On the Importance of User Role-Tailored Explanations in Industry 5.0
Inti Gabriel Mendoza
1 a
, Vedran Sabol
1,2 b
and Johannes Georg Hoffer
3 c
Know-Center GmbH, Sandgasse 36, Graz, Austria
Graz University of Technology - Institute of Interactive Systems and Data Science, Sandgasse 36, Graz, Austria
voestalpine B
OHLER Aerospace GmbH & Co KG, Mariazellerstraße 25, Kapfenberg, Austria
eXplainable AI, human-AI Interface Design, Explanations, Personalization, Process Engineering.
Advanced Machine Learning models now see usage in sensitive fields where incorrect predictions have serious
consequences. Unfortunately, as models increase in accuracy and complexity, humans cannot verify or validate
their predictions. This ineffability foments distrust and reduces model usage. eXplainable AI (XAI) provides
insights into AI models’ predictions. Nevertheless, scholar opinion on XAI range from ”absolutely necessary”
to ”useless, use white box models instead”. In modern Industry 5.0 environments, AI sees usage in production
process engineering and optimisation. However, XAI currently targets the needs of AI experts, not the needs of
domain experts or process operators. Our Position is: XAI tailored to user roles and following social science’s
guidelines on explanations is crucial in AI-supported production scenarios and for employee acceptance and
trust. Our industry partners allow us to analyse user requirements for three identified user archetypes - the
Machine Operator, Field Expert, and AI Expert - and experiment with actual use cases. We designed an
(X)AI-based visual UI through multiple review cycles with industry partners to test our Position. Looking
ahead, we can test and evaluate the impact of personalised XAI in Industry 5.0 scenarios, quantify its benefits,
and identify research opportunities.
Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI)
models continue to evolve and improve. AI has al-
ready achieved human superiority, as it may outper-
form humans in tasks like pattern recognition (He
et al., 2016). Thus, AI models see usage in many
areas, from video games, over criminal recidivism
(Kennedy et al., 2022), to production engineering and
optimization (Hoffer et al., 2022), and more. Some of
these areas are of paramount importance to get right.
For example,
failing to predict the need for maintenance of a
machine can interrupt a production process for days,
leading to huge losses. Nevertheless, usage of ML
models in critical areas will continue, and it should
- their efficacy in most cases is too valuable. How-
ever, as the Russian proverb goes, “trust but verify”.
The need for explainable artificial intelligence (XAI)
is thus also increasing.
XAI is a subset of AI which aims to explain a
model’s predictions. In essence, a model is explain-
able (or interpretable) if the user can understand why
a model produced a specific output prediction. On
the other hand, accurate but very extensive expla-
nations do not mean helpful or useful explanations.
Some scholar dispute the need for XAI suggesting use
of white-box models, which often includes an accu-
racy loss. In any case, through useful explanations,
a model made transparent or explainable, should be
trusted by users. (Miller, 2019).
Few XAI research integrates social and be-
havioural sciences findings. This lack of transdisci-
plinarity is worrisome as researchers keep creating
explanation quality metrics. Social and behavioural
sciences have already defined what makes up a proper
explanation (Miller et al., 2017). Furthermore, XAI
methods seldom target the user. The assumption
stands that if researchers understand the explanations,
the target user will. Unfortunately, this is an exam-
ple of “logic gymnastics” that does not follow. XAI
methods are supposed to provide explanations. Ex-
planations, as a whole, are a form of conversation.
In conversations, humans tailor conversations to the
recipient’s level. Thus, XAI must also do this when
Mendoza, I., Sabol, V. and Hoffer, J.
On the Importance of User Role-Tailored Explanations in Industry 5.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0011748300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
presenting explanations to end users.
We argue that XAI models’ output explanations
are not the ultimate output. These explanations must
take the work environment and the users’ abilities to
understand the explanations into account when pro-
viding the ultimate output. Thus, we, the authors, be-
lieve that in the current XAI research landscape, there
is a need for further handling of explanations and tai-
loring the communication to specific target groups.
This position paper provides the steps we intend
to follow to develop a proof-of-concept demo, with
focus on tailoring XAI to user archetypes in produc-
tion processes. Based on that, we intend to show that
automatic output manipulations are possible, helpful,
and, most importantly, needed.
The structure of this position paper is as follows:
Section 2 gives related works on XAI and social sci-
ence’s research on explanations to support our Posi-
tion that further handling of XAI output is needed.
Section 3 describes our setting, clarifies our Position’s
context, and validates the need for user-targeted ex-
planations. Section 4 discusses the validity of our Po-
sition in a more general case. Section 5 describes how
we intend to prove our Position empirically.
This section provides an overview of the current XAI
landscape and information obtained from a literature
survey, including papers with research from the social
sciences. The main focus of our literature survey was
on explanations. However, this section will also show
the need to treat XAI research interdisciplinarily.
2.1 Explanations According to XAI
People should be able to challenge AI models’ pre-
dictions for critical tasks. The reasoning behind the
prediction should not be “because the model said so”.
This case is one of many factors contributing to the
increased need for Explainable AI (XAI) research -
even being explicitly pushed by the European Com-
mission (Carvalho et al., 2019).
XAI is currently considered another field in com-
puter science where its models produce human-
understandable explanations for interpreting AI mod-
els. However, due to the field’s relative youth, the
most basic XAI concepts must be clarified. For ex-
ample, researchers use the terms “explainability” and
“interpretability” interchangeably. Furthermore, there
has yet to be an agreed-upon method to assess an XAI
system’s explanation’s quality (
c et al., 2022).
Most notably, researchers have yet to reach a con-
sensus on the nuclear goal of XAI. Most say that the
nuclear goal is to establish trust in users (Sperrle et al.,
2020). Besides model validation, another commonly
stated goal is model debugging, i.e., identifying rea-
sons for wrong predictions. Finally, our literature sur-
vey shows a reluctance to admit that XAI is not a pure
computer-science discipline. The field of XAI shares
the academic landscape with the social sciences. Re-
gardless of these shortcomings, XAI methods have al-
ready seen the light of day in areas like medical diag-
noses, autonomous vehicles, and process engineering,
among many more.
2.1.1 XAI Used in Process Engineering
XAI already sees usage in process engineering. For
example, the car manufacturer, Volvo, has already im-
plemented XAI to optimize its process lines. Here we
will describe the utilization of XAI in process engi-
neering in more detail.
(Mehdiyev and Fettke, 2021) described Volvo’s
problem context and ultimate solution. Volvo main-
tains three repair lines in charge of repairing broken
parts in their other process lines, one more special-
ized than the previous. However, lesser specialized
lines kept misjudging task complexities and forward-
ing them to deeper lines, creating a bottleneck prob-
lem. Researchers, to combat this, developed a (black-
box) AI model to predict which repair line should
handle a given task. However, this model must work
with humans; thus, its inability to explain its decisions
fomented distrust and lack of usage. To circumvent
this, they integrated an XAI layer and, in so doing,
developed a framework to develop XAI methods to
tackle this type of problem.
2.2 Explanations According to Social
(Puiutta and Veith, 2020) notes the need for be-
havioural sciences references in XAI papers. Expla-
nations are an area already studied in the social sci-
ences. AI researchers should refrain from attempting
to reinvent the wheel when defining proper explana-
tions. Furthermore, discoveries and knowledge of so-
cial sciences on explanations are abundant, available,
and valuable. It is then unreasonable not to take ad-
vantage of this knowledge. Our literature survey iden-
tified a set of helpful social sciences knowledge that
is paramount and useful for XAI research and usage.
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
2.2.1 Explanations Are Contrastive
Behavioural science teaches us that humans prefer
contrastive explanations. When humans ask why
questions, they implicitly ask for a contrastive case
(Mannheim et al., 1990). Humans want to know why
a unique explanation is correct instead of a different
one. When humans turn to XAI for explanations, they
ask these “why questions, thus posing a unique chal-
lenge for XAI research. Proper implementation of
this knowledge will ultimately lighten the load of pro-
viding a dense, complete, and thus improper explana-
tion (more on this statement later). Furthermore, an
explanation does not have to cover or provide all cases
- it does not have to find all cases (Lipton, 1990).
2.2.2 Attribution Theory & Temporal Causality
Social sciences developed attribution theory. This
theory tries to explain how people attribute causes
to consequences. Generally, there are two types of
attributions: social attribution and causal attribu-
tion. Social attribution describes how people attribute
others’ behaviours. People attribute causality based
on the acting party’s characteristics. Successful ac-
tions are different from unsuccessful actions. Unsuc-
cessful actions often have an unmet precondition at-
tributed to them. This theory is essential when design-
ing XAI methods, particularly when an explanation
comes from an intentional action viewed as a cause.
Causal connection describes how people connect
causes. They do so by seeing a prediction based on
how it would have changed if it had stemmed from a
different action (Kahneman and Tversky, 1981). If the
“changed” action is too far from the past, the causal
chain might be too complex to imagine or see its rel-
evance. This theory focuses on how people choose
which action to “undo”. Actions that are proximal,
abnormal, and more “controllable” are often chosen
to create this causal chain (Miller et al., 2017).
2.2.3 Explanations Are Tailored to the
Recipient’s Knowledge
As field experts, it is not uncommon to think of spe-
cific field-specific knowledge as fundamental or com-
mon knowledge. However, even something as basic
as terminology can elude “regular” (non-field experts)
people. Moreover, it is not uncommon to think that
learning this knowledge is a trivial task - it is not so.
It is thus troublesome when XAI researchers, who de-
velop explanations-producing XAI models, can un-
derstand these explanations and incorrectly assume
that end-users will too. These researchers, there-
fore, assume that their explanations are good expla-
nations. This flawed thinking is why (Miller et al.,
2017) warns of “inmates running the asylum”.
2.3 Supporting Our Position
The abovementioned Volvo example proves the ap-
plicability of XAI methods in process engineering
contexts. Furthermore, it illuminated the problem of
workers not trusting - and thus not using - AI mod-
els to help them and how an XAI layer implementa-
tion alleviated some of these problems. This insight
supports our Position that XAI methods are helpful
in process engineering contexts to increase workers’
trust and usage of AI models. Furthermore, our lit-
erature survey on explanations supports our Position
that following social sciences guidelines creates help-
ful explanations that foment user trust, and XAI me-
thods should follow them (Miller et al., 2017).
This section elaborates on what “further handling of
XAI output” means. First, we describe an example
problem context where a black-box ML model per-
forms valuable predictions. Moreover, we create an
XAI model that explains the initial model’s predic-
tions. Finally, once we obtain candidate explanations,
we handle and manipulate them in order for the re-
sulting explanations to conform with social science’s
research on what constitutes a proper explanation.
3.1 Problem Context
For our problem context, we set ourselves in a pro-
cess engineering setting. Specifically, we want to help
a company manufacture complex parts efficiently.
Input materials (materials as obtained by resource
providers) must undergo work in multiple process
chains - each consisting of process steps - to reach an
acceptable output state. Inaccuracies, mistakes, and
blunders are bound to occur and create different con-
sequences. For example, an item with an inaccuracy
is repairable, but an item with a mistake must be dis-
carded and sold off at a loss. An item with a blun-
der might not even be worth selling. It can also hap-
pen that an item repair is attempted (incurring repair-
ing costs) but ultimately reassessed as un-salvageable.
The opportunity cost of working on an ideal or sal-
vageable item instead is, of course, incurred as well.
Thus, it would be beneficial to create an AI model
that can predict with sufficient accuracy whether some
material, after processing, will be transformed into an
acceptable output material. Since we are working in
On the Importance of User Role-Tailored Explanations in Industry 5.0
the process engineering area, the AI and the employ-
ees must work together. Teamwork involves user trust
in the model, and, as Volvo’s experiences show, the
AI must explain its predictions to work with humans
productively. This model will have to work with each
identified user archetype and thus be able to help in
material processing, process design, and data mining.
3.2 Identifying User Archetypes
Explanations must tailor to the recipient’s knowledge
and working environment; thus, we must identify
our user demographic and their (explanation) require-
ments. Through numerous talks with our business
partners, we identified three relevant user archetypes
- the Machine Operator, Field Expert, and AI Expert -
and their UI and explanation requirements. The Ma-
chine Operator only needs to identify obvious blun-
ders in the AI model related to one process step, but
has a little time to do so. The Field Expert is knowl-
edgeable and needs to verify the AI model’s knowl-
edge and identify blunders, mistakes, and inaccura-
cies in the model predictions. Finally, the AI ex-
pert must identify reasons for wrong model predic-
tions, in order to fix it. These three user archetypes
are common in most AI-augmented process engineer-
ing/optimization use cases, even ones different from
those in this scope. Talks with our business partners
support this fact. In general, the AI expert creates
the model, the field expert verifies the model’s out-
put, and an operator will only want to use the model
that can be trusted. Thus, our planned framework is
helpful in the general scope of process engineering.
3.3 Decision Trees
Decision Trees (DTs) are rule-based white-box mod-
els. Once induced, it is possible for humans to fol-
low a prediction on reasonably sized trees. DTs group
data by creating discrimination criteria (nodes) to ex-
tract and label the structure of the data (Dasgupta
et al., 2020). These criteria are attribute thresholds.
If an input attribute falls within a specific range, the
prediction “goes” in a particular direction down the
tree. The prediction branch consists of the traversed
nodes and the final leaf. This leaf is the prediction.
We intend to use DTs as model-agnostic surrogate
models (metamodels) of an accuracy-focused (black-
box) AI model. The AI model becomes an oracle to
create training data for the DT-inducing process. This
way, we extract what the AI model learned, including
the structures leading to erroneous predictions, which
are helpful for model debugging (Vilone et al., 2020).
Shorter trees use fewer attributes, thus only em-
ploying essential ones and sacrificing accuracy. On
the other hand, the longer the tree is, the more accu-
rate and specific it will be, as branches can accom-
modate more discrimination points (nodes). Since
DTs can be parametrizable, we propose that they can
be used to imitate proper explanations. Selection
of the tree depth for the DT-inducing process offers
the choice between generating accurate but complex
(deep DT) or approximate but simple (shallow DT)
explanations. Further, selection of the truly informa-
tive nodes provides an opportunity for personaliza-
tion, as overwhelming a user with obvious or irrele-
vant facts would be counterproductive.
We note that explanations are contrastive. Any
branch different from DTs’s prediction branch can be
considered a contrastive branch. Thus, these are the
“what if” branches we can use to provide contrastive
elements in explanations. Next, branches can mimic
attribution theory because the nodes in the prediction
branches are akin to chain links: prediction branches’
nodes depend on each other - a node depends on the
previous node. Furthermore, the location of a node in
the prediction branch mimics a temporal value. Nodes
at the start of the prediction branch are “farther” pre-
conditions than nodes closer to the prediction leaf.
3.3.1 Main UI
In our problem context, all three user archetypes use
the same base UI. As seen in Figure 1, we identified
three main areas: left, top, and bottom. The left area
allows the user to select the process step they want
to work in and the materials they want to process.
The user can then select and group the available ma-
terials to process them - which have been automati-
cally colour-coded by an (out-of-scope) clustering al-
gorithm to identify similar materials helpfully.
The top area has two elements: a Parallel Coor-
dinates visualization and an area containing the De-
sign Document for the current process step. Parallel
Coordinates shows batch materials’ control measure-
ments to help with material selection and grouping.
The Design Document allows the user to obtain the
information they need about the current process step.
The bottom area has three elements: the Mate-
rial Measurements table, the Parameter Settings Vec-
tor (PSV) table (including “Go” buttons), and the AI-
Predicted Output measurement table. The first col-
umn of the PSV-table displays the default parameter
settings used in the current process step. The second
column contains an AI-suggested PSV that considers
the selected materials with their exact measurements.
The user can opt to receive an explanation for this
prediction. The user can also use their custom PSV
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Main (base) UI.
within some allowed threshold (third column). The
rightmost table allows the user to see the target output
measurements, as detailed by the design document,
and the AI-predicted target outcomes measurements.
In this table, an AI model predicts the (average) target
output if the selected materials underwent the process
using each parameter vector. The user can obtain ex-
planations for each prediction at the bottom of the ta-
ble. Clicking to obtain explanations opens the Expla-
nation UI view, which tailors the explanations to each
user archetype’s needs and requirements. Finally, in
the “Go” buttons, the user can select which PSV to
process the selected materials.
3.3.2 Explanation Differences
According to social science research, each user
archetype needs a different explanation. Figure 2
shows how we intend to display explanations. The
top part will always be visible and contain informa-
tion on the selected materials, PSVs, and AI-predicted
output target measurements. Users can change expla-
nations to other output targets or use different PSVs.
The bottom part is scrollable and contains tailored ex-
planations as contributions of each control measure-
ment and process parameter to the predicted output
measurements in a visual format (detailed design to
be decided upon). Tailored explanations are essen-
tial, and each user archetype has (already described)
unique requirements. Therefore, explanations for Ma-
chine Operators must be as concise as possible, as
their time is minimal. Field Experts have more time,
so explanations can be more precise and tailored to
their domain knowledge, enabling them to validate
the model’s knowledge. Explaining irrelevant or ob-
vious facts is not only useless but also counterproduc-
tive. Finally, AI experts should be free to choose see-
ing as many different explanations as needed to un-
derstand the model’s behaviour.
3.4 Supporting Our Position
Large DTs can provide prediction branches, which
are the source of explanations, that are big enough to
overwhelm users. Therefore, DT models (and white-
box models that do not consider user overwhelming)
are not XAI models. It takes more than transparency
to make an explanation understandable and useful.
We have described how we propose DTs can produce
explanations that follow social science’s guidelines
for good explanations. The ability to parametrize DTs
and their mimicry of social sciences theory of expla-
nations mean that explanation tailoring is possible.
We could tailor them to each of our user archetype’s
knowledge and serve their unique requirements.
UI and XAI explanations design occurred with indus-
try partners to aid one of their process engineering di-
visions. This collaboration ensured that the UI design
decisions were always consistent with their process
On the Importance of User Role-Tailored Explanations in Industry 5.0
Figure 2: Mock-up design of Explanations UI.
engineering and operation needs. The constant evalu-
ations, revisions, and feedback resulted in the ultimate
state of the UI and user archetype requirements. We
elaborate on this process in this section.
4.1 Continous Evaluation
A continuous evaluation has continued for almost one
year, with evaluation iterations occurring every two
weeks for six months and fewer periodic evaluations
afterwards. The initial three months consisted of
mockup designs of the base UI (Figure 1, and the
next three consisted in implementing these mockups
into a clickable UI. The last six months have con-
sisted of minor UI improvements and the integration
of synthetic data and the initial AI and XAI meth-
ods. In the evaluation sessions, we presented the cur-
rent progress and industry partners would then evalu-
ate the included functionalities and ensure that the in-
cluded functionality was valuable and necessary. This
functionality assurance occurred in consideration of
each user archetype. In addition, another partner con-
ducted grassroots interviews with real users to get
their perspectives concerning their acceptability of a
tool to help them during their tasks. These interviews
were included in our iterative evaluations, further con-
tributing to our UI design decisions.
4.1.1 Following Guidelines for (X)AI UIs
Presenting differently tailored explanations for one
prediction or algorithm produces different effects on
users. Therefore, differently tailored explanations
will have their advantages and disadvantages (Cai
et al., 2019). Also, the medium and techniques em-
ployed to present these explanations are important. To
address this, Microsoft (Amershi et al., 2019), Google
(Google, 2022), and Apple (Apple, 2022) published
guidelines on presenting explanations to users. In ad-
dition, Microsoft emphasizes meeting user expecta-
tions, Apple emphasizes smooth user experience, and
Google emphasizes concepts that the developer must
consider rather than the user.
While designing our (X)AI-assisted process engi-
neering tool, we followed the guidelines published by
these three companies. Following Microsoft’s initial
guidelines, we present to the user exactly what they
can do with the tool. For our use case, the user must
be able to do two things: see the materials about to be
processed and process them, either using default, AI-
predicted or self-defined parameters. Our UI allows
and helps them to do just that and only that. When AI
predictions appear implausible, or more information
is needed, the UI allows easy access to explanations
or the design document. Over time we aim to provide
future functionality that would allow user flagging of
suspicious AI results and allow the tool to adapt as
user’s knowledge increases.
Following Apple guidelines, we have identified
the role of AI within our (X)AI tool concept. We
make it clear, through colour highlighting, which UI
areas are relying on the AI results. We initially hide
the explanations for simplicity, but make them acces-
sible on-demand through a single button. As Apple
suggests, obtaining the explanations is a voluntary ac-
Following Google guidelines, we aim to present
trustworthy explanations. We will achieve this by fol-
lowing social sciences guidelines of what constitutes
a proper explanation and providing explanations that
follow these guidelines. Ideally, AI-suggested param-
eters should be more successful and desirable than the
other non-AI-enhanced parameter vectors, so it makes
sense for users to accept them. Furthermore, to use
this model, our tool will nudge users to use these sug-
gestions more often by explaining the predicted out-
put when using these suggestions. Finally, in order
not to lure users into false security, we will need reli-
able quality metrics to estimate and confirm the faith-
fulness of the explanations.
4.2 Supporting Our Position
After multiple evaluation cycles, our (X)AI UI con-
cept is ready for further steps.Initial internal reviews
of the UI’s usability hint at positive user experiences.
Satisfied industry partners also vouch for the value
our UI will provide to their process engineering divi-
sion. Finally, our attempts to prevent hyperspecializa-
tion in our industry partner’s process engineering di-
vision allow us to present our UI as a possible general
solution. This solution includes the generalization of
user archetype explanation needs, further supporting
the value of our Position could have.
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Our literature survey outlines three challenges of XAI
within the scope of this paper. These are:
1. Involve end users when developing (X)AI meth-
2. Marry XAI research with social sciences and hu-
man behaviour studies.
3. Standardize studies that consider user traits like
personality and education.
To tackle these challenges, we aim to test the follow-
ing hypothesis: we propose that the current XAI mod-
els’ outputs must undergo further transformations to
be proper explanations. Performing no transformation
should result in (generally) users not understanding a
prediction as much or as quickly as possible.
5.1 Experiment Proposal
To test our hypothesis, we will set up an A/B ex-
periment for each user archetype using real user
archetype-belonging subjects. Once we allocate a rea-
sonable number of test subjects, we will divide them
into two groups. One will receive the explanation
in its untailored form, and the other will receive the
transformed, tailored version. Next, the subjects will
attempt to comprehend their explanation in a constant
allotted timeframe. This sequence will occur several
times on the same data set for multiple explanations.
Afterwards, we will assess the knowledge they re-
tained about the process and how they rate the expla-
nations received. Finally, we will compare the scores
of each group against each other, as well as the time
and the effort it took for subjects to understand the ex-
planations. Compiling all results will determine if the
experiment supports or undermines our hypothesis.
5.2 Expected Outcome
Given proper handling of XAI outputs, a shorter, tai-
lored explanation should be more comprehensible and
thus easier to remember and learn. Moreover, present-
ing something easily digestible should also yield more
satisfied users. In conclusion, we expect tailored ex-
planations to be rated as more understandable, more
useful and more trustworthy. We expect our hypothe-
sis to be significantly supported, providing an empiri-
cal support for our Position.
This work was supported by the BrAIN project.
BrAIN Brownfield Artificial Intelligence Network
for Forging of High Quality Aerospace Components
(FFG Grant No. 881039) is funded in the framework
of the program ‘TAKE OFF’, which is a research and
technology program of the Austrian Federal Ministry
of Transport, Innovation and Technology.
Know-Center is funded within the Austrian
COMET Program, under the auspices of the Aus-
trian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environ-
ment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
(BMK), the Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour
and Economy (BMAW) and by the State of Styria.
COMET is managed by the Austrian Research Pro-
motion Agency FFG.
We also thank colleagues from the voestalpine
OHLER Aerospace GmbH & Co KG and Virtual
Vehicle Research GmbH for their input and fruitful
discussions concerning user requirements and user
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