In this paper, we propose a portable, low-cost, reliable
system for automatic detection of precancerous
lesions on the cervix. We described our ongoing pilot
study, where we seek to assess the functionality and
reliability of the Cervitude Imaging System (CIS) and
validate our image analysis algorithms. By
developing an application where physicians can
collect relevant information about their patients, as
well as storing images from each visit within the same
location, we facilitate the process around screening
for cervical cancer.
We used a technique that helps remove specular
reflections as the first step in our image pre-
processing procedure. Through this algorithm, we can
remove specular reflections around and within areas
in the cervix that show precancerous lesions. It is an
important step, given that it is important to not only
detect signs of abnormal cells in the cervix, but also
to reduce misdiagnosis and unnecessary biopsies.
Removing specular reflections also improves the
results of segmentation of the cervical region of
interest. Therefore, our image pre-processing method
further decreases the chances of incorrect diagnosis
and treatment.
Future work includes implementing our methods
to images that we collect through our pilot study.
Extensive analysis to increase the accuracy of CIS
will be performed to our images as we increase the
size of our dataset. We believe that our low-cost
bioinformatics-based tool addresses the challenges to
cervical cancer screening in areas where there is
limited access to technology and trained specialists.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Charles Johnson,
MD, and Dr. Alison Westfall, MD, for their
participation and support in this pilot study.
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