Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital
Learning Environment
Anis M. Haddouche
1 a
, Fahima Djelil
1 b
, Christian Hoffmann
2 c
, Nadine Mandran
2 d
and C
edric d’Ham
2 e
IMT Atlantique, Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285, 29238 Brest, France
e Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Grenoble INP, LIG, 38000 Grenoble, France
Indicators, Collaborative Writing, Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Learning Analytics.
Collaborative Writing (CW) is a common activity in education, which is being enhanced by the use of digital
learning environments, leading to a growing research field in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning
(CSCL). In order to help teachers to monitor students CW, we propose two indicators that provide measures of
student contributions to a text writing, namely balance of contribution and co-writing. We also identified CW
strategies that are well defined in the literature. Moreover, we conducted a questionnaire evaluation to verify
the interpretation of the indicators and the strategies by teachers in higher education context, using student
reports edited in a collaborative digital environment called LabNbook, during physics and chemistry courses
in undergraduate level. Results showed that teachers have a good interpretation of the indicators and strategies.
This work contributes to research insights in CW, and motivates future work to design meaningful learning
Providing students with group work is a common ac-
tivity in education. Assigning group work is largely
emphasized as a method that enables students to de-
velop collaborative skills (Sun et al., 2018). More-
over, this may be enhanced by the use of digital tech-
nologies, providing students with several tools such
as collaborative writing platforms (Zhang and Chen,
2022). This led to growing research in the field of
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
(Chen et al., 2018). More particularly, Collaborative
Writing (CW) has gained an increasing research inter-
est in the last few years (Zhang et al., 2021). Students’
interactions can be efficiently captured and stored,
leading to a more fine-grained analysis of the CW pro-
A large part of existing research aims at captur-
ing student collaboration dynamics using mixed ap-
proaches: analysis of digital logs and peer student in-
teractions such as exchanged messages or oral conver-
sations (Zhang et al., 2021). Despite prior abundant
works that characterize and assess collaboration dy-
namics in CW, there is a need for improved research
in this field, in particular concerning measures and
metrics (Zhang et al., 2021). In this work, we con-
tribute with two new indicators that provide measures
for CW, namely Balance of Contribution reflecting
the extent to what students’ contributions are equili-
brated at a word level and Co-writing reflecting stu-
dents’ contributions at a sentence level in a text. We
base the indicator calculations on a variance metric
and explore the relationship between these indicators
and typical CW strategies. The definition of these in-
dicators is sourced from previous research that is not
detailed in this paper (Hoffmann et al., 2022). Our
research is anchored in a real-life context, using a
web-based learning environment, called LabNbook,
designed for supporting learners in the CW of sci-
entific documents (d’Ham et al., 2019). Moreover,
we evaluate the interpretation of the proposed indica-
tors and the deduced strategies by teachers in higher
education context. We use collaborative documents
edited during physics and chemistry courses in un-
Haddouche, A., Djelil, F., Hoffmann, C., Mandran, N. and d’Ham, C.
Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0011757700003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 495-502
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
dergraduate level. We address the following research
RQ 1.) What are the indicator metrics that allow to
measure students’ CW?
RQ 2.) How can we deduce CW strategies from these
RQ 3.) To what extent these indicators and strategies
are interpretable by teachers? (How close is the rela-
tionship between these measures and their interpreta-
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 pro-
vides a state of the art of existing research on CW.
Section 3 introduces the proposed indicators and the
co-writing strategies. Section 4 describes our research
method. Section 5 details the calculations of the
proposed indicators and their relationship to the co-
writing strategies. Results are discussed in Section 6,
conclusion and implications are derived in Section 7.
Collaborative Writing (CW) can refer to the produc-
tion of a text by two or more writers (co-authoring)
(Storch, 2013). More specifically, it is defined as
a process involving substantive interactions between
learners sharing decision making and responsibilities
for a single produced document (Zhang and Chen,
There is a long-standing interest in CW and differ-
ent authors proposed early models and taxonomies of
CW (Posner and Baecker, 1992; Lowry et al., 2004;
Storch, 2013). With the fast-growing use of Online
Learning Environments (OLE) and the ability to an-
alyze data logs, several frameworks have been ap-
plied to examine behaviors, patterns and strategies of
CW in different educational domains (Onrubia and
Engel, 2009; Sundgren and Jaldemark, 2020; Olson
et al., 2017). For instance, in the domain of second
language (L2), a recent systematic literature review
(Zhang et al., 2021) has examined more than one hun-
dred studies revealing a strong research interest in the
field of CW during the past decade.
One popular model in the literature that was pro-
posed, is a dyadic interaction model with two con-
structs, namely equality, reflecting the learner’s level
of contribution and control over the task, and mutual-
ity, reflecting the learner’s level of engagement with
each other’s contribution (Storch, 2013).
These two constructs also appear in less recent lit-
erature. For example, (Dillenbourg, 1999) compares
concepts from the field of Human-Computer Collabo-
rative Learning Systems (HCCLS), where an artificial
agent collaborates with the human learner, and CSCL
systems, where the computer supports collaboration
between two human users. He argues that collabo-
ration implies negotiation and emphasizes on the de-
gree of symmetry in interactions between peers. He
defines Symmetry of action as the extent to which the
same range of actions is allowed to each agent (Dil-
lenbourg and Michael, 1996) (the agent may refer to
an artificial agent or a human peer). The term sym-
metry is borrowed from HCCLS domain to qualify an
equilibrated balance of control implied by collabora-
tion between the system and its user (Dillenbourg and
Michael, 1996).
Mutual refinement is a second main characteris-
tic defining collaboration through negotiation (Baker,
1994). This refers to specific strategies that exist for
achieving agreement in the interaction (each agent
successively refines the contribution of the other)
(Dillenbourg and Michael, 1996). This can be re-
flected in ways of editing text written by others and
ways of coping with others editing one’s own text
(Larsen-Ledet and Korsgaard, 2019), or the degree
of engaging with each other’s ideas and each other’s
texts and providing scaffolding in producing joint
writing (Li and Zhu, 2016).
This led us to say that two key indicators may help
to characterize collaborative work. The first one eval-
uates the symmetry in contributions, while the second
one measures the degree of interactions between stu-
We define balance of contribution as a metric that in-
dicates how the student contributions are equal, well
balanced or imbalanced. It is aligned on the one pro-
posed by (Olson et al., 2017), called balance of par-
ticipation which is a team contribution measure that
reflects whether individuals’ contributions are equal
or imbalanced. As a balance metric, they considered
one minus the variance of team members proportions
in the collaborative work. The authors argued on vari-
ance as preferable over other ways of calculation such
as Gini coefficient or Blau’s index, for its simplicity
and ease of interpretation. We based the calculation
of the balance of contribution indicator on a variance
metric, that provides a distribution between the au-
thors’ average contributions in terms of number of
words in a final document.
Balance of contribution indicator measures a stu-
dent contribution at a word level, and co-writing in-
dicator measures a student contribution at a sentence
level. Indeed, balance of contribution measures only
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
division of labor (number of words a student con-
tribute to the text), and co-writing goes beyond that by
measuring student co-construction of the text (modi-
fying and adding words in sentences written by others
in the text). The values of both indicators range be-
tween 0 and 1 (see section 5).
A possible exploitation of the indicators is the
identification of CW strategies. We consider two
strategies among the five proposed by (Onrubia and
Engel, 2009), namely: 1) sequential summative text
construction, i.e., one group member presents a doc-
ument that constitutes an initial, partial or complete,
proposal for the task resolution and the rest of the par-
ticipants successively add their contributions to this
initial document, without modifying what has been
previously written, hence, systematically accepting
what is added by other co-authors; 2) sequential in-
tegrative text construction, i.e., one group member
presents a document that constitutes an initial, par-
tial or complete task proposal, and the other group
members successively contribute to this initial docu-
ment, proposing justified modifications or discussing
whether they agree with what has been previously
written or not.
We use the term summative to appoint to a strat-
egy where each student adds his text without modify-
ing the text of the others where the result is being a
juxtaposition of the individual contributions and, the
term integrative, to appoint to a strategy where one
student proposes an initial version and the other stu-
dents contribute successively making modifications to
the existing text (Hoffmann et al., 2022).
The first is characterized by an explicit division
of work between the team members, and the second
by a co-construction of the text. Students may not
necessarily follow one strategy but a mix of them.
Our objective is, on the one hand, to construct metrics
of students’ CW process, and on the other hand, to
verify that these metrics are intelligible for teachers.
To conduct our research, we choose the design based
research (Wang and Hannafin, 2005) and the associ-
ated guides (Mandran et al., 2022). This method pro-
poses to build knowledge and associated tools in an
iterative way by integrating all the actors in the field.
Each iteration consists of developing the tool and the
knowledge on the basis of the reality in the field and
the opinion of the stakeholders.
4.1 Context
We use text documents produced by students on the
LabNbook platform
, which is a digital environment
for learning experimental sciences in secondary and
higher education (d’Ham et al., 2019). It provides
useful tools for writing collaborative scientific doc-
uments (text and equations, drawing, data processing,
etc.) and allows students to interact with each other
(team building, shared workspace, internal messag-
ing and chat, etc.). LabNbook operates in a locked
co-editing mode (Wang et al., 2017), i.e., students
can work simultaneously in the shared workspace but
each document, called LabDoc, composing it can be
edited only by one student at a time. For instance,
a collaborative report may be composed of different
sections, and each section corresponds to a LabDoc.
4.2 Data Collection
We use a questionnaire to measure to what extent the
strategies and indicators are interpretable by teachers
(RQ3). Our objective is to verify whether the defini-
tions make sense to them.
We selected 12 LabDocs edited on the LabNbook
platform by groups of students during physics and
chemistry courses (undergraduate level) in Greno-
ble Alpes University (France). To distinguish stu-
dent contributions, we highlight in each LabDoc
with a color-code the text written by each student.
We choose LabDocs uniformly with different writing
strategies (integrative, summative, and mixed strate-
gies). Respondent teachers are a total of 15, situ-
ated in IMT Atlantique in Brest (France), from Com-
puter Science discipline and in Grenoble Alpes Uni-
versity in Grenoble (France), from Experimental Sci-
ences disciplines. After providing the teachers with
verbatim definitions of the strategies and of the indi-
cators, we ask them to indicate for each LabDoc:
(1) the strategy they perceive (Entirely Summative
(ES), Rather Summative (RS), Between Sum-
mative and Integrative (BSI), Rather Integrative
(RI), Entirely Integrative (EI) and I don’t know
(2) an estimate of the level of each indicator (Low
(L), Medium (M) and High (H));
(3) a numerical value for each indicator between 0
and 1.
Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment
5.1 Text Sequences Matching Method
In order to study the evolution of a text document
and compare pairs of text sequences, we use a Se-
quence Matcher method which has its origins in an
algorithm published in the late 1980’s by Ratcliff and
Metzener under the name Gestalt Pattern Matching
(Ratcliff and Metzener, 1988)
To illustrate this method, consider a text co-
written by two students A and B. Student A writes the
first version which is then modified by student B. In
order to qualify the evolution of the initial text to its
final version, the approach consists firstly in finding
the longest, in terms of number of characters, con-
tiguous matching sequence (a set of words) that con-
tains no useless elements, such as blank lines or white
space. The same operation is then applied recursively
for the sequences to the left and to the right of this
longest contiguous matching sequence. Then, in or-
der to qualify changes in the text, each sequence is
tagged as follows: Equal (sequences are equal), Insert
(sequence is inserted), Delete (sequence is deleted),
Replace (sequence is replaced). For instance, let con-
sider the following pair of text sequences written se-
quentially by two students:
Student A: LabNbook is a digital platform used
by over 3500 students
Student B: “LabNbook is a platform used by more
than 3500 students in France
Student B contributes to the text after student A by
inserting, deleting and modifying text. Table 1 gives
the correspondent tag for each altered sequence.
Table 1: Illustration of the tagging operation.
Tag Student A Student B
Equal LabNbook is a LabNbook is a
Delete digital “ ”
Equal platform used by platform used by
Replace over more than
Equal 3500 students 3500 students
Insert “ ” in France
5.2 Contribution Matrix
To quantify and track the evolution of the text, we use
a matrix that gives for each word, the level of con-
tribution of each of the students co-writing the text.
We call this matrix, a contribution matrix, since it
For implementation, we use the Python library Difflib
gives the student levels of contributions to a text. In
this matrix, rows represent contributing students and
columns represent words constituting the final text.
In order to provide a formal definition of this con-
tribution matrix, let consider a text composed of N
sentences, M words and co-written by K authors. Let
also x
i, j,l
[0,1], be the contribution level of an author
i to a word l of a sentence j where i [1,K], j [1, N]
and l [1, n
]. Here, n
denotes the number of words
in a sentence j.
In this K × M matrix, the level of contribution of
an author is expressed by a score ranged between 0
and 1. It is set to 1 when the author writes entirely a
word, and to 0, when the author doesn’t contribute to
a word. The total authors’ contributions to a word is
equal to 1.
Since our scoring method is based on the sequence
matching method that identifies the longest contigu-
ous matching sequence, deleted words do not result
in a score, and replaced words result in a score that
returns the ratio of contributions in terms of number
of characters.
In the previous example, 2 students contribute
to a text which is composed of 12 words (“LabN-
book is a platform used by more than 3500 students
in France”). Consequently, the contribution matrix
gives scores ranged in 2 rows and 12 columns, as fol-
1 1 1 1 1 1 0.3 0.3 1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.7 0.7 0 0 1 1
where the first row gives the scores corresponding to
the contribution levels of the student A and the second
row those of the student B.
5.3 Balance of Contribution Indicator
The balance of contribution indicator measures stu-
dent’s contribution at a word level. More precisely, it
measures the degree to which students’ contributions
are equal (well-balanced) or not. The closer the value
of this indicator is to 1, the more students’ contribu-
tions are equal. At the opposite, the more it is closer to
0, the less the students’ contributions are equal. This
indicator is based on the variance in (3) of the stu-
dents’ average contributions, which reflects the dis-
tance between each student average contribution and
the mean of all students’ average contributions in (2).
Note that, if the students contribute in a well-balanced
way, then their scores are close to the mean and they
contribute quite equally. Moreover, in order to penal-
ize the case where the whole text is written by one
student, this variance is normalized by (4). We define
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the balance of contribution indicator as follows
e(X) = 1
K 1
where, for i = 1,..., K, x
is the average contribu-
tion of the student i to all words of the text. Note that,
= 1 and the mean of all students’ average
contributions is
. (2)
Indeed, as we consider that students contribute in
a balanced way if their average contributions equals
1/K, we use in the construction of the balance of con-
tribution indicator the variance
. (3)
However, in the case a student i writes alone the whole
text, only one x
equals 1. Then (3) becomes
K 1
. (4)
Finally, as mentioned above, in order to penalize the
case where one student writes the whole text, we nor-
malize the variance (3) with (4), which gives
K 1
This dispersion reaches its minimum value 0 when
all students contribute equally (or in a balanced way)
to the text, that is, where the average contribution of
each student x
equals 1/K . It reaches its maxi-
mum value 1 when a student writes alone the whole
text. In this case, only the average contribution of the
student i, that is x
, equals 1. Therefore, in order to
make this measure easier to interpret for teachers, we
compute one minus this dispersion, which gives the
balance of contribution indicator in (1).
5.4 Co-writing Indicator
Similarly to the balance of contribution indicator,
which measures students’ contributions at a word
level, the co-writing indicator measures students’
contributions at a sentence level (6). Thus, this indi-
cator requires splitting the text into sentences. To this
end, we use a rule-based (heuristic) approach for sen-
tence segmentation, for its implementation simplicity
(Sadvilkar and Neumann, 2020). We use a sentence
boundary detection tool based on a set of rules called
Golden Rule Set
, hand-designed to determine sen-
tence boundaries, such as punctuation.
3 segmenter
When all sentences are written by a single student,
this indicator equals 0 and it equals 1 when all sen-
tences are co-written, in a balanced way, by all stu-
The co-writing indicator is based on the balance
of contribution indicator, but on a sentence level. Ac-
cording to the contribution matrix, we compute for
each student his average contribution in all sentences.
Thus, let x
i, j,
be, the average contribution of student
i to the sentence j. Then, we obtain a K × N matrix
of average contributions on a sentence level. For each
sentence, we compute the variance of all authors’ av-
erage contributions.
i, j,
. (5)
Similarly to balance of contribution, we penalize
the case where only one student writes a sentence
alone, by computing the ratio between (5) and (4), and
we calculate one minus the resulting quantity which
gives the following dispersion measure
(X) = 1
K 1
i, j,
Therefore, the co-writing indicator is given by
c(X) =
(X) where p
is the weight of the sentence j.
5.5 Indicators Property
The indicators present an inequality property. The co-
writing indicator c(X) in (6) is lower or equal than the
balance of contribution indicator e(X) in (1), i.e.,
c(X) e(X ) =
K 1
i, j,
0 .
Indeed, equation (7) is non-positive as soon as
i, j,
0 , (8)
we have
i, j,
i, j,
. (9)
Thanks to (9), an upper bound for (8) is given by
i, j,
i, j,
which is non-positive since p
1 .
Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment
5.6 Collaborative Writing Strategies
As values of the indicators balance of contribution
and co-writing are continuous and ranged between 0
and 1, we can represent co-written text documents in
a two-dimensional (2D) plane plot (x-axis for balance
of contribution and y-axis for co-writing), see Figure
1. Moreover, as co-writing indicator is always lower
or equal than balance of contribution ((5.5)), the 2D
plane is reduced to a triangle representing the area of
potential plots for documents.
It is then possible to distinguish documents which
are written in summative strategies (ES, RS) or inte-
grative strategies (EI, RI) from documents written in a
mixed strategy (BSI), by considering their location in
the 2D plane. When the co-writing is low the strategy
is summative. Therefore, documents written in sum-
mative strategies are plotted near the x-axis. When
the strategies are integrative, the documents are plot-
ted near the 2D plane diagonal and the balance of con-
tribution and co-writing values are close. Documents
written in a mixed strategy (between summative and
integrative) are plotted in between.
Figure 1: A 2D plane illustrating the relationship between
the indicators and the CW strategies.
After providing the mathematical demonstration of
the indicators (RQ1), and the illustration of the re-
lationship between the indicators and the strategies
(RQ2), the questionnaire results allow to evaluate the
teacher interpretations of the strategies and the indi-
cators (RQ3).
We compare the indicator values and levels esti-
mated by teachers to the values computed using for-
mulas (1) and (6). Indicator levels are set among Low
for indicator values in ]0,1/3], Medium for values in
[1/3,2/3[ and High for values in [2/3,1].
Teachers first indicate the perceived strategies. Ta-
ble 2 compares the number of teacher responses re-
ceived for each LabDoc and for each strategy. We
report that 9/12 LabDocs are well classified with a
majority of good responses (8 to 14). LabDocs 1 and
6 received respectively 6 and 5 well classifications
while the majority of responses are spread-out on the
other strategies. This is probably due to the difficulty
for teachers to perceive a mixed strategy such as in
LabDoc 6. LabDoc 1 comprises mathematical for-
mulas, and this may influence the teacher perception.
For LabDoc 12, teachers answers are more spread out
comparatively to LabDocs 1 and 6, but with 5 good
answers and 1 answer as ”I don’t know”. This can be
explained by the fact that this LabDoc presents a very
low collaboration (mainly written by a single student,
a second contributor modified some words at its end)
leading to a misinterpretation of the strategy by teach-
Table 2: Teacher responses regarding the strategies they
perceived. In bold, LabDocs that are misclassified by the
majority of teachers. The wright strategy is ST.
1 EI 0 2 4 3 6 0
2 ES 11 2 1 1 0 0
3 EI 0 1 1 1 12 0
4 BSI 0 1 8 5 1 0
5 EI 2 0 0 2 11 0
6 BSI 0 8 5 2 0 0
7 ES 12 1 0 0 2 0
8 RI 0 0 4 7 4 0
9 RS 0 8 5 1 0 1
10 ES 14 0 1 0 0 0
11 ES 14 1 0 0 0 0
12 EI 1 4 2 2 5 1
Secondly, teachers estimate for each LabDoc the
level and value of the two indicators. Table 3 provides
for each LabDoc the number of students having con-
tributed to its writing, the machine value and machine
level of each indicator, and the number of teacher re-
sponses for each indicator level.
We also calculate the distance between the ma-
chine value (MV) of an indicator θ [0,1] and teach-
ers’ estimate, using the Root Mean Standard Devia-
tion (RMSD) given by
where, for i = 1,...,n,
[0,1] is a teacher’s esti-
mate and n is the number of teachers who respond to
the questionnaire.
Concerning indicator levels, (8/12) of LabDocs
are well classified by teachers regarding balance
of contribution and (10/12) regarding co-writing.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 3: Comparing teacher perceptions and estimations of indicator levels and values with the machine values (MV) and
levels (ML). In bold, LabDocs for which a majority of answers are wrong. “NB” is the Number of Students (co-writers).
Balance of contribution Co-writing
1 2 0.49 0.32 M 0 7 8 0.41 0.42 M 0 4 11
2 2 0.87 0.19 H 0 6 9 0.11 0.15 L 13 1 1
3 2 0.84 0.24 H 1 2 12 0.76 0.28 H 1 0 14
4 2 0.99 0.21 H 0 1 14 0.41 0.22 M 3 9 3
5 3 0.49 0.36 M 15 0 0 0.44 0.35 M 12 1 2
6 2 0.99 0.19 H 0 1 14 0.50 0.2 M 7 7 1
7 2 0.51 0.3 M 13 2 0 0.07 0.09 L 14 1 0
8 2 0.99 0.3 H 0 7 8 0.74 0.21 H 0 6 9
9 4 0.48 0.27 M 13 2 0 0.17 0.12 L 13 2 0
10 3 0.92 0.39 H 1 11 3 0.09 0.1 L 13 2 0
11 2 0.29 0.19 L 15 0 0 0.04 0.04 L 15 0 0
12 2 0.14 0.07 L 15 0 0 0.09 0.09 L 14 1 0
RMSD take values in [0.07,0.39] regarding balance of
contribution and in [0.04,0.42] regarding co-writing.
We also report that, for both indicators, mostly
all miss-classified LabDocs have a value of RMSD
greater than 0.3.
This shows that when teachers succeed to perceive
the correct indicator level for a LabDoc, they estimate
well the indicator value. Moreover, regarding balance
of contribution, most LabDocs for which the indicator
levels are not correctly perceived, are those written by
more than two students. Regarding co-writing, levels
are not correctly perceived in LabDoc 1, this is due to
mathematical formulas in this LabDoc.
From these results, and as an answer for RQ3, we
can say that in some extent, the indicators and the
strategies are interpretable by teachers and succeed
to measure CW. Teacher misinterpretations are due to
the specificity of some LabDocs, comprising mathe-
matical formulas, or written in mixed strategies or of
a very low collaboration. In fact, teachers examined
manually the LabDocs, and these specific characteris-
tics led to misconceptions.
In this work we contribute to research in CW with
new indicators that provide measures of student con-
tributions in a text writing.
A first contribution consists in two indicators that
allow to measure how student contributions are equal
(balance of contribution), and how students interact
with each other text contributions (co-writing).
A second contribution consists of identifying CW
strategies, namely summative and integrative strate-
gies that can be useful in pedagogical settings, for
example to distinguish between cooperative (summa-
tive) and collaborative (integrative) works (Onrubia
and Engel, 2009). We showed that these writing
strategies can be derived from the two proposed in-
A third contribution is the evaluation of the in-
terpretation of the indicators and strategies, allow-
ing to compare teacher perceptions of the indicators
with machine calculations, and to verify the perceived
strategies. Results showed that teachers have a good
interpretation of the indicators and the strategies. In
fact, teachers were mostly able to estimate correctly
the indicators based on their textual definitions, as
well as the writing strategies. We conclude that the
indicators may help for monitoring student CW, and
characterizing the degree and strategies of collabora-
tive work.
This work is of scholarly and practical implica-
tions. It provides interesting insights on the design
of learning analytics tools that allow for a meaningful
reporting of CW dynamics between peers. This may
strengthen formative evaluation and provide learners
with quick feedback during their collaborative work
and reports co-writing.
This work is not without limitations. Our ap-
proach can produce misleading results when collabo-
rative documents are composed of mathematical for-
mulas. More advanced text mining methods can im-
prove formulas detection. Moreover, it would be rele-
vant to collect more data with teachers and students to
demonstrate the value of the proposed indicators, and
investigate better insights into CW and collaborative
Future work is motivated to measure student cog-
nitive contributions, by considering the meaning of
sentences composing the text. Our approach can be
improved by considering semantic sentence detection
using machine learning models. This may better in-
form about the collaboration process and go beyond
Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment
contribution measures in terms of number of words
added or modified in a text. Ultimately, it would be
worthwhile to study how to enable teachers to take
actions from useful visualizations of indicators and
strategies, and evaluate their acceptability, usability
and utility.
The project is co-financed by the Brittany Region
within the research program SAD and the Finist
Department Council within the research program
APRE. We thank all the teachers having participated
to the study.
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