Table 2: Pair agreement separately for sentences that had become DCGs and sentences that had become DAGs.
our method 91.51% (14,841/16,218) 85.34% (13,264/15,542)
[no reordering] 75.74% (12,284/16,218) 75.21% (11,689/15,542)
Table 3: Sentence agreement separately for sentences that had become DCGs and sentences that had become DAGs.
our method 50.29% (350/696) 18.42% (56/304)
[no reordering] 0.00% (0/696) 0.00% (0/304)
anteroposterior relations between two bunsetsus and
applied topological sort to the predicted results. The
effectiveness of our method was confirmed through
the evaluation experiments using sentences with an
uneasy-to-read word order created from newspaper
article sentences.
For future works, we would like to improve the
pair and sentence agreements on word reordering. We
also intend to build an uneasy-to-read sentence corpus
that humans actually create.
This work was partially supported by JSPS KAK-
ENHI Grand Number JP19K12127.
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