works, (Manyika et al., 2017) surveyed numerous
CEOs and members of senior and middle manage-
ment, as well as reviewed multiple works dealing
with employment and “employability”, discovering
that such a simplistic view is not possible. The skill
requirements for the same role vary across industries
or the use of underlying skill frameworks. Employ-
ers often rated technical or digital skills towards the
bottom, primarily due to their “short shelf life”. Sim-
ilarly, (Holmes, 2001) and (Collet et al., 2015b) ex-
pose the flaws in trying to define the optimal graduate
skill sets (i.e. graduate profiles) due to a large pool of
diverse graduates trying to match the requirements of
individual employers from varied backgrounds with
unique values.
Additionally, (Holmes, 2001) argues that the con-
cept of graduate employability cannot be defined by
the acquisition of measurable skills due to the unmea-
surable complexity of personal qualities. Instead of
skills, (Manyika et al., 2017), (Collet et al., 2015b)
or (Hinchliffe and Jolly, 2011) note the importance
of identity, values and abilities as a driving force of
graduate employment. For example, it is much more
important to be trustworthy and reliable with good
communication abilities than to have specific techni-
cal skills.
Such flaws of the skill-driven approach are further
amplified by using context-agnostic skill frameworks
designed for organisations of any size, sector or in-
dustry. Role profiles are rarely updated and become
“stale” ’ or obsolete. However, governments aim to
help drive policy, recruitment and training by provid-
ing a data-driven classification of skills using such
skill frameworks. Considering the previously men-
tioned research stressing the different, ever-changing
needs of individual businesses and personalised pref-
erences, such efforts have a questionable effect and
informative value for employers and potential em-
ployees (Manyika et al., 2017) (Council et al., 2012).
Consequently, in this work, we present means of
building datasets that allow for the automated ex-
traction of skills and knowledge from job advertise-
ments. Using this data, we generate highly granular
skill and knowledge profiles, understanding nuances
in requirements across different industries, regions or
employers. Consequently, using the same extraction
approach, we analyse skill and knowledge acquisition
in educational activities, providing recommendations
to students about subjects or courses that best cover
the requirements of particular job roles.
Students attend university and select specific subjects
to learn skills, knowledge, technologies and abilities,
developing their intelligence and increasing their em-
ployment chances (for simplicity, in the rest of this
paper, we write only “skills” instead of “skills, knowl-
edge, technologies and abilities”). Employers seek
out people with skills to take on specific roles. Identi-
fying the skills required for a job or gained from tak-
ing a subject allows us to optimise the coverage of
job roles available after completing a degree. There-
fore, skill extraction is essential to a subject/role rec-
ommender system.
Our approach relies on understanding the skill re-
quirements of individual jobs based on job advertise-
ments’ descriptions. Then, we can build role skill pro-
files for each job role, aggregating the skills from re-
lated job ads. Optimally, job advertisements would
use a robust skill framework and explicitly list the
required skills, knowledge and technologies. Educa-
tional institutions would use the same skill framework
to specify their teaching skills and compare the de-
mand and supply. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
As a result, we depend on skill extraction from the
description of job advertisements and related meta-
data. Since our institution does not explicitly specify
the skills covered in educational content, we also used
skill extraction to create the list of skills for subjects.
Please note that we only used the automated approach
to prepare recommendations for subject coordinators,
who further redacted and curated the list.
To automatically extract skills from text,
aki et al., 2013) used a graph-based approach,
mapping the text to Wikipedia articles which map
further to LinkedIn
skills. Unfortunately, we did
not find a way how to use their method with our
target ACS skill framework or any other framework.
Moreover, the author’s approach worked well for
extracting skills from scientific articles with match-
ing inputs in Wikipedia, less so with advertised job
ads. More recently, the team at LinkedIn (Gupta
et al., 2020) presented their (Bhola et al., 2020)
system, which uses salience and a market-aware skill
extraction system. Skills extracted by this system
are not only those found in the description of the job
advertisement but also those generally required by
related job-role.
Moreover, the system also filters out the skills for
which there is a supply on the market. While this sys-
tem would possibly be a good match for our purposes,
the underlying data structures used for training are not
available outside LinkedIn. Unfortunately, this is the
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices