) Formal
(In presence)
6 months 6000
(Saddiqa et al., 2019c) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
1-1.5 hours 12
(Saddiqa et al., 2019b) Formal
Two workshops
(In presence)
2 days 21 ~
(Wolff et al., 2019) Formal
Four workshops
(In presence)
Few weeks each 67
Escape the DataBuzz!
(Seymoens et al., 2020)
Single workshop
(In presence)
50 mins 10
Breaking news!
(Seymoens et al., 2020)
Two workshops
(In presence)
50 mins each -
(Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
Hours 43
(Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) Non formal
Single workshop
(At a distance)
Hours 47
(Rubin, 2021) Non formal
Three workshops
(In presence)
10 hours each 24 ~
(Saddiqa et al., 2021) Formal
(In presence)
Hours 55
(Antelmi and Pellegrino, 2022) Formal
Six workshops
(At a distance)
2 hours each 73
Erica and Linked Open Data. Erica the Rhino (Bas-
ford et al., 2016) is an interactive art exhibit to raise
awareness of Rhino conservation. Thanks to the pres-
ence of sensors and actuators, the audience could in-
teract with Erica and learn about the live conditions
of the Rhino habitat (transparently queried to LOD
sources) via Erica’s behaviour.
LOD as Educational Material. (Piedra et al., 2016)
enhance face-to-face classrooms with the integration
of Open Educational Resources, creating a blended
learning environment, i.e., face-to-face learning inte-
grated with technology-based, digital instructions.
Linked Open Government Data Visualisation.
(Windhager et al., 2016) discuss methods and strate-
gies to increase citizens’ awareness related to the
availability and exploitation of open government data
to enhance the administration’s transparency and fos-
ter public innovation. The authors specifically focus
on the communicative power of data visualizations.
Geospatial Data in INSPIRE4Youth. IN-
SPIRE4Youth (Charvat et al., 2017) is an implemen-
tation of a European directive about the interoperable
exchange of spatial data and services. In particular,
the INSPIRE4Youth pilot project focuses on building
an Environmental and Geographical Web-based
atlas and educational quizzes based on the use of
Geospatial data, LOD and other environmental data
(maps) for educational and gaming purposes.
Geographical Open Data and Spanish Secondary
School Learners. (
Alvarez Otero et al., 2018) re-
port about the GI Learner project that trains secondary
school teachers and learners on Spanish National
Parks using OD on the cloud. The proposed method-
ology links Spanish OD with real-world places for a
better spatial understanding, environmental education
and social responsibility.
Open Data and Italian High-School Learners.
(Ambrosino et al., 2018) focused on the protec-
tion and preservation of the cultural heritage in the
Campania region by engaging local communities via
OD, including a community of learners within the
“School-to-work transition” program, an educational
path designed to prepare learners to enter the job mar-
Open Government Data (OGD) and OpenCoe-
sione. From 2014 to 2017, thousands of sec-
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
Table 3: Skills covered by OD initiatives. Legend: I - inter-
preting, N - navigating, C - collecting, P - presenting, O -
observing, A - analysing, E - evaluating, R - reflecting.
Using Understanding
(Chen et al.,
et al., 2015)
(Argast and
seva, 2016)
et al., 2016)
et al., 2016)
et al., 2016)
(Piedra et al.,
et al., 2016)
et al., 2017)
Otero et al.,
et al., 2018)
et al., 2018)
et al., 2019c)
et al., 2019b)
(Wolff et al.,
Escape the
et al., 2020)
news! (Sey-
moens et al.,
and Kar-
et al., 2021)
et al., 2021)
(Antelmi and
22 initiatives 17 17 15 16 17 16 14 9
ondary students from more than 400 schools across
Italy participated in the project “OpenCoesione
andez et al., 2018). This initia-
tive’s main goals were to engage the public in using
data from the Italian OD portal
to monitor public spending from European Union’s
funds and to engage high-school learners in a six-
month course focused on OGD and data journalism.
Open Data in Danish Schools. (Saddiqa et al.,
2019c) investigated the possible impact of OD in
Danish schools under the framework of the Commu-
nity Driven research project, whose main focus was
understanding how young people can be educated to
foster participation in the city’s development using
open and sensor data.
Open Data Visualisation in Danish Schools. In an-
other work, (Saddiqa et al., 2019b) specifically fo-
cused on the importance and challenges of introduc-
ing OD visualisations in educational aspects by ex-
ploiting the real information of pupils’ school areas.
Open Data in English Primary and Secondary
Schools. The Urban Data School study (Wolff et al.,
2019) proposed a method for making 10—14 years
old learners familiarise themselves with complex data
collected through a smart city project, develop liter-
acy skills with real OD, and support them in asking
valid questions from data guided by interactive data
The DataBuzz Project. (Seymoens et al., 2020) de-
scribe a large-scale data literacy initiative carried out
with DataBuzz, a high-tech, mobile educational lab
housed in a 13-meter electric bus. The project’s goal
was to increase the data literacy of different segments
of society in the Brussels region through inclusive and
participatory games and workshops.
Open Data for an Educational Game. (Vargian-
niti and Karpouzis, 2020) used Wikidata to create
Geopoly, a Monopoly-based board/digital game. 90
12 years old learners joined the activity, 43 playing
with the physical Geopoly and 47 playing the digi-
tal version at home (due to COVID-19 quarantine).
The main goal of this activity was to offer an edu-
cational environment to improve students’ familiarity
with concepts and relations in the data and, in the pro-
cess, their learning performance in geography.
Geospatial Visualization on Real-Time Data. (Ku-
rada et al., 2021) propose a methodology for visualis-
ing real-time geospatial data extracted from an Indian
OGD platform. The methodology comprehends data
collection, data preprocessing, and data analysis to
apply machine learning, model building, and the au-
thoring of communicative results. The proposed ap-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 4: Summary of Open Data workshops. Legend: the symbol means that the corresponding OD workshop fully supports
the principle, the symbol means that the corresponding OD workshop partially supports the principle, empty cell means
that the corresponding OD workshop not supports the principle, while the symbol - means that the principle is not applicable
to the corresponding OD workshop, for instance we do not consider P
compliant with authoring activities.
Reference Setting Modality Duration Participants P
(Chen et al., 2014) Formal
Two workshops
(In presence)
Hours 43 -
(Dickinson et al., 2015) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
One day 30 -
(Bhargava et al., 2016) Formal
(In presence)
Days 20
(Ambrosino et al., 2018) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
Hours 9 -
andez et al., 2018) Formal
(In presence)
6 months 6000
(Saddiqa et al., 2019c) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
1-1.5 hours 12
(Saddiqa et al., 2019b) Formal
Two workshops
(In presence)
2 days 21 ~
(Wolff et al., 2019) Formal
Four workshops
(In presence)
Few weeks each 67
Escape the DataBuzz!
(Seymoens et al., 2020)
Single workshop
(In presence)
50 mins 10
Breaking news!
(Seymoens et al., 2020)
Two workshops
(In presence)
50 mins each -
(Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) Formal
Single workshop
(In presence)
Hours 43
(Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) Non formal
Single workshop
(At a distance)
Hours 47
(Rubin, 2021) Non formal
Three workshops
(In presence)
10 hours each 24 ~
(Saddiqa et al., 2021) Formal
(In presence)
Hours 55
(Antelmi and Pellegrino, 2022) Formal
Six workshops
(At a distance)
2 hours each 73
proach is conceived as a guidebook for novice learn-
ers to master data visualisations.
The Data Clubs Project.
(Rubin, 2021) introduces
pupils aged 12–15 to the importance of data using
platform, a free web-based platform to
easily explore and visualise data in summer or after-
school activities. Specifically, the project is articu-
lated over three modules, each focused on a specific
topic lasting 10 hours.
Open Data in Danish Secondary Schools. (Saddiqa
et al., 2021) investigated how OD can be used to de-
velop data literacy skills with secondary school stu-
dents (ages 11—15). Using qualitative and quantita-
tive research methods, they identified how data col-
lection and analysis could be integrated into school
education using openly available data sets focusing
on data skills that can be enhanced using OD.
OGD and Italian High-School Learners. (Antelmi
and Pellegrino, 2022) ran a series of workshops with
73 Italian high school learners specialising in classical
studies from 14 to 18 years old. Workshops took place
online due to COVID-19 regulations, and in a formal
setting, from February to May 2022. They spanned
The Data Clubs project:
The CODAP platform:
over five days for each class, two hours per day, one-
hour introductory phase and one-hour hands-on ses-
sion. During the introductory phase, the moderator
explained concepts related to sources of OD, data vi-
sualisation and communication.
This section summarises discussions concerning OD
initiatives by thematically analysing and clustering re-
flections. Each discussed aspect points out widely
adopted practices in the overviewed initiatives and
challenges that should still be addressed in the future
Learners Rarely Author OD. As visible in Table
1, OD initiatives mainly focus on OD exploitation,
and they rarely move learners to the position of OD
producers. Consequently, learners do not usually ex-
perience OD production challenges, such as defining
data schema, collecting information, dealing with li-
censes, and mastering OD authoring tools. Only in
3 out of 22 initiatives, learners author OD and only
(Ambrosino et al., 2018) let them do it explicitly,
while (Chen et al., 2014) and (Dickinson et al., 2015)
mask OD collection by a game-based approach.
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
OD Initiatives Learning Approaches. The most
common approaches used to move OD closer to learn-
ers are theory/hands-on sessions and game-based ap-
proaches (see column Approach in Table 1). Data
literacy is experienced via theory/hands-on sessions
in (Rubin, 2021; Saddiqa et al., 2021; Antelmi and
Pellegrino, 2022) and by game-based approaches in
(Wolff et al., 2019; Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020).
The same consideration is applicable to culture and
geography learning that is experienced by game-
based approaches in (Chen et al., 2014;
Alvarez Otero
et al., 2018; Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020) and via
theory/hands-on sessions in (Ambrosino et al., 2018).
Usually, the approach to delivering the activity is in-
dependent of the learning outcome.
The most original approach to learning data liter-
acy (Bhargava et al., 2016) and data journalism (Sey-
moens et al., 2020) is to author data stories. Journal-
ists and media curators widely adopt data stories via
Tableau-Stories (Akhtar et al., 2020), iStory (Beheshti
et al., 2020), and Gravity (Obie et al., 2020). The
story-based approach is also recognised as a promis-
ing approach in educational settings (Addone et al.,
2021) and lets learners master data visualisation, learn
how to use data to support discussions, and commu-
nicate data insight effectively.
As a general trend, there is no clear distinction
between approaches targeting specific ages. When
dealing with a younger audience (minimum six years
old), unplugged (such as pencils used in (Wolff et al.,
2019)) and game-based approaches are the most com-
monly used. Nevertheless, authoring data stories re-
quire data literacy and data visualisation skills, com-
pliant with a mature audience.
Lack of a Standard Setup. There is no standard
setup to deal with OD structured initiative, as shown
in Table 4. Workshops differ in duration, settings, and
modality. Moreover, the performed steps are scarcely
described; thus, making it difficult to reproduce them
and achieve a fair comparison. As a general attitude,
OD initiatives mainly focus on bringing participants
closer to the philosophy of OD without introducing
extra challenges posed by more advanced data pub-
lishing mechanisms, such as LOD and Semantic Web
technologies. As can be noticed from the column
Data format in Table 1, only 4 out of 22 initiatives
deal with LOD, which are only implicitly exploited.
However, LOD have the potential to provide effec-
tive educational resources (Donato et al., 2020; Piedra
et al., 2016); hence, OD initiatives should further in-
vestigate how to move learners close to LOD.
OD Workshops as In-Person Meetings. Most of
the overviewed workshops took place in person, prob-
ably to easily fulfil P
and let participants work col-
laboratively (Wolff et al., 2019). However, further ef-
fort should be invested in letting OD initiatives sur-
vive when a remote modality is strictly required, as
during the COVID-19 pandemic (Vargianniti and Kar-
pouzis, 2020). Online courses accommodate learn-
ers by offering them the flexibility to attend for-
mal learning when and where is more convenient for
them (Piedra et al., 2016). Nevertheless, it requires
dealing with common challenges in motivating learn-
ers to complete the out-of-class activities and join the
online discussions (Piedra et al., 2016; Antelmi and
Pellegrino, 2022). Independently from the workshop
modality, the collaborative dimension should always
be considered in at-a-distance activities, as observed
in (Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020; Antelmi and Pel-
legrino, 2022), where participants play or work col-
laboratively in groups.
Learners Mainly Experience OD in Formal Set-
ting. Including skills useful in the working life of
K-12 learners in educational curricula democratises
the learning process. This practice lets anyone ac-
cess new knowledge regardless of gender, national-
ity, and economic status (Weishart, 2020). This ap-
proach is widely exploited in this context as most of
the overviewed workshops take place in a formal set-
ting, e.g., at school.
OD Workshops and Design Principles. Since one
of the most common learning outcomes explored by
the overviewed OD workshops is data literacy, it
makes sense to compare them according to the data
literacy design principles described in Section 2. Ta-
ble 4 reports the design principles covered by each
OD workshop.
Most workshops exploit the inquiry principle (P
scaffolding data analysis, a crucial step for data
The expansion principle (P
), which suggests that
learners should start from a representative snap-
shot of the dataset and expand out, is the rarest ful-
filled principle in OD workshops. Usually, schol-
ars either directly deal with the full, large, origi-
nal data set or are encouraged to use a data sub-
set without expanding it in subsequent learning
phases (as represented by the symbol in the col-
umn P
in Table 4).
Based on this consideration, moderators should
pay more attention to the expansion and the per-
sonal data collection principle. Applying this
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
principle would help move real OD sets close to
learners instead of asking them to deal directly
with complete data sets that might be too com-
plicated for inexperienced users in their original
In more than half of the OD workshops, mod-
erators exploit the context principle (P
), letting
scholars work with local data. For instance, (Am-
brosino et al., 2018), and (Chen et al., 2014) let
learners work on data concerning local cultural
heritage, (Dickinson et al., 2015), while (Charvat
et al., 2017) exploit local environmental data.
Most OD workshops focus on foundational com-
petencies rather than practical ones (P
). Hence,
OD exploitation is experienced by targeting a
high-level objective, mainly data literacy and (ge-
ographical or cultural heritage) education, as sum-
marised in the column Learning outcome in Ta-
ble 1.
All the OD workshops cover the STEAM prin-
ciple (P
) by letting learners work collabora-
tively on creative activities in remote settings and
in-person meetings. Hence, experiencing OD
through projects and collaboratively seems to be
a common practice.
The personal data collection principle (P
) is the
less covered fundamental. Usually, learners are
encouraged to use already published OD or OGD
rather than work on personally collected data. OD
authoring workshops, such as (Chen et al., 2014),
(Ambrosino et al., 2018), (Dickinson et al., 2015),
or OD exploitation workshops that mix the usage
of personally collected data and publicly avail-
able OD, such as (Antelmi and Pellegrino, 2022),
cover this principle.
None of the workshops, but the one proposed by
(Wolff et al., 2019), who theorised the design prin-
ciples, satisfy all of them. Specifically, all workshops
cover at least two principles (P
and P
), while the
vast majority do not consider P
. Generally speaking,
the design principles defined by (Wolff et al., 2019)
are sufficiently covered by the workshops overviewed
in this survey, and they should be considered as a
guide to inspire upcoming OD initiatives.
Limited Participation to OD Workshops. All
workshops, except the OpenCoesione initiative, in-
volved only dozens of participants. This outcome
may be justified by the experimental nature of the dis-
cussed activities in contrast to OpenCoesione, which
succeeded in reaching a broader consensus thanks to
its structured activities, funded and carried out by the
Italian government in cooperation with the Ministry
of Education and the European Commission (Gasc
andez et al., 2018).
Another consideration relates to participants’ age.
These workshops try to bring primary school learn-
ers close to OD (Wolff et al., 2019); still, the tar-
get is pupils older than ten years old, probably be-
cause of the skills required to deal with OD. To further
decrease the age limit, several researchers proposed
game-based learning environments (Dunwell et al.,
2016; Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020).
Finally, researchers never explicitly report the per-
centage of females joining such workshops, but gen-
der seems not to introduce significant differences in
OD exploitation (Vargianniti and Karpouzis, 2020).
OD Initiatives and the DLCM Competences. Ta-
ble 3 points out the DLCM skills covered by each OD
initiative, which define competence clusters for data
literacy (see Section 2). As we can note, no skill is in-
cluded in the learning desiderata of all the initiatives.
In particular, the most common skills are included in
17 out of 22 initiatives, while the least covered skill
is considered by only 9 out of 22 initiatives. In more
detail, the most represented skills covered by the ini-
tiatives we reviewed are interpreting (I) and navigat-
ing (N), belonging to the using data cluster, and ob-
serving (O), belonging to the understanding cluster
(which are included in 17 out of 22 initiatives). 16
out of 22 initiatives cover presenting (P), belonging
to the using data cluster, and analysing (A), belong-
ing to the understanding data cluster. 15 out of 22
initiatives cover the collecting (C) skill, while 14 out
of 22 cover the evaluating skill. The less represented
skill is reflecting (R), covered by only 9 out of 22 ini-
Several initiatives, such as (Ambrosino et al.,
2018), (Gasc
andez et al., 2018), Breaking
news! (Seymoens et al., 2020), and (Antelmi and Pel-
legrino, 2022), cover all the DLCM competencies. 15
out of 22 initiatives include at least five skills, hence
covering at least one skill for each cluster. All initia-
tives considering at most four skills focus on a single
cluster, except (Chen et al., 2014). Generally, when a
single competence cluster is covered, the using data
cluster is the favourite choice (5 out of 8 initiatives
follow this pattern).
In general, the OD initiatives described in this sur-
vey mainly focus on abilities to use rather than under-
stand data. By taking this categorisation into account,
further effort should be invested in letting scholars
understand data and, mainly, in reflecting on how to
adjust data use and communication to minimise the
harmful consequences.
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
OD are published to create value, but limited data
skills are a critical barrier in data exploitation (Janssen
et al., 2012). As K-12 scholars require learning how
to effectively and efficiently deal with data, this ar-
ticle explores the effort invested in the literature to
close the gap between education and OD. Most of
the explored workshops are organised in a formal set-
ting, democratising OD skills, and in-person, exploit-
ing collaboration. While there is a consistent effort to
standardise the expected skills that initiatives in this
context should introduce, we observed the need for
a uniform protocol to enable reproducibility and fair
comparisons. Further effort should be invested in en-
couraging a wider adhesion of participants to break
cultural barriers in OD exploitation successfully. Ex-
amine initiatives to implement OD skills in a much
wider context might imply to analyse efforts invested
in promoting them at universities or out of the learn-
ing settings. Moreover, while in this article we fo-
cus on initiatives to overcome the cultural barriers in
learners, further effort should be invested in system-
atically analyse initiatives to overcome cultural barri-
ers in educators. A critical element is the technical
and pedagogical skills required to those teachers who
would need or want to moderate such initiatives.
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