JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices
Tomas Trescak
, Laurence A. F. Park
and Mesut Kocyigit
School of Computer Data and Mathematical Sciences, Western Sydney University, NSW, Australia
Employability, Skill Frameworks, Curriculum Development, Curriculum Benchmarking.
Modern job markets often require an intricate combination of multi-disciplinary skills or specialist and techni-
cal knowledge, even for entry-level positions. Such requirements pose increased pressure on higher education
graduates entering the job market. This paper presents our JobIQ recommendation system helping prospective
students choose educational programs or electives based on their career preferences. While existing recom-
mendation solutions focus on internal institutional data, such as previous student experiences, JobIQ consid-
ers external data, recommending educational programs that best cover the knowledge and skills required by
selected job roles. To deliver such recommendations, we create and compare skill profiles from job advertise-
ments and educational subjects, aggregating them to skill profiles of job roles and educational programs. Using
skill profiles, we build formal models and algorithms for program recommendations. Finally, we suggest other
recommendations and benchmarking approaches, helping curriculum developers assess the job readiness of
program graduates. The video presenting the JobIQ system is available online
“Intelligent” technology, marking the fourth indus-
trial revolution, is disrupting world job markets (Xu
et al., 2018). Governments and organisations are
trying to analyse the impact of such disruptions,
analysing the employability profiles of 21
workers (Daly and Lewis, 2020). A popular way
of defining such profiles is by listing the in-demand
skills for job roles. To define skill profiles, gov-
ernments and organisations use an ever-increasing
number of skill frameworks, such as SFIA
for sci-
ence, technology and business skills or a more generic
framework from the European Union or the
Australian Skill Framework
from the Australian
Skills Commission.
However, research and experience show that this
approach is flawed. First, the skills listed in these
frameworks are not always the ones that are required
for a job role, being wildly different depending on the
industry, company size, or location (Holmes, 2001).
Second, the skill profiles in skill frameworks are in-
complete, often specifying only three to five skills for
complex roles, listing outdated or missing new tech-
nologies or approaches. Last, interviews with em-
ployers show that personal values such as honesty
and foundational knowledge are more critical during
the employee selection process than skills (Manyika
et al., 2017). Specifically, technical skills are often
rated very low in importance due to their short shelf
life (Collet et al., 2015b).
This paper proposes a different approach using Jo-
bIQ, our novel analytical and recommendation sys-
tem. Rather than trying to invent a new generic
framework, JobIQ uses “live” job market advertise-
ments to extract information from job advertisements,
such as the required hard skills (i.e. specialist skills),
soft skills (i.e. personal skills), and knowledge (i.e.
domain or technical). JobIQ processes job markets
daily, obtaining a large dataset of available positions
with information on employers, industries or salaries.
Traditionally, related research provided no access to
such datasets (Gupta et al., 2020). While due to
copyright issues, we cannot publish our dataset; we
present an approach to building datasets allowing for
real-time analysis and projections on various aspects
of the job market, such as demand for skills and
knowledge. By understanding the requirements of
jobs across multiple sectors, we can reach a much
finer granularity of skill and knowledge requirements,
Trescak, T., Park, L. and Kocyigit, M.
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices.
DOI: 10.5220/0011754000003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 1, pages 137-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
building localised, industry or employer-specific “em-
ployability” profiles. Moreover, we can detect and
track emerging skills.
Complementary to “employability” profiles for
job roles, JobIQ uses the same skill and knowledge
extraction approach to analyse our undergraduate and
postgraduate programs, extracting skills and knowl-
edge profiles from our subjects, specialisations and
programs. JobIQ compares educational profiles with
employability profiles, providing recommendations
for students and curriculum developers. Prospec-
tive students can explore how various degrees work
towards their career goals. JobIQ also helps cur-
rent students select electives and proactively helps
them maintain their development to meet career goals.
Last, curriculum developers can benchmark their pro-
grams concerning the job roles they support and dis-
cover opportunities to introduce new knowledge or
challenges with outdated content.
Section 2 of the paper provides background infor-
mation on our research, further expanding on ideas
from the introduction. Section 3 of this paper explains
and evaluates our approach to skill extraction from
job advertisements and educational content. Section 4
presents formally defines the supporting structures
and recommendation algorithms in JobIQ. Last, in
Section 5 we discuss our approach and future work.
Modelling job roles using sets of required skills pro-
vides the opportunity to understand the retiring and
emerging qualities of 21
-century job markets (Apps,
1988), (Peetz, 2019). Increasingly, we see the no-
tion of employability, defining competitive employ-
ment profiles (Collet et al., 2015a), (Hinchliffe and
Jolly, 2011). Consequently, world governments and
organisations analyse and model employability per-
spectives using skill profiles to predict the growth of
individual job roles and impose demands on immi-
gration, educational institutions, or financing schemes
(Peetz, 2019).
We can use several generic or specialised skill
frameworks to specify job role profiles. For exam-
ple, the Skills for Information Age framework (SFIA)
defines technical and business roles using 147 skills,
and each is further decomposed into seven areas of
responsibility. The European Union, Australian Pub-
lic Service, USA National Initiative for Cybersecurity
Education (NICE) and other organisations and gov-
ernments used SFIA to model job role skill profiles.
Similarly, the European Union created the Euro-
pean Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occu-
pations framework (ESCO), defining over 3000 oc-
cupations using 13500 skills/competencies and 11500
qualifications. More recently, in a less gargantuan ef-
fort, the Australian National Skills Commission pub-
lished the second version of the Australian Skills
Classification (ASC), which defines 1100 occupations
mapped to ANZSCO
profiles using 2000 skills.
Following the governmental efforts requiring
higher educations institutions to prepare “job-ready”
graduates (Daly and Lewis, 2020), inspired by (Her-
bert et al., 2013), we intended to use skill frameworks
(i.e. SFIA, ASC or ESCO) to define graduate pro-
files for in-demand jobs in local job markets. Sub-
sequently, we planned to redesign and improve our
undergraduate programs, matching graduate profiles
to job market expectations and hoping to obtain infor-
mation about the entry-level job roles’ skill require-
ments. Finally, we aimed to validate our changes by
estimating how well our redesigned program deliv-
ers the skills required by targeted job roles and subse-
quent careers.
Unfortunately, we were not able to fully appreci-
ate skill frameworks for such a purpose. The SFIA
framework defines job roles with very few skills (i.e.
usually using three to five skills), serving only a lim-
ited understanding of the complex professional re-
quirements. Contrary to SFIA, ESCO and ASC define
numerous essential and optional skills, competencies
and knowledge. Yet, we found the definitions some-
what flawed, strangely specific or lacking.
For example, the Software Developer occupation
lists “create flowchart diagram” or “perform scien-
tific research” as essential skills, yet “use object-
oriented programming” or “develop creative ideas”
only as optional. We would expect this to be the
other way around. Moreover, optional knowledge
lists many historical or scientific languages such as
Erlang, Cobol, Haskell or Smalltalk, but lacks modern
in-demand languages such as GoLang, Kotlin, Rust or
Julia. We understand that it is difficult to list all the
currently used technologies as that list would be very
long. In this case, ASC has a much better approach;
instead of listing individual programming languages,
it defines and maps a single technological skill, Soft-
ware development and programming languages, al-
beit losing the opportunity to specify the exact re-
quired technologies.
Moreover, in stark contrast to governmental ef-
forts that increasingly use and depend on skill frame-
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
works, (Manyika et al., 2017) surveyed numerous
CEOs and members of senior and middle manage-
ment, as well as reviewed multiple works dealing
with employment and “employability”, discovering
that such a simplistic view is not possible. The skill
requirements for the same role vary across industries
or the use of underlying skill frameworks. Employ-
ers often rated technical or digital skills towards the
bottom, primarily due to their “short shelf life”. Sim-
ilarly, (Holmes, 2001) and (Collet et al., 2015b) ex-
pose the flaws in trying to define the optimal graduate
skill sets (i.e. graduate profiles) due to a large pool of
diverse graduates trying to match the requirements of
individual employers from varied backgrounds with
unique values.
Additionally, (Holmes, 2001) argues that the con-
cept of graduate employability cannot be defined by
the acquisition of measurable skills due to the unmea-
surable complexity of personal qualities. Instead of
skills, (Manyika et al., 2017), (Collet et al., 2015b)
or (Hinchliffe and Jolly, 2011) note the importance
of identity, values and abilities as a driving force of
graduate employment. For example, it is much more
important to be trustworthy and reliable with good
communication abilities than to have specific techni-
cal skills.
Such flaws of the skill-driven approach are further
amplified by using context-agnostic skill frameworks
designed for organisations of any size, sector or in-
dustry. Role profiles are rarely updated and become
“stale” or obsolete. However, governments aim to
help drive policy, recruitment and training by provid-
ing a data-driven classification of skills using such
skill frameworks. Considering the previously men-
tioned research stressing the different, ever-changing
needs of individual businesses and personalised pref-
erences, such efforts have a questionable effect and
informative value for employers and potential em-
ployees (Manyika et al., 2017) (Council et al., 2012).
Consequently, in this work, we present means of
building datasets that allow for the automated ex-
traction of skills and knowledge from job advertise-
ments. Using this data, we generate highly granular
skill and knowledge profiles, understanding nuances
in requirements across different industries, regions or
employers. Consequently, using the same extraction
approach, we analyse skill and knowledge acquisition
in educational activities, providing recommendations
to students about subjects or courses that best cover
the requirements of particular job roles.
Students attend university and select specific subjects
to learn skills, knowledge, technologies and abilities,
developing their intelligence and increasing their em-
ployment chances (for simplicity, in the rest of this
paper, we write only “skills” instead of “skills, knowl-
edge, technologies and abilities”). Employers seek
out people with skills to take on specific roles. Identi-
fying the skills required for a job or gained from tak-
ing a subject allows us to optimise the coverage of
job roles available after completing a degree. There-
fore, skill extraction is essential to a subject/role rec-
ommender system.
Our approach relies on understanding the skill re-
quirements of individual jobs based on job advertise-
ments’ descriptions. Then, we can build role skill pro-
files for each job role, aggregating the skills from re-
lated job ads. Optimally, job advertisements would
use a robust skill framework and explicitly list the
required skills, knowledge and technologies. Educa-
tional institutions would use the same skill framework
to specify their teaching skills and compare the de-
mand and supply. Unfortunately, this is not the case.
As a result, we depend on skill extraction from the
description of job advertisements and related meta-
data. Since our institution does not explicitly specify
the skills covered in educational content, we also used
skill extraction to create the list of skills for subjects.
Please note that we only used the automated approach
to prepare recommendations for subject coordinators,
who further redacted and curated the list.
To automatically extract skills from text,
aki et al., 2013) used a graph-based approach,
mapping the text to Wikipedia articles which map
further to LinkedIn
skills. Unfortunately, we did
not find a way how to use their method with our
target ACS skill framework or any other framework.
Moreover, the author’s approach worked well for
extracting skills from scientific articles with match-
ing inputs in Wikipedia, less so with advertised job
ads. More recently, the team at LinkedIn (Gupta
et al., 2020) presented their (Bhola et al., 2020)
system, which uses salience and a market-aware skill
extraction system. Skills extracted by this system
are not only those found in the description of the job
advertisement but also those generally required by
related job-role.
Moreover, the system also filters out the skills for
which there is a supply on the market. While this sys-
tem would possibly be a good match for our purposes,
the underlying data structures used for training are not
available outside LinkedIn. Unfortunately, this is the
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices
trend of most of the related works in the area, with
only a minimal number of works releasing their data
(Bhola et al., 2020) (Zhang et al., 2022) and none,
apart from (Zhang et al., 2022), releasing their anno-
tation guidelines.
Other approaches (Smith, 2021) or (Zhang et al.,
2022) use natural language processing to automati-
cally build the skill database with high accuracy in
detecting skills and knowledge. While this approach
is interesting by having the possibility to see emerg-
ing skills, it does not fit our purpose and serves only
complementary functionality to do so. The main rea-
son is that we need to explain to our users what it
means to have a specific skill and how to obtain it. Us-
ing automatically extracted emerging skills makes ex-
planations very difficult while using established skill
frameworks, we can provide them.
As a result, our requirement is for a hybrid system
that detects skills from a selected (interchangeable)
skill framework. Using simple text matching is im-
possible as most skill frameworks skills are defined
using multiple words, which can be expressed in var-
ious ways (for example, ASC skill “Provide technical
support for computer network issues”). As a result,
we devised a skill-matching strategy based on match-
ing sentence embeddings.
3.1 Skill Extraction Using Sentence
The goal of skill extraction is to determine whether a
given text contains a notion of skill from a specific
skill framework. In our case, we are trying to ex-
tract skills from job and subject descriptions. Note
that descriptions are written in natural language, often
specifying activities related to applying a skill rather
than providing the name of the skill. This prohibits
us from quickly identifying the skills. Initial exper-
iments using keyword extraction provided poor re-
sults. Therefore, we needed to understand the mean-
ing of sentences, not the words themselves. The re-
cent advancement in natural language processing us-
ing word embeddings (Jatnika et al., 2019) and deep
transformer networks (Kenton and Toutanova, 2019)
provided us with vector representations of sentences
that capture the meaning of the sentences rather than
just the words. By converting the sentences from a job
description and a skill description into a set of vectors,
we can identify how similar each skill is to a particu-
lar role. The vectors are created so that the similarity
of two sentences is computed using the cosine of the
angle between the two vectors. We use the sentence
embedding approach to extract skills belonging to a
specific skill framework from arbitrary descriptions
(e.g. job or subject description). Formally, we define
skills framework as:
Definition 1. A skill framework S is a set of skills or
other discrete competencies, where each skill is rep-
resented in natural language.
Definition 2. The skill-matching function M(t, d)
s, given a text t and a description d of the skill, re-
turns a Skill Match Strength s, represented by a value
from interval [0, 1] with 0 representing no match, val-
ues between 0 and 1 a partial match and 1 representing
a complete match.
In our case, the skill-matching function M uses
the sentence embedding approach. It takes the text of
the job advertisement and, for a skill represented by
its title and description, estimates whether that skill
is mentioned (i.e. embedded) in the job description.
This skill is more probably mentioned when the value
of skill match strength is closer to 1.
Definition 3. The skill extraction function
E(S, M, s, t) S
S is a Skill Framework
M is a Skill-Matching Function
s is a minimum value of Skill Match Strength
t provided text t (e.g. job-description)
extracts a subset of skills S
S from a pro-
vided text t (e.g. job-description) whose skill match
strength is bigger or equal to provided s.
In our case, we take a job or subject description,
and the Skill Extraction Function extracts all skills
from the ASC skill framework most probably con-
tained in the job description. Through experimental
evaluation, we discovered the value 0.45 for s being
the optimal skill match strength for extraction using
our approach.
3.2 Evaluating Skill Extraction
The Australian Skill Classification (ASC) dataset de-
fines over 2000 skills assigned to every role in the
ANZSCO dataset. For each ANZSCO role, ASC pro-
vides a list of skills, core competencies (e.g. numer-
acy, literacy) and used technologies.
For example, a Web Developer contains 32 skills,
such as
Design websites or applications
Update website content or
Test software performance
Furthermore, the Web Designer role uses 12 tech-
nologies such as
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Software development and programming lan-
Graphics or photo imaging software, and
Social media and web publishing software.
We verify the validity of our approach by
analysing how well our algorithm extracts skills from
job advertisements related to roles specified in the
ASC dataset. We also verify whether our approach
can discover new, feasible skills not mentioned in the
ASC dataset.
Our dataset has 41,273 job advertisements down-
loaded from Australian job websites. First, we classi-
fied each job advertisement with one of the ANZSCO
roles, discovering over 700 ANZSCO roles. Second,
from job descriptions, we extracted the skills and used
technologies. Figure 1 summarises the results of skill
extraction, analysing the coverage of ASC skills. We
see that we extracted 100% of the skills from ASC in
almost 8% of job roles. Overall, for 73% of job roles,
we extracted at least 50% of the skills defined in the
ASC dataset.
Furthermore, we can see a correlation between the
number of job advertisements and the accuracy of our
extraction. The curve is not monotonic, declining to
the group of job advertisements with 100% skill cov-
erage. The reason is that in this group, there are ad-
vertisements for expert jobs in medicine, which pro-
vide exhaustive descriptions of activities, allowing us
to extract all of the ASC skills. Job advertisements in
other areas were less specific. We found no correla-
tion with the average length of the description of the
job advertisement.
Figure 1: Completion Criteria of Mathematics Major.
The roles with high coverage of skills contained
mainly medical roles such as “Resident Medical Offi-
cer” or “Registered Nurse (Aged Care)” with a de-
tailed description of responsibilities. On the other
hand, low-coverage roles, such as the “Web Devel-
oper” role, often described only the company culture
and left responsibilities as assumed. For example,
some of the skills from the ASC framework not de-
tected in the “Web Developer” job ads were:
Troubleshoot issues with computer applications
or systems
Develop diagrams or flow charts of system opera-
Prepare graphics or other visual representations of
Such skills are usually assumed and only rarely
specified in job advertisements. Consequently, in Jo-
bIQ, we use the ASC skills as a baseline skill-set for
every role, extending them with detected skills. But,
the JobIQ approach becomes helpful when detecting
ASC skills not covered by the ASC framework role
profiles. JobIQ allows for a high granularity of anal-
ysis, building personalised skill profiles by locality,
employer or industry.
Figure 2: The emergence of skill framework roles in skill
Figure 2 depicts the number of emergent skills.
This time we only considered skills that appear in
at least 10% of job advertisements. We see that the
ASC coverage dropped significantly, to an average of
10.8%, but detecting three times more skills than in
the ASC dataset on average. For example, the system
has detected 13 emerging skills for the
“Software and Applications Programmers” contained
in at least 10% of the job advertisements, including:
Support individuals with diverse needs to under-
stand, access and utilise information or services
Deliver culturally appropriate programs, policies
or services
Maintain a working understanding of the cultural,
diversity and accessibility needs of others and
how this applies to the role
Evaluate projects to determine compliance with
technical specifications
Gather information to provide services to clients
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices
Provide technical support for software mainte-
nance or use
Furthermore, we used our approach to extract ASC
skills from subjects being offered at our institution.
The extraction coverage was very similar to the exper-
imental data. We also confirmed that the skill detec-
tion failed when the subject description lacked infor-
mation about related activities or outcomes. Updating
the descriptions to include such information improved
our algorithm’s accuracy and coverage. This proved a
good strategy for analysing our subject catalogue, al-
lowing us to consult subject coordinators about pos-
sibly lacking descriptions of their subjects and pro-
viding recommendations for improvement. These
improvements improve student understanding of the
skills they develop during the offered subject or pro-
In the previous sections, we presented our approach
to extracting skills from job advertisements and ed-
ucational subjects. In this section, we demonstrate
how we can build a recommender system to in-
form prospective students who study programs de-
liver skills, knowledge and technology most related
to their career choices. Our approach is novel as ex-
isting methods focus on recommendations based only
on student data, not considering external sources. For
example, (Chaturapruek et al., 2018) provides recom-
mendations based on historic student preferences, or
(Farzan and Brusilovsky, 2006) considers student rat-
ings. More recently, researchers employed neural net-
works to recommend courses and subject sequences
based on enrolment data (Pardos et al., 2019) or grade
prediction (Ren et al., 2019). To our knowledge, none
of the existing systems considers the job market pref-
We need a Skill Framework and a set of job roles
with their skill profiles to build such a recommender
system. We also need a dataset of job advertisements,
where each ad specifies the description and the job
role required.
Similarly to a skill profile of a job role, we can
use the skill extraction function to extract all the skills
from a job advertisement description to build a job
advertisement skill profile.
Definition 4. Considering a skill framework S and a
job advertisement a, a job advertisement skill profile
S is a subset of skills from S contained within the
job advertisement a.
Such a profile contains the set of skills that are
found relevant only to the given advertisement. We
can then filter and aggregate all the job advertisement
skill profiles (e.g. by industry, employer) to build
a highly granular job role profile that considers the
proportion of job advertisements requiring each skill.
Formally we define:
Definition 5. Considering a skill framework S with
n roles, a job role and a set of job advertisement
skill profiles, we define a job role profile as a vec-
tor (c
, c
. . . c
) where each vector element c
k n represents the ratio of job ads containing the
skills s
and a total number of advertisements for this
In other words, for each skill from the skill frame-
work, the job role skill profile defines how many job
advertisements require this skill in proportion to all
the available job advertisements for that given role.
This approach allows us to model demand for partic-
ular skills.
For example, consider a skill framework with
three skills, two job roles r
, r
, two job advertise-
ments for role r
and three for role r
with job adver-
tisement skill profiles from Table 1. Then, the job role
profiles would be those found in Table 2.
Table 1: Job advertisement skill profiles for roles r
and r
Ad # s
Role r
1 0.6 0.0 0.2
2 0.4 0.0 0.0
Role r
1 0.0 0.7 0.0
2 0.0 0.8 1.0
3 0.0 0.2 0.4
Table 2: Job role skill profiles for roles r
and r
with skill
match strength threshold 0.
Role r
1.0 0.0 0.5
Role r
0.0 1.0 0.66
We can further specify that we only consider skills
if their skill match strength is higher than a thresh-
old value. Table 3 depicts how the role skill profile
changes when considering a threshold value. For ex-
ample, skill s
drops the value from 1 to 0.66 as only
two advertisements match this skill with strength 0.45
or above.
With job role profiles, we can assess which skills
are desired for a given job role. What we aim to do,
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Job role skill profiles for roles r
and r
with skill
match strength threshold 0.45.
Role r
0.5 0.0 0.5
Role r
0.0 0.66 0.33
is to recommend the educational program which will
deliver those skills. To achieve this goal, similar to the
job advertisement skill profile, we define the subject
skill profile and a pathway skill profile:
Definition 6. Considering a skill framework with n
roles, we define a subject skill profile as a vector
, c
. . . c
) where each vector element c
where k
n represents either the skill match strength of skill s
or zero, if that skill match strength is below the thresh-
old value.
In other words, the subject skill profile provides
which skills are delivered in a subject, along with a
probability (i.e. strength) of their detection in a de-
scription of the subject.
Definition 7. Considering a skill framework S with n
roles and an educational pathway with l subjects, we
define pathway skill profile as a vector (d
, d
. . . d
where each vector element d
where k n represents
a maximum value of a c
from all of the l subject skill
In other words, we build a pathway skill profile by
combining all the skills delivered in all the subjects
in the pathways and remembering only the maximum
match strength value for each detected skill. By doing
so, we understand what skills are most probably deliv-
ered in the given pathway of an educational program.
For example, Table 4 depicts the pathway with only
two subjects and their related subject skill profiles:
Table 4: Example pathway with two subject skill profiles.
0.7 0.0 0.5
0.0 0.6 0.33
Taking the maximum value from each subject skill
profile, the resulting pathway skill profile would be:
(0.7, 0.6, 0.5)
We are almost ready to recommend educational
programs for a defined job role. First, we generate
all possible pathways in an educational program. We
can only consider representative pathways through
the program if there are too many combinations. Sec-
ond, we assess how well a particular pathway matches
the skill requirements of a given role. We can do this
by multiplying the values of a role skill profile with
a pathway skill profile and then summing up all the
, c
. . . c
) × (d
, d
. . . d
Please remember that the role skill profile defines
how important the skill s
is for a given role, and the
pathway skill profile defines how strongly skill s
covered in the pathway. We obtain a weighted value
of skill importance by multiplying these two vectors.
For example, if a skill is not essential, i.e. its role
profile value is 0, and no matter how well this skill is
covered in a pathway, it will not affect the final value.
Third, we process all the pathways and remember
only the value of the best matching pathway as a pro-
gram representative. With this approach, for a given
job role, we can order all the programs based on the
value of the best matching pathway and recommend
the programs that deliver most of the desired skills for
a given job.
The JobIQ recommender system pre-computes the
recommendation data that is then delivered in real-
time through the web interface depicted in Figure 3.
We evaluated the performance of the recommenda-
tion by assessing which programs are recommended
for given job roles. The recommendations for more
technical programs performed as expected, recom-
mending our IT programs for ICT roles and busi-
ness programs (accounting) for business (accounting
roles). More interesting recommendations appeared
when assessing other roles, such as school teachers
ranking our arts or criminology programs high.
4.1 Other Recommendations
Following a similar approach, we were able to deliver
other recommendations that our students desired.
The recommendation of electives helps current
students find electives that best match their career
choices. Through careful selection of often inter-
disciplinary electives, students can maximise their
skill and knowledge uptake. The recommendation
uses the same approach as program recommenda-
tions, using subject skill profiles instead of path-
way skill profile.
The recommendation of careers and individual
jobs based on educational programs is an inverse
recommendation strategy to program recommen-
dation. This strategy is popular with current stu-
dents who look for job opportunities towards the
end of their program.
Benchmarking and comparison of programs allow
prospective students to compare the different op-
tions that programs provide concerning opportu-
nities in current job markets.
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices
Figure 3: JobIQ system interface.
Considering that our system processes daily op-
portunities on job markets, we built a proactive job,
and career-monitoring system that overlooks student
performance, provides updates on skill development
related to current opportunities and finds alternative
pathways in case a student needs more practice or
fails a subject.
Our approach delivers a novel strategy for recom-
mending educational programs or electives based on
career choices. For this purpose, we designed a skill
extraction system that can compare the skills cover-
age based on supply (i.e. education) and demand (i.e.
job markets). Overall, the accuracy of the automated
extraction depends on the quality of the description.
We can build highly accurate profiles only with a suf-
ficient number of jobs in the dataset. As a side effect,
our approach is helping curriculum designers to write
better subject descriptions mentioning the skills and
capabilities covered during the subject delivery, pro-
viding more information to students. We developed a
recommender system that allows review and assigns
skills to subjects, helping to order and assign correct
skills to knowledge subjects. We will evaluate this ap-
proach and further optimise our skill extraction strat-
egy as part of our future work.
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stands its users’ capabilities, skills and knowledge, it
can monitor for career opportunities and up-skilling.
For example, it can provide notifications of opportu-
nities to take a specific course to achieve the skill set
necessary for a new, possibly more exciting career.
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JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices