– 20% did not understand how to get started as
it was only mentioned to them that the game
worked by voice commands.
• Belonging to the wav2vec2 model:
– It uses the torch library which is not compat-
ible with Windows, it can only be trained by
virtual machines, other operating systems or by
Google Colab.
– This model does a good job to isolate the
speech from the noise, it also does not lose ac-
curacy due to the size of the audio, compared to
the Tensorflow model that needed the duration
of the audios to be very close to each other for
– The language of the input cannot be speci-
fied, that is done by the same model inter-
nally, which can cause a precision problem for
a syllable, word or phrase that sounds the same
in two different languages. For example, “i”
(spanish) and “e” (english) or “ji” (spanish) and
“he” (english).
By implementing the W2V2 convolutional neural net-
work model that transforms speech to text and in-
creasing the accuracy percentage of the trained words,
the computer can effectively understand the keywords
provided to it so that they can be used in this case as
input for the video game.
In the future, in terms of the video game, we
would like to increase the catalog of games, add diffi-
culty levels, some visual aspects such as color palette
or more detailed instructions on the screens. On the
other hand, as the speech-to-text method is such a
versatile topic, similar techniques could be applied in
other areas, such as voice-controlled office tools, cell
phone applications to understand the functionalities
of the cell phone for people with other disabilities,
etc. As long as you have a good speech-to-text model
or implement one and train it long enough and accu-
rately, any model is valid. Evenmore, the user expe-
rience can be improven greatly with animation mod-
els (Silva et al., 2022) or story creation (Fern
an et al., 2021).
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Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks