The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for
Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review
of the Literature
Jennifer Milena Bueno-Rocha
, Anuarith da Rosa Joaquim Martins
, Ana Margarida Almeida
and Maria João Antunes
Digital Interaction and Media Research Centre, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Keywords: Emerging Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Childhood, Literacies, Accessibility, Digital Accessibility.
Abstract: This review examines how AI and emerging technologies can increase digital accessibility in childhood
education, focusing on ethics, communication, tutoring, and health. Findings are presented with consideration
for accessibility and inclusion, and implications for stakeholders are explored. Concerns center around data
protection and children-centered AI development. Opportunities and threats are highlighted based on current
guidelines and frameworks. Despite the potential of AI to bridge social gaps in childhood education, a local
approach that prioritizes contextual needs is crucial.
The XXI century is marked by rapid technological
advancements that are transforming almost every
aspect of human life and society. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is one technology that challenges the
foundations of human intelligence, free will, and
cognition. The increasing sophistication of data
processors has enabled the development of
technologies that can emulate human abilities,
ranging from robots that move like humans to
software that simulates the human mind.
This review explores AI's potential to increase
digital accessibility and literacy development in
childhood education. The authors bring together a
diverse range of disciplinary and cultural
backgrounds, with interests ranging from the impact
of the digital divide on education and health to
eHealth literacy and its influence on health decision-
making. The authors' shared interest in the topic is the
basis for a transdisciplinary dialogue (Shahamiri &
Thabtah, 2020).
The definition of AI adopted in this review is from
UNICEF's policy guidelines (UNICEF & Ministry for
foreign affairs of Finland, 2021), which defines AI as
machine-based systems that can predict, recommend,
or decide to influence real or virtual environments.
These systems interact with humans and adapt their
behavior through learning from their context.
According to Wikipedia (Wikipedia Collaborators,
2021), the field of AI is the study of "intelligent
agents" that perceive their environment and take
actions that maximize their chances of achieving their
This review focuses on AI's impact on formal
education and literacy development, which refers to
acquiring literacy skills inside and outside
educational institutions. Accessibility encompasses
cultural, linguistic, gender, race, and disability-based
and social-based conditions.
This paper discusses the impact of AI on early
childhood education in four sections. The first
provides an overview of research methods and
findings. The second analyzes AI's ethics in
childhood education, communication, language
acquisition, tutoring, and health literacy. The third
examines global trends in policy guidelines. The
fourth explores AI's impact on childhood education,
Bueno-Rocha, J., Martins, A., Almeida, A. and Antunes, M.
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of the Literature.
DOI: 10.5220/0011771400003470
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2023) - Volume 2, pages 104-112
ISBN: 978-989-758-641-5; ISSN: 2184-5026
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
health outcomes, and stakeholder groups.
Conclusions provide final insights, while we expose
our challenges and restrictions in Limitations.
Reviewing two kinds of literature ecosystems was
necessary to achieve the goal of this document. First,
the scientific and academic literature, and second, the
regulatory and normative literature produced by
governments, multilateral and supranational
structures (UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, among others),
and expert concept notes from the private sector or
non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
2.1 Methods
We used the critical literature review approach, but
due to limited time and resources, there are some
variations from the PRISMA Statement, particularly
in the double-blind process.
2.1.1 Literature Review
Scientific and Academic Literature
Three scientific databases were selected to cover a
range of disciplines: Scopus, ERIC, and PsycInfo,
along with grey literature on Google Scholar and
Google from 2016 to 2021. Guidelines from each
database were followed to create queries (see Table 1).
Table 1: Elements of the critical literature review approach.
Element Descri
Databases Sco
us, Ps
cInfo, ERIC
literature Goo
le schoola
Languages English
Five years (2016-2021)
Original papers, reviews, reports,
We formulated a question using the PICO model
to generate relevant keywords and incorporate a
broad range of knowledge fields (Table 2).
What is artificial intelligence and emergent
technologies' potential in digital accessibility on
childhood education and literacies development?
Table 2: Literature review question structure.
P Childhood
I Artificial intelligence technologies
C Traditional interventions for childhood education
Accessibility and Digital Accessibility in education
and literacies development
We used the following keywords to build queries
for databases and search engines based on this
question: Childhood, artificial intelligence,
accessibility, and education (Table 3).
The data-collected documents were analyzed
using the Qatar Computing Research Institute web-
based application designed for screening
and analysis purposes in literature reviews (Ouzzani
et al., 2016).
All documents that did not address AI or
emerging technology interventions related to
childhood education or literacy development and
theoretical or position documents were excluded.
Table 3: Queries.
S Query / Queries
((Artificial intelligence OR emergent
technologies) AND digital accessibility)
"Artificial intelligence" AI digital accessibility
( ( ( "Artificial Intelligence" OR "AI" ) OR (
"emergent technologies" ) ) AND ( "Digital
accessibility" OR "accessibility"
) AND literacy AND child* ) AND ( LIMIT-
PUBYEAR , 2016 ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO (
DOCTYPE , "re" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO (
LANGUAGE , "English" ) OR LIMIT-TO (
LANGUAGE , "Spanish" ) OR LIMIT-TO (
LANGUAGE , "Portuguese" ) )
TITLE-ABS-KEY((("artificial intelligence" OR
technolog*) AND "health"AND litera* AND
child* AND accessibility)) AND ( LIMIT-TO (
DOCTYPE,"bk" ) )
Grey Literature
AI and emergent technologies are critical topics for
decision/policymakers, with multiple stakeholder
groups involved in shaping their impact on society.
These stakeholders can be categorized as public
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of
the Literature
(including multilateral and regional organizations, as
well as local governments), private (including global
technology conglomerates), and third-sector
(including civil society organizations and academia).
We used Google Search Engine to gather relevant
documents, focusing on keyword combinations with
geographic specifications by continent.
2.2 Findings
2.2.1 State of the Art
In this systematic review, we analyzed 20 full-text
papers on AI applications in childhood education,
following an SLR approach to summarize trends and
notable advances in each topic to get a broad view of
the available literature. The recent research focuses
on four main areas: ethics of AI in education and
childhood, tutoring systems, language translation
systems, and intelligent virtual assistants. Among the
analyzed papers, 32% related to the ethical
implications of AI in education, followed by 32% on
developing tutoring systems and intelligent virtual
assistants. Around 28% of the papers were on
practical applications of AI in human language
processing, and 8% were on AI applications for health
conditions impacting children's education.
2.3 Analysis
We analyzed research and policy documents from
2015 to 2022 to identify trends in the potential of AI
for digital accessibility in childhood literacy
development. The documents reviewed highlight four
main thematic paths.
2.3.1 Ethics Analysis of AI in Childhood
The use of AI in childhood education raises concerns
about the potential and risks of deepening inequality.
Veinot et al. (2018) pointed out that there is a risk of
intervention-generated inequalities, where privileged
individuals and communities may benefit more from
using AI in education than others who are less
privileged. (Veinot et al., 2018). Saltman (2020)
analyzes the development of for-profit AI educational
technologies in the current economic and ideological
structure and its impact on public education
privatization (Saltman, 2020). Park et al. (2021) argue
that the lack of critical thinking development
increases the risks of AI technologies that support
students in their self-directed learning process,
transforming the traditional view of the student as a
passive agent. Educators need to foster critical
thinking development as AI technologies already
support students in their self-directed learning
process, transforming the traditional view of the
student as a passive agent in the teacher-student
relationship (Park et al., 2021). AI research in
childhood education focuses on language acquisition,
speech, hearing, writing, and reading. Natural
Language Processing (NLP) has a broad range of
applications, including text lexical adaptation,
making written texts more accessible to low-literacy
adults, children, and those with cognitive disabilities.
The research in this area can be classified into two
branches: text simplification and text production
(Hartmann & Aluisio, 2021). Deaf children's
vocabulary acquisition through sign language is being
made easier with the development of AI-based
systems like SiLearn (Joy et al., 2019). Additionally,
the production of educational materials for vision-
impaired and blind children is being studied with the
help of AI systems that can scan images and convert
them into 3D-printed braille-tagged versions (See &
Advincula, 2021).
2.3.2 Human Communication: Language
Acquisition, Translation & Processing
AI research in childhood education focuses on
language acquisition, speech, hearing, writing, and
reading. Natural Language Processing (NLP) has a
broad range of applications, including text lexical
adaptation, making written texts more accessible to
low-literacy adults, children, and those with cognitive
disabilities. The research in this area can be classified
into two branches: text simplification and text
production (Hartmann & Aluisio, 2021). Deaf
children's vocabulary acquisition through sign
language is being made easier with the development
of AI-based systems like SiLearn (Joy et al., 2019).
Additionally, the production of educational materials
for vision-impaired and blind children is being
studied with the help of AI systems that can scan
images and convert them into 3D-printed braille-
tagged versions (See & Advincula, 2021).
2.3.3 Tutoring: AI-Based Virtual Intelligent
Assistants Applications
The use of AI systems in teaching and tutoring has
become a significant area of research in childhood
education. While the ideal learning environment
would have a team of professionals to support
students with specific learning needs, such an
environment is rare in most schools worldwide.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Therefore, AI-based systems have been studied to
accompany students with special needs or disabilities.
IBM's Watson Tutor (WT) system is a recognized
AI-based platform designed to improve educational
outcomes by promoting student engagement with
content through a dialog strategy in a one-on-one
interaction. Afzal et al. (2019) note that the WT has
been trained based on best tutoring practices for each
student age group, though it remains challenging to
train the system to perform high-level soft human
skills required in tutoring.
While an AI-based tutor system cannot replace
human tutors' soft skills, it has the potential to
considerably impact children and young people
worldwide, particularly those with learning
difficulties or disabilities. The affordability and
availability of tutoring services for less privileged
students can be drastically improved with the
possibility of an AI-based tutoring system, leading to
better educational and social outcomes (idem, 2019).
2.3.4 Health Literacy and Health Outcomes
Some applications of AI systems are transversal to
health outcomes (including health literacy) and
educational outcomes (including media and
information literacies development). Recently, AI-
based algorithms have demonstrated the potential to
diagnose pediatric ophthalmological diseases early,
preventing blindness development. That is the case of
retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), which causes
retinal detachment, resulting in complete vision loss.
More than 30.000 children lose their vision from ROP
worldwide yearly (Li et al., 2021). AI algorithms have
been recently integrated into a telemedicine system
for ROP. They have demonstrated high accuracy in
the early detection more accurate than human
experimented examiners (2021). The ROP's early
diagnostic impact is vital because it allows early
treatment, preventing, retarding, or reducing total
vision loss. Developing these AI-based systems
prevents physiological damage and protects the well-
being of children at risk of ROP. Again, the cost of
access to this kind of technology will determine the
actual benefit it can have. We have not found research
that directly studies AI-based technologies on health
literacy development during childhood.
Due to AI technologies' vast social, economic, and
ethical implications, governments and many
organizations are setting guidelines for its
development and implementation. Through the
documental review, we found that legal and
regulatory frameworks are being built by multilateral
organizations, regional instances, the private sector,
and regional and government (Figure 1).
3.1 Trends
UNICEF Innovation created a Memorandum on AI
and the Rights of the Child, which provides policy
guidance for centered-child AI development. The
policy guidance includes nine requirements that
governments, policymakers, and businesses should
meet when developing technologies. However, the
regulatory framework and policies show inequalities
among regions. In Africa, there is a notable disparity
in access to the knowledge, data, education, training,
and human resources necessary to develop and utilize
AI. Latin American countries face challenges in
policymaking, capacity, and adequate resources but
recognize the potential to impact social well-being
positively. Developed countries focus their regulatory
framework and policies on the ethical use of AI,
digital safety, child protection, and data preservation.
(Barakina et al., 2021; Sibal & Neupane, 2020;
Cabrol et al., 2020; UNICEF Innovation, 2020; see
Table 4).
Table 4: Guiding UNICEF criteria for governments,
policymakers, and businesses in child-centered AI
Support children's development
and well-being
Ensure inclusion of and for
Let AI help develop their full
Include them and those around
Prioritize fairness and non-
discriminatory for children
Protect children's data and
AI must be for all children
Ensure their privacy in an
AI world
Ensure safety for children
Provide transparency,
explainability, and
accountability for children
Children need to be safe in
an AI world
Children need to know how
AI impacts them. Actors need to
be accountable for that
Empower governments and
businesses with knowledge of
AI and children's rights
Prepare children for present
and future developments in AI.
Actors must know what
children's rights are and uphold
If children are well prepared
now, they can contribute to
responsible Ai in the future
Create an enabling environment
Make it possible for all to contribute to child-centered AI
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of
the Literature
For better or worse, the disruptive effects of AI will
transform children's lives in ways we cannot yet
understand. Therefore, our collective actions on AI
today are critical for shaping an inclusive future that
children deserve.
Although AI holds great potential for advancing
education, health, and well-being, its widespread
implementation also presents significant challenges
and risks that must be addressed with equal
dedication and responsibility to ensure AI's safe and
ethical application in these fields. In the various
spheres of society today, Artificial Intelligence and
emerging technologies are already a reality,
especially in developed countries. The education
sector could not ignore the tools and technologies
available to improve educational processes.
The modern scientific literature presents
optimistic research results that validate these
technologies in specific population segments,
promoting accessibility in education (teaching and
learning) or health (diagnosis and follow-up).
However, unlike other technologies we have
mastered, the potential and applicability of AI and
emerging technologies raise some reservations
among the various stakeholders.
4.1 Childhood Education and Literacies
Research shows that AI technologies in education
have been implemented in three main directions:
training, research, and qualifying specialists to work
with AI (Tuomi, 2018). However, according to
UNICEF, there are risks of increasing inequalities
due to uneven access to technology, limited digital
skills, and inability to leverage its benefits, which can
exacerbate the gap in socio-economic and
technological spheres between low-income and high-
income countries (UNICEF, 2021b). Most studies on
the applicability of AI in childhood education occur
in countries with more robust economies, leaving
low-income countries at risk of being left behind.
To mitigate the risks of inequality, it is crucial to
ensure equitable access to technology and develop AI
systems that consider the characteristics and
requirements of the context in which they are being
applied (OECD, 2021). The development approach
should be cyclical to continuously evaluate
technologies' impacts and promote updates or
modifications to the strategies, system, and
algorithms (UNICEF, 2021b).
The digital divide is a significant problem, and AI
in education can either close or exacerbate the gap. In
developing countries, less internet connectivity and
digital literacy may limit the potential of AI solutions.
According to UNICEF, North America, and China are
predicted to gain the most from AI, while developing
countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia may
experience more modest gains (UNICEF, 2021b).
To ensure the success of AI solutions in less
developed countries, tech companies and other
stakeholders must design solutions tailored to each
region's specific contexts and needs. Rather than
simply transferring solutions from technology-
intensive countries, solutions should be developed
based on a deep understanding of the region or culture
to increase the likelihood of adoption and success
(Vinuesa et al., 2020).
In developed countries, AI-enabled learning tools
can help children learn how to collaborate and
develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
(UNICEF, 2021b). Customized learning experiences
provided by robust learning platforms can address
individual user needs. However, children growing up
in underprivileged environments may fail to seize the
opportunities they require to thrive in a world
increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence without
access to AI-enabled services. This may undermine
their capacity to exercise their citizenship in politics
or civic affairs, restrict their prospects of becoming
active "prosumers," and render them inadequately
prepared for future challenges in the job market.
Teachers can also benefit from AI-enabled tools
that help them quickly develop educational programs,
freeing time to focus on other classroom requirements
or individual student needs (UNICEF, 2021b).
However, the absence of such tools may compromise
the quality of teaching and content made available to
Algorithm bias is a risk associated with AI in
education. Such bias may lead to predictions,
instructions, and analysis of patterns that neglect
certain data or present results that respond only to a
specific context. Algorithm bias can also compromise
the expected outcome for children with special
learning needs. In a non-regulated environment,
development bias may promote exclusion and
4.2 Childhood Health Outcomes
AI-based developments in childhood healthcare
services for children with dyslexia, autism, and
motor, visual, or speech limitations show remarkable
potential. AI technologies have a wide range of
health-related applications, from early diagnosis and
gap-closing in mental healthcare to increasing health
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and eHealth literacy. Multimodal learning analytics,
interactive learning environments, and new research
instruments enable researchers to track and evaluate
emerging conceptual capacity and generate a new
form of student-teacher-knowledge interaction
(Abrahamson et al., 2020).
However, concerns about disorders related to
blending education models, such as screen fatigue
and stress adaptation, and falling behind those ill-
equipped for digital learning still exist (OECD, 2021).
Any approach to education must consider the gains
and implications for learning and children's health, as
AI applications are dynamic systems that learn and
adapt to their environment and will continue to be part
of various aspects of our lives.
4.3 Implications for Parents and
AI is increasingly affecting the lives of children
directly and indirectly, making it necessary for
parents and caregivers to play a more active role in
monitoring and guiding their use of technology. The
UNICEF AI Parenting Guide encourages caregivers
to consider the potential impacts of AI systems on
their children's privacy and data and advocate for the
responsible use of AI in schools and other settings
(UNICEF, 2021a). Parents and caregivers can help
children better understand the pros and cons of AI, as
well as control their exposure to AI systems and
personal data collection.
AI technologies offer opportunities for children
with physical or cognitive conditions to receive
personalized education and support, but they also
present risks and challenges that must be addressed.
Multimodal learning analytics, for example, enable
researchers to track and evaluate students' emerging
conceptual capacity while formalizing their gestures
and actions in disciplinary formats and language
(Abrahamson et al., 2020). However, parents and
educators must be aware of potential issues such as
screen fatigue, stress adaptation, and falling behind
for those unprepared for digital learning (OECD,
2021). As AI systems evolve and become more
prevalent in all aspects of life, it is essential to balance
the potential gains with the implications for children's
health and learning.
4.4 Implications for Teachers and
The Covid-19 pandemic led to the sudden adoption of
digital learning, with schools closed and education
moving online (OECD, 2021). This acceleration of
the digital transformation of education has brought
about innovative approaches to learning, design, and
analysis instruments and technologies in education
(Abrahamson et al., 2020; Barakina et al., 2021;
OECD, 2021). However, it is essential to note that
technology is only a tool to improve the quality of the
educational process, not a replacement for the teacher
or school. The use of AI and emerging technologies
in the educational system should focus on improving
the interaction between various stakeholders and not
limit the ability of children to "think for themselves"
(Barakina et al., 2021).
The main issue with digitalization and AI in
education is how education responds adequately to
emerging societal and labor-market needs. Therefore,
it is necessary to ensure that the performance of
algorithms is not biased and that the data and
information entered do not exclude individualities
(OECD, 2021). In addition, the increasing importance
of skills that are more difficult to automate, such as
creativity, critical thinking, communication, and
collaboration, should be considered in using AI in
education (Vincent-Lancrin et al., 2019 in OECD,
2021). It is essential to consider that emerging
technologies are still new tools not yet sufficiently
mastered by teachers, students, and parents and that
their safety and reliability must be precisely
confirmed before their successful use (Barakina et al.,
4.5 Implications for Tech Companies
and AI Developers
AI systems rely on data as their primary commodity
and can make decisions and predictions without
human involvement (UNICEF, 2021b). While AI has
contributed to improving education, there are
concerns about how data is obtained, and patterns are
identified, especially when decisions are made about
people (UNICEF, 2021b). The design of AI solutions
should involve all stakeholders, consider
affordability, and adapt to the evolving needs of
children and the education system (OECD, 2021).
Furthermore, the purpose and motivation for the
development of AI in education must consider its
impact on children directly and indirectly and its
contribution to preparing children for the future. The
literature highlights the importance of considering the
context in which AI is applied, including national AI
strategies and regional AI infrastructures. To promote
updates or modifications to strategies, systems, and
algorithms, the development approach of tech
companies must be cyclical, continuously evaluating
technologies and their impacts (OECD, 2021).
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of
the Literature
4.6 Implications for Multilateral and
Supranational Instances
AI systems are mostly embedded within digital
systems and hardware. For this reason, AI systems-
related discussions must also approach ethical, legal,
and digital ecosystem issues. While beneficial,
explicability and accountability are robust principles
specific to AI systems, protecting user privacy,
fairness, and inclusion are relevant for the whole
digital ecosystem. The absence of a guiding matrix or
multilateral guidance policies leads to unmeasured
actions by business groups in motivating, developing,
and implementing some technologies in education
and data appropriation.
The existing initiatives of transnational entities
are still very marked by a specific generalization, and
discourse is still very focused on the realities of
technologically advanced countries that are also the
ones that contribute the most and collaborate in
carrying out studies on AI and emerging
AI applications in education and health care can
improve learning outcomes, health, and well-being.
However, we need regulations and safeguards that
ensure that AI systems are reliable, safe, and
trustworthy (UNICEF, 2021b). Society needs legal
frameworks that ensure that misappropriation of data
and violation of children's rights, guarantees, and
freedoms effectively fall within the legal framework
of each country, such as money laundering, tax
evasion, and other social issues.
4.7 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) 2030
To date, there is a lack of published studies that assess
the extent to which AI might impact all aspects of the
17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Although AI-enabled technology can act as a catalyst
to achieve the 2030 Agenda, it may also trigger
inequalities that may act as barriers ones (Vinuesa et
al., 2020).
Although the positive impacts outweigh the large-
scale negative, reported potential impacts of AI report
positive and negative repercussions on SDGs. A
recent report on the role of AI in achieving the SDGs
states that "AI can help achieve 134 targets across all
the goals'' (2020). We focus on the implications of AI
on SDG 4 quality education for this document.
Linking AI policies and strategies with the SDGs
can prioritize equity and inclusion and advance
children's development and well-being (Pedro et al.,
2016). However, regulatory oversight is essential to
enable the positive impacts of AI. Currently, there is
little or no oversight of global AI systems that
contribute more than those presented in this work.
The duality of AI impact is related to identifying
different needs and addressing appropriate responses.
However, it may also lead to additional qualification
requirements that do not exist, especially in
developing countries where cultural values often
provide the answers to such needs.
Artificial intelligence can revolutionize childhood
education and make it more accessible for children of
all backgrounds and abilities. However, it is crucial to
approach this technology cautiously and consider its
ethical implications.
AI-powered tutoring systems could be a powerful
tool for improving educational outcomes for children,
particularly in subjects like math and science.
However, it is imperative to ensure that these systems
are appropriately designed and monitored to avoid
reinforcing existing biases or perpetuating
Health literacy is a critical component of
childhood education, and AI has the potential to
improve health outcomes by providing personalized
recommendations and guidance. However, ensuring
that these systems are transparent and based on
accurate and reliable data is critical.
The legal and regulatory framework around AI in
childhood education is still evolving, and
policymakers must consider this technology's
potential risks and benefits. There is a need for clear
guidelines and standards to ensure that AI is used
ethically and responsibly.
While certain limitations and challenges are
associated with using AI in childhood education,
overall, the potential benefits of this technology are
significant. As we continue to explore the
possibilities of AI, it is vital to prioritize the needs and
well-being of children and ensure that this technology
is used to promote equity and inclusion.
The objective of studying AI in childhood education
and legal and regulatory frameworks was too
ambitious, given time, resources, and thematic
literacy constraints. Combining the two topics limited
the exploration of AI's implications for society.
CSEDU 2023 - 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Nevertheless, the review provided a preliminary
understanding of the implications of AI for childhood
education and accessibility from a scientific and
regulatory perspective. This review was conducted
before the release of GPTChat, a language model
developed by OpenAI, which could be a critical tool
for further research in this area.
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work through FCT – Foundation for Science and
Technology, IP, under the project UIDB/05460/2020.
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