
autoencoder approach always performed worse than
Douglas-Peucker if equalized sequence lengths are
considered. Furthermore, the performance was worse
for time-synchronized trajectories.
We summarize, that compressing GPS trajectories
using an autoencoder model is feasible and promis-
ing. The performance of our proposed model could
still be improved by various approaches. First, per-
forming map-matching methods after decoding may
decrease the reconstruction error, if an underlying
road network is present on the decoder side. Sec-
ond, the usage of a stacked autoencoder which feeds
the LSTM outputs at each time step to another LSTM
layer, so that temporal and spatial dependencies are
captured more effectively. Generally, the perfor-
mance can also be increased by using optimized hy-
perparameters and more efforts in training. Lately
variational and adversarial autoencoder have proven
to be successful advancements of normal autoen-
coders. Furthermore, the usage of a more efficient
and differentiable loss function focusing on time se-
ries, such as Soft-DTW (Cuturi and Blondel, 2017),
seems promising to improve our model significantly.
In future work, we will enhance our investigations
regarding these approaches. Overall, further research
in this domain is highly promising and the incorpo-
ration of neural networks for trajectory compression
could create a new category next to line simplification
and road network-based solutions.
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