tool can be quite high. Regarding IT capabilities and
skills of employees, in the case of the Colombian
context it is a relevant factor because of the shortage
of professional profiles in the country with experience
in this field, even though in the literature review it
was not identified as an influencing factor.
In this document an extensive analysis of the main
factors that can affect the process of adoption of
intelligent EIS in companies is made, as well as a first
approach to this topic focused on the Colombian
industry. In order to carry out this analysis,
techniques such as a literature review and a focus
group are used. Regarding the literature review, an
evaluation framework is created to analyse the
selected set of academic articles. Each article is
evaluated according to 3 categories: research context,
type of data analytics studied and adoption process.
Through the analysis of the academic articles, it is
possible to identify the determining factors for the
adoption of intelligent EIS.
To get a first approach on the subject to the
Colombian context, a focus group is conducted with
5 experts on the subject of EIS and data analytics. The
focus group is intended to identify the main
characteristics of intelligent EIS in Colombian
companies as well as the main factors influencing
their adoption.
Based on the analysis of both the literature review
and the focus group, a comparison is made to
determine the similarities and differences that exist
between them. Through this comparison, it was found
that there are three factors that are determinant in both
cases and two that are different. On the one hand the
common factors are: management support,
competitive market pressure and complexity. On the
other hand, specific factors for the literature review
are compatibility and expected benefits, while
specific factor for the Colombian companies from the
focus group are cost and the company's IT capabilities
and skills.
Concerning the limitation of our study, it is worth
bearing in mind that the results of the focus group is
a first approach to the topic, since the participation of
5 experts is not enough to determine the process of
adoption of intelligent EIS to the whole Colombian
context. As future work, the information collected
through this study can be used to design additional
collection tools such a surveys’ questionnaires in
order to carry out a representative analysis of
quantitative nature.
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