Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
Mridula Vijendran
, Frederick W. B. Li
and Hubert P. H. Shum
Department of Computer Science, Durham University, Durham, U.K.
Data Bias, Style Transfer, Image Classification, Deep Learning, Paintings.
It is difficult to train classifiers on paintings collections due to model bias from domain gaps and data bias from
the uneven distribution of artistic styles. Previous techniques like data distillation, traditional data augmen-
tation and style transfer improve classifier training using task specific training datasets or domain adaptation.
We propose a system to handle data bias in small paintings datasets like the Kaokore dataset while simulta-
neously accounting for domain adaptation in fine-tuning a model trained on real world images. Our system
consists of two stages which are style transfer and classification. In the style transfer stage, we generate the
stylized training samples per class with uniformly sampled content and style images and train the style trans-
formation network per domain. In the classification stage, we can interpret the effectiveness of the style and
content layers at the attention layers when training on the original training dataset and the stylized images.
We can tradeoff the model performance and convergence by dynamically varying the proportion of augmented
samples in the majority and minority classes. We achieve comparable results to the SOTA with fewer training
epochs and a classifier with fewer training parameters.
Painting classification is used in the art history do-
main for knowledge discovery through object and
pose detection in paintings. It also has other uses
in style and technique identification through statis-
tical analysis or image similarity along with artist
identification. It is challenging to train classifiers on
painting collections due to model bias from domain
gaps and data bias from the uneven distribution of
artistic styles. Previous techniques like data distilla-
tion, traditional and data augmentation improve clas-
sifier training using task-specific training datasets or
domain adaption. We propose a system to handle
data bias in small paintings datasets like the Kaokore
dataset (Tian et al., 2020) while accounting for do-
main adaptation in finetuning a model trained on real-
world images. Our system comprises two stages:
style transfer, and classification. During style trans-
fer, we generate the stylized training samples per class
while training the style transformation network’s de-
coder to the training dataset’s domain. At classifica-
tion, we can interpret the effectiveness of the style and
content layers at the attention layers when training on
Corresponding author.
the original training dataset and the stylized images.
We achieve comparable results to the state-of-the-art
(SOTA) with fewer training epochs and classifier pa-
Figure 1: Image samples from the Kaokore dataset.
Previous work has tried to solve data efficiency
in model training for small and uneven datasets in a
variety of ways. Data distillation and condensation
techniques have opted to create a synthetic dataset
that is optimal for the model (Zhao et al., 2021; Li
et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2018).
Although it provides a compressed representation of
Vijendran, M., Li, F. and Shum, H.
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer.
DOI: 10.5220/0011776600003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the training dataset, it overfits to a task distribution.
Traditional data augmentation techniques use heuris-
tics to select transformations on their training data
(Berthelot et al., 2019; Carratino et al., 2020) such
that the synthetic data belong to the training distri-
bution. However, these do not account for domain
adaptation when fine-tuning models, reducing sam-
pling bias solely for the training data. As a possible
solution, the model’s learned features account for the
source data using techniques such as style transfer. It
adapts the style from one input image while preserv-
ing the content or structure in the second image, using
the style and content information from the model’s
features. Style transfer data augmentation techniques
(Hong et al., 2021b; Hong et al., 2021a; Jackson et al.,
2019; Zheng et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2022) transfer
the style information from the target to the source for
domain generalization through style invariance. The
classification performance can vary from the choice
of the style image, with the style set determining the
class of augmentations. The model can learn faster
with augmentations tailored to the learning algorithm.
Although data augmentation techniques have been
used to improve classifier training, domain adaptation
or solve data bias in class imbalance, they treat them
as independent problems to solve at either the data
level or the model level. Our work aims to utilize
the strength of style transfer to tailor the data to the
domain as learned from the backbone of the model
to create a data augmentation that changes the data’s
style and content in the perspective of the model’s
features to help training as well as consider domain
adaptation. By producing style transfer augmenta-
tions of different proportions for the majority and mi-
nority classes, we can select the styles for different
parts of the data distribution for classes with different
amounts of data. The augmentations for the minority
class form the rare samples, while those of the major-
ity class form the representative samples.
In this paper, we propose a system that solves
the problems through the stages of transforming con-
tent images into class-preserving stylized images us-
ing Style Transfer with AdaIN (Huang and Belongie,
2017) and classifying the model with the original and
stylized images. The first stage mitigates data bias by
selecting style images that represents the mean or out-
lier of the cluster, thereby letting the model overfit on
the class in the former case and regularizing the model
in the latter case. The second stage tailors the styl-
ized images to the data per class with domain specific
style transformer decoders. The third stage classifies
the model with the augmented and original training
data and provides the spatial attention to help iden-
tify the data bias at the clustering stage by producing
interpretable attention maps.
We conduct a series of experiments to check if
class imbalance is mitigated through qualitative and
quantitative studies. The qualitative studies are the
classifier’s high and low confidence samples along
with the attention map responses for class balanc-
ing and the importance of the style and content lay-
ers. Through the quantitative studies, we can check
the importance of the spatial attention layer and the
data augmentation strategy. We achieve comparable
results on the Kaokore dataset with the SOTA accu-
racy score of 89.04% after 90 epochs using the LOOK
method (Feng et al., 2021) as compared to our system
with 83.22% after 20 epochs and with a model that
requires less training parameters. By changing the
proportion of p
and p
, we can achieve 78.67% pre-
cision and 75.3% recall with a ResNet-50 (Shah and
Harpale, 2018) backbone. We analyze trends from
different proportions of augmentations for the major-
ity and minority classes and check its effectiveness for
classifiers with different representation capacities.
Our main contributions include:
We present a spatial attention classification sys-
tem that achieves comparable results to the SOTA
performance from the LOOK model in Kaokore
dataset with significantly less training time and
training parameters.
We propose to tackle data bias with data balanc-
ing using a style transfer based data augmentation
method, in which styles are extracted from differ-
ent levels of deep features.
We showcase that we can trade-off accuracy gain
versus precision/recall gain by dynamically ad-
justing the ratio of augmentation between rare and
representative classes.
Our code is open sourced for validation and
further research: https://github.com/41enthusiast/
Our work concentrates on painting classification,
which is a domain with limited data. Due to this
constraint, data efficiency or artificially increasing the
amount of training samples can prove beneficial. The
training data can improve the model performance by
transforming its representation towards the model ob-
jective. The section discusses the training data modi-
fication at the distribution level, by synthesizing sam-
ples at the data or feature level, and at the data level
without a model.
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
2.1 Data Distribution Manipulation
Previous works have synthesized data augmentations,
modifying the training dataset from the model gradi-
ents (Zhao et al., 2021; Li et al., 2020; Zhao et al.,
2020) to condense and distill data into salient model
representations. Data distillation techniques (Wang
et al., 2018) have the advantage of providing a re-
duced yet efficient representation of the training data.
These techniques summarize the training distri-
bution into a representation that is tailored towards
the model or a shared embedding space between the
training and target data distribution. The proposed
work learns a class-wise transformation for each im-
age from model layer embeddings. It focuses on mit-
igating data bias through style invariance rather than
2.2 Style Transfer for Data
Style transfer for data augmentation can aid classifi-
cation at the data or feature level. Previously, style
transfer techniques were slow, iterative optimization
techniques (Gatys et al., 2015) that modified the styl-
ized image while leaving the model layers untouched.
The transferred style also does not align with the con-
tent. However, since the model has a relaxed objective
of style invariance, content-specific style transfer is
not a priority. Later techniques (Huang and Belongie,
2017; Chandran et al., 2021; Kolkin et al., 2022) in-
cluded a separate transformation network that could
be used in inference to generate the stylized images.
At the data level, style transfer modifies the train-
ing distribution itself, whereas at the feature level,
it modifies the model’s features. Smart Augmenta-
tion uses the model features to blend samples selected
from strategies like clustering (Lemley et al., 2017) to
generalize learned augmentation strategies from one
network to another. Style transfer similarly blends
images corresponding to model features for the style
and content. STDA-inf (Hong et al., 2021b) augments
the training data pool with the variations interpolated
between intraclass or interclass specific styles and the
average of all styles during training. StyleMix and
StyleCutMix (Hong et al., 2021a) explores the degree
of the effect of style and content in the synthetic sam-
ples and assign the mixed data a label based on the ra-
tio of the source images. Style Augmentation (Jack-
son et al., 2019) and STADA (Zheng et al., 2019),
explore the technique effectiveness with different de-
grees of style in the stylized image for model robust-
ness. STDA-inf and StyleMix are very closely tied to
our work, but they do not address the problem of class
At the feature level, style transfer at the model’s
feature maps helps in domain generalization as well
as model robustness (Wang et al., 2022). It generates
feature maps across multiple source domains for the
feature extractor by injecting style as noise in the lay-
ers. The original features and augmented features are
both used to train the classifier.
2.3 Model Agnostic Data Augmentation
Model agnostic data augmentation techniques modify
the training data independently or interdependently
(Berthelot et al., 2019; Carratino et al., 2020) involv-
ing only the training data itself. MixUp is an image
blending technique with the samples either selected at
random or according to the model. The training data
in MixMatch is independently processed by applying
traditional image augmentation techniques like rota-
tions, normalization, adding or removing noise, recol-
orization along with geometric operations like shear-
ing and translation.
The choice for the augmentation can also be
learned to utilize the model’s inductive bias (Cubuk
et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2017). A style transforma-
tion network using GAN (Wang et al., 2017) achieves
this using meta learning by learning augmentations
on a small network that generalize to a larger net-
work. Autoaugment (Cubuk et al., 2019), on the other
hand, uses policies from reinforcement learning to se-
lect augmentations. The policy based augmentations
are retrieved from sampling a selection pool consist-
ing of traditional image augmentations. The selected
augmentations are indicative of domain level knowl-
edge and induce bias based on the model architecture.
Our system operates at the data level by randomly
samples styles from the same class to preserve the
intraclass distribution and mitigate sampling bias by
adding more data to each class in different amounts.
Our system also differs from our competitors that
use contrastive learning (Islam et al., 2021; Feng
et al., 2021), that utilizes the similarity and differ-
ences in data to improve model training efficiency,
to train all of their model parameters. Contrasting
our competitors, our classifier backbone consist of
pretrained models (Canziani et al., 2016; Shah and
Harpale, 2018) that were trained on another task with
its head finetuned for paintings classification.
The current data augmentation techniques do not con-
sider how to mitigate class imbalance in interclass set-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tings while giving the option to focus on improving
performance or mitigating bias. Neither does the style
transfer based data augmentations tune the style and
content to the task.
Our proposed system seeks to address the above
issues by the following system features:
We can reduce data bias or promote model
performance by adding different proportions of
style transfer augmented data to the majority and
minority classes. Style transfer augmentations
also promote texture invariance through multiple
styles per sample, forcing the model to focus on
the image content.
We make the level of details from style transfer
layers configuration to be inline with the model
classification through spatial attention modules.
These increase the contribution of local level fea-
tures to the classification loss, thereby reducing
the difference in model performance from data
augmentations with different style transfer config-
The system consists of two parts as shown in Fig-
ure 2. The style transfer transforms the training data
into their data augmented counterparts. For each
transformation, it uniformly samples a random pair
of content and style images from a class to form hy-
bridized samples. Finally, the original and augmented
datasets feed into a classifier with a pre-trained net-
work and a head trained on the combination of local
and global spatial attention modules. The style trans-
fer uses the same VGG-19 backbone, while the clas-
sifier can have different pre-trained backbones.
3.1 Data Augmentation from Style
An automatic method of selecting style images com-
pared to STaDA (Zheng et al., 2019) can remove the
subjectivity in selecting style images.
We propose to use Adaptive Instance Normaliza-
tion’s (Huang and Belongie, 2017) image transforma-
tion network for fast transformation speed with cer-
tain flaws. The stylized image would not align the
transferred textures from the style image to the con-
tent image since it is not context aware. The transfor-
mation network is also configuration specific in the re-
sultant textures and is dependent on a specially trained
VGG-19 backbone.
Style transfer could account for the difference in
domains from the original training dataset with real-
world images compared to paintings. These differ-
ences can range from low-level details like texture and
pattern differences along with stroke level informa-
Figure 2: The overall system for style based data augmen-
tation to improve model classification.
tion to that in the high level like different shapes. By
providing style invariance, we can reduce this large
domain gap that can create problems in fine-tuning
and data generalization (Yosinski et al., 2014). We
can utilize style transfer to obfuscate the dataset’s
style and distortions, thereby reducing the domain gap
during transfer learning. The classifier is forced to uti-
lize the content information that is common to both
the source and target datasets considering that convo-
lutional neural networks are more sensitive to texture
information (Von K
ugelgen et al., 2021). Data aug-
mentations can separate the content information that
would be shared across these real and abstracted de-
pictions, allowing for the higher-level features to be
better utilized for classification (Geirhos et al., 2019).
(Virtusio et al., 2021) corroborates with the usefulness
of learning style invariance while bypassing artistic
semantics like brush details, and pattern densities.
We present the data augmented counterparts to the
training data that are generated pre-training and using
one model itself unlike Smart Augmentation (Lemley
et al., 2017). The data augmentation method neither
requires an encoder like GANs to exaggerate the de-
tails at the chosen feature levels nor does it need a
separate network to train augmentation strategies for
the main classification network.
The style transfer model, from Figure 4, optimizes
the style loss with the gram matrix of its feature em-
beddings to account for second-order statistics corre-
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
Figure 3: The original samples per class followed by good and sub-optimal style transfer augmentations in the second and
third rows, respectively.
Figure 4: The style transfer model generates stylized versions of the input data per class.
sponding to texture and feature variance. The content
loss is computed at the bottleneck of the image trans-
formation model to incorporate the style modulation
at the Adaptive Instance Normalization (Huang and
Belongie, 2017) layers with the content from the re-
construction loss to train the decoder end of the trans-
formation model. It uses a modified pre-trained VGG-
19 model with normalized weights as the encoder. We
train the style transfer model on uniformly sampled
style data from the entire dataset to expose the model
to more style varieties. Once the decoder has been
trained on the training images in a domain, the style
transfer can be computed quickly at inference with
uniformly sampled content and style images with rep-
etition per class. AdaIN is a technique that modulates
the mean and covariance of the content feature map to
that of the style feature map, thereby fusing the infor-
mation from both inputs.
c = f (x
s = f (x
AdaIN(c, s) = σ(s)
c µ(c)
+ µ(s)
t = AdaIN(c, s)
where c and s are content and style features from the
feature extractor, respectively. σ is the variance and
µ is the mean, respectively. t is the AdaIN output. It
modulates the content feature by the style statistics at
the style transformation network’s encoder.
The content loss L
and the style loss L
are given
as MSE losses and are computed as follows:
= || f (g(t) t)||
= ||µ(φ
(g(t))) µ(φ
(g(t))) σ(φ
where t is the AdaIN output from Equation 1 and con-
tent target, x
is the style image, f is the encoder, g
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
is the decoder, φ
are the style layers. The style loss
matches the mean and standard statistics between the
style image and the stylized image. The content loss
matches the stylized features to the target features.
During style transfer, only the weights of the de-
coder are updated in the training process. After en-
coding the style and content features for their respec-
tive selected layers, they are used to create a stylized
tensor using the AdaIN layer. The stylized tensor can
retain more information from the style or the structure
information depending on the alpha value. It is passed
through the decoder to form a hybrid image that re-
tains its structure information by matching its content
embedding against the stylized tensor using the con-
tent loss. It retains the style information by matching
its style embeddings against that of the style image
using the style loss. These two losses influence the
hybrid image learned by the decoder.
Figure 3 shows the quality of the generated sam-
ples per class. Since most of the images are face-
centered, the resultant style transfer transfers the tex-
ture while preserving the content. However, since
there is no constraints on the contents transferred,
some colors bleed into the stylized images as shown
in the bottom row. In the Kaokore dataset, there are
a lot of green backgrounds and characters with green
clothing, it is the common color that bleeds into the
3.2 Spatial Attention Based Image
The classifier, depicted in Figure 5, is made from
a pre-trained image classification model like VGG-
16 and ResNet-50 (Canziani et al., 2016; Shah and
Harpale, 2018) followed by extracting the very first
layer and selecting 3 layers between the first and last
layers to correspond to features with more spatial in-
formation to represent richer features and create a bal-
ance between the style and content information’s con-
tribution to the classification loss. The spatial atten-
tion module takes the re-projected layer for comput-
ing attention with the global feature from the bottle
neck. They are concatenated and passed to the head
with dense layers and dropout for image classifica-
tion. It has no batch norm layer and has no global
training statistics that can be re-utilized at test, with
previous work utilizing only these statistics to account
for domain adaptation (Frankle et al., 2020). In this
manner, the data augmentation can account for the
domain adaptation in the model. With the proposed
work, we explore a model agnostic way of domain
adaptation and mitigating data bias resulting from the
Kaokore dataset’s class imbalance.
Spatial attention can both help in visualizing the
impact of style transfer as well as remember coarse
to fine detail present in the image. The learnt atten-
tion map is further biased since the input data is al-
ready amplified by the selected layers. It serves as
both a weak supervision signal (Jetley et al., 2018)
and the attention mechanism acts as a pseudo mem-
ory bank for context retention among the features fed
to the module.
Figure 5: The classifier architecture is depicted with the
model flow from the input to the outputs. The blue line
indicates local features while the red line indicates global
features. The output from the spatial attention layer to the
fully connected layers are global features weighted by the
corresponding local features.
The spatial attention module computes the atten-
tion map for the local response map and the global
feature at the end of the feature extractor. This em-
beds both the local and global context of the image.
When processing the concatenated spatial attention
responses at the MLP head, the style transfer layers
are prioritized in the loss computation.
Focal loss is the classification loss used for the
spatial attention classifier to help mitigate class im-
balance and is formulated as:
= so f tmax(y
so f tmax(y
) =
) = α(1 p
In the eqn 3, α and γ are hyperparameters that can be
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
tuned according to the level of class imbalance in the
problem, with higher values for more skewed datasets
with more false positives. We can get p
by pass-
ing a softmax function to the logits output y
our spatial attention classifier with c as the number of
classes. y is the target one hot vector and p
is the
predicted probability.
Figure 6: Class imbalance in the Kaokore dataset.
We depict different experiments with our system as
follows. Section 4.1 describes the Kaokore dataset
which are used in the experimentations at Sections 4.3
and 4.2. The qualitative experiments (Section 4.3) ex-
plore the interpretability of the style and content lay-
ers, while the quantitative experiments are done with
ablation studies (Section 4.2) to check the effective-
ness of the system modules, the classifier and type of
data augmentation. Finally, Section 4.4 describes the
system configuration.
4.1 Datasets
The Kaokore dataset (Tian et al., 2020) is a collection
of Japanese paintings categorized in two ways accord-
ing to gender and status. It provides diverse faces
within and between classes with different shapes,
poses and colors. Thus, it makes a suitable choice for
improving classification under style invariance. The
gender categorization has the male and female sub-
classes, while status is subdivided into commoner, no-
ble, incarnation or non human or avatar and warrior. It
is very class imbalanced as indicated in Figure 6 and
it consists of face cropped images as seen in Figure
1. The results will be mainly focused on the status to
better showcase the impact of style transfer in classi-
fication since it requires more finesse than hyperpa-
rameter tuning and model regularization techniques
unlike the gender classification task. The dataset is
fairly small with 6,756 training images, 845 valida-
tion and test images of the same size and could benefit
from transfer learning.
4.2 Quantitative Results
The following experiments were conducted to test the
efficacy of style transfer as a data augmentation tech-
nique. The first is an analysis of the style transfer
effects on models of different capacities and architec-
tures. The second explores the model performance
under different configurations of p
and p
. This is
followed by a comparison with state-of-the-art meth-
Table 1: Model performance for different classifier back-
bones with and without data augmentation.
Style transfer data
augmentation type
Metrics (in percentage)
Accuracy Recall Precision F1 score
Optimal rare and
representative mix
82.06 71.41 75.9 73.27
No augmentation 79.91 71.08 73.09 72.00
Optimal rare and
representative mix
80.68 71.43 74.06 72.39
No augmentation 78.84 67.67 73.34 69.80
Optimal rare and
representative mix
81.38 73.83 76.40 74.88
No augmentation 80.03 71.49 75.93 73.29
Optimal rare and
representative mix
83.22 73.86 76.9 75.2
No augmentation 78.43 69.55 71.58 70.48
Style transfer has better results when the model
capacity is larger, as seen in VGG-19 and ResNet-34
in Table 1. The control case in the tables are the mod-
els that are trained with no data augmentation. The
data augmentation type in the table refer to the case
when the model is fed the listed types of style trans-
fer transformed training data. It can be inferred that
larger models that overfit to the dataset can benefit
from style transfer as a type of model regularization.
The rare augmentations work better for models with
larger capacities since it offers more visual variation
while making it harder for the model to overfit on
the dataset. In models with smaller backbones like
VGG-16 and VGG-19, the representative samples of-
fer better augmentations, since the excessive visual
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 2: ResNet-34 model performance metrics (accuracy/precision/recall) for different p1 and p2 configurations, where p1
is the percentage of extra majority class data and p2 is the percentage of extra minority class data.
p1/p2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0.1 79.31/76.89/70.55 78.91/75.46/73.23 77.58/76.33/69.54 79.42/74.9/71.5 76.83/73.9/69.43 79.37/76.03/73.34 80.35/75.96/75.21 80.69/76.44/73.23 78.67/73.1/69.13 79.24/73.61/71.61
0.2 79.76/75.93/72.82 78.5/75.36/71.26 76.88/72.01/64.97 79.89/74.56/72.92 78.44/74.16/65.81 79.07/72.84/70.49 80.29/75.77/72.66 76.99/70.92/65.76 78.33/74.4/70.89 80.4/75.47/73.41
0.3 79.26/74.29/72.97 78.9/73.75/71.04 79.94/74.54/73.24 78.32/73.97/69.23 80.05/74.75/73.61 79.54/74.75/73.61 79.54/74.64/71.91 77.87/73.35/70.67 77.4/70.26/64.99 79.19/73.93/71.1
0.4 79.08/75.22/70.69 77.23/74.38/65.6 78.33/73.23/70.98 79.88/75.09/70.38 75.9/72.43/61.49 78.89/72.41/71.15 80.24/76.94/73.6 80.23/76.05/73.82 78.91/73.98/71.69 80.23/75.69/72.14
0.5 77.93/74.17/72.21 80.29/76.2/71.16 79.02/73.37/72.14 79.47/76.59/71.95 79.83/75.52/72.04 79.13/73.64/70.11 78.79/73.61/72.4 78.32/72.86/68.59 80.74/76.19/71.37 79.94/74.82/72.98
0.6 79.95/76.04/71.71 79.24/73.31/71.28 79.3/74.03/70.97 79.66/76.91/73.98 79.36/73.41/71.73 80.64/77.58/73.53 79.36/76.22/70.69 79.9/75.16/72.69 79.25/73.7/71.91 81.32/76.04/71.52
0.7 79.71/74.61/72.64 79.66/76.4/72.43 80.97/76.59/73.26 79.83/74.28/73.45 78.68/75.03/72.38 79.02/75.24/69.63 80.4/75.64/72.17 78.68/73.88/70.29 79.53/73.71/70.04 80.86/75.89/71.19
0.8 80.07/76.38/72.7 81.16/77.31/75.03 80/75.29/73.46 80.17/74.82/72.12 80.05/76.12/70.87 79.25/75.32/70.7 77.69/71.7/68.91 78.38/73.22/66.91 80.34/74.29/71.6 80.23/75.3/72.74
0.9 79.88/75.88/71.76 78.14/72.34/69.05 80.75/77.13/73.84 81.38/76.4/73.83 79.31/74.65/71.06 79.59/75.63/73.29 81.1/77.7/74.61 79.66/73.98/71.43 79.14/74.34/70.97 79.08/74.85/71.52
1.0 77.87/73.32/66.63 79.78/76.16/73.5 78.15/73.47/70.27 79.71/74.37/70.57 79.36/74.72/70.42 78.15/77.43/62.81 80.41/78.62/73.6 80.24/76.39/71.44 80.29/76.37/73.45 78.96/74.33/69.42
(a) Training convergence with differing amounts of rare
samples (p
(b) Test accuracy scores with differing amounts of rare (p
and representative (p
) augmentations
(c) Test F1 scores with differing amounts of rare (p
) and
representative (p
) augmentations
Figure 7: Model performance trends with differing amounts
of style transfer augmentation. p
and p
indicate percent-
ages of data in the common classes, noble and warrior, and
rare classes, incarnation and commoner, used as extra train-
ing data.
variations in styles can hurt the model performance as
seen in (Zheng et al., 2019).
Changing the proportions of the data augmenta-
tions for the rare and representative samples show
Table 3: A comparative study for the Kaokore dataset. Note
that our data augmentation method can be used on top of all
existing state-of-the-arts and boost their performance.
Number of
(in millions)
VGG-11 (Tian et al., 2020)
78.74% 9.2 M
AlexNet (Tian et al., 2020)
78.93% 62.3 M
DenseNet-121 (Tian et al., 2020)
79.70% 7.6 M
Inception-v3 (Tian et al., 2020)
84.25% 24 M
ResNet-18 (Tian et al., 2020)
82.16% 11 M
MobileNet-v2 (Tian et al., 2020)
82.35% 3.2 M
ResNet-34 (Tian et al., 2020)
84.82 % 21.3 M
SelfSupCon (Islam et al., 2021) 88.92% 47 M
CE+SelfSupCon (Islam et al., 2021) 88.25% 27.9 M
LOOK (ResNet-50) (Feng et al., 2021) 89.04 % 23.5 M
Ours (VGG-16 backbone) 82.06 % 1.2 M
Ours (ResNet-34 backbone) 81.38 % 1.2 M
Ours (ResNet-50 backbone) 83.22 % 20.1 M
trends in model convergence and performance, as
seen in Figure 7. p
and p
are a percentage of the
data in majority and minority classes that are used as
extra training data, allowing for stratified sampling.
The test was performed on the spatial attention clas-
sifier with a ResNet-34 backbone since the capac-
ity of larger models benefit from more training data.
The model’s training convergence is faster with less
rare samples and there is a consistent trend for dif-
ferent fixed p1 values. The test accuracy increases
with more representative samples and rare samples.
On the other hand, the F1 scores mostly benefit from
having lesser proportions of rare augmentations than
representative augmentations. This trend allows for
a trade-off between F1 score, to represent both pre-
cision and recall, and accuracy. It also allows for a
trade-off between model convergence and potentially
overfitting to that of regularization from the added
rare samples.
ResNet-50 gets the best performance improve-
ment from the control with no augmentation with
= 0.3 and p
= 0.2, which can be attributed to its
increased capacity of 20 million trainable parameters
(mentioned in Table 3). It has better accuracy with
less rare and representative sample proportions as
compared to the previous configurations. The larger
number of learnable parameters lets the model benefit
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
from more rare samples since it is prone to overfitting
on smaller datasets.
Table 2 details the model performance metrics
with each cell listing the accuracy, precision and re-
call respectively. From the Figure 7 and Table 2,
we can infer the choice of the rare proportions (p
depending on the percentage of extra representative
samples (p
From the Table 3, our best models with the ResNet
and VGG Architecture reach comparable results with
LOOK (Feng et al., 2021) and the five contrastive
methods (Islam et al., 2021) with less computation.
Our work’s competitors all fully finetune their mod-
els but we only finetune the head of the classifier. The
methods with contrastive learning (Islam et al., 2021;
Feng et al., 2021) achieve better test accuracy, but
they have to be trained longer and have to be com-
pletely finetuned to the task. In the settings where
they do not do so, they have worse results to our
method when they train on a part of the dataset. They
also have significantly worse results in a few shot set-
ting, making them both data intensive and computa-
tionally expensive. On the other hand, our method
is compatible with the SOTA since it is a pretraining
step, possibly achieving better results in tandem with
their method.
From the tables, on comparing the results from the
control to the data augmented case, the performance
is more evenly spread out in the latter case, indicat-
ing better performance per class from the precision,
recall and F1 score metrics. The data augmentations
also seem to provide better results than the control for
models with more parameters and comparative results
for smaller models.
4.3 Qualitative Results
The visualization of the spatial attention map in Fig-
ure 8 can be used to highlight what parts of the image
are considered important to the model’s layers. As in
Figure 8a, without data augmentation, the model fo-
cuses on a wider area, with higher levels of responses
at the lower levels of the model. These lower layers
are sensitive to texture, edge and color information.
In the Kaokore dataset, the faces can be classified into
the different statuses by their hair style and clothes as
distinctive features. The faces and certain colors in
this case have very high activation responses.
As in Figure 8b, with data augmentation, we can
see the texture details highlighted more than the color
information at the lowest level. The regions with faces
and background have higher responses and in the later
layers, the areas in the vicinity of the hair and subject
are given more importance. Overall, there is more
levels of activity in the response maps with data aug-
The most and least confident images, as seen in
Figure 9, provides a check into the classes the model
is biased towards. It is formed by ranking the model
losses and visualizing the corresponding images. The
most confident images have the least losses from left
to right, while the least confident images rank the
losses in a descending order across the test set. The
selection of the Vgg-16 model was motivated by style
transfer working better with it as a backbone. The
style augmentation version has its least confident im-
ages with noble class examples. This could be due
to the test set’s sampling bias to the noble class. In
the first row’s configuration, the least confident im-
ages are from the commoner class despite its small
test sample size, indicating class imbalance. The re-
maining two configurations have the same images in
the most confident images with different rankings.
These images have backgrounds with less variation
and details. In the case of the system with only spa-
tial attention, the least confident images have com-
plex backgrounds along with subjects with obscured
faces. Style transfer based augmentations account for
the latter weakness but it does not account for highly
complex backgrounds. By providing variations of
styles per sample to promote texture invariance, the
model could ignore image details when ignoring tex-
ture information.
4.4 Implementation Details
During the pre-training phase, the style transfer model
is trained on pairs of uniformly sampled style and
content images from the training dataset for 20,000
iterations. The learned decoder is used in inference to
generate the stylized counterparts by similarly sam-
pling style and content pairs per class. The resultant
dataset retains the same distribution as the training
dataset, having the same number of samples for each
class. It uses the same parameters as the AdaIN style
transfer network(Huang and Belongie, 2017).
The model is trained with the batch size of 64 and
learning rate of 0.0001 for 20 epochs using an Adam
optimizer. Additionally, the model uses dropout with
a probability of 0.23. It uses L2 regularization along
with a focal loss with the gamma and alpha set to 2.
Finally, there are 8 workers for faster data processing.
L2 regularization and focal loss facilitates the
model to focus parts of the feature, since the style
transfer can utilize features of different levels of de-
tails that can get lost from the convolution and pooling
operations. Dropout was selected to further acerbate
this model regularization.
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) The attention map response without data augmentation for a random test batch.
(b) The attention map response with data augmentation for a random test batch.
Figure 8: Attention map responses for the style transfer layers in a ResNet architecture. From left to right, they represent the
input images, the lowest, low, middle and end layers. The response levels go from low to high and are indicated from dark
blue to red.
Figure 9: The most and least confident images from the validation subset of the Kaokore dataset for different system configu-
rations in the classifier with a VGG-16 backbone.
A single NVIDIA A100 GPU instance trained and
did inference on the model. It was also used during
pretraining to generate data augmented counterparts.
The pre-trained models considered in the classifier
are ResNet34, VGG (Canziani et al., 2016; Shah and
Harpale, 2018) and its variants VGG-16 and VGG-19.
The ResNet and VGG architectures provide a com-
paritive study against the benchmarks of the Kaokore
dataset (Tian et al., 2020). The VGG variants are used
to experiment the effect of the augmentations on the
model capacity. Their weights are frozen for all the
stages of the system to showcase the strength of data
augmentation rather than the model architecture itself.
The fully connected layers are removed and the last
layer is selected as a global average pooling layer to
make the model robust to images of any size and bet-
ter serve as a feature extractor.
We observe that style transfer for data augmentation
with the classifier tailored style images and stylization
produces better results per class. It also mitigates data
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
bias from class imbalance in small datasets of a dif-
ferent domain. The system achieves this by stylizing
images towards the representative and rare clustered
samples to bias the classification loss to a changed
training manifold. We can balance the tradeoff be-
tween accuracy and convergence to recall, precision
and f1-score by changing the proportion of extra data
per minority and majority class. The amount of ex-
tra rare classes to be added range between 20-60% of
the minority classes with more minority classes giv-
ing better recall, precision and f1-scores. In the repre-
sentative classes case, 50-90% more data can improve
all the metrics, with a more pronounced effect on ac-
curacy and model convergence. We conduct qualita-
tive experiments to check class imbalance and inter-
pretability of the backbone at different layers. Next,
we perform quantitative studies to show the weak su-
pervision signal from the spatial attention modules
and the reduced data bias through style transfer aug-
While we automate the style images for style
transfer through the random sampling of style and
content images per class, the learned style space is
still subjective due to the variations as a result from
the selection of different style and content layers. Fu-
ture work can look into focused sampling of style and
content images to make the style transfer more task
oriented. Our work has not experimented with vary-
ing the extent of style and content in the image which
can also be learned according to suit the task at hand.
Furthermore, we can use meta learning on top of
the system to learn hyperparameters as well as ef-
fectively learn the training dataset through the differ-
ent style transfer augmentations as support sets with
fewer samples. Since contrastive learning techniques
are highly dependent on the data augmentation tech-
niques, the future work can incorporate it into the
model training process. Since the current system al-
lows for flexibility in the choice of model and training
pipeline, the style transfer based data augmentation
can be adapted in a plug and play manner as a pre-
training step.
Lastly, we will explore the model generalization
on other paintings datasets such as PACS (Li et al.,
2017), WikiArt (Saleh and Elgammal, 2015) and Ri-
jksmuseum (Mensink and Van Gemert, 2014). The
PACS dataset is a small dataset with subjects por-
trayed in different media and can be used to check the
model’s performance in domain generalization. The
WikiArt dataset has paintings of different genres and
styles while the Rijksmuseum dataset has a larger col-
lection of data. The two datasets can be used to check
the data efficiency of the model with different training
data sizes.
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