by constructing numerical experiments with known
attrition properties (Section 4). These experiments
mainly consider the “best case”—a memoryless pop-
ulation—as interpretation is facilitated here, but we
also consider a population with a distinctly non-
exponential survival distribution (Canadian Armed
Forces (CAF) Regular Force (Reg F), Primary Re-
serves (P Res), and Naval Warfare Officer (NWO)) to
extend analysis and speak to practical issues.
It appears that, in practice, the concept of workforce
attrition is associated with the number of members of
a population leaving in some set period and is mea-
sured by a churn, or attrition, rate. The churn rate is
defined as the number of members who leave on an
interval, out, divided by the population size, P, a con-
ceptually viable definition. As, in general, the popula-
tion level changes when members leave and, typically,
new members enter over time there are questions re-
garding what “the” population is and there are differ-
ing specific choices one can make—take the popula-
tion level at the start of the interval, at the end, the
average, etc.
Despite the ambiguity and apparent ad hoc choice
in how to measure attrition, we will show that there is
essentially a single model of attrition—the memory-
less model—plus the stochastic process view, which
can either match this model (when the survival dis-
tribution is exponential) or be general (e.g., non-
parametric distributions such as a histogram or cu-
mulative distribution function (CDF), or parametric
forms). Viewed from the lens of the memoryless
model common means of measuring “attrition rate”,
which we term the attrition rate parameter (for rea-
sons that will become apparent), will be seen as mem-
bers of the same family and which all naturally follow
from the same originating equation.
It should be noted that even a loose definition of
churn will approximately measure the attrition and,
unless dramatic change in population levels occurs
over the interval in question, these will all be simi-
lar due to the same originating concept. While this is
unarguably true it should be noted that 1) churn rate of
customer contracts or employees, say, is used to make
financial and hiring decisions and so bias and error
in estimates can have real impact on decisions, 2) a
careful development will provide a means to select a
“good” means of estimating, as even if the choices are
similar perhaps some are better in some sense, and
3) the development here can speak towards improve-
ments beyond the current estimators in use.
2.1 The Memoryless Model
A simple continuous differential model describing the
change of a homogenous population over time due to
attrition at a rate αP (outflow) and a constant intake
rate in (inflow) is
= −αP + in (1)
where P
is the time derivative of the population. This
Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) has an exact
P(t) =
, (2)
where P
is the initial population, as can be verified by
plugging this solution back into the originating differ-
ential equation. Evaluating the solution (2) at discrete
multiples of the unit time t = 0,1,2. . . we recast (2)
as a recurrence relation and find
= P
(1 −e
= (1 −γ)P
+ in
where the last expression foreshadows the corrected
discrete approximation we will consider in the next
section, and which makes use of the mapping between
the continuous time attrition rate parameter and the
discrete time probability γ = 1 −e
, where T is the
unit time.
Here it is clear that the attrition rate αP is the at-
trition rate parameter α times the population level,
which matches simple dimensional analysis where α
has units of inverse (unit) time and P units of mem-
bers as so multiplied together they have units of a rate
(members per (unit) time leaving).
It should be noted that in (1) a constant intake rate
is assumed. This facilitates solution (2), but does not
lead to meaningful loss of generality as functions with
a finite number of jump discontinuities can be approx-
imated by piecewise constant functions with arbitrary
precision—one simply solves (1) on each piecewise
constant region.
2.2 Discrete Approximation
Discrete Time Markov Models (DTMMs) have long
been a popular approach to workforce analysis (Seal,
1945; Young and Almond, 1961; Merck and Hall,
1971; Vajda, 1978; Bartholomew and Forbes, 1979),
most likely due to the ease of implementation and
widespread knowledge of Markov chains. However,
they are typically misspecified in that entry events can
happen between the time steps and therefore as time
Estimating Workforce Attrition Rate Parameters: A Controlled Comparison