A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems:
An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
Giulia Rinaldi
, Fernando Crema Garcia
, Oscar Mauricio Agudelo
, Thijs Becker
2, 3
Koen Vanthournout
, Willem Mestdagh
and Bart De Moor
ESAT Stadius Center for Dynamical Systems, Signal Processing, and Data Analytics, KU Leuven, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium
AMO, Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO), Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol, Belgium
AMO, EnergyVille, Thor Park 8310, 3600 Genk, Belgium
Data Quality, Decision Support System, Data Cleaning, Quality Indicator.
Data quality (DQ) measures data status based on different dimensions. This broad topic was brought to
the fore in the ’80s when it was first discussed and studied. A high-quality dataset correlates with good
performance in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms and decision-making processes. Therefore, checking the
quality of the data inside a decision support system (DSS) is an essential pre-processing step and is beneficial
for improving further analysis. In this paper, a theoretical framework for a DQ module for a DSS is proposed.
The framework evaluates the quality status in three stages: as based on the European guidelines, as based on
DQ metrics, and as based on checking a subset of data cleaning (DC) problems. Additionally, the framework
supports the user in identifying and fixing the DC problems, which speeds up the process. As output, the user
receives a DQ report and the DC pipeline to execute to improve the dataset’s quality. An implementation of
the framework is illustrated in a proof-of-concept (POC) for an industrial use case. In the POC, an example
of the execution of the various framework phases was shown using a public time series dataset containing
quarter-hourly consumption profiles of residential electricity customers in Belgium for the year 2016.
For most artificial intelligence (AI) projects, the first
step an analyst needs to perform is to evaluate the
quality of the received data. Based on this investi-
gation, the analyst improves the data quality (DQ) if
needed. Therefore, DQ measures the state of the data
based on various factors, among which are accuracy,
completeness, consistency, and timeliness. The pro-
cess of fixing the possible dataset issues is called data
cleaning (DC), which is composed of pre-processing
routines fundamental to guaranteeing the success of
further analysis. For instance, it was demonstrated
that DQ influences the error rate of machine learn-
ing models (Ehrlinger et al., 2019) and the decision-
making process (Chengalur-Smith et al., 1999).
Appen, an AI company, submits yearly surveys
among data scientists with questions related to Ma-
chine Learning (ML) models and data to investigate
the state of AI and ML. In the 2018 report, most par-
ticipants determined that the quality of the training
data was their biggest challenge.
In 2022, more than
https : / / visit.figure - eight.com / rs / 416 - ZBE - 142 /
70% of participants declared that they spent at least
30% of their time on pre-processing tasks
Assisting an analyst during this first phase can
help to speed up a critical process that requires time
and attention. Common practice reveals the ten-
dency of analysts to do their own custom DC pro-
cess from scratch, even though another analyst had
already cleaned previously. This repetition of work
could be seen as a waste of resources. Organizing the
job in a way that researchers can evaluate and apply
the same data-cleaning process to the datasets would
allow them to save time.
This paper proposes a module to handle DQ inside
a decision support system (DSS). A DSS is a com-
puter software tool that aids a user in managing and
making decisions on the data. The defined module
analyzes the input to extract useful information dur-
ing the data-cleaning process. It checks the quality of
the inputs in three processes:
EU guidelines process: the focus is mainly on the
https://appen.com/blog/2022- state- of- ai- machine-
Rinaldi, G., Crema Garcia, F., Agudelo, O., Becker, T., Vanthournout, K., Mestdagh, W. and De Moor, B.
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series.
DOI: 10.5220/0011749700003467
In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2023) - Volume 1, pages 443-452
ISBN: 978-989-758-648-4; ISSN: 2184-4992
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
metadata and reusability of the dataset.
DQ assessment process: data quality dimensions
are checked on the dataset.
DC assessment process: The system evaluates
some common data issues.
Based on the outcomes, the system computes two in-
dicators that summarize the last two processes. The
indicators and the analysis details are shown in a final
report to submit to the analyst. In the last phase of
the DQ module for DSS, the system assists the user in
designing the DC process by highlighting some clean-
ing problems using the information gathered during
the previous analysis and using historical experiences
stored in a database. The expert decides how to han-
dle them, and each feedback given is saved as histor-
ical experience to be available for future analysis on
future datasets. Therefore, the framework intends to
offer the analyst a way to study the dataset while si-
multaneously speeding up the pre-processing design
pipeline. The framework is then tested on a public
dataset, unlike the usual approach, (Sadiq and Indul-
ska, 2017).
Section 2 presents some of the most pertinent re-
search on frameworks and tools for data quality and
cleaning. Section 3 explains our framework for a data
quality module to be used inside a decision support
system. Section 4 illustrates this framework when ap-
plied to a use case. Section 5 draws conclusions and
delineates possible further research directions.
DQ started to gain importance during the 1980s when
organizations started to rely more on data and data
mining. Many dimensions and metrics were defined
during the years in various studies and then translated
into practical software tools. (Ehrlinger and W
2022) identified 667 tools developed for DQ tasks.
The authors underlined the difficulty of identifying
just one definition of DQ. In their work, they give
an overview of the concept of data profiling, sum-
marized as the process of collecting metadata, data
quality measurements, summarized as the capability
of estimating the DQ dimensions, and data cleans-
ing, summarized as the procedure for fixing incor-
rect data. To evaluate the 667 tools, a requirements
catalog consisting of 43 constraints for data profiling,
data quality measurements, and continuous data qual-
ity monitoring was defined. Only 13 tools respected
the constraints and were then described in detail. The
authors concluded that there is still a need to research
automation in DQ, and the examined tools missed a
clear “declaration and explanation of the performed
calculation and algorithms”.
The same authors proposed an automated data
quality monitoring tool (Ehrlinger and W
oß, 2017),
which periodically monitors the data quality of het-
erogeneous data collected by an information system.
The employed architecture is comprised of four com-
ponents. The first is data profiling and quality assess-
ment. During this phase, the metadata and calculated
DQ metrics are collected. The user can also provide
domain-specific information and additional specifica-
tion used in the process, such as the monitoring fre-
quency. The results calculated over time are stored
in the DQ repository, the second component. The
third element is time series analysis which uses well-
known algorithms to examine the information in the
DQ repository. The last component is visualization,
in which the user can plot the collected time series
and monitor the obtained results.
The framework proposed by (Oliveira and
Oliveira, 2022) monitors DQ using a reliability score.
The input of the system is heterogeneous data. Their
architecture is based on the scalable publish/subscribe
messaging system, Kafka (https://kafka.apache.org/).
The main component is the data quality layer which is
composed of a plug-in and the data quality analyzer.
The latter is the process that produces a data quality
index employing rules to analyze the data stored in
a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file. The plug-
in applies and checks the rules on the data. The au-
thors tested the framework to a use case using cus-
tomer data. In the example, a reliability score was
calculated using the DQ dimensions of accuracy, con-
sistency, and completeness. It was used to identify
possible outliers.
Like the papers described in this section, our
framework intends to monitor the quality status of the
data. The main difference is that our framework offers
three levels of assessment. The first focuses on the in-
put’s format and standard, the second on DQ, and the
third assesses common DC problems. In the end, the
user has three evaluations to estimate how much time
is needed to clean a specific dataset. The tracking of
cleaning changes is a new contribution in our frame-
work. It saves the transformations done to improve
the data as relevant historical experiences, which will
be used for future analysis of similar datasets. In this
way, the system learns from the user and speeds up
future processes by offering better support. The sys-
tem identifies the cleaning problems and solves them
with the human-in-the-loop. At the end, the user is
provided with a report of the raw data and the pre-
processing pipeline.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Metadata Uploader
Human - In -
The - Loop
DQ Rules
DC Rules
Data Uploader
Intake Phase
Assessment Phase
Analysis Phase
DSS Level
User Level
Result file
Report +
Figure 1: Architecture of the data quality module’s framework. It has two levels: DSS Level (A) and User Level (E). DSS
Level is composed of three phases: the Intake Phase (B), the Analysis Phase (C), and the Annotation Phase (D). Each of them
includes the submodules.
The framework’s architecture is depicted in Figure 1.
It has two concept levels: user and DSS. The user
level (Fig. 1E) is the supposed client of the DSS,
while the DSS level (Fig. 1A) is on the server side.
The DSS level starts with the Intake phase
(Fig. 1B), and it describes how the user should up-
load the metadata and the data into the DSS. There
are two subphases: metadata uploader (Fig. 1B.1) and
data uploader (Fig. 1B.2). The first aims to define the
metadata input related to the data, which should in-
clude the description and source of the data. On the
other hand, the data uploader determines the architec-
ture constraints such as the data format – for example,
CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file for tabular and
time series data or tiff (Tag Image File Format) for im-
ages. In the proof-of-concept (POC) described in Sec-
tion 4, this last option is not implemented but is part of
future research. The metadata and the data are the in-
put for the next phase, the assessment phase (Fig. 1C),
which evaluates the user’s input in three stages com-
posed of an assessment process and a database con-
taining rules or useful information.
The first stage is the EU guidelines assessment
process (Fig. 1C.1), which uses rules taken from
the European Guidelines (Data Europa EU, 2021).
The European data quality guidelines are recommen-
dations from the European Union to produce high-
quality datasets. Their proposal uses the principles
of FAIR (Wilkinson et al., 2016), which stands for
four data quality dimensions: Findability, Accessibil-
ity, Interoperability, and Reusability. The guidelines
provide a framework consisting of these dimensions
and additional metrics. The EU guidelines assessment
process interacts with a database where the rules ex-
tracted from the guidelines are stored. The submitted
metadata should follow a template defined during the
setup of the DSS. The EU guidelines assessment pro-
cess follows the dimensions:
Interoperability: The EU guidelines assessment
process verifies any encoding issues in reading
metadata or opening the data files.
Findability: The EU guidelines assessment pro-
cess checks if the metadata at least contains the
description of the data, the source of the data, and
if it is part of a project, the description of the
project. It measures how easy it is to find infor-
mation and understand the data.
Accessibility: The EU guidelines assessment pro-
cess checks how many files the data are divided
into and if they are all accessible. Then, it verifies
if there are constraints, for example, security con-
straints, to maintain inside the DSS, such as, for
example, “only the admin can access the data.
Reusability: The EU guidelines assessment pro-
cess checks the amount of data and any additional
rules related to the specific file type. For exam-
ple, if the file is a CSV, the DSS should check
the presence of headers. If the organization using
the DSS requires any supplementary standard to
be respected, the system will review them at this
The result of each phase is saved and shown to the
user in a final report.
The second stage of the assessment phase is the
DQ assessment process (Fig. 1C.2). The rules related
to this stage refer to the data quality metrics:
Accuracy: The DQ assessment process measures
how correct the data are compared to a reference
Timeliness: The DQ assessment process evaluates
how up-to-date the input dataset is for a task.
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
Completeness: The DQ assessment process mea-
sures how much information the data carries out.
In other words, how much data is not missing
from the dataset.
Consistency: Semantic rules are defined over the
data by the user. The DQ assessment process es-
timates the number of semantic rules which are
Based on the results, a DQ indicator is calculated.
This number establishes the data’s quality status at
any moment. The intent is to provide a summary of
the status of the data that is simple to understand but
also possible to change depending on the context of
the problem. The next steps are a possible guide to
calculate this indicator:
1. Calculate quality indicators DQ
per each dimen-
sion i= {comp, acc, time, cons} completeness, ac-
curacy, timeliness, and consistency. Each indica-
tor will be defined by the analyst.
2. Assign importance weights (w
) per each of the
data quality dimensions.
If the units of DQ
have the same range, we rec-
ommend updating each w
= 1 = DQ =
If the analyst wants to do the average of the
, update each w
= 1 so
= 4 = DQ =
3. Calculate a weighted average of each data quality
indicator that we denote as
DQ =
4. Then, compare this value to a threshold ε with a
basic rule:
if DQ ε insufficient quality else sufficient quality
This step is recommended but optional.
5. Add results to the result file.
Section 4 presents an example of the DQ indicator.
The final stage of the assessment phase is the DC
assessment process (Fig. 1C.3). The rules are based
on typical instructions during the data-cleaning pro-
cedure. These include
Time column: The DC assessment process tries to
recognize the time column, the start, and the end
date, the frequency of the observations, and the
presence of gaps or duplicates related to winter/-
summer hour time change.
Single-value columns: The DC assessment pro-
cess verifies how many columns have only a sin-
gle value. It should be stored as metadata.
Types of columns: The DC assessment process
tries to assign a specific type to a column based
on the values.
Duplicates: The DC assessment process extracts
possible duplicates.
Missing Values: The DC assessment process ver-
ifies if there are any missing values.
As with the previous DQ stage, a DC indicator is
calculated based on the result of this stage too. This
number aims to provide an idea of the cleaning status
of the data. It measures how easily the DSS can clean
this dataset without human intervention. This infor-
mation is linked to the analysis phase because the less
information the system defines, the more time is re-
quired during the following phase. Under this point
of view, the analysts should use it to estimate the time
they will probably need to spend during the analy-
sis phase when additional verification will be done.
Section 4 illustrates an example of the DC indica-
tor’s computation. The framework’s modularity of-
fers flexibility. The analyst can decide to skip part of
the analysis and can update or change the rules and
guidelines to make the DQ module more customiz-
able. After the three assessment stages, the last step
in the assessment phase generates a report (Fig. 1C.4)
summarizing all the DSS findings.
The last part of the framework is the analysis
phase (Fig. 1D) which aims to define the cleaning pro-
cedure with the analyst and save it in the reproducibil-
ity database. The phase starts with the issue extractor
(Fig. 1D.1), a process that formulates potential prob-
lems based on the assessment phase report and histor-
ical experience already stored in the reproducibility
database (Fig. 1D.4). Then, these problems are dis-
played to the analyst through the analyzer (Fig. 1D.2),
which explains the potential issues and shows addi-
tional information, such as plots or metadata. At this
point, the analyst (Fig. 1E.2) decides whether or not
the issue is legitimate and decides on a solution. Fi-
nally, the analyst’s feedback is passed to the issue re-
formulator (Fig. 1D.3) and stored in the reproducibil-
ity database. This database contains the past problems
found by the DSS and how analysts have decided to
solve them. It helps the user verify the most common
issues and situations that may not be so ordinary. The
output of the framework (Fig. 1E.1) is a report on the
raw dataset and the pre-processing pipeline designed
during the analysis phase.
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
InstallatieIDType StatusMeetwaarde
Eenheid van
Meter read tijdstipAfname/Injectie
Elektriciteit K6LUKJZ1BtSijA
1,0000 VAL
Figure 2: Extract of the data contained in the CSV file and used as the proof-of-concept. The column “Type” contains what
type of measurements were collected, “InstallatieID” indicates the digital meter id; “Afname/Injectie” indicates if the energy
is off-taken or injected; “Meter read tijdstip” represents the timestamps; “Eenheid van meetwaarde” is the unit of measure;
“Meetwaarde” collects the measurements; “Status” indicates whether the data is valid or not.
To test the proposed framework, a POC was devel-
oped. The programming language used is python,
and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) was imple-
mented using Streamlit.
The POC is a data quality module for a data-driven
decision support system used in a research organi-
zation. The employed dataset is a public industrial
time series dataset. The publisher is Fluvius, a Bel-
gian distribution system operator. The data represents
the quarter-hourly consumption profiles of residential
electricity customers in Belgium for the 2016 calen-
dar year. The use case from which this example was
extracted relates to how to use AI to manage low volt-
age grids more efficiently. The experiment presented
in this section is the result of a collaboration with the
researchers of the Smart grid use case of the AI Flan-
ders Research Program.
4.1 Intake Phase
After downloading the dataset from the Flu-
vius website,
the user will have a zip file
containing a CSV (READING 2016.CSV ) with
the measurement data and a XLSX file (1 04-
werkeli jkeverbruikspro f ielenhuishoudeli jke-
klantenelektriciteit2016Legende.xlsx) containing the
metadata. The presented dataset is in Dutch. The first
step is to upload the data and the metadata into the
DSS. The intake module receives the CSV, a small
extract of it is presented in Figure 2, and then the user
needs to deliver the metadata. To do so, the system
https : / / opendata.fluvius.be / explore / dataset / 1 04 -
werkelijke - verbruiksprofielen - huishoudelijke - klanten -
provides a template to fill in. The user is not obliged
to complete all the fields to proceed with the analysis,
however, the more information provided, the higher
the final score.
4.1.1 Data and Metadata Uploaders
The template for the metadata designed for the POC
has two parts: General information and Data infor-
mation. General information is for the future usage of
the submitted data. It consists of the following:
The Project’s Name: Low Voltage Grid - Fore-
casting Energy Consumption
The Domain: Industrial
The Problem Statement: The visibility on the
low voltage (LV) distribution grids throughout
Europe is limited: the layout of the grids is
only partially known, and measurements are lim-
ited. In the past, this was acceptable, as we em-
ployed a “fit and forget” strategy: install (over-
dimensioned) cables with sufficient capacity to
cover all demand peaks. Today, this solution is
not an option. Now, the alternative is to develop
technology to use the installed capacity more op-
timally by operating our grids closer to their limit
and technically supporting measures to mitigate
the impact of the energy transition.
The Research Goal: To run long-term forecasts
algorithms for all potential evolutions in the grid
use (Botman et al., 2022), (Soenen et al., 2023).
Data information is more related to how the data
was retrieved. In the example template, the requested
information is:
The Data Type: Time Series
The Source: Fluvius Open dataset
The Data Description: The dataset contains
100 timeseries with quarter-hourly offtake and in-
jection measurements of Low-Voltage (LV) grid
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
connections. These anonymized measurements
were obtained in a digital meter proof-of-concept
project in 2016, which was carried out in a pilot
area of the Belgian territory. This dataset only in-
cludes the digital meters for which more than 98%
of their readings were validated. Given that the
total amount of expected measurements is equal
to 96 (readings/day) x 366 (days/year) = 35136
(readings/year), the selected digital meters in this
dataset have more than 35136 x 0.98 =34433 val-
idated readings.
Then, there was a drop-off space where the data
file had to be added. The last step of this phase is
to move the CSV file (Figure 2) with the data to the
proper directory and to write the metadata in a JSON
file (Listing 1). Then, the system starts the next phase-
the assessment phase.
Listing 1: Extract of the JSON file saved during the upload
of the metadata in the execution of Proof-of-Concept.
1 {” g e n e r a l : {
2 name : Low V ol t a g e G ri d ” ,
3 ” p r o b l e m s t a t e m n t : . . . } ,
4 ” d a t a : {
5 t y p e ” : Time S e r i e s ” ,
6 ” d e s c r i p t i o n : . . . } }
4.2 Assessment Phase
The assessment phase accesses the CSV and the
JSON files, the outputs of the previous phase (Section
4.1). Then, the three processes of this phase begin.
The system automatically executes this phase follow-
ing the configuration setup by the user.
4.2.1 EU Guidelines Assessment Process
The EU guidelines assessment process examines the
inputs, comparing them with rules extracted from the
European Guidelines (Data Europa EU, 2021). The
four dimensions considered in this step are:
Interoperability: The DSS checks the presence of
an encoding issue inside the data and metadata. In
the POC, the python library cChardet
was used
for this task. The system did not find any encoding
issue; the results are illustrated in Table 1. The
outcome was stored in the JSON result file to be
later translated into the final report.
Findability: The DSS prepares the working space
for the Intake Phase’s output. The system checks
if the project already exists. If so, the metadata file
is moved to the already-existing project’s work-
ing space as a subproject. If not, a new working
space is created. In the POC, the working space
was a file system directory composed of a gen-
eral directory called “Working Space”. It con-
tained the project directory, which in turn con-
tained the directories for the data, the metadata,
and the future result. From the metadata file, the
data’s description was examined using text quality
indicators implemented in python (Kiefer, 2019).
Specifically, the POC implemented the number of
Spelling Errors,
Lexical Diversity,
number of
Ungrammatical Sentences,
and Average Sen-
tence Length. All the results on the metadata were
saved in the JSON result file. The results ob-
tained by the POC are shown in Table 2. They
give an indication of the clarity of the metadata
input. In this case, for example, the lexical diver-
sity, in which the maximum is one, is quite low.
This means that there are many repetitions of the
same words. This analysis is important for the
reusability of the dataset by other users.
Accessibility: At this point, the DSS has moved
the data file to the working space. During this
step, as described in Section 3, the system checks
for any possible security constraints, such as lim-
ited clearance access for certain personnel. In the
POC, there were no introduced constraints.
Reusability: The last step is to verify the data
itself. In the POC, the system read the con-
tent of the CSV file (Figure 2) without any prob-
lems. The content was loaded as an object called
a dataframe.
If this operation had caused an
error, the process would have read how to miti-
gate the situation from its associate database. For
example, a mitigation action could be asked for
the user’s involvement. Having the dataframe, the
DSS checked the number of samples, the pres-
ence of headers, and any other constraints the user
might have required. The success or failure of
each instruction was saved in the JSON result file.
Table 1: Results obtained from the EU guidelines assess-
ment process: Interoperability Check.
CSV containing Data JSON containing Metadata
’encoding’: ’ASCII’ ’encoding’: ’ASCII’
’confidence’: 1.0 ’confidence’: 1.0
https : / / pandas.pydata.org / docs / reference / api /
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 2: Results obtained from the EU guidelines assess-
ment process after the analysis of data’s description.
Rule Result
# Spelling Error 4
Lexical Diversity 0.091
# Ungrammatical Sentences 2
Avg Sentence Length 23.5
An extract of the JSON file result, including the
output of the accessibility and reusability, is shown in
the Listing 2. To summarize the EU guidelines assess-
ment process, the inputs are the metadata file (JSON
file), the data file (CSV file), and the output is the
JSON result file, containing the results of each sub-
4.2.2 Data Quality Assessment Process
During the second process, the DSS examines the
quality of the data contained in the CSV input in
depth. The analyst input w
= 0.3, w
= 0,
= 0.3 and w
= 0.4 into the DSS. Finally, the
threshold ε was set to 0.8.
The DQ
indicators were calculated as follow:
Completeness: In Section 3, this metric (DQ
evaluates how much information the dataset has.
So, in the POC, it was calculated as
# Expected values # Missing values
# Expected values
. (4)
Numerically, it was DQ
0, 43.
Accuracy: In the POC, this metric (DQ
) was
not calculated. Accuracy measures the distance
between the input data and a reference dataset.
Having a reference dataset is not always possi-
ble because, among other reasons, it requires a
lot of time for the expert to generate a dataset
containing what is desirable. Moreover, the rep-
resentativeness of a reference dataset loses its
meaning fast. Energy consumption data depends
on many factors; among them, there are human
habits and the employment of new technology,
such as heat pumps and electric vehicles. The
reference dataset should reflect these continuous
changes, causing frequent updates that are not
sustainable. Therefore, the system, not finding the
reference dataset, skipped this evaluation.
Timeliness: In Section 3, this metric (DQ
) was
defined as a measurement to evaluate how up-to-
date the input is. In the POC, the data available
was from 2016 because it is hard to have values
from a recent period. Recent studies, (Eurostat,
2020), underlined that the electricity consumption
by households in Belgium had decreased by 6.7%
compared to the usage in 2010. On average, there
was a decrease of 1.2% in the European Union.
Since the data available was from 2016, the ana-
lysts decided to consider the data out-of-date be-
cause the percentages are significant, however still
relevant for the considered use case. Hence, the
analyst assigned zero as the timeliness score.
Consistency: Having the data saved in files is not
the most efficient way to work. So, this metric
) measures if the user prefers to save the
data in an external database and calculates how
many semantic rules are violated by the dataset.
Figure 3 shows the interaction between the frame-
work’s architecture and an external database. The
depicted architecture is a simplification of the one
shown in Figure 1. The DQ assessment process
(Fig. 3C.2) is possible to link to an external cen-
tralized database (Fig. 3EXT) defined by the user
and containing the data. In the POC, at this point,
the DSS established a connection with the exter-
nal relational database. It retrieved the appropriate
table definition and inspected each attribute, com-
paring the type with the pertinent column in the
dataset. If the column were a general object, the
system would try to convert the values to the ex-
pected type. In Table 3, two example results of
this operation are shown. The table contains the
names of the column in the dataset (Fig. 2), which
are the same inside the external database as at-
tributes, the types of the attribute found in the ex-
ternal database table’s definition, the types of the
column in the dataset and the result: they match
or they do not. Consistency was measured as fol-
# Checked attributes # Failed matches
# Checked attributes
In numbers, it is DQ
= 0, 86.
DQ Assessment
DSS Level
User Level
External DB
Figure 3: The image shows the interaction between the DQ
Assessment Process (C.2) and an External Database (EXT).
The depicted architecture is a simplification of Figure 1.
Table 3: Example of results obtained by checking the Con-
sistency of the dataset with the expected types required by
the external relational database.
name attribute:type column:type result
InstallatieID VARCHAR String Success
Meetwaarde FLOAT String Fail
The result obtained by this process for each di-
mension was saved in the JSON result file. The cal-
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
culations of DQ (equation 3), therefore:
DQ = 0.3 × 0.43 + 0 × 0 + 0.3 ×0 + 0.4 × 0.86 = 0.45
As DQ 0.8 the DSS defines the quality level as
4.2.3 Data Cleaning Assessment Process
The DC Assessment Process is the last step before
having the final report. During this stage, the DSS
inspects some primary data-cleaning issues. The ones
implemented in the POC, and already introduced in
Section 3, are the following:
Time Column: The DSS analyzes the column con-
taining the timestamps. In the POC, the first ac-
tion was to find the range of the considered period,
so the start and the end date. Then, reading the
hours, the DSS identified the time frequency. Ad-
ditionally, the system examined the time stamps
around March and October with particular atten-
tion. At the end of these months, in Europe, there
is a change of hours between winter and summer
time or vice-versa. This time change of one hour
could create duplicated or missing timestamps.
The DSS verified the presence of this problem.
All these findings were stored in the JSON result
file to be double-checked with the user.
Single-value columns: In the POC, the DSS, iter-
ating on the columns, identified the column with
single values. An example is the column “Type”
in Figure 2. The value was stored in the JSON Re-
sult File, and during the last phase, the system will
propose to drop the columns and save the value as
Type of columns: This analysis is linked to the
CONSISTENCY dimension tested in the previous
process. The Consistency test can be performed
only if the user provides semantic rules. The DSS
automatically tries to recognize the data type if
this does not happen during the DC Assessment
Process. In the POC, one value of each column
was tested to verify if it was a string, boolean, cat-
egory, int, float, or DateTime.
Duplicates: In the POC, the DSS calculated the
number of duplicated rows found in the system.
The user decides how to handle them during the
analysis phase, in which all these problems are
presented. In the dataframe, the system did not
find any duplicated values.
Missing Values: In the POC, the last examination
done by DSS was to verify the presence of miss-
ing values. First, the system verified the presence
of cells with null values. Then, the system calcu-
lated the missing rows using the timestamps col-
umn and the information obtained from the meta-
data. The results are shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Results of the system obtained checking the num-
ber of missing values and rows.
missing type result
null values 0
missing rows 20078
An indicator is calculated at the end of this pro-
cess, similar to the DQ assessment process (Section
4.2.2). This indicator was computed using Equation
7. In detail, the system counted the total number of
all the cleaning problems checked during the DC as-
sessment process, then it calculated the number of ac-
tual cleaning problems that the user needs to check
in the next phase. The results are shown in Table 5.
For example, the test to identify the period range was
one, and the system found the answer, so zero prob-
lems were needed to be checked in this case. How-
ever, during the computation of the missing values,
two tests were performed, and one did need human
intervention. The final indicator was computed like
DC =
# Checked problems #Actual problems
# Checked problems
Then, the obtained number was converted to a per-
centage. A high score indicator means fewer prob-
lems to check during the next phase. In the presented
scenario, DC Indicator =
× 100 = 37%.
Table 5: Collected information to compute the DC indica-
tor. The first column corresponds to the kind of problem, the
second represents the number of actual cleaning problems
found, and the third is the number of checked problems per-
id period range 0 1
id time frequency 0 1
winter/summer 2 2
single values per each column 3 7
type check 1 3
duplicates 0 1
missing values 1 2
4.2.4 Report Generator
The assessment phase concludes with the generation
of the report, summarizing all the findings gathered
during the three processes. The input of this block is
the JSON result file, an extract of the one produced
by the POC is depicted in Listing 2.
This module’s subphase aims to allow the user to
review the results and, if needed, download them in a
ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Listing 2: Extract of the JSON result file containing the
findings of the three assessment process developed in the
Proof-of-concept’s. It illustrates the result gathered during
the EU Guidelines Process.
1 {EU : {
3 { Da t a :
4 {” en co di n g ” : ” ASCII ” ,
5 c o n f i d e n c e : 1 . 0 } ,
6 M e ta d at a : { . . . } } ,
8 {” S u b p r o j e c t : NO” ,
9 L o c a t i o n w o r k s pa c e : ” . . . ,
10 ” m e t a d a t a i n d i c a t o r : ,
11 ” m e t a d a t a d e t a i l s : {
12 ” S p e l l i n g : 2 ,
13 . . . } } ,
14 ACCESSIBILITY : {” V i s i b l e : A l l ” ,
15 ” M o d i f i c a b l e : A l l ”} ,
16 REUSABILITY : {” d a t a : ” W ell Formed }}
The report should summarize each step executed
by the DSS until now and contain all the relevant in-
formation related to the project.
In the POC, a template was designed and filled
with the obtained results. The DSS started generating
the final document filling in the project’s name. Then,
it added the project’s description, the data’s descrip-
tion, and an extract of the dataset, similar to Figure
2. After this, the DQ and DC indicators were shown
as the first result. Following that, the metadata eval-
uation was introduced as in Table 2 during the EU
guidelines assessment process. All the other results
were organized in distinct sections, each for a partic-
ular step in the process similar to the pattern used in
Section 4.2.
4.3 Analysis Phase
The last phase in the proposed DSS module frame-
work is the analysis phase. This phase is designed
in a semi-automatic fashion. The user is involved in
every step and actively participates in the decision-
making process. The system supports the user in gath-
ering information and underlining potential decisions
to make. The input is the JSON result file acquired
from the assessment phase; the output is a series of
pre-processing steps designed to improve the quality
of the data. Figure 1D shows the processes compos-
ing this phase.
The issue extractor has the job of formulating the
possible cleaning problems based on the JSON result
file and based on the experiences collected inside the
reproducibility database. In the POC, this database
was designed as a relational database. It was used to
store all the instructions executed by the user to in-
vestigate and solve a cleaning problem. The informa-
tion stored inside the database is the following: the
“id”, which represented the identification of the his-
torical record, the “datatype”, which was the type of
data used for that specific record, the “project”, which
was the name of the analyzed project, the “problem”,
which was the name of the data cleaning issue the
DSS and the user found, the “solution”, which was
the code performed by the user to solve the clean-
ing problem, and the “info”, which was the code used
by the user to visualize the data and investigate the
problem. All the attributes are strings, except “id”
which is an integer, and “solution” and “info” which
are JSON. The issue extractor took from the JSON
result file the data type, Time Series, and the first
problem to check with the user, for example, “Miss-
ing Values.” Then, the process searched for entries in
the reproducibility database with datatype=Time Se-
ries and problem=Missing Values; if there were any
past experiences, all the information was passed to the
The analyzer is the interface between the system
and the user. In the POC, the GUI was divided into
four spaces:
1. Visualization space was where the DSS results of
the under-examination problem were shown. The
DSS showed the Missing Values test results dur-
ing the DC assessment process, Section 4.2.3.
2. Experiences space was where the DSS showed the
experiences found in the reproducibility database,
if any. Firstly, it offered the possibility of visu-
alizing the analysis done. Therefore, the system
proposed the solutions.
3. Study space was where the user performed in-
structions to investigate the problem. The analyst
could start from a code proposed in the previous
space or propose a personal investigation.
4. Solution space was where the user could accept a
past solution or write a new one. For example, the
proposed solution could handle the missing data
using the interpolation technique. The user could
refuse it and instead use the personal solution of
filling in the missing values by copying the previ-
ous row’s values.
When the user was satisfied with the solution, all
the new feedback was passed to the issue reformula-
tor. This process had the job of creating the entry for
the reproducibility database. It translated the python
code written in the study space and the solution space
into two JSON objects. Then, it gathered all the in-
formation to complete the input query and sent it to
the database. To conclude the cycle, the issue refor-
mulator process notified the issue extractor of the op-
eration’s success, and so a new problem is passed to
the analyzer.
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
After showing all the problems examined by the
DSS during the assessment phase, the system checks
the presence of different problems related to the
datatype inside the reproducibility database. If any,
these are shown to the user. This step helps review
problems that, maybe, the analyst has not thought
about. In the end, the user could propose new prob-
lems to test, and they would be saved as new experi-
ences in the database.
DQ and DC are fundamental for any professional
working with data. This paper has proposed a frame-
work that helps users to qualitatively better under-
stand their data and to save time in pre-processing it.
The framework aims to give a general overview of
the data quality status. It computes indicators related
to DQ and DC to support the user in estimating the
time they need to spend performing the cleaning pro-
cess. Furthermore, the framework focuses on speed-
ing up the cleaning process, assisting the user during
the identification of any problem then providing pos-
sible solutions for any cleaning issues. The last part
of the paper described the application of the frame-
work in an industrial POC, the low voltage grid. It
was shown that some metrics are not always appli-
cable, but the framework can still be relevant. The
dataset employed contained public time series data
of energy consumption profiles for the 2016 calendar
year in Belgium.
In future work, the framework will be tested with
different types of datasets and use cases. Another fo-
cus will be on how to use historical experiences more
effectively and efficiently to better suggest cleaning
issues and solutions during the Analysis Phase. Then,
the module will be inserted into the design of a data-
driven decision support system.
The authors greatly thank Ms. Lola Botman
and Mr. Jonas Soenen (KU Leuven) for their
support and useful suggestions. This research
received funding by KU Leuven: Research
Fund (projects C16/15/059, C3/19/053, C24/18/022,
C3/20/117, C3I-21-00316), Industrial Research Fund
(Fellowships 13-0260, IOFm/16/004) and sev-
eral Leuven Research and Development bilat-
eral industrial projects; Flemish Government
Agencies: FWO: EOS Project no G0F6718N
(SeLMA), SBO project S005319N, Infrastructure
project I013218N, TBM Project T001919N; PhD
Grant (SB/1SA1319N), EWI: the Flanders AI Re-
search Program, VLAIO: CSBO (HBC.2021.0076)
Baekeland PhD (HBC.20192204) European Com-
mission: European Research Council under the Euro-
pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme (ERC Adv. Grant grant agreement No
885682); • Other funding: Foundation ‘Kom op tegen
Kanker’, CM (Christelijke Mutualiteit)
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ICEIS 2023 - 25th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems