In a version without app connection, the Kormoran11
is already approved as a medical device and available
on the market.
The digital functions and the app connection were
introduced specifically at the suggestion of the
urologists accompanying the project. It is expected
that the possibility of observing the long-term
development of measurements will enable a better
medical assessment and that the device will also be
accepted and used by younger users. However, with
regard to the older target group, it should be noted that
a digital connection is not necessary to fulfil the
function of Kormoran11.
It must be emphasised that the self-test result can
only be a first indication and that the final diagnosis
by a urologist is essential. The device is intentionally
not a measuring instrument, but serves to introduce
men to the sensitive subject in a simple way and to
familiarise themselves with their prostate health
status. The user is educated that a red light means that
the current flow is too weak. He is instructed to repeat
the measurement on other days at other times in that
case. If the signal is predominantly red, a visit to the
doctor is advised.
In conclusion, the authors are convinced that this
work can make a great contribution to men's health.
However, future studies need to test the willingness
of men to purchase and use the Kormoran11 device
and further development work is needed to make the
app-connected version ready for series production. In
addition to home use, it is also conceivable that the
device could be used in day care, nursing homes and
general practitioners’ offices.
This project was partly funded by the Bavarian
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Develop-
ment and Energy. The patent process was funded by
the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Energy as part of the SIGNO initiative. The authors
would further like to express their gratitude for the
medical support provided to the project by
Prof. Thomas Ebert, Head of the Prostate Centre of
the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region, St. Theresien
Hospital Nuremberg.
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