bias from class imbalance in small datasets of a dif-
ferent domain. The system achieves this by stylizing
images towards the representative and rare clustered
samples to bias the classification loss to a changed
training manifold. We can balance the tradeoff be-
tween accuracy and convergence to recall, precision
and f1-score by changing the proportion of extra data
per minority and majority class. The amount of ex-
tra rare classes to be added range between 20-60% of
the minority classes with more minority classes giv-
ing better recall, precision and f1-scores. In the repre-
sentative classes case, 50-90% more data can improve
all the metrics, with a more pronounced effect on ac-
curacy and model convergence. We conduct qualita-
tive experiments to check class imbalance and inter-
pretability of the backbone at different layers. Next,
we perform quantitative studies to show the weak su-
pervision signal from the spatial attention modules
and the reduced data bias through style transfer aug-
While we automate the style images for style
transfer through the random sampling of style and
content images per class, the learned style space is
still subjective due to the variations as a result from
the selection of different style and content layers. Fu-
ture work can look into focused sampling of style and
content images to make the style transfer more task
oriented. Our work has not experimented with vary-
ing the extent of style and content in the image which
can also be learned according to suit the task at hand.
Furthermore, we can use meta learning on top of
the system to learn hyperparameters as well as ef-
fectively learn the training dataset through the differ-
ent style transfer augmentations as support sets with
fewer samples. Since contrastive learning techniques
are highly dependent on the data augmentation tech-
niques, the future work can incorporate it into the
model training process. Since the current system al-
lows for flexibility in the choice of model and training
pipeline, the style transfer based data augmentation
can be adapted in a plug and play manner as a pre-
training step.
Lastly, we will explore the model generalization
on other paintings datasets such as PACS (Li et al.,
2017), WikiArt (Saleh and Elgammal, 2015) and Ri-
jksmuseum (Mensink and Van Gemert, 2014). The
PACS dataset is a small dataset with subjects por-
trayed in different media and can be used to check the
model’s performance in domain generalization. The
WikiArt dataset has paintings of different genres and
styles while the Rijksmuseum dataset has a larger col-
lection of data. The two datasets can be used to check
the data efficiency of the model with different training
data sizes.
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications