In this research, we have experimented several solu-
tions to reduce the number of clauses during the com-
piling of a possibilistic network. We used the QMC
algorithm to take into account the context-specific
independence. As a result, we have simplified the
clauses, even reduced the number of clauses. The use
of c2d tool for the first allows us to generate mini-
mized d-DNNF graph. The goal was to obtain the
smallest possible graph to ensure an optimal compu-
tation time.
The proposed approach significantly reduces the
number of clauses as well as the computation time
during the encoding of the possibilistic networks. The
online computation time depends on the quality of the
compilation tool used to generate the d-DNNF graph.
Our assessment of inference is satisfactory for small
possibilistic networks. In our future works, we would
like to improve our approach for large networks. We
would like to compare new compiling tools such as
ACE, DSHARP, and D4. We also wish to evaluate at
least two other approaches for compiling possibilistic
networks, the first being the logarithmic encoding of
variables and the second the method of factors. Then
we will evaluate quantitative possibilistic networks.
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Improved Encoding of Possibilistic Networks in CNF Using Quine-McCluskey Algorithm