Figure 6: The contribution of reallocation reasons.
By considering the real-world characteristics of the
PEC, explained above, this paper proposed a Robust
Adaptive Workload Orchestration (R-AdWOrch) in a
PEC environment that can function in different situ-
ations and circumstances. It aims to meet nearly all
HRT tasks while minimizing the deadline missing of
SRT tasks. We applied our model for a healthcare
application and compared it with the baseline model
(AdWOrch). The results show that R-AdWOrch out-
performs AdWOrch in HRT and SRT success rates
and decreases the delay time for these task types.
R-AdWOrch uses a centralized orchestrator which
might be a single point of failure and is a risk for a
robust model. Designing a distributed network of or-
chestrators is part of our future work. Moreover, the
orchestration of dependent tasks is another challenge
in this area.
This publication has emanated from research sup-
ported in part by a grant from Science Foundation
Ireland under Grant number 18/CRT/6183. For the
purpose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC
BY public copyright license to any Author Accepted
Manuscript version arising from this submission.
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