Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using
Muskan Kothari, Darshil Vipul Shah, Moulya T., Swasthi P. Rao and Jayashree R.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, PES University, Bangalore, India
Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease, Speech, Feature Extraction, Brunet’s Measure, Sichel’s Measure, Lexical Diversity,
Abstract: Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral
and social skills that affects a person's ability to function independently. Another area of concern is the overlap
of symptoms with a similar disease of dementia - Frontotemporal Dementia(FTD). This paper aims to analyze
the difference in linguistic features between control and dementia groups with respect to lexical diversity
through measures like Brunet’s and Sichel’s measure, frequency rates of adverb, verb, and linguistic
deterioration through repetition, disfluency, incomplete sentences, hesitation and long pauses through dataset
obtained by DementiaBank. This is achieved through gauging the cognitive ability in speech, which is an
inexpensive and non-invasive mode of analysis, qualifying as a screening test. The subjects are given certain
description tasks such as the famous cookie theft picture, analyzed through conversations. The result displays
the difference in lexical diversity which is a significant marker.
Alzheimers disease is a progressive neurologic
disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and
brain cells to die. Researchers across the world are
constantly making efforts to find methods for the
detection and treatment of this disorder in an
effective, non-invasive and cost-efficient way.
Speech is one of the most effective, inexpensive and
non-invasive modes of testing.
AD affects one in ten adults over the age of 65
years in the United States (Alzheimer’s Association,
2015). Diagnosis is possibly more effective in the
early stages of dementia. In low and middle income
countries, diagnosis of AD frequently occurs several
years after the onset of the disease. This leads to a
treatment gap for early dementia sufferers
(Alzheimer’s Disease International, 2011). This gap
reduces the effectiveness of treatments, prolonging
the patients’ state of reduced independence.
Sometimes AD might be misclassified into what’s
known as Fronto Temporal Dementia, as the
symptoms are very common to Alzheimer’s Disease
and can jeopardize the appropriate diagnosis and
medication for a patient with cognitive impairment
since it is now considered to be as common as
Alzheimer’s in middle aged patients. AD is often
difficult to differentiate with FTD, especially in the
early stage. Currently, there are no disease-modifying
treatments for FTD. The acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors widely used in patients with AD could lead
to worsening of symptoms in those with FTD.
Therefore, accurate diagnosis from a
differentiating perspective of FTD and AD and the
reduction of misdiagnosis is of essential utility in
clinical trials. FTD is also a highly heritable group of
neurodegenerative disorders, with around 30% of
patients having a strong family history. Diagnosing
and confirming it early could be very helpful for the
descendants of the patient as well.
Realizing the necessity, scope and potential of this
area of research, the work described in this paper aims
to resolve some core issues related to Alzheimer’s
detection among patients, taking the first step in
classifying it precisely through linguistic features
extracted from transcribed files in CHAT (Codes for
the Human Analysis of Transcripts) protocol
(MacWhinney, 2000). It cannot be denied that
examining linguistic features is one of the best and
most inexpensive ways to detect Alzheimer’s, which
is why this research will be using them in the unique
model, inspired by the approaches we have explored.
Kothari, M., Shah, D., T., M., Rao, S. and R., J.
Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Speech.
DOI: 10.5220/0011779000003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 806-812
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
The work done in (Renxuan Albert Li, 2020) mainly
focuses on Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) using
the Brain, Stress, Hypertension, and Aging Research
Program (B-SHARP) dataset. Three speech tasks
were given to the subjects and the recordings of 1-2
mins each were transcribed using Temi (Daniela
Beltrami, 2018), a tool that automatically transcribed
speech and linguistic features were further analyzed
with a helpful tool called ELIT (Jacob Devlin, 2019).
Three tasks involved speaking about picture
description, room environment and daily activity.
Task 2 out of 3 has highest accuracy which proved
spatial descriptions to be most useful.
The methodology proposed in (N. Wang, 2020) is
highly personalized. It analyzes the hidden linguistic
patterns of each subject separately using their own
linguistic biomarkers over a duration. The main
analysis done over here was a case study on President
Reagan’s speeches. Uses a lot of speech features such
as pronoun-noun ratio, word frequency ratio,
Honore’s measure, Brunet’s measure etc. Focuses on
trying to predict in an automated manner rather than
on trained data, and uses SVM for this approach, but
it’s observed that prediction using t-SNE is more
accurate than the automated SVM approach.
The aim of the research done in (Haulcy, 2021)
was to classify Alzheimer’s using ADRess Dataset.
The dataset consists of audio recordings along with
the transcripts, and metadata for non-AD and AD
patients. Feature sets were formed with LDA, and
with PCA, and training of classifiers on feature sets
to observe the effect of dimensionality reduction. One
main advantage of using linguistic features is the
usage of punctuation. The semantic and syntactic
information is used by the model. The classifiers used
are LDA, Decision Tree classifier, the k-nearest
neighbors classifier, SVM and RF classifier.
So far, most of the work done was in English and
no other language had been worked upon in detail.
But in (Zhiqiang Guo, 2020), AD was detected in
Mandarin. The dataset used here consists of
transcriptions of the cookie theft picture in Mandarin.
208 transcriptions were recorded equally for both
healthy and AD patients. The results of this
experiment show that the contrastive learning method
can achieve better accuracy than conventional CNN-
based and BERT-based methods. The output was
achieved by a model containing two pooling layers of
english and mandarin and two auto-encoders of both
the languages. The accuracy obtained here was
In (Chloé Pou-Prom, 2018), the researchers
leverage the multiview nature of DementiaBank, to
learn an embedding that captures different modes of
cognitive impairment. Generalized canonical
correlation analysis (GCCA) was applied to the
dataset and the benefits of using multiview
embeddings on identifying AD and predicting clinical
scores were demonstrated. The short-coming of the
research being that while GCCA allowed for an
arbitrary number of views, it learnt only linear
projections to the embedding space. In this case,
DGCCA can be used which makes use of neural
networks to learn non-linear mappings to the
embedding space.
Semantic Verbal Fluency tests were used in
(Felipe Paula, 2018) to detect certain clinical
conditions like dementia The SVF dataset of a 100
patients was classified into groups of 25 controls each
in classes like Amnestic Mild Cognitive Deficit
(aMCD), Multi-domain Mild Cognitive Deficit
(mMCD) and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The SVF
test uses a binary function called switch which
operates on a sequence of N words. Three heuristics
of the switch function were explored. These were the
Detection based on global mean, detection based on
local mean and hybrid detection.
An approach of using CNN and LSTM was seen
in (Flavio Di Palo, 2019). The purpose of CNN and
LSTM was to enable the learning of both implicitly
learned features and targeted features to perform
classification. A bi-directional LSTM was used
instead, and an attention mechanism was applied on
the hidden states of the LSTM. Class weights that
were added to the loss function in this approach took
the dataset imbalance into account.
Kathleen et al. in (Zhou, 2016) have devised ways
to differentiate and identify between having AD and
depression. To analyze further, textual and acoustic
features were extracted from the patient’s speech
data. A subset of the extracted features were selected
by using a correlation-based filter. A detailed analysis
of correlation between depression and dementia was
carried out by the authors. The selected features were
then fed in ML classifiers like SVM and Logistic
Regression (LR) models.
From the review done in (Haulcy R, 2021), there are
various datasets available for the study of Dementia
in languages such as English, French, Greek,
Hungarian, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Spanish,
Swedish and Turkish. While most of them are
Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Speech
available upon request, the availability of the rest of
the datasets is undefined. In English, there are 3 major
datasets widely known to be available, namely
DementiaBank, Pitt Corpus and WRAP. All of these
datasets are available upon request.
For the purpose of this paper, the dataset chosen
was Pitt corpus, available in English under non-
protocol data where the media included audio files
obtained from DementiaBank. This is an open-source
repository of various corpora available on request. In
DementiaBank, you have corpora available in 5
languages namely English, German, Spanish,
Mandarin and Taiwanese, categorized under protocol
data, non-protocol data and PPA non-protocol data.
This corpus is maintained by Francois Boller and
James Becker as part of a larger protocol
administered at the University of Pittsburgh School of
The dataset includes audio as well as
downloadable transcripts which follow the CHAT
protocol. The dataset includes the conversation
between two participants playing two roles, one as the
investigator (INV) and the other as the participant
(PAR) who is the patient. The data includes responses
for both control and dementia groups where control
groups have elderly individuals and dementia groups
include patients with probable and possible
Alzheimer’s disease. The group also includes a few
patients from other dementia diseases. The
conversations between the two roles is transcribed for
4 language tasks -
1. Cookie Theft - includes participants describing
the cookie theft picture
2. Fluency - includes responses to the word fluency
task for the dementia group only.
3. Recall - includes responses to story recall tasks
for the dementia group only.
4. Sentence - includes responses to sentence
construction task for dementia group only.
The focus for this paper is only for the cookie
theft task since it includes both the groups. The reason
for choosing the DementiaBank dataset over other
available datasets in English is the fact that this
dataset is balanced. It also includes other
demographic information of the patients such as age,
sex, diagnosis and MMSE score.
MMSE stands for Mini-Mental State
Examination which is a set of 11 questions that a
doctor asks the patient to assess the cognitive
impairment. A total of 6 areas of mental abilities are
checked through this examination which includes
orientation to time and place, concentration, short-
term memory recall which can be reasoned for the
story recall task, language skills, visuospatial abilities
which can be reasoned for the cookie theft task and
finally, the ability to follow instructions. The
maximum obtainable score for MMSE is 30. A score
below 24 is usually indicative of possible cognitive
A total of 548 files are used for further analysis
and research. 305 of the total files are from the
dementia group, and 243 files are from the control
group. To read the CHAT files in .cha format,
pylangacq was used, which is a library to read
conversational data represented in this format. It has
various methods which allows to obtain information
about the participants (in this case, it returns PAR and
INV), the metadata stored in transcribed files (which
usually start with the @ symbol), number of files,
number of words, and number of utterances filtered
by participants, through a reader object. It also gives
information about tokens in each file which returns an
object of tuples with 4 fields. Tokens give you word
based annotations, and the fields include the word
itself, the part-of-speech tag, morphological
information and the grammatical relation. The
grammatical relation is an object which tells the
relation between two words, including 3 attributes
which are the position of the dependent (the word
itself), position of the head, and the relation between
The metadata transcribed in the files includes
information like the encoding (in this case UTF8),
language, participants, information about the
participants like language, corpus, age, sex, role,
group and education.The control files contain a total
of 3896 utterances and 33931 words while the
dementia files contain a total of 5585 utterances and
43471 words. A subset of the information obtained
from one of the.cha files of the dementia group is
detailed in table 1. The results of words, utterances,
tokens and meta-data along with the method used
from pylangacq is displayed.
4.1 Data Preprocessing and
The first step for preparing the data was to analyze the
different essential components that constitute the
CHAT files. From previous methods explored, the
utterances function posed to be very useful, along
with the tokens methods. The dataset preparation
started with extracting all the utterances by
participants in each file. This means that using the
utterances method, filtered by ‘PAR’, each file was
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Analysis of CHAT files.
Information about participant conversations
Methods used Subhead
["he's", 'taking', 'cookie', 'jar', '.',
"that's", 'all', '.']
[["he's", 'taking', 'cookie', 'jar',
'.'], ["that's", 'all', '.']]
Token(word='taking', pos='part',
gra=Gra(dep=3, head=0,
{'UTF8': '',
'PID': '11312/t-00002422-1',
'Languages': ['eng'],
'Participants': {'PAR': {'name':
'language': 'eng',
'corpus': 'Pitt',
'age': '56;',
'sex': 'male',
'group': 'ProbableAD',
'ses': '',
'role': 'Participant',
'education': '20',
'custom': ''},
'INV': {'name': 'Investigator',
'language': 'eng',
'corpus': 'Pitt',
'age': '',
'sex': '',
'group': '',
'ses': '',
'role': 'Investigator',
'education': '',
'custom': ''}},
'Media': '003-0, audio',
'G': 'Cookie'}
processed and the associated label was also prepared
for the group that the ‘PAR’ belonged to. Control
group was labeled 0 and the dementia group was
labeled 1. The other important feature extraction was
using POS tags. Parts of speech tagging have been
proving to be essential to extract and learn some of
the key features of speech. For patients with
Alzheimer’s, some of the POS tags are more frequent
than normal patients. Using spaCy, an open source
library highly suitable for tasks in Natural Language
Processing and written in Python and Cython,
deemed useful for POS tagging. Each utterance in
each file was passed to a function that added the POS
tag after the token in each row. Using this library,
extraction or preparation tasks become easier because
of the attributes that each token is embedded with.
The transcription files also included some of the
key transcription symbols to signify the manner of
speech or the verbal fluencies. Verbal utterances like
repetitions, retractions, pauses of both types - short
and long, incomplete words, incomplete sentences,
assimilations, various errors, hesitations and
disfluencies were captured through transcription
symbols, which is elaborated in table 2.
Table 2: Transcription Symbols.
Sl. No. Symbol Meaning
1 [/] Repetition
2 [//] Retraction
3 [..] Pause
4 [.] Short pause
5 [...] Long pause
6 [+sgram] Grammatical error
7 &uh/&um/&mm/&hm Hesitation
8 &w+ Disfluenc
These transcription symbols were replaced with
the expansions of what they represented. The concept
of regular expressions was used to identify these
symbols and each annotation was hereby replaced
with the direct meaning.
At the end, we had a dataframe consisting of the
label column, all utterances belonging to each file,
POS tagged column consisting of the token followed
by its POS tag after each, the expanded representation
of the annotation in each utterance, and a final column
without annotations to prevent skewing of POS tags.
4.2 Ratios and Measures
For the research pertaining to this paper, the linguistic
features are divided into POS features and lexical
diversity. For POS features, 3 values were computed,
which are pronoun-noun ratio, adverb frequency rate
and verb frequency rate. These measures are deemed
important from the correlation result obtained in (N.
Wang, 2020). Alzheimer’s patients seemingly use
more pronouns than nouns. The utterances of AD
patients are also rich in adverbs and verbs compared
to other POS tags. The results were consistent with
the observations except for a slight variation in verb
frequency rate. The P-N ratio obtained for AD
patients was 0.6923 and for normal patients was
Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Speech
0.5181, which indicates that normal patients’ speech
included more nouns resulting in a P-N ratio less than
AD patients who used more pronouns than nouns. For
adverb frequency rate, the result obtained for AD
patients and normal patients was 48.95 and 60.08
respectively. Our implementation computed the
frequency by dividing the number of tokens by the
number of adverbs. Thus, a higher number of adverbs
per number of tokens would result in a lesser adverb
frequency rate according to our implementation. This
was consistent with the observation that AD patients
use more adverbs. For verb frequency rate, using the
same implementation as adverb frequency rate, the
result obtained for AD patients and normal patients
was 16.50 and 12.50 respectively. This implies that
less number of verbs were used per number of tokens
by AD patients compared to normal patients.
There are 4 measures computed for lexical
diversity. From the case study in (Zhou, 2016) on
President Reagans speech, it was established that AD
patients have a declined vocabulary richness in their
speech. Heres where POS tags come to use once
again. It proves that the speech including the
vocabulary and the gaps can give a lot to infer. Three
popular measures for vocabulary richness are the
Honores statistic (HS), Brunets index (BM) and
Sichel measure (SICH).
It is important to know what hapax legomena and
hapax dislegomena mean. Hapax legomena are the
word types that occur once in a text while
dislegomena are those that occur twice in a text. By
logic, hapax legomena is usually the indicator of
lexical diversity. Honores statistic which is usually
denoted by R is based on the understanding that texts
with rich vocabulary have larger proportions of words
that are hapax legomena. But this measure is sensitive
to sample size. Both Honores and Sichels result in a
higher value when vocabulary is rich. In case of
Brunets (W), smaller the value, higher the
vocabulary richness and is also not sensitive to the
text length. The range of values is usually between 10
and 20. For the purpose of this study, Sichels and
Brunets measure was chosen, which balances the
results for lexical diversity since they are both
inversely proportional.
The other two measures used were MTLD
(Measure of Textual Lexical Diversity) and MATTR
(Moving Average TTR), based on TTR (Type-Token
Ratio) which is the number of different words in a
sample of text. MTLD tells the average number of
consecutive words that maintains a certain TTR
before dropping. MATTR is simple enough, in that it
calculates the TTR for a window of a certain size.
4.3 Equations and Measures
Brunet’s measure was implemented using (1)
𝑊 = 𝑁
where -a is a scaling constant, usually equals -0.172.
N denotes the length of text and V denotes the number
of different words. Sichels measure is as simple as
computing hapax dislegomena on the text.
4.4 Training Models
The training of models started with the preparation of
transcribed speeches of AD patients. As explained
earlier, the CHAT protocol and its meanings were
thoroughly analyzed and POS tagging was applied.
In addition to the POS tag and preprocessed
utterances, 4 measures of lexical diversity and 3 ratios
of linguistic features were included in the dataset. The
gaps in utterances are of equal importance to
differentiate a control patient from an AD patient. It
is observed that the speech of AD patients shows
higher occurrences of repetitions, retractions,
disfluency, long pauses, hesitation, grammatical
errors and incomplete sentences.
To conclude, all the features mentioned and
described thus far have been used to prepare and store
the dataset. From the research of existing work,
CNNs, SVMs and LSTMs give the best results. For
this research, a total of 7 models were trained on the
features scaled appropriately. The top three models to
give the highest accuracy were MultinomialNB, SVC
and Random Forest Classifier.
A comparison of the mean values obtained for
each feature in both groups were also compared and
the results were consistent with the existing work
except for verb frequency ratio which deviated from
the existing inferences. All the linguistic features and
gaps denoting retraction, repetition, disfluency,
hesitation and more showed a higher mean in values
for AD patients compared to the control group.
The highest accuracy as seen in table 4 obtained was
88.92% by KNearestNeighbors classifier followed by
SVC and MultinomialNB. From the preparation and
analysis of all the measures, it was clear that the AD
patients have a degraded linguistic sense of speech
which is seen in poor lexical diversity, higher use of
adverbs and pronouns, less use of nouns and we have
also identified through verb frequency rate that
despite the observation in (Zhou, 2016), verbs are not
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
that frequent in AD patients. The results obtained
after computing the mean values for other measures
like MATTR, MTLD showed that MATTR and
MTLD for AD patients was less than normal patients
which is an indication of reduced lexical diversity in
the speech of AD patients, and the number of
occurrences of repetition, retraction, hesitations,
grammatical errors etc, were higher than normal
Reported in table 3 are the pair of values obtained
for lexical diversity measures and number of
occurrences in the utterances of AD and control
Table 3: Comparison of Linguistic Measures.
Control AD
MATTR 0.597633 0.566128
MTLD 34.004573 32.048859
Repetition 0.711934 1.780328
Retraction 1.300412 2.101639
Long pause 0.069959 0.098361
Disfluency 0.732510 1.655738
Hesitation 3.419753 3.603279
Grammatical error 1.234568 1.436066
lete sentence 0.172840 0.518033
It can be inferred that the values for repetition,
retraction, disfluency and incomplete sentence were
significantly higher for AD than control and could
pose as a useful measure for training the model and
detection purpose.
Finally, the most significant accuracies obtained
are tabulated below for the top 3 models. The test size
was set to 0.15 and a random state of 61 was applied.
Decision tree resulted in the lowest accuracy of
60.24%. The confusion matrix was plotted along with
the computation of F1 score, precision and recall for
each model of the 7 models.
Table 4: Results from Top 3 Models.
Accuracy Precision Recall F1 score
KNN 88.92 0.8592 0.8537 0.8563
SVC 84.33 0.8133 0.8128 0.8197
MultinomialNB 84.33 0.8164 0.8216 0.8225
This research highlights a significant marker in
analyzing speech of AD patients. From a medical
perspective, using speech is an inexpensive and a
non-invasive process which qualifies as screening
tests. Capable of quick and reliable results, the
inferences from this work include the degradation of
lexical diversity in the speech of AD patients, where
measures like Brunets and Sichels gave
differentiable mean values for the two control groups.
MATTR and MTLD are another pair of measures
where the mean values for AD patients were less than
the control group. In terms of utterances and manner
of speech, the top 4 significant markers were
repetition, retraction, disfluency and incomplete
sentences; the mean number of occurrences was ~ 78-
201% higher in AD group.
This paper talks about the validation of existing
inferences with a deviation in verb frequency ratio
and also contributes by implementing 4 lexical
diversity ratios. There is some potential to include the
demographic information from the transcripts and
analyze the differences in the onset and changes in
cognitive impairments between male and female. To
contribute to the work described in this paper in future
in order to make it more complete, we want to
implement Conditional Random Fields (CRF) to
predict the relation between consecutive POS tags
and analyze useful inferences obtained, if any.
Another addition would be to train models like t-SNE
and hybrid CNN-LSTM, like in (
Sweta Karlekar,
on the prepared dataset.
Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Speech
Expressing profound gratitude to Dr. Jayashree R for
encouraging and guiding us along the way and the
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at PES
University, for providing this opportunity to expand
our potential of impact, for conducting frequent
research and inculcating problem-solving disciplines.
This opportunity would not be possible without the
grant support in the research conducted by the
maintainers and researchers of DementiaBank and
Pitt Corpus. We are thankful to Carnegie Mellon
University, for facilitating resources and granting
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence