University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus
Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes
Mevludin Blazevic
and Dennis M. Riehle
Institute for IS Research, University of Koblenz, Universit
atsstraße 1, Koblenz, Germany
Internet of Things, Business Processes, Learning Environments, Smart Data, Data Lake.
The university of things is an academic institution full of sensors, data, and automated processes. The col-
lection of information and states about objects and things enables diverse research and studies in the field
of information systems. This paper presents a research project, where we have set up a Smart Campus in-
frastructure based on Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN)
communication technology. From our real-world deployment, as well as from academic literature, we have
identified 6 opportunities and 11 challenges for the integration and use of sensor data for business processes
at universities, which are shown in this paper.
Over the years, the Internet of Things (IoT) concept
has gained a lot of academic and industrial interest
and attention. It drives technological innovations and
creates significant challenges for governments, orga-
nizations, and societies. IoT is cross-cutting various
scientific disciplines, such as Computer Science and
and Information System (IS) research. In particular,
the IS discipline is multi-faceted, focusing on social,
business, and technical aspects of Information Tech-
nology (IT) (Baiyere et al., 2020; Baskerville et al.,
2018; Benbasat and Zmud, 2003; King and Lyytinen,
Given its overarching scale, the IoT can address
a wide range of societal, technological, and business
challenges and opportunities (Avital et al., 2019). IS
research might contribute meaningfully to the IoT
area from a variety of perspectives and to scholarly
work (Baiyere et al., 2020).
With the emergence of IoT, a large amount of in-
terconnected and smart devices arises that might en-
hance and improve business processes in organiza-
tions (Del Giudice, 2016; Meyer et al., 2013). In
this paper, we are focusing on opportunities and chal-
lenges for existing and novel business processes with
the use of IoT sensor data for teaching, research,
and administration in the university context, which
is referred to Smart Campus or University of Things
(UoT) in the scientific literature. During our research,
different types of IoT sensors are gradually distributed
and installed.
A Smart Campus can be considered a part of a
Smart City (Zhang et al., 2022). Both are sharing a
similar structure; a Smart Campus can be seen as a
small-scale Smart City (Fortes et al., 2019; Silva-da-
obrega et al., 2022; Vasileva et al., 2018).
In our real-world setup, IoT can simplify and im-
prove processes and workflows in research and ad-
ministration and at the same time, a teaching platform
is built for students to study the field of IoT and its ap-
Although a full-scale installation of IoT sensors is
not yet completed (installation of all sensors across
the university campus), a lot of interesting data and
information were created for further investigation and
research. Our research questions for this work can be
described as follows:
RQ1: How can an IoT sensor-based Smart Campus
infrastructure be implemented to support existing
and new business processes and workflows at the
university from a bottom-up perspective?
RQ2: What are the opportunities and challenges for
using sensor data for existing and new business
processes and workflows from a top-down per-
Different types of IoT domains are defined to classify
and structure the use of sensor data in different fields
of human endeavor (Garda
c et al., 2017; Ibarra-
Esquer et al., 2017). However, we found the context
of UoT and Smart Campus interesting and challeng-
ing, since there are many opportunities on our campus
Blazevic, M. and Riehle, D.
University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes.
DOI: 10.5220/0011761900003482
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Inter net of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2023), pages 105-114
ISBN: 978-989-758-643-9; ISSN: 2184-4976
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
to explore the topic of IoT in combination with the IS
In the next chapter, a brief overview of the
concepts of IoT and Business Process Management
(BPM) is given as well al related work in the Smart
Campus/UoT field. After that, the adapted Design
Science Research (DSR) approach of Peffers et al.
(2007) is provided. In the following chapters, the
usage of IoT sensors at the university and the setup
of the sensor infrastructure are presented. Opportuni-
ties and challenges for enhancing Business Processes
(BP) with IoT data are discussed afterward.
2.1 IoT, Smart Campus and BPM
A wide variety of definitions for IoT exists in scien-
tific and non-scientific literature (e.g. Atzori et al.,
2010, and Baiyere et al., 2020). Mostly, the defini-
tions have the interconnection between physical ob-
jects and digital technologies in common.
According to Baiyere et al. (2020), IoT can be de-
fined as “a system of interconnections between digi-
tal technologies and physical objects that enable such
(traditionally mundane) objects to exhibit comput-
ing properties and interact with one another with or
without human intervention” (Baiyere et al., 2020, p.
557). Additionally, different IoT domains were de-
fined, such as Smart City, Smart Agriculture, Smart
Manufacturing and many more (Garda
c et al.,
2017; Ibarra-Esquer et al., 2017). A Smart Campus
can be seen as an indispensable part of a Smart City
(Zhang et al., 2022), which consists of various sub-
domains, e.g. Smart Education, Smart Assessment,
Smart Learning, Smart Teaching, etc. These sub-
domains are supported by different IT technologies
ınez et al., 2021; Mircea et al., 2021).
The sharing of IoT sensor data for various plat-
forms and IS might contribute largely to BPM sys-
tems and concepts (cf. Janiesch et al. (2020)). Ac-
cording to Weske (2012), BPM includes concepts,
methods, and techniques to support the design, ad-
ministration, configuration, enactment, and analysis
of business processes. The explicit representation of
business processes with their activities forms the basis
of BPM. Business processes that are defined might be
the subject of analysis, improvement, and enactment.
In contrast, Becker and Kahn (2011) add the cus-
tomer as an additional entity. According to them,
the efficiency of the process is measured by the cus-
tomer himself or herself, rather than by the controllers
within the company. Newer definition approaches of
BPM are adding more dimensions and entities. Ham-
mer (2010) a Process Management Cycle, consisting
of a Process Compliance activity as well as measuring
process performance and continuous business process
The BPM field can largely benefit from IoT tech-
nology and vice versa, as presented by Janiesch et al.
(2020). The authors underline the importance of the
development of application scenarios for IoT-driven
BPM in a general manner. With sensor data, BPM can
contribute to environmental challenges, as in Green
Information Systems (Brendel et al., 2022). In our re-
search work, we delve into the university context and
investigate challenges and opportunities for IoT and
BPM applications.
2.2 Related Work
Several studies have been conducted in the field of
IoT applications in the UoT/Smart Campus context.
A Smart Campus based on IoT sensors enables a
teaching and research platform for students and re-
searchers, where IoT use cases are implemented and
Gao (2021) describes a Smart Campus setup based
on a ZigBee wireless sensor infrastructure. The data
of this sensor network is stored in a Postgre SQL en-
vironment, the main sensors are a gyroscope and an
electronic compass from mobile phones carried by
students. The teaching effect of the ZigBee network is
evaluated in the research work using Artificial Intelli-
gence (AI) and Big Data technology, concluding that
the ZigBee infrastructure has greatly improved the
teaching process. However, the author does not de-
scribe limitations and ethical issues in tracking the lo-
cation of students using the sensors of mobile phones.
ınez et al. (2021) introduce an IoT infras-
tructure based on Long Range Wide Area Network
(LoRaWAN) that focuses on measuring air quality
and energy consumption. The IoT infrastructure pre-
sented can help to achieve energy efficiency, cost sav-
ings, and low energy consumption by adjusting air
conditioning systems and prediction models of energy
consumption and air quality in university buildings.
The authors conclude that the approach presented in
their research work is extendable to smart buildings
and smart cities.
Cheong and Nyaupane (2022) provide an empir-
ical study of IoT ecosystems in universities by con-
ducting focus group interviews. From the authors’ re-
search results, requirements from the student’s point
of view for a Smart Campus system can be derived.
While this study focuses only on the survey of stu-
dents, however, the inclusion of other stakeholders of
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Identify Problem
& Motivate
Define Objectives
of a Solution
Design &
Demonstration Evaluation
Identification of
Use Cases
Selection of
Technologies and
of Prototype
Collection of Data
from Edge Devices
in Private Cloud
Identification of
Challenges and
Paper at Hand
Figure 1: Design Science Research Cycle (adapted from Peffers et al. (2007).
a university is mentioned as a limitation and future
research work.
Sneesl et al. (2022) conduct an Analytical Hier-
archical Process (AHP) on 25 factors derived from
scientific literature regarding IoT based Smart Cam-
pus systems. The research outcomes reveal that the
most significant factors are governmental support,
privacy concerns, social influence, and service collab-
oration. As the research work of Cheong and Nyau-
pane (2022), requirements and processes such as sup-
port activities can be derived from the findings from
Sneesl et al. (2022).
Furthermore, data from IoT sensors and devices,
so-called IoT data, enables big data analytics. Such
data ha special, multi-scale and multi-level character-
istics and corresponding analytics have gained more
interest by organizations in the last decade (Williams
et al., 2019). Moreover, IoT data can be integrated
into a single storage, a Data Lake, around which an
analytical ecosystem ca be built. Such systems have
been named Analytics as a Service (Aaas) in previous
research (Riehle et al., 2020).
The goal of our research is to build a UoT by set-
ting up a sensor-based Smart Campus. As such, we
aim at designing an IT artifact and, hence, we fol-
low the principle of DSR. Our work adapts the DSR
approach by Peffers et al. (2007), who suggest six
different steps to follow (cf. Fig. 1).
Following the first step according to Peffers et al.
(2007), we have already contributed to the motiva-
tion in section 1, and a more detailed identification of
use cases of sensors at Smart Campuses will follow in
the next section. Besides, in section 4, we define the
objectives of your solution by selecting an appropri-
ate stack of communication technology and hardware
to use. Section 5 holds the development and demon-
stration of our prototypical platform and, hence, con-
tributes to steps three and four of Peffer’s DSR cycle.
In section 6, we analyze and evaluate our prototype
by identifying and describing both challenges and op-
portunities that occurred in the previous steps. This
correlates to an evaluation phase according to the re-
search method. Lastly, this paper itself contributes to
the communication of your research results.
The DSR approach by Peffers et al. (2007) con-
sists of several feedback loops, which allow for multi-
ple iterations of the overall process. Our research has
been conducted between June 2021 and May 2022.
During this time, we improved the implementation
of our prototype continuously to reflect changing re-
quirements (i.e., due to Covid19). However, in this
paper, we only report the latest iteration for the sake
of simplicity and comprehensibility.
For the research of socio-technical and cyber-physical
systems at our university, a computer cluster with
a LoRaWAN infrastructure was procured in 2020,
which includes a variety of different sensors for ob-
taining objects/things data and information. In the
first step, use cases for a broad deployment of sen-
sors on the campus were identified as shown in Ta-
ble 1. The use cases were identified through discus-
sions with relevant stakeholders at the university, for
example, facility management staff. Before that, var-
ious sensors and gateways from different manufactur-
ers were investigated in a test environment as well as
data transmission technologies. Finally, sensors and
gateways from two different manufacturers were se-
Based on that, the communication technology and
communication method were selected, where the en-
ergy consumption for transmitting the data from the
sensors distributed on campus is crucial. For exam-
ple, sensors for tracking inventory and items can be
powered by batteries rather than statically via a ca-
ble connection. Therefore, LoRaWAN with a license-
free transmission frequency was selected and it was
tested on the campus in advance. IoT devices from
University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes
Table 1: Use cases and sensors for a smart campus.
Use Case Sensor type(s)
Tracking inventory, tools, and equipment used by
the university administration.
GPS Tracking sensors
Measuring the air quality of workrooms, seminar
rooms, and lecture halls
Air quality sensors with the following sensor measurements:
Humidity, Air Pressure, Temperature, Carbon Dioxide level,
Particulate matter/dust
Measure whether fixed objects/things fall from a
height (May be sensors themselves)
Person Counter Combination of various sensors, e.g.: Carbon Dioxide Sen-
sor, Light Sensor, Radio-Frequency Identification Reader
Locating sensors (2D/3D geolocation methods us-
ing the LoRa gateways)
Technology or method to locate sensors in 2D or 3D, e.g.,
geolocation. Might also be GPS Tracking sensors
were selected, which include sensors, micro-
controllers, and boards. Pycom’s devices are espe-
cially beginner-friendly for students, who can install
and try out the devices for study and practical work.
They can be programmed by students and are food for
studying the field of IoT and sensors.
The Pycom “Expansion Board 3.0” is needed for
programming sensors and microcontrollers. Further-
more, Pycom offers different types of sensor devices,
which contains a combination of various sensors. For
example, the Pycom Pyscan device consists of an ac-
celerometer, light sensor and RFID-NFC. In contrast,
the Pysense 2.0X device contains an accelerometer,
air pressure, temperature, and humidity sensors. In
addition, carbon dioxide sensors were procured as
add-on modules from third-party manufacturers. The
Pycom devices can be expanded with such modules.
The accelerometer might be useful for detecting the
falling of a Pysense 2.0X device from its mounting
point. All in all, for the collection of sensor data,
the devices “Pyscan”, “Pysense 2.0X” and “Pytrack
2.0X” were selected and purchased. The sensors op-
erate with the LoPy4 microcontroller, which can be
programmed using the Expansion Board 3.0. Various
cases and lithium polymer batteries allow the deploy-
ment of devices across the whole campus.
LoRaWAN gateways from Kerlink
are chosen for
the data transmission of the sensors. The installation
process can be done quickly due to well-written doc-
umentation from the manufacturer. Furthermore, they
can be operated via Power-over-Ethernet. We use the
product Kerlink “iFemtoCell” for indoor use, as well
as the product Kerlink “iBTS” for outdoor use. In ad-
dition, the geolocation of sensors can be tested with
the outdoor gateways.
After the selection of sensors and gateways for a
Smart Campus infrastructure, a concept for the tech-
nical and spatial infrastructure was created. Fig. 2
shows the spatial distribution of four Kerlink iBTS
outdoor gateways on the campus to ensure sufficient
signal coverage of the LoRaWAN sensors and to test
the possibility of 2D and 3D geolocation. If the sig-
nal quality is not sufficient for sensors located deeper
in the buildings, Kerlink’s indoor gateways are used
for this purpose. Subsequently, a concept for trans-
mitting the sensor data via the LoRaWAN gateways
to the Private Cloud infrastructure was created.
Gateway 1
Gateway 2
LoRa-Gateway 4
Gateway 3
Figure 2: Spatial distribution of the LoRa gateways on the
University Campus.
As shown in Fig. 3, the IoT architecture can
be structured into the concept of Edge, Fog and
Cloud Computing (Bittencourt et al., 2018). The
various Pycom sensors with the LoPy4 as a micro-
controller form the edge devices. Using the Lo-
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
RaWAN protocol, the sensor data is transmitted to
the Fog layer, which represents the LoRaWAN gate-
ways. Subsequently, the data packets are transmit-
ted via TCP/IP protocols to the “The Things Stack
Version 3” network server, which is an open-source-
based LoRaWAN network server.
Data providers/
Edge Layer
IoT gateways/Fog Layer
Iaas Private Cloud/Cloud Layer
LoRa Sensor
LoRa Sensor
LoRa Sensor
LoRa Sensor
LoRa Sensor
LoRa gateway 1
LoRa gateway 2
LoRa gateway 3
gateway 4
IoT platform: The
Things Stack Version 3
Network Server
Application server
+ database (virtual
Private cloud (IaaS cloud)
at the university campus
Figure 3: Rough representation of the IoT infrastructure at
the University campus.
According to the The Things Network Documen-
tation, the network server operates the LoRaWAN
network layer, which includes MAC commands, re-
gional parameters and Adaptive Data Rate (ADR)
and consists of a Gateway Server. It maintains con-
nections with LoRaWAN gateways that support User
Datagram Protocol (UDP), MQ Telemetry Transport
(MQTT), and more. It forwards the uplink traffic to
the network server directly or indirectly.
The processing of sensor data forwarded by the
gateways is not a direct part of the Fog layer, but
rather an intermediate step between the fog and the
cloud layer. On the cloud layer, a private Infrastruc-
ture as a Service (IaaS) cloud based on Apache Cloud-
and Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is
getting-started/what-is-tts/ (accessed 21
Feb. 2022)
conceptsandterminology/concepts.html (accessed 15
being built as the cloud infrastructure for central sen-
sor data processing at the university.
By now, 31 sensors are currently in operation on
campus, and a virtual machine based on Ubuntu 22.04
was set up as a prototype for storing and represent-
ing IoT data. For storing the sensor data, a MySQL
database is used initially. Although other database
systems might be more suitable for the purpose, e.g.
time-series databases, the MySQL database is used
for testing the Smart Campus architecture. For a
graphical representation of the sensor data, Grafana is
used. To receive sensor data from The-Things-Stack,
an MQTT broker based on Node-RED is run on the
virtual machine. Node-RED is a flow-based program-
ming tool originally developed by IBM and consists
of a Node.js runtime environment. The flow editor
can be operated via a web browser. In our case, the
Node-RED application also runs on the virtual ma-
Since the first appearance of IoT, many IoT sys-
tems have been developed in different IoT domains.
Prominent examples include Smart Home, Smart
City, Smart Agriculture, and others. Currently, not
much research has been conducted regarding IS and
BPM applications in the UoT/Smart Campus domain.
Therefore, it is particularly interesting for us what
possibilities IoT sensors offer for the design of busi-
ness processes and IS within our university.
The Smart Campus infrastructure based on IoT
data is installed and implemented on the bottom-up
principle. In the first step, use cases were identified
based on the opportunities provided by our procured
IoT hardware. The research work of Janiesch et al.
(2020) offers suggestions, guidance, and approaches
for our work.
Six opportunities and 11 challenges for building
a Smart Campus setup with IoT devices and business
processes were discovered during our research by de-
ploying the sensors on the university campus.
For linking information generated by IoT sensors
with business processes, a top-down approach is con-
ducted in the context of this research work. In the first
step, the main task areas of the university are iden-
tified. Subsequently, some individual tasks are as-
signed to the respective higher-level task area. Fig. 4
Aug. 2022)
University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes
shows the main task areas of the university with a se-
lection of relevant business processes.
Integration of
IoT devices in
field studies
Usage of IoT
data for
allocation on
Planning of
Course room
Searching for a
room for group
Event planning
Enterprise Resource
(Management) Accounting
Fire detection
Theft detection
Inventory tracking
Campus navigation
Air conditioning of lecture
halls (sensor actuator
micro process)
Figure 4: Responsibilities of the university and selection of
business processes (own illustration).
Many processes within the university cannot always
be assigned precisely to one task area; rather, the var-
ious task areas overlap, which in turn leads to numer-
ous different processes. Compared to other public in-
stitutions, students, researchers, and administrators in
particular interact with each other at universities. The
interaction and communication between these actors
vary a lot and result in different requirements. Con-
sequently, various information systems are used, such
as groupware systems and university information sys-
tems, which are used by various stakeholders and stu-
dents. In addition, there are other IS that are mainly
used by administrative staff and teaching staff, such
as an accounting system and an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) system. The IS for teaching and ex-
amination management is used in particular by stu-
dents and teaching staff.
Marakas and O’Brien (2013) introduced the con-
cept of the roles of the business applications of IS,
which is shown in Fig. 5. The representation is mod-
ified to the UoT/Smart Campus context.
The authors provide three fundamental roles for
all business applications in IT, which IS can fulfill for
a business enterprise (or organization). First, the sup-
port of strategies of the university (role “A”). The role
formulation was adapted for the university context.
Here, IS should primarily support strategies for im-
proving study and teaching conditions, and research
conditions, as well as strategies in the area of admin-
Second, IS should support Business Decision
Making (role “B”). In our context, IS is intended
to support decision-making for students (study plan-
ning), faculty (teaching and research planning), as
well as administrative leaders.
Strategies of
the University
Support Business
Decision Making
Business Processes and Operations
Figure 5: Roles of Business Applications in IS (cf. Marakas
and O’Brien (2013)).
Last, IS should support of business processes and
operations (role “C”). Many business processes of the
universities are already implemented in the existing
IS. Data from IoT sensors may contribute meaning-
fully to these processes. However, new processes
might be created with the use of sensor data.
The starting point for collecting opportunities,
challenges, and requirements is defined by the data
of the Pycom sensors about different information of
the objects, which are: air quality, humidity, tempera-
ture, location of sensors and objects (GPS), values of
the accelerometers, and RFID scanners.
The opportunities and challenges for a Smart
Campus infrastructure consisting of sensors, data, and
automated processes are shown in Table 2 and Table
3, each of them mapped to one or more Business Ap-
plication roles in IS as shown in Fig. 5.
In our real-world application, we also see the pos-
sibility of triggering various micro-processes (Jani-
esch et al., 2020) through sensor data (O1). In the
search for a learning and working place, for exam-
ple, different sensors could indicate the availability
of a free working place, or provide suitable informa-
tion about it in a Workflow Management System. A
student or employee can mark the place as reserved.
As soon as a workstation has been occupied, sensors
would register the status and indicate the worksta-
tion as no longer available. Therefore, we assign this
opportunity (O1) to the Business Application role C
(Fig. 5).
In addition to the development of micro business
processes, sensors can provide real-time data about
the condition of a room (lecture or seminar room) to
facilitate decision-making (O2) for all members of the
university. For example, another room may be sought
for a meeting or class if thermal comfort is not given
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Table 2: Opportunities for enhancing business processes with IoT data.
No. Description IS roles (Fig. 5)
O1 New (micro)-processes and workflow can be triggered by sensor data as event
O2 Objects and things at the campus, e.g., rooms, offices, and labs can provide
real-time data for improving decision making
O3 New methods of computer science (e.g. Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning
& AI) can be applied to analyze the enormous amount of sensor data collected
over time to discover new insights and knowledge that lies in the data
A and B
O4 From the strategic to the operational layer, sensor data can add value to informa-
tion systems, such as ERP systems and collaborations systems at the university
A, B, and C
O5 Since the IoT infrastructure on the university campus is mostly based on open
technologies (open source IaaS cloud, extensibility of Pycom sensors with
third-party devices, TTN as an open IoT platform, LoRaWAN as license-free
data transmission technology), the Smart Campus can be extended with addi-
tional sensors and applications fast and at low cost.
O6 Green IS: Reducing energy consumption for the university through sensor-
driven BP and workflows
due to heating failure or outside weather conditions.
Business Application role B is assigned to this oppor-
Collecting sensor data over a long period gener-
ates an enormous amount of data (Big Data, O3). This
allows modern methods of processing large amounts
of data to be applied in order to gain further insights.
In our opinion, this opportunity corresponds to roles
A and B, as data analytic methods can be useful for
strategic alignment of IS, and at a lower level, they
can support decision-making.
Moreover, sensor data can enrich existing IS on
campus, e.g. procurement systems for inventory or
groupware systems used by employees, researchers,
and students (O4). For example, a room for group
working can be searched using a groupware system
or a web dashboard, and sensor data can provide real-
time information. This opportunity is assigned to all
Business Application roles. The current setup of the
IoT sensor network on campus is by no means com-
plete or perfect. Based on the LoRaWAN standard
and the sensors and actuators available on the market
from different manufacturers, the Smart Campus can
be constantly expanded and improved with new actu-
ators and sensors (O5). This opportunity corresponds
to the Application role C, as it is fundamentally es-
sential for integrating sensor data into business pro-
Because sensors can provide real-time data about
the state of a building or thing, resource-saving (mi-
cro)processes can be delivered (O6). A possible use
case would be monitoring indoor temperature, carbon
dioxide content, and humidity in indoor spaces (lec-
ture hall, library) with a fresh air supply. By deter-
mining the demand for fresh air in the interior, this
can be regulated variably so that it remains as effi-
cient as possible and only consumes as much energy
as necessary (cf. Mart
ınez et al., 2021). From our
point of view, this opportunity is to be assigned to
Application role A, since a possible adjustment of the
strategic orientation of an IS is required here.
In addition to the six opportunities, we encoun-
tered 11 challenges and problems during our research,
which we have summarized in Table 3. Currently,
few, if any, business processes at the university are
comprehensively documented and modeled (C1). For
us to identify the business processes where sensor
data can provide added value for improvement, a
complete set of processes must first be modeled and
documented centrally. Therefore, we have assigned
this challenge to the Business Application role C.
Once the business processes are collected, modeled,
and documented, we need to identify which processes
may be suitable for the integration and use of sensor
data (C2). In our view, this challenge would also cor-
respond to the Business Application role C.
As mentioned earlier, existing processes may be
enhanced and improved with sensor data, but addi-
tionally, micro-processes can also be modeled using
information from the sensors as a starting event (C3).
Such micro processes may be modeled and realized
using Workflow Management Systems. Therefore,
we classify this challenge in the Business Application
role C.
University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes
Table 3: Challenges for enhancing business processes with IoT data.
No. Description IS roles (Fig. 5)
C1 Collecting and modeling existing BP at the university C
C2 Identification of existing BP to be supported by sensor data, so that the number
of manual interactions to the process is reduced
C3 Identification of micro-processes and “habits” from employees and students
which can be derived from sensor data
C4 In order for sensor data to be reliably collected and made available for critical
BP, the data quality (cf. Liu et al. (2020)) of the sensors must be ensured
A, B, and C
C5 Smart data: The collection and processing of data should be targeted and accu-
rately designed for the area of application
B and C
C6 Data Lake: A data storage platform should be developed to reliably store a large
amount of sensor data
C7 The distribution of sensors poses infrastructural requirements, such as energy
supply, mounting points
C8 Since a comprehensive sensor data infrastructure needs to be maintained and
monitored at all times, this poses new challenges in terms of financial, time, and
human resources
C9 Collection of sensor data from objects and things must be in accordance with the
data protection rules of the EU
C10 Collection of sensor data for BP and workflow modeling must be done in accor-
dance with existing ethical guidelines
C11 Smart Campus applications, BP and workflows with sensor data poses safety and
security requirements
For our IoT Smart Campus infrastructure that
needs to provide real value and benefit to members
of our university, an adequate sensor data quality (cf.
Liu et al., 2020) is essential (C4). Since we believe
this affects all levels of Business Application roles,
we assign this challenge to the roles A, B, and C.
The installation of sensors and the definition of sen-
sor data transmission should be designed thoughtfully
and purposefully, also with regard to the correspond-
ing business process or micro process, a data process-
ing concept is necessary (C5). Therefore, this chal-
lenge applies to role B and C.
At the application level, sensor data needs to be
stored in a sort of a data lake that can reliably and
efficiently store a large amount of sensor data in our
cloud (C6), which corresponds to the Business Ap-
plication role C. As we distributed and installed the
sensors based on some use cases in a bottom-up man-
ner, we encountered problems at the infrastructure
layer. For example, it is difficult to securely install
the sensors in the rooms, the sensors need to be pro-
tected from thieves. Usually, there is no power supply
nearby, and sometimes, sensors fell off their mount-
ing points (C7). In addition, the sensors must always
be checked and maintained (C8), recharging the bat-
tery and detecting erroneous sensors. Powered with
2000 mAh lithium polymer batteries, the Pycom de-
vices need to be recharged every 12 weeks. In con-
trast, the carbon dioxide sensor which may be oper-
ated with the LoPy4 microcontroller has a recharge
interval of 2 weeks. These challenges require finan-
cial, human, and time resources. In our opinion, the
safe installation and maintenance of the Pycom sen-
sors is a basic requirement for a Smart Campus Sys-
tem, therefore, we assign C7 and C8 to the Business
Application role C.
Installing a Smart Campus infrastructure poses not
only technical and organizational challenges but also
legal ones. The collection of object data through sen-
sors should be in line with the European data protec-
tion regulations (C9). This challenge is assigned to
role A. In addition, any ethical hurdles to building the
Smart Campus infrastructure must be addressed. It is
imperative that all university members should be in-
volved in the installation process. At no time should
the collection of sensor data lead to a disadvantage
for the stakeholders. Information should be provided
at appropriate points in the process (C10). Since both
IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
of these problems (C9, C10) are strategic challenges
from our perspective, they take on the Business Ap-
plications role A.
Our Smart Campus infrastructure is built on open
IT and networking standards such as LoRaWAN and
TCP/IP. Therefore, further challenges and problems
arise regarding IT security requirements (C11). For
example, the integrity of the sensor data must be pro-
tected, and access rights need to be managed. Other
opportunities and challenges can be identified, but the
above provides a foundation for further research in
our Smart Campus setup.
In this work, the planned setup of a smart campus in-
frastructure using IoT sensor data, LoRaWAN tech-
nology, the IoT platform The Things Stack, and an
in-house operated IaaS cloud infrastructure were pre-
sented. In the first research question, the selection of
IoT devices, communication technologies, and data
transmission were presented according to the bottom-
up scheme. In the first research question, it was de-
termined which sensor data should be collected for
which use cases. The later use of the information of
the objects was not considered in this step. However,
the aim is about finding meaningful data from objects
and things at the university.
The Smart Campus setup we present includes an
in-house cloud infrastructure as a private cloud. Com-
pared to public cloud infrastructures, operation poses
additional challenges such as installation, commis-
sioning, and maintenance. This delays the develop-
ment of a Smart Campus infrastructure. However,
operating a private cloud has many advantages, e.g.,
sensitive data can be stored in compliance with EU
data protection law. In addition, there is no longer
any dependence on public cloud providers. Although
we have already installed dozens of sensors, opportu-
nities for improving the infrastructure in terms of en-
ergy supply are becoming apparent. We have found in
our setup that the lithium polymer batteries with 2000
mAh capacity each can power the Pycom sensors for
about 12 weeks. In contrast, the carbon dioxide sen-
sors can only be supplied with energy from the batter-
ies for two weeks. The power consumption of these
sensors is too high, so for carbon dioxide measure-
ment, we need to connect the sensors to a permanent
power supply. Above that, some cases of the sensors
we ordered are less suitable for outdoor use than oth-
Nevertheless, the setup and installation of send-
ing sensor data and processing were done quickly as
expected. The data is also sent and received at re-
liable intervals. The LoRaWAN transmission tech-
nology we use turns out to be sufficient for sending
and receiving sensor data and provides a more energy-
efficient way to operate Pycom devices than WiFi or
Bluetooth. In addition, the LoRaWAN network with
the sensors would relieve the university’s WiFi net-
The collected sensor data can then be used for var-
ious purposes. In the second research question, 11
challenges and 6 opportunities were gathered for the
integration of sensor data in business processes. The
opportunities and challenges gathered in this research
work are not comprehensive, and in the ongoing re-
search, more opportunities and challenges may arise.
The development of a concept to ensure an ade-
quate quality of the sensor data, reliable and efficient
storage, as well as the sensible processing of the data
for further use (smart data) are the subject of further
research. As in the first research question, a bottom-
up approach should be chosen here, the quality of
sensor data and efficient data storage open up a wide
range of uses. In addition, data protection and data
security must be guaranteed during development. For
the use of sensor data in business processes, as in the
second research question, the challenges and opportu-
nities presented should be tackled to explore the pos-
sibilities of sensor data integration into the business
processes of the university.
This research has been supported by the Deutsche
Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under Research
Grant No. 432399058.
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IoTBDS 2023 - 8th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security