A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge
Nicos Isaak
Computational Cognition Lab, Cyprus
Language Models, Deep Learrning, Story Understanding, Natural Language Processing, Word Guessing,
Taboo Challenge, Zero-Shot Setting.
The Taboo Challenge competition, a task based on the well-known Taboo game, has been proposed to stimulate
research in the AI field. The challenge requires building systems able to comprehend the implied inferences
between the exchanged messages of guesser and describer agents. A describer sends pre-determined hints to
guessers indirectly describing cities, and guessers are required to return the matching cities implied by the
hints. Climbing up the scoring ledger requires resolving the highest number of cities with the smallest number
of hints in a specified time frame. Here, we present TabooLM, a language-model approach that tackles the
challenge based on a zero-shot setting. We start by presenting and comparing the results of our approach
with three studies from the literature. The results show that TabooLM achieves SOTA results on the Taboo
challenge, suggesting that it can guess the implied cities faster and more accurately than existing approaches.
Since the late fifties (McCarthy et al., 2006), numer-
ous studies have investigated ways to develop sys-
tems that automate or enhance basic human abilities.
Based on the McCarthy et al. (2006) proposal, where
the term Artificial Intelligence (AI) was coined, the
research community listed several topics to be tacked,
such as neural nets, abstraction, NIP, etc. In this re-
gard, various challenges have been proposed, such as
the Turing test or the Winograd schema challenge, for
developing systems humans can relate to and interact
with. Given the above, researchers have increasingly
become interested in identifying ways to endow ma-
chines with the necessary knowledge (Michael, 2013;
Isaak and Michael, 2016) that would allow machines
to perform as humans do.
One of those challenges, the Taboo Challenge
Competition (TCC) (Rovatsos et al., 2018), is con-
cerned with the ability to resolve hints to cities, which
in certain cases is argued to require the use of com-
monsense knowledge. The challenge refers to games
between guessers and describers, where a describer
sends hints that need to be resolved to city names by
the guessers. Like with the traditional Taboo game,
the tricky part of the challenge is that it requires the
guessers to speculate the domain of the describers so
that players from the same region have better chances
of getting higher scores. Given the above, the chal-
lenge requires the development of diversity-aware
guessers to tackle games previously played with in-
teractive decision-making strategies by human play-
ers. According to Rovatsos et al. (2018), although hu-
mans can easily solve Taboo-like games, the perfor-
mance of automated approaches is still significantly
It is believed that the challenge will lead to the de-
velopment of diversity-aware agents, something par-
tially overlooked by other AI challenges. On another,
the challenge allows the development of agents based
on various solutions, such as classic AI, modern AI,
or blended hybrid solutions that combine the best of
two worlds.
Motivated by the difficulty of having AI agents
tackle Taboo Games, we introduce TabooLM, a lan-
guage model approach for the Taboo Challenge com-
petition. To date, this is the first published work to
report results on the feasibility of a zero-shot setting
approach. According to our results, TabooLM outper-
forms the other systems in prediction accuracy, sug-
gesting that it can guess the implied cities faster and
more accurately than previously used approaches.
Our work shows in detail how out-of-the-box lan-
guage models can be utilized in a zero-shot setting to
tackle an inference kind of challenge by determining
whether or not group words refer to the same entities,
for which classic techniques necessitated the utiliza-
Isaak, N.
A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge.
DOI: 10.5220/0011782000003393
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2023) - Volume 3, pages 821-828
ISBN: 978-989-758-623-1; ISSN: 2184-433X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
tion of various tools like dependency parsers, the re-
moving of stop-words, or the use of similarity scores.
In the next section, we present the challenge itself
by explaining how a describer interacts with guessers.
Then, a comprehensive review of the related work is
presented, along with the results of the first and only
Taboo Challenge. After that, we present what Lan-
guage Models are all about. In the follow-up section,
we present our system architecture by analyzing its
parts in detail, showing at the same time how they in-
teract between them to tackle taboo games. Finally,
we present our experimental evaluation and conclu-
sions in the last two sections.
The challenge refers to Taboo-like games where play-
ers exchange request-response messages describing
a concept without using taboo words, that is, words
making the concept too easy to guess (Rovatsos et al.,
2018). Instead of having humans, the challenge
refers to a new type of game
played between ma-
chines. Specifically, the challenge consists of request-
response messages between describer and guesser
agents trying to guess city names. To illustrate, a
game starts with a guesser sending an online request
to a describer (see Figure 1). Next, a describer returns
a hint referring to a city and waits for the guesser’s
response, that is, the implied city name. All subse-
quent responses to incorrect guesses contain the an-
swer “no” and a new hint. On the other hand, the
response to a correct guess is a simple yes. In case no
more hints are available, the answer “no more hints”
is returned.
The evaluation consists of running the guesser
agents a predefined number of times, each time play-
ing a different game. A guesser’s score is derived by
the number of guesses it submits (see game rules in
Figure 1). If a guesser fails to answer, it obtains a
score of number of hints+5. A guesser’s total score is
the sum of the individual game scores it played. The
winner is the guesser with the total (lowest) score.
According to Rovatsos et al. (2018), to reduce
time complexity:
The domain of concepts is limited to include only
popular cities —unknown to the guessers.
The hints describing cities are limited to simple
noun phrases —plus adjectives and/or adverbs.
Each game had to be answered in the limited time
frame of twenty minutes.
The first and only Taboo Challenge took part as a side
event of IJCAI 2017 (Rovatsos et al., 2018). Accord-
ing to the organizers, a describer (server script) was
programmed to interact with several guesser agents
via an API. The hints and Taboo words were pre-
viously collected from games played by eighty-two
crowd workers (based in the UK and USA). Starting
from an initial set of 300 cities, they ended up with
226 cities, for which more than one worker generated
eight to twelve taboo words —cities with no more
than three taboo words were eliminated. Next, via a
Web and a mobile application (see Figure 1), based
on 226 cities, thirty native English speakers gener-
ated 283 games. Based on the collected hints, around
25% of the games were solved right after one hint,
and around 50% used two to four hints. Finally, the
challenge evaluation procedure was fully automated,
and each guesser agent was tested on a subset of 109
games (see Table 1). Prior to the competition, partic-
ipants were given access to several games in order to
train their guesser agents.
Isaak and Michael (2017b) tackled the challenge
through a commonsense reasoning system originally
designed for the Winograd Schema Challenge. Given
a predefined list of cities, for any hint, the system
searches the English Wikipedia to build semantic
scenes, that is, relations between nouns, verbs, and
adjectives found in English sentences. Then, it feeds
the scenes to a Learner and a Reasoner, and through
chaining, it outputs logical inference rules (e.g., city
name, LearnerWeight). Finally, the engine responds
to a describer with the city with the bigger Learner-
Weight. For instance, the scene, mahal([variable:0]):-
mausoleum([variable:0, exists:0]), tells us that mahal
is a mausoleum. Based on the results, the system won
only six games out of 109 (5.50%) with 197 guesses
and a total score of 816.
Dankers et al. (2017), via word embeddings, they
associate hints with cities. The idea behind word em-
beddings is that words that appear in similar contexts
tend to have related meanings. To build their em-
beddings’ semantic space, they utilize and filter data
from online sources such as Wikipedia, Wikivoyage,
and NomadList. Basically, based on multiple game
strategies and cosine similarity, they calculate and
store the association between the vectors of hints and
cities. In the end, they return the city with the highest
score. In case a hint is not presented in the seman-
tic space, they employ another strategy via searching
pre-trained word2Vec vectors, previously trained on
Google News. Based on the results, the system won
thirteen games out of 109 (11.9%) with 293 guesses
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 1: Data Collection and Evaluation of the Taboo Challenge Competition.
and a total score of 773.
Similar to Dankers et al. (2017)’s approach, Kok-
sal (2017) tackles the challenge via similarities be-
tween hints and cities based on the pre-trained Skip-
gram Word2Vec architecture. Moreover, instead of
a simplified city-level approach, they employ a dif-
ferent country-level approach. In short, given a list
of countries, for any hint, they calculate the country-
hint similarity to return a list of the top three coun-
tries. Similarly, for each city, they estimate the city-
hint similarity. To calculate the similarities between
cities and hints, they use a heuristic approach that in-
creases the likelihood of an answer by multiplying the
similarity factor by each city population. According
to the authors, this approach returns a country’s capi-
tal or most famous city. According to the results, this
system was ranked 1st by winning eighteen games out
of 109 (16.5%) with 290 guesses and a total score of
Our work differs from previous works mainly in
Table 1: Results of the First and Only Taboo Challenge.
Team Games Won Guesses Score
Koksal (2017) 18 (16.5%) 290 745
Dankers et al. (2017) 13 (11.9%) 293 773
Isaak and Michael (2017b) 06 (5.5%) 197 816
three key aspects. Firstly, it tackles the challenge
by utilizing an out-of-the-box language model ap-
proach. Secondly, it handles the challenge as a zero-
shot classification problem without training or fine-
tuning. Thirdly, it does not make us of standard
NLP techniques, like removing stop-words, utilizing
dependency parsing, or using any kind of similar-
ity score to enhance its decision-making mechanism.
The sections below explain each of these tasks along
with our system’s architecture.
A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge
Language models (LMs) refer to neural approaches
that use sizeable pre-trained models, mostly fine-
tuned on downstream tasks, to maximize their perfor-
mance. These models make it possible for machines
to answer questions, write poems or music, and play
games, sometimes even better than humans.
Language models such as BERT (Devlin et al.,
2018), RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019), GPT-2 (Radford
et al., 2019), GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020), DeBERTa
(He et al., 2020), PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022),
, or embeddings and architectures such as
ELMO (Peters et al., 2018) and ULMFiT (Howard
and Ruder, 2018) are increasingly important to the AI
research community as they revolutionized the NLP
Basically, these models learn the probability of
word occurrence in text sequences. From this stand-
point, we can have large models with billions of pa-
rameters that can be either autoregressive, like GPT-3,
or able to predict sequences of sentences or a miss-
ing token from a sentence, like BERT. According to
the literature, the parameters of these models, an en-
hanced form of word embeddings, appear to store
a form of knowledge that can help tackle various
NLP tasks, such as question answering, pronoun res-
olution, text summarization, token classification, text
similarity, and zero-shot classification tasks.
For instance, in a recent work, language models
have been utilized to output knowledge to construct
knowledge graphs (Wang et al., 2020). For another,
in the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), a chal-
lenging task for pronoun resolution, we can use the
embedded knowledge of language models to resolve
All in all, language models seem to catch the rela-
tionships between words in sentences and phrases that
can be used in various tasks. In the case of challeng-
ing NLP problems, the parameters of these models
can be further fine-tuned to downstream tasks with-
out having to train them from scratch. In this regard,
models with millions or mostly billions of parameters
can tackle challenges that good-old fashion AI (GO-
FAI) has struggled with for many years. However, we
must keep in mind that LM’s computational innards
are so complex that nobody understands how they re-
ally work, meaning that they are not transparent so-
lutions —their achievements do not seem to relate to
a deeper understanding of the natural language text
they are dealing with.
4.1 Zero-Shot Classification
Zero-shot classification refers to techniques for ap-
plying language models to downstream tasks so that
no further training or fine-tuning is needed. Al-
though traditional zero-shot methods require provid-
ing some kind of descriptor to help the model pre-
dict the required task, the aim is to classify unseen
classes (Xian et al., 2017; Romera-Paredes and Torr,
2015; Wei et al., 2021). In a simplified way, zero-shot
learning refers to tasks when we have annotated data
for only a limited subset of our classes. Given that
language-model learning refers to a specified vector
space (called semantic space), zero-shot refers to the
ability of these models to match unseen classes to the
seen classes’ vector space, which acts as a bridging
source mechanism.
According to Radford et al. (2019), when trained
on large datasets, language models start learning var-
ious relations between text sequences without requir-
ing explicit supervision. As a result, these models
seem to have the necessary relations needed to tackle
various tasks in zero-shot settings. Though not always
necessary, in some cases, some instruction tuning is
needed to minutely tailor the dataset to a specific zero-
shot setting Wei et al. (2021) —e.g., large LMs like
GPT-3 showed to perform better in few-shot than in
zero-shot learning.
Nevertheless, in this paper, we approach the Taboo
challenge as a natural language inference (NLI) prob-
lem (MacCartney, 2009), which can be tackled via a
zero-shot setting approach. Below, we will show how
language models trained on datasets for determining
whether a premise and a hypothesis are connected via
entailment or contradiction can be utilized in a zero-
shot setting to tackle the Taboo challenge (see Figure
We start by briefly discussing the main elements of
our approach by presenting how it works and how it
handles its semantics to guess cities given a prede-
fined set of hints (see Figure 3).
Based on the constrained definition of the chal-
lenge, our system requests Taboo games from a de-
scriber, meaning lists of hints, one at a time, to return
cities implied by the given hints. However, given that
i) the Essence’s describer service is no longer avail-
able, and ii) we only have access to the final 109
Taboo games from our previous system (Isaak and
Michael, 2017b), TabooLM was designed to tackle
games from a local-built service. In this regard, in its
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Zero-Shot Classification via Language Models.
The model accepts a sequence —in some cases modified by
a hypothesis template such as “This text is about sequence”,
followed by a list of candidate labels. The result is a list of
probabilities for entailment and contradiction for each label
based on the hypothesis template.
current version, TabooLM has access only to a testing
set of 109 Taboo games. In this sense, from now on,
when we refer to the local describer or guesser, we
refer to components of our system’s architecture
although they appear to be completely different, they
are, ultimately, parts of the same system.
Moreover, with respect to the first Taboo chal-
lenge, the evaluation process provided convincing ev-
idence of a strong association between each Taboo
player’s biases and beliefs, according to which pairs
of hint-cities were collected. In this regard, to build
TabooLM, we focused on utilizing large pre-trained
language models
in a zero-shot setting. Knowing
that no training set was available, our system allows
access to a broad collection of language models and
handles the describer’s hints in various ways.
5.1 Loader
At first, our guesser starts its interaction with the local
describer by requesting a list of Taboo games, mean-
ing pairs of games, hints, and correct answers (see
part-1 in Figure 3). This interaction occurs each time
no more hints are available for the current game.
5.2 Initializer
This component, which relates to initializing some
key variables, takes part in every new game round.
For instance, a new city list is initialized with zero
weights in every new game. This is like a feature vec-
tor that, for each city-hint pair, holds the returned val-
ues of our zero-shot classification setting. Addition-
ally, given that each city’s country might improve our
system’s results (Koksal, 2017), the same process is
repeated for each country (city)-hint pair (see part-2
in Figure 3).
5.3 Zero-Shot Evaluator
Part-3 of Figure 5 illustrates how our zero-shot set-
ting works. To instruct the model to classify cities,
we start by modifying a premise which in our case
is a specified sequence of text in the form of “This
text is about hint”. The aim is to classify whether the
premise entails the hypothesis, meaning a city name.
For instance, given a list of hints (’tea’, ’whiskey’,
’kilt’, ’crocodile’) and a list of cities (e.g., ’Dundee’,
’Athens’), the system instructs the model to predict
how much the premise “This text is about tea” relates
to each city. In short, for each city, the system au-
tomatically runs the classifier with the same premise
to output a numerical value in the range of 0-1. The
classifier runs either with the flag true labels “true” or
“false”, where in the case of the former more than one
city could be true.
Additionally, in each game, the system either runs
the classifier for each hint independently or with an
aggregation mechanism in the form of hint+=hint. To
illustrate, in the second run —for the second hint
“whiskey’, the system either runs the premise “This
text is about whiskey” or combined with the first hint
as “This text is about tea, whiskey”, against each city
to output a probability list (e.g., [’Dundee’, 0.05485],
[’Athens’, 0.0029]).
Afterward, via an API, the system loads each
city’s country and repeats the same procedure (e.g.,
[’UK’, 0.30], [’Greece’, 0.10], ......). In the final step,
it matches cities and countries, adds their probability
scores, and produces a final city list (e.g., [’Dundee’,
0.35485], [’Athens’, 0.1029], ......). The variability in
probability values generally stems from the relation
between the hypothesis and the premise values. In
every game, for every new hint, the system has the
option to either initialize or accumulate the weights.
In order to represent the cities according to their
significance (see part-4 in Figure 3), the system sorts
the city list in descending order with the highest prob-
ability values at the start. Once the sorting is made, it
A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge
Figure 3: Full Pipeline of TabooLM: A Zero-Shot Language Model for a Word Guessing Game. The reasoning process starts
with each hint, modified by the hypothesis template: This text is about hint. The various parts of the architecture are marked
with dashed rectangles and are discussed in Section 5.
sends the first city as the answer to the given hint.
Once the city is sent, the local describer replies
with a successful or an unsuccessful message (see
part-5 of Figure 3). In case we were able to guess
the city correctly, the system adds the results to a lo-
cal scoring file in the form of game, hint, Flag, where
game and hint refer to the current game and hint in-
dexes, and Flag to whether we were successful or un-
successful. On the other hand, if we cannot predict
the correct city, the system proceeds to the following
actions: Firstly, in case no more hints are available, it
adds the results to the local scoring file and moves to
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
the next game. Secondly, if more hints are available,
it proceeds to the next hint and removes the city from
the current city list along with its probability value
a wrongfully guessed city cannot be the answer to the
current game.
As an example of this, consider the case of send-
ing the city of Dundee from the final list (e.g.,
[’Dundee’, 0.35485], [’Athens’, 0.1029]). In case of
an unsuccessful guess, i) the city of Dundee is re-
moved, and ii) the system proceeds to the next hint
with the left cities (e.g., [’Athens’, 0.1029], ......]).
This section presents the results obtained by applying
the methodology described in this paper. We describe
the design along with the results of the experiments
we undertook to evaluate the system performance on
guessing cities from a predefined list of 109 games.
To evaluate the zero-shot performance setting, we
started by investigating whether our system could pro-
duce similar or better results than previously used sys-
tems Rovatsos et al. (2018). For the purposes of this
experiment, the weights’ initialize Flag was enabled,
meaning that with every new hint, city and country
weights were initialized with zero values. Further-
more, within every game, each hint was added to the
previous one in the form of hint+=next hint.
Our experiments ran under the DeBERTa-V3
model (He et al., 2021; Laurer et al., 2022), fine-tuned
on the multiNLI, adversarial-NLI (ANLI), fever-NLI,
lingNLI, and wanli datasets. DeBERTa V3 is an en-
hanced version of DeBERTa, which combines BERT
and RoBERTa models in an efficient novel way. In
short, each model, from BERT, RoBERTa, DeBERTa,
and DeBERTa V2 to DeBERTa V3, can be consid-
ered an enhanced version of the previous one. Finally,
all datasets combined result in 885.242 premise-
hypothesis pairs.
6.1 Results and Discussion
The general picture emerging from the analysis is
that TabooLM correctly tackled 53 games out of 109,
achieving a success rate of 49% (see Table 2). A cur-
sory glance at Table 2 reveals that our approach sig-
nificantly outperformed all previously used systems.
This is in line with recent results where language
models significantly outperformed other methods in
various NLP tasks Brown et al. (2020).
A more detailed analysis of our results shows that
TabooLM not only tackled more games but it also
achieved the best score of 417 points —recall that
less is more. Specifically, it outperformed Koksal
(2017)’s system by 330 points, Dankers et al. (2017)’s
by 358 points, and finally, our previous approach by
301 points (Isaak and Michael, 2017b). An interesting
finding was that it achieved the best score with a min-
imum number of 267 guesses, which is very impor-
tant considering the challenge difficulties (see Table
2). Moreover, compared to our previous work, which
due to its reasoning engine, was unable to answer all
the games as it timed out frequently (Rovatsos et al.,
2018), TabooLM tackled 109 games in 25 minutes —
experiments ran under an NVIDIA Tesla K80 GPU.
Specifically, compared to an average time of 20 min-
utes for each game, TabooLM was found to be 77%
faster than our previously used approach.
These findings are less surprising if we consider
not only the advances of deep learning approaches in
the NLP field but also recent work showing ways to
utilize LMs to output semantic relations to help tackle
NLP tasks (Wang et al., 2020). It seems that LMs
could be utilized in zero-shot settings to achieve state-
of-the-art results (Radford et al., 2019).
Further experiments we undertook revealed that
the capacity of the language model in our zero-shot
setting relates to its training size. For instance, we fur-
ther analyzed the relationship between models trained
on different datasets and their success in the Taboo
challenge competition. The data provide convincing
evidence of a link between accuracy and the variety
of the training datasets. In short, as the training data
increases, we can get better semantics for better word
guessing. This is in line with other work in which
leveraging larger language models or training with
larger datasets improve system performance (Radford
et al., 2019; Isaak and Michael, 2017a). A cursory
look at Table 3 reveals that as the number of training
datasets increases, the number of unanswered games
decreases. It seems that the increase in accuracy was
due to the increase in the number of training datasets,
meaning that a variety of training datasets limits the
situations where a hint-city relation is unlike anything
an LM has met in the training phase (see Table 3).
Table 2: Results of TabooLM Compared to Systems Partic-
ipated in the First Taboo Challenge).
Team Games Won Guesses Score
TabooLM 53 (49%) 267 417
Koksal (2017) 18 (16.5%) 290 745
Dankers et al. (2017) 13 (11.9%) 293 773
Isaak and Michael (2017b) 06 (5.5%) 197 816
A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge
Table 3: Results of TabooLM Based on Various Models.
Model Games Won
facebook/bart-large-mnli 27
bart-large-mnli-yahoo-answers 38
DeBERTa v3 large mnli- fever anli ling- wanli 53
We have shown TabooLM, a system that takes queries
in a city-hint format and utilizes language models in
a zero-shot setting to return ranked lists of cities im-
plied by the given hints. Given a list of hints, it it-
erates from top to bottom and matches those hints
with popular cities worldwide. Although it was built
explicitly for the Taboo challenge competition, the
system can be used with any task involving a word-
guessing problem.
Compared to previous work, the results provide
convincing evidence that our system can achieve
state-of-the-art results. In this regard, the results
suggest that solutions utilizing language models in
a zero-shot setting can be used to tackle challenging
NLP tasks. However, given that the computational in-
nards of these kinds of models are complex, further
gains could be achieved via transparent solutions that
employ additional semantic analysis of city-hint pairs.
Future studies could blend both modern and clas-
sic AI in order to build transparent hybrid solutions.
Among possible directions, systems that construct the
building of knowledge graphs from language models
could offer a better solution.
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