search – SVS, to dynamically index a stream of high-
dimensional vectors and facilitate similarity search.
SVS is continuous in the sense that it does not depend
on having the full set of vectors available beforehand,
but adapts to the vector stream.
This family of algorithms provides an elegant solu-
tion to the vector stream similarity search problem that
does not depend on updating the underlying vector in-
dexing method, which is usually expensive, as pointed
out in the related work section. Indeed, the original
contribution of the paper stems from the observation
that a stream of vectors that become obsolete over
time requires an approach different from static vector
indexing methods or updating such data structures.
The paper discussed two sets of experiments to
assess the performance of SVS. The first set of ex-
periments used an IVFADC implementation and the
same setup as in (J
egou et al., 2011), and the second
set adopted an HNSW implementation over real data.
These experiments suggested that the SVS implemen-
tations do not incur significant overhead and achieve
reasonable search quality. However, SVS can support
unbounded vector streams.
The paper concluded with a brief description of a
proof-of-concept implementation of a classified ad re-
trieval tool, based on Jina and Redis with HNSW. The
tool allows testing different configurations by varying
the embedding dimensions, the type of the indices,
the distance metrics adopted, and some optimization
As future work, we plan to conduct further experi-
ments with the proof-of-concept retrieval tool, using
much larger datasets collected from the classified ad
platform and larger sets of realistic queries.
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