In this paper, we present a user-centred approach
for calibration and validation of agent-based models.
By including the end user in most of the modelling
phases, especially calibration and validation, we are
hoping for better explainability of simulation results
and a smoother transmission of expert knowledge.
We illustrate this position with an application dealing
with urban growth. Such an application involves com-
plex, spatially explicit models of human behaviour,
and experts who have some knowledge of the under-
lying mechanisms, but who want interpretable models
and acceptable results.
In order to achieve this goal, we think it is impor-
tant to involve more the experts in the model design.
They must be able to define behaviour rules them-
selves using a visual programming language. They
must also be able to define their validation measures
and to navigate easily between behaviour rules and
validation results. Machine learning methods can
help to automate and simplifying the calibration pro-
cess, but chosen methods must produce interpretable
models, such that experts can trust simulation results.
We are currently implementing such an approach with
a geographer in the setting of informal settlement
growth modelling (e.g. slums), and the first results
are very encouraging.
We specifically thank the University of South-Pacific
(USP) for participating in data acquisition for an in-
formal settlement in Fiji.
This work was financed by the Pacific Islands Uni-
versities Research Network (PIURN) and the French
Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Pacific Fund). It is now
supported by the French National Research Agency
(ANR SITI project).
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence