Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric
Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits
Anirban Lahiri
, Shivam Raj
, Utanko Mitra
, Sunreeta Sen
, Rajlakshmi Guha
, Pabitra Mitra
Partha P. Chakrabarti
and Anupam Basu
Kainos Ltd., London, U.K.
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India
Arndit Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.
Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing, Psychometric Testing, Personality Trait Emulation.
Questionnaires have traditionally been used for psychometric testing and evaluation of personality traits. This
work explores if personality traits or characteristics can be emulated by a computer through the responses to a
questionnaire. A state-of-art Deep Learning model using natural language processing techniques coupled to a
personality prediction model has been exploited. A standard OCEAN – Five-Factor evaluation questionnaire
was used as the test bench for this novel study combining psychometry and machine learning. This article ex-
plains the design details of the emulation framework, the obtained results and their significance. The obtained
results look promising and the framework can potentially find commercial or academic application in the near
The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially
Deep Learning(DL) for personality detection has
been researched only very recently(Mehta et al.,
2020). It has been decades since (Mcculloch and Pitts,
1943) proposed the Perceptron and implemented by
(Rosenblatt, 1958) as a mechanism mimicking hu-
man neurological processes. The science and tech-
nology for neural networks has progressed ever since
and we are now in the era of Deep-Learning. How-
ever, there is still much work remaining in terms of
modelling human behaviour through neural networks
and deep-learning. Recent work in modelling hu-
man behaviours and traits through Artificial Intelli-
gence(AI)/ Machine Learning (ML) include the fol-
lowing. An experiment on face based personality de-
tection of OCEAN - Big Five Factors was done by
(Al Moubayed et al., 2014). Predicting personal-
ity traits from physical behaviour like everyday eye
movements has been researched (Hoppe et al., 2018).
It has also been possible to predict private traits and
attributes from people’s online presence (e.g. Face-
book Likes) using AI / Machine Learning (ML) as
outlined by (Stillwell et al., 2013). Computer based
games for psychometric analysis have been proposed
by (Lahiri et al., 2020). Work has also been done on
modelling behaviour of groups through inverse plan-
ning (Shum et al., 2019) and predicting group be-
Along with rapid advancements in Artificial In-
telligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning,
computers have become increasingly more efficient
at tasks that were formerly considered to be the forte
of humans. These tasks even involve artistic skills,
(Wang et al., 2020) reviews image synthesis using
generative adversarial networks. Recent advances
in semantic capture of natural languages using DL
(Wu et al., 2016) have paved the way for this work.
Deep-learning has been proven to capture not only
the syntax but also the semantics of sentences through
sentence-embeddings (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019).
Transformers have proved the ability to capture the
human attention mechanism for language translation
tasks (Vaswani et al., 2017).
However, not much work has been done towards
psychometric emulation using AI especially the ad-
vance in DL and the authors are unaware of any stud-
ies using Deep Learning for emulating personality
traits or characteristics through questionnaires. Very
little literature exists in this domain and it can become
key area for nascent research in the near future.
Lahiri, A., Raj, S., Mitra, U., Sen, S., Guha, R., Mitra, P., Chakrabarti, P. and Basu, A.
Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits.
DOI: 10.5220/0011772200003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 737-743
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: Neural Network training duration plots corresponding to various emulators.
Alan Turing once conjectured that at some point
in time machines would be able to mimic human
thought and interaction manifested through an “imita-
tion game” (Turing, 1950). This work attempts to take
one more step in that direction by exploring whether
it is possible for computers to imitate human person-
The OCEAN Five-Factor model is well known to
psychologists(Goldberg, 1992) and will be described
briefly later in this section. This work explores
whether it is possible for a computer to impersonate
a particular combination of the five factors defining a
person’s characteristics. A set of 50 questions (in the
form of a questionnaire) is answered by the computer
while imitating that particular set of OCEAN values.
Although it is theoretically possible for a com-
puter to mimic a particular personality and answer the
questionnaire using an exhaustive set of look-up ta-
bles it is not an elegant solution due to the following
If there are 50 questions and the value of each
of the 5 personality traits ranges from 1 to 40,
the number of rows on the look-up table would
be 50 × 40
=512 × 10
. Though this technically
achievable it is not a prudent solution for a much
higher number of questions.
If the questions which are part of the question-
naire were rephrased, then the computer would be
clueless about how to answer the questions to re-
flect a particular personality.
Therefore, an approach using look-up tables
though theoretically possible is not a recommended
solution for practical purposes. Deep-Neural Net-
works(DNN) have shown promise in being able to
generalize their learning and make effective decisions
(Mehta et al., 2020). The minimum theoretical neu-
ral network for answering each question for a given
combination of OCEAN personality traits is shown in
Figure 2. This work investigates whether it is possible
for such a network to impersonate a set of personality
traits while answering a psychometric questionnaire.
The next paragraph gives brief outline of the OCEAN
five factor model which is often used for psychome-
tric evaluation. The OCEAN model has been chosen
since it freely available and does not require any li-
For evaluating the OCEAN factors, a question-
naire/form with 50 questions (Goldberg, 1992) needs
to be answered by the test subject. Each question has
5 possible answers numbered 1 to 5, out of which the
subject needs to choose one. Finally, the subject for
the personality test is given a score between 0 to 40
(total of 41 values) for each of the 5 OCEAN person-
ality traits.This questionnaire was used as a basis for
building the DNN framework.
OCEAN - Five Factors: The Big Five personality
Figure 2: Quinary emulator.
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Deep Neural Network framework Personality emulation using BERT.
traits, also known as the five-factor model (FFM), is
a taxonomy for personality traits (Goldberg, 1992). It
is based on common language descriptors. The five
factors have been defined as follows:
Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs.
Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-
Extroversion: (outgoing/energetic vs. soli-
Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. chal-
Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. se-
The objective was to train a Deep Neural Network
which would be able to answer the questions in the
questionnaire so as to reflect a particular set of of
OCEAN characteristics( E.g set of OCEAN scores :
20, 30, 35, 15, 20). A set of minimalistic Neural
networks(NN) were created, where each NN corre-
sponded to one question in the questionnaire. These
were then trained through rote learning and mini-
mized in size. The summarized results are shown
in Figure 1. The NNs were first tried with binary
response to the questions (either ’yes’ or ’no’) and
each output for the 5 factors would correspond to a
high or a low. It was then progressively made more
rich to capture the nuances of the answers (ternary,
quinary - 5 levels) as per the standard set by (Gold-
berg, 1992). The generic structure of the quinary em-
ulator is shown in Figure 2).
The results summarized in Figure 1 indicate the
order of the resources required by the NNs for cap-
turing the spectrum of answers. The training time in
terms of epochs varied between 3 and 110 for each
Figure 4: BERT language representation model for ques-
question with an average of 5.9 as shown in Figure
1. Validation accuracy of 100% was required for the
training to be completed. It was found that a single
hidden layer with 4 nodes was able to produce the
correct output to 100% accuracy and the number of
epochs required for training were fairly low. An NN
any smaller than 4 nodes in the hidden layer failed to
reach 100% accuracy even after 1000 epochs. More
nodes in the hidden layer did not contribute much
both in terms of the output spectrum or learning time.
However, as mentioned before such simplistic NN
models would not be able to capture the nuances of
the language therefore a robust language model could
be necessary, otherwise the results obtained would
seem meaningless. The next section describes the in-
corporation of a language model to the DNN and the
corresponding validation mechanism.
A language model is required for capturing the se-
mantics of the questions in the questionnaire. The
BERT model (Devlin et al., 2018) claims improve-
Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits
Figure 5: Examples of Rephrased questions.
Figure 6: Examples of Negative Rephrased questions.
ments in natural language inferencing, paraphrasing
and enhanced ability for question-answer tests. This
study leverages the capabilities of such a pre-trained
language representation model to answer psychome-
tric questions while mimicking a particular personal-
In this case the BERT(Bidirectional Encoder Rep-
resentations from Transformers) model was pre-
trained and only required minor fine-tuning (Hug-
gingFace, 2018). The BERT model is capable of
mapping sentences (questions in this case) to a set
of embeddings capturing both the semantics of the
words and their positions in the sentence as illustrated
in Figure 4. Additional Neural Network layers were
added to the output layer of the BERT model to con-
vert the positional embeddings from the BERT model
to the final question response. The resulting DNN as
shown in Figure 3 was then trained iteratively. The
input to the DNN is the question text. The pre-trained
BERT model outputs a set of 1024 embeddings which
are then provided as input to the second phase of the
DNN. The second phase of the DNN accepts the em-
beddings corresponding to a question from the BERT
models as well the combination of the OCEAN scores
to emulate and produces as output one of the follow-
ing five answers:
slightly disagree
slightly agree
The Personality Emulator section of the NN has
5 dense layers in between its input and output layers.
Note, that this size-optimized NN was arrived at em-
pirically after rigorous experimentation with NNs of
varying depths and number of nodes in each layer.
BERT is fundamentally a transformer language
model with a number of encoder layers that may be
changed. A transformer is a deep learning model that
uses the self-attention process and weighs the impor-
tance of each component of the input data differently.
It has been used in effectively in the past for natural
language processing (NLP) (Devlin et al., 2018). It
captures the concept of attention in neural networks
since it tries to mimic cognitive attention in humans.
It does so by enhancing some parts of the input data
while diminishing other parts which insignificant to
the semantics.
Every input embedding is a combination of three
embeddings as depicted in Figure. 4. Positional em-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 7: Mean accuracy of the pair of questions with corresponding cosine similarity.
bedding which is learned by BERT to express the po-
sition of the words in a sentence which overcomes
the limitation of transformer, unlike recurrent neu-
ral network(RNN) where it is unable to capture ”se-
quence” or ”order” information in case of NLP. Seg-
ment embedding is able to take a pair of sentences or
phrases of the same sentence as inputs for tasks(E.g.
Question-Answering) and can differentiate between
them. Lastly, there is the token embeddings learned
for the specific token from the WordPiece token vo-
cabulary (Wu et al., 2016). The input representation
for a particular question is represented by the relevant
token, segment, and position embeddings. Therefore,
it is an effective tool for deriving the meanings of
the questions in a psychometric test and finding suit-
able answers. An additional spelling checker which
uses Levenshtein distance (Levenshtein et al., 1966)
for checking and correcting spellings can be used if
needed but is not necessary for the current scope.
It is desirable to generalize the emulation frame-
work such that the results can be reproduced even if
the questions in the questionnaire are rephrased. In
order to achieve this a few variants of the original set
of questions were created as shown in Figures 5 and
6. Set 1 refers to the original set of questions from
(Goldberg, 1992). Set 2 is semantically identical to
Set 1, i.e. each questions have been rephrased while
keeping the meaning the same. This was done to vali-
date whether the DNN is able to answer the questions
correctly though text of the question has changed.
The cosine similarities (Li et al., 2004) between Set
1 and Set 2 as output by the BERT network are shown
in figure 8. Set 3 represents the semantic negative of
the corresponding question in Set 1 without using a
strong negative word like“not’ or “don’t”. Therefore
it is expected to be more complicated for the DNN
to interpret it as the semantically opposite to the cor-
responding question in Set 1. In contrast, Figure 6
shows two additional sets of questions which are se-
mantically opposite to the corresponding question in
Set 1, but use a strong negative word like “not” or
“don’t”. Set 1 was used for training the DNN while
all the other sets were used for test and validation.
The computational platform used for this work
was a server with 40 virtual Xeon processor cores,
96GB RAM, and an Nvidia K80 GPGPU (Nvidia,
2014) for accelerating the DNN computations. For
each iteration, a total of approximately 10 hours of
machine time was required for training the DNNs us-
ing BERT for all 50 questions.
Figure 7 shows the average accuracy of the emulator
for all questions across all possible personality types
which is numerically (41)
. The mean accuracy for
the questions ranges from 31.4% to 100% with a com-
Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits
Figure 8: Distribution of cosine similarities between Set 1
and Set 2.
bined average of 88.55%. On the other hand the Co-
sine similarity of the pairwise question embeddings
(taken from combinations of 2 sets) range from 42.9%
to 93.8% with a combined average of 72.1%. This
refers to cosine similarity between the original ques-
tion in the personality questionnaire and its rephrased
version from another set.
Although the cosine similarity between the em-
beddings of the same question number from different
sets might not be an accurate measure, it gives an indi-
cation that the BERT model is able to find a semantic
similarity between the two questions. It is observed
that apart from a couple of outliers most of the ques-
tions are answered accurately. Interestingly, we found
that some of the questions which seem to have been
answered incorrectly have actually been answered us-
ing a very close alternative choice. For example in-
stead of answering with the choice 5 the personality
emulator answered with the choice 4. This is mani-
fested in the heatmap plot in Figure 9. The Heatmap
in Figure 9 shows a distribution of the expected results
vs the obtained result given by the DNN. Given that
answers to personality questionnaires are not always
exact and self-assessments can vary between persons,
a tolerance of +/-1 is often considered by psycholo-
gists. Therefore, if the DNN comes up with a result
that only differs by +/- 1 it can be considered to be
It is worthwhile to note that the NN has been able
to answer correctly even those questions which have
moderate cosine similarities. This indicates that the
personality emulation section of the DNN correctly
amplifies or attenuates the significance of various em-
Figure 9: Distribution of Obtained values vs Expected Val-
This study explored how personality traits can po-
tentially be emulated by computers using deep neu-
ral networks. The results seem promising and con-
firm that the framework can emulate human personal-
ity through answering a psychometric questionnaire .
A potential future work might include extending the
framework to also answer various other psychomet-
ric questionnaires for example, MBTI(Myers Briggs
Type Indicator)(Myers, 1962). In the future, such per-
sonality emulation system can find commercial ap-
plications in chatbots(Lokman and Ameedeen, 2018)
which can optimize their communication styles based
on customer preferences.
The authors would like to thank Arndit Ltd.for the
computing resources especially GPGPU infrastruc-
ture provided for this work.
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Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits