the rectangular shape of the original B-Scans.
Evaluation was done on the basis of Dice Score
which is a standard method of evaluating segmenta-
tion problems. Experimental results show that the
proposed model outperformed both the human ex-
perts’ annotation and the current state-of-the-art ar-
chitectures by a clear margin, even on a very small,
imbalanced and complex dataset with a high degree
of presence of pathology that severely affects the nor-
mal morphology of the retina.
The dataset was collected for 2 problems (layers
and fluid segmentation) which can be experimented
separately but we decided to do both jointly together
which is a more challenging task.
The CoNet can be directly applied to solve real
world problems and to monitor the progress of eye
diseases such as diabetic macular edema (DME), age-
related macular degeneration (AMD) and Glaucoma.
In the future we will evaluate the CoNet on other
benchmark datasets, and compare our results to other
state-of-the-art models. Also we plan to extend the
current 2D network to 3D.
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BIOIMAGING 2023 - 10th International Conference on Bioimaging