Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with
Convolutional Neural Networks
Joaquin Aguirre-Peralta, Marek Rivas-Zavala and Willy Ugarte
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Peru
Speech to Text, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Gamification.
Disability in people is a reality that has always been present throughout humanity and all nations of the planet
are immersed in this reality. Being communication and interaction through technology much more important
than ever, people with disabilities are the most affected by having a physical gap. There are still few tools that
these people can use to interact more easily with different types of hardware, therefore, we want to provide
them a playful and medical tool that can adapt to their needs and allow them to interact a little more with the
people around them. From this context, we have decided to focus on people with motor disabilities of the
upper limbs and based on this, we propose the use of gamification in the NLP (Natural Language Processing)
area, developing a videogame consisting of three voice-operated minigames. This work has 4 stages: analysis
(benchmarking), design, development and validation. In the first stage, we elaborated a benchmarking of
the models. In the second stage, we describe the implementation of CNNs, together with methods such as
gamification and NLP for problem solving. In the third stage, the corresponding mini-games which compose
the videogame and its characteristics are described. Finally, in the last stage, the application of the videogame
was validated with experts in physiotherapy. Our results show that with the training performed, the prediction
of words with noise was improved from 43.49% to 74.50% and of words without noise from 63.87% to 96.36%
Although technology is constantly developing and
more software, office automation, therapeutic tools,
etc. are being created (Hersh and Mouroutsou, 2019),
the tools that help people with motor disabilities of
the upper limbs are not enough to cover the needs
this people require because the target audience is too
small, as well as not being sufficiently lucrative for
companies to be able to create more on a large scale.
It is important for disability people in many aspects,
like, on the employment side, by using these tools,
people with disabilities could be at the same level in
terms of competitiveness and be able to have a com-
parable value as a worker. On the legal aspect, these
people can improve and increase their interaction with
other people if they are given the right tools to im-
prove their sociability (Nevarez-Toledo and Cedeno-
Panezo, 2019). For the medical aspect, this kind of
tools can help doctors to do analysis, therapies, reha-
bilitations in a more efficient way when dealing with
people with disabilities (Garnica et al., 2020; Sun-
daram et al., 2019). Many solutions have emerged
over time, proposing new tools with different types of
methods to help these people, studies such as (Kan-
demir and Kose, 2022), who created a video game
for people with disabilities of different ages and dis-
abilities, which promotes physical activity, improv-
ing attention, improving emotion and sensorimotor
coordination. Studies such as (Hwang et al., 2021)
in which a human computer interface was designed
and implemented specifically for users with motor
disabilities, which works using eye tracking and lip
movement technology. The project aims to promote
employment, education, social life and leisure for
this type of people. The method that was used for
the development of the neural network that supports
the videogame, is speech-to-text. This is an inter-
disciplinary subfield of computer science and com-
putational linguistics that allows the recognition and
translation of spoken language to text by computers
(O’Shaughnessy, 2008). To carry out this project we
have used a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN),
trained with voice data sets created by us, which we
have used using the wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-spanish
model with the Spanish language. We have used
Aguirre-Peralta, J., Rivas-Zavala, M. and Ugarte, W.
Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0011782900003411
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM 2023), pages 948-955
ISBN: 978-989-758-626-2; ISSN: 2184-4313
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
the training results of the neural network
and we
have converted this data as the main input of the
videogame created, so it is able to understand through
the “speech-to-text” method and successfully interact
with the game.
Our main contributions are as follows:
We developed a convolutional neural network ar-
chitecture focused on speech-to-text to be able to
recognize words, convert them to text and be able
to use them in a videogame.
We developed 3 turn-based local multiplayer
mini-games within the videogame that can pro-
cess the data provided by the convolutional neural
We present an analysis of the most promising re-
sults showing the feasibility of our project.
This paper is organized as follows. Therefore, in
Section 2, similar solutions implemented in different
fields for people with disabilities will be explained. In
Section 3, we will explain the definitions of the tech-
nologies related to convolutional neural networks, the
details of the architecture chosen for the solution and
some terms such as NLP, CNN, speech-to-text and
gamification. Finally, Section 4 will detail the experi-
ments and their results. To conclude with Section 5
Next, we will briefly discuss the different types of so-
lutions used for serious games similar to the ones in
this project using Gamification and NLP.
In (Kandemir and Kose, 2022), the authors pro-
pose the use of 3 different types of human-computer
interaction games with the use of a Kinect sensor
based on physical activity to improve attention, emo-
tion and sensorimotor coordination. Unlike them,
which seek to increase the value of attention of the
participants and the willingness to continue with ther-
apy sessions and tests, we also seek, through gam-
ification, to improve the interaction of people with
others who suffer from motor disability of the upper
limbs of people with others.
In study (Hwang et al., 2021) the authors pro-
posed, a nine-point fixation experiment to assess the
efficacy of gaze data smoothing. To do this, they con-
ducted an on-screen keyboard-based Chinese text in-
put experiment with four different keyboard sizes to
assess the influence of keyboard size on text input
rate. This work aims to facilitate the interaction of
disabled users with their computers for various com-
munication applications using eye tracking. In the
same way, we want to improve interaction for users
with upper limb motor impairment but using natural
language processing, speech recognition and speech-
to-text conversion.
Within the article (Mavropoulos et al., 2021) an at-
tempt is made to unify some advanced functionalities
in IoT with a human-computer verbal interaction to
improve the effectiveness of treatments/medications,
operating expenses, optimize personnel management,
among other benefits in order to limit the interaction
between caregiver and patient to only what is nec-
essary. In contrast to this work, although we want
to facilitate human-computer interaction for people
with motor disabilities of the upper back, they use
this technology to provoke in hospital/clinic patients
a sense of independence that will help them mentally
to his speedy recovery.
In the study (Anjos et al., 2020) a comparison of
the classification of sibilant consonants with neural
networks is carried out and, by gamifying this tech-
nique, it seeks as a result that children do not lose in-
terest and motivation to do their speech exercises. Re-
garding their work, they use CNN to convert matrixes
into data samples that, through gamification meth-
ods, are transformed into serious games to help chil-
dren who cannot pronounce the correct sibilant con-
sonants. For our part, we use inputs in “wav” format
with stereo channel that, we then process to obtain
data for the training of the neural network and that
later becomes input for the correct operation of our
game that helps people with motor disabilities of the
upper limbs to increase the interaction between them.
In (Song et al., 2006) the author creates a system
which allows creating 3D cartoons from a text input,
which is based on Unity, as well as the ability to auto-
matically configure the environment without the need
for the input to be a script. Although both works use
NLP principles, in contrast to what we do, this studio
is used to create 3D cartoons through the NLP and
Graphic methods. Instead, our work uses NLP and
Speech to Text to understand human language, inter-
pret and process it to finally convert it into text and
use it as input for the main functionality of the game.
Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks
3.1 Preliminary Concepts
Machine learning development have given us very
significant advances that help improve aspects of our
lives and make everyday tasks easier. Like pattern
recognition, predictive behavior, facial recognition,
etc. and for what this document is about, word
recognition well known as speech-to-text. The model
chosen for this work was wav2vec2-large-xlsr-53-
spanish, which is based on Convolutional Neural Net-
works (CNN).
Convolutional Neural Networks. According to Ke-
iron O’Shea and Ryan Nash, CNN is a type of Ar-
tificial Neural Network (ANN) specialized in recog-
nizing patterns in images. Like the other ANNs, its
neurons self-optimize and update their weights. In the
last layer lie loss functions associated with the classes.
CNNs are made up of three types of layers, these are
convolutional layers, pooling layers, and fully con-
nected layers. These layers have to be together to
consider the architecture as CNN. Figure 1 shows a
CNN architecture (O’Shea and Nash, 2015).
Figure 1: A simple CNN architecture, composed of only
five layers (O’Shea and Nash, 2015).
Natural Language Processing (NLP). According to
Ann Neethu Mathew et al. Neethu Mathew et al.,
NLP is focused on how to train a machine to learn
and process human language using computational and
linguistic technology. (Jung et al., 2019).
Gamification. According to Oriol Borr
as Gen
e, gam-
ification is the use of mechanics, techniques or some
element related to game design in a context in which
it is not, with the goal of increasing user engagement
and with the goal of solving or helping to solve a
problem. Figure 3 shows some of the characteristics
that Gamification incorporates.
Figure 2: Image of a simplified NLP process
Figure 3: Characteristics that make up gamification
3.1.1 Wav2vec2.0 Structure
Below in Figure 4 it is shown that wav2vec2.0 is made
up of several convolutional and self-attending layers.
This is a common type of structure recently used in
the end-to-end ASR family of models. The job of the
convolution layers is to reduce the speech sample X
and generate a more compressed latent representation
Z. In detail, Z are the raw audio signals and X are
sampled at 16kHz. With a lead time of 20 ms and a
receptive field of 25 ms. Self-care layers are responsi-
ble for creating C-contextualized representations and
capturing high-level content Z. These self-attention
layers have a high level of context dependency mod-
eling, which allows the model to make the correct de-
cisions during the following contrastive training given
the masked Z (Yi et al., 2020).
3.2 Method
In this section we will describe our contributions.
Section 3.2.1 presents the workflow of our project,
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
Figure 4: Left: the structure of wav2vec2.0 and the corresponding self-training criteria. It contains a stack of convolution
layers and self-care layers; Right: Two decoding branches applying wav2vec2.0 to ASR tasks with extra projection or decoder,
which is trained with CTC or cross-entropy loss respectively (Yi et al., 2020).
which allows us to interact with the videogame from
the trained results of the implemented CNN. Sec-
tion 3.2.2 shows our data preprocessing method to ob-
tain audio that can be useful when training the convo-
lutional neural network. Section 3.2.3 corresponds to
explain the configuration and the training procedure
of the CNN with the data obtained. Section 3.2.4
explains the link of the neural network outputs with
the videogame speech controller to create the human-
computer voice interaction.
3.2.1 Workflow
The objective of our proposed model is to convert the
audio into text so that it works as the data input for the
correct operation of the videogame. We created our
own dataset from the voices of 62 volunteers. Which
contains more than 11718 audios with durations of up
to 3 seconds. The words found in this dataset repre-
sent all the inputs and combinations that we needed
for the game to work in its entirety.
Figure 5: Physical diagram of our project.
Figure 5 shows the workflow of our project, which
starts in the “training” section. Our neural network
is stored in the shared file platform ”Google Drive”
which is coded in python in the ”Google Collab” plat-
form. The network training results were saved in
JSON format to a GitHub repository. Finally, the
video game was developed with the Unity game en-
gine, which connects to the repository and uses the
JSON as input to function.
3.2.2 Data Preprocessing
The dataset consisted of 27 words in spanish, which
are divided into:
Words that designate games or actions such as
“michi”, “memoria”, “damas”, “salir”, “pausa”,
“continuar”, “reiniciar” and “cerrar”.
Letter names such as “a”, “b”, “c”, “f”, “g”, “h”,
“i”, “j”, “k”, “l” and “m”.
In addition to the names of the first eight numbers
“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7” and “8”.
Very few audios of the people who helped us had pro-
nunciation problems, too much noise or bad record-
ings; therefore, those audios were not used in the train
or test phases.
3.2.3 Neural Network Model and Training
As seen in section 3.1.1 wav2vec is based on multi-
ple convolutional layers. And then, the training pro-
cess consisted of providing the model with noise au-
dio of the keywords, this with the intention that the
model learns to identify and separate the words from
the noises.
We took the 27 pre-recorded words and combined
them with 7 different noises, obtaining 7 variants of
the same audio, thus allowing the model to identify
only the words. This process is known as Augmenta-
tion (Laptev et al., 2020). We listened and validated
Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks
the correct pronunciation of every audio, letting just
8.06% of the data obtained as not valid to proceed
with the training and testing. The training was carried
out in the Google Colab platform, we only used au-
dios of 57 people in the training phase, training and
saving the models each time. In the end, the model
was retrained with 10,773 audios.
3.2.4 Video Game Input and Human-Computer
After the neural network has trained using the previ-
ously described dataset and has predicted the words
with a high percentage (74.50% in the case of noise
and 96.36% in the case of no noise), these were saved
in a JSON and exported to the GitHub virtual reposi-
tory. These are then used by the game’s Speech Con-
troller, which is responsible for parsing the JSON ex-
tracted from the web so that the Unity engine can in-
terpret the data. With this said, the user will be able to
use his microphone to say a word within the catalog
of trained words and interact with his voice with the
In this section, we are going to detail the hardware and
software specifications that we have been using in the
project with their respective configurations in order to
replicate the experiments. In addition to showing the
results obtained and discussing their interpretation in
the evaluation of our metrics.
4.1 Experimental Protocol
Development environment: The neural network was
programmed and the models were trained in Google
Collaboratory, which provides us with an Intel Xeon
CPU at 2.20 GHz with 13 GB of RAM, a Tesla
K80 accelerator and 12GB of GDDR5 VRAM. On
the other hand for the videogame, the version of
Unity 2021.3.2f1 with the C# programming language
was used to program the three minigames with voice
As we mencioned in section 3.2.2, 10773 audios
were used as a dataset for the different phases of train-
ing our neural network model.
We separate the training by phases to keep track
of the progress of each phase. Each phase has in an
average between 945 and 1512 audios trained, in a
limited way because of restrictions of the free ver-
sion of Google Collab you can only train for a limited
time and amount. Also, it was trained according to
the number of audios that were available at that time.
In the first scenario, we have 4 test audio groups,
1 for training and 3 for testing:
Group A. It is the original data collected, mixed
with 7 different noises, being a total of 10773 au-
Group B. It is the original data collected, it is not
with noise, it was not used in the training and it
consists of 1539 audios.
Group C. It is data collected from 5 other people,
it is mixed with the 7 noises and in total it consists
of 945 audios.
Group D. It is the data from which Group C starts,
but without the 7 noises and consists of 135 au-
On the other hand, the video game was created in
Unity 3D with full functionality by mouse, which
later had to be transformed into voice commands, so
that the use of people with motor disabilities can be
validated. This environment will load the results of
the GitHub in which the results of the trained mod-
els were uploaded, which will serve as input for the
operation of the videogame.
The neural network code found in Google
Drive/Google Collaboratory can be found at the fol-
lowing links: https://goo.su/nia1a2 and https:
//goo.su/5MONA. Meanwhile, the video game repos-
itory with all the validated and complete features is on
Github: https://github.com/Xerathox/GamiHelper.
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Experiment Data Sets
As previously mentioned in section 4.1 the dataset in
total consisted of 11,718 audios, which went through
a preprocessing process mentioned in section 3.2.2.
Of these, 8.06% were replaced by synthetic audios. In
order to reproduce the training process, access to the
Python code file in Google Drive was provided in sec-
tion 4.1. First, the necessary files for the training must
be uploaded to your own Google Drive, which are the
audios and a “csv” format file with a column called
“file” in which the path of each training audio in your
Google Drive is specified and the other column called
“text” which specifies the word it represents. Second,
you must change the paths of the training file to match
the paths of the training “csv” file, the path where the
model will be saved after training and also load a pre-
viously saved model.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
4.2.2 Experiment Configuration
In the comparison with our work we have the follow-
ing models:
DeepSpeech. The first hyper-parameter setup we had
was 10 epochs and 10 layers.
With our Group B test we had a WER of 100%
(0% accuracy).
With our Group C test we had a WER of 100%
(0% accuracy).
With our Group D test we had a WER of 100%
(0% accuracy).
In the second hyper-parameter configuration we
had 20 epochs and 20 layers.
With our Group B test we had a WER of 96.30%
(accuracy of 3.70%).
With our Group C test we had a WER of 96.30%
(accuracy of 3.70%).
With our Group D test we had a WER of 100%
(accuracy of 0%).
Tensorflow Model from 0. The hyper-parameter
configuration in this case was in the layers:
InputLayer: Input layer.
Resizing: Resizes the image to 32x32 pixels.
Normalization: A normalization layer with de-
fault parameters.
Conv2D: A 2D Convolution layer with filter of 32,
kernel size of 3 and activation function “relu”.
Conv2D: A 2D Convolution layer with filter of 96,
kernel size of 3 and activation function “relu”.
MaxPooling2D: A MaxPool layer with default pa-
Dropout: A Dropout layer with rate of 0.25.
Flatten: A Flatten layer with default parameters.
Dense: A dense layer with units of 256 and acti-
vation function “relu”.
Dropout: A Dropout layer with rate of 0.5.
Dense: A dense layer with units of the same num-
ber of labels.
This is a special case because this model uses vali-
dation data. Two tests were carried out: Each time
the model is trained a different model can be obtained
which can give different accuracies to the same test,
this means that if the same steps are followed to recre-
ate the experiment it may not give the same accuracy
as what we present below. For Case 1 we obtained
in 5 training and testing attempts 19.26%, 13.33%,
15.56%, 11.11% and 14.81%. We will consider an
average of 14.81% accuracy. For Case 2, 16.51%,
17.99%, 13.76%, 15.56% and 18.10% were obtained
in 5 training and test attempts. We will consider an
average of 16.38% accuracy.
This would be better visualized in Table 1.
Table 1: Tensorflow Model Test on average.
on average
Try 1 Try 2 Try 3 Try 4 Try 5
Case 1
Noisy Data
9,828 945 945 14.81% 19.26% 13.33% 15.56% 11.11% 14.81%
Case 2
Clean Data
1,404 135 135 16.38% 16.51% 17.99% 13.76% 15.56% 18.10%
Figure 6a shows a heat map pertaining to the accu-
racy of this model when trained and tested with noisy
data. And Figure 6b shows another heat map, but this
time when trained and tested with data without noise.
(a) For noisy audio and 17.99% of accuracy.
(b) For clean audio and 19.26% of accuracy.
Figure 6: Heatmaps of Tensorflow models trained and
tested with audios.
Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks
Table 2: Azure Cognitive Services Model.
Group B Group C Group D
Weight Error rate Accuracy Error rate Accuracy Error rate Accuracy
70% 4.22% 95.78% 13.33% 86.67% 2.96% 97.04%
30% 4.35% 95.65% 15.87% 84.13% 3.70% 96.30%
10% 5.13% 94.87% 18.52% 81.48% 4.44% 95.56%
Azure Cognitive Services Model. The configuration
of hyper-parameters in this case, the weight of the
new training data. It was tested for the cases where
the training weights were 70%, 30% and 10%. This
is shown in Table 2.
4.2.3 Baselines
We re-trained the wav2vec2 model mentioned above
with our data from “Group A in 14 different versions,
at 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25 and 30
epochs to have evidence of how many epochs learn
best. Table 3, shows the results of each test. Due to
Table 3: Groups B, C and D tested with each epochs.
Model Group B Group C Group D
Standard 63.87% 43.49% 65.93%
5 epochs 95.06% 70.26% 98.52%
6 epochs 94.87% 71.22% 97.78%
7 epochs 95.32% 72.49% 98.52%
8 epochs 85.06% 60.74% 87.41%
9 epochs 96.30% 72.80% 98.52%
10 epochs 96.30% 73.44% 98.52%
11 epochs 95.71% 73.44% 97.78%
12 epochs 81.48% 57.14% 80.74%
13 epochs 96.36% 74.50% 97.78%
14 epochs 82.20% 57.04% 83.70%
15 epochs 80.12% 55.24% 79.26%
20 epochs 88.30% 64.55% 89.63%
25 epochs 77.58% 57.99% 75.56%
30 epochs 77.45% 59.05% 76.30%
what is presented in the table 3 we can conclude that
the hyper-parameter “number of epochs” with which
the wav2vec 2.0 model, presented a better learning
was with 13 epochs. It has better precision in Grups B
and C. Group D has less weight as it has fewer audios.
4.3 Discussion
Observations for the DeepSpeech model:
Very uneven results were achieved; the results of
the implemented neural network returned us a per-
centage of 0% and 100%.
Training with a lot of data with little training and
few convolution layers, the results tend to return
0% accuracy. However, with little data and a lot of
training, the model tends to return 100% accuracy
making it an unstable model.
We could modify the hyper-parameters or in-
crease the epochs and layers in order to receive
more accurate results, however, we didn’t have
much time at the date the models were being made
and trained for comparisons.
Observations for the Tensorflow model from 0:
A lot of data is needed when you want to start
training a speech-to-text model.
By using the free version, this model was limited
and only a specific number of outputs could be
given (labels).
The model couldn’t sometimes differentiate
speech from noise, the model compares the wave-
form of the spectrogram and that interference
makes it much more difficult to find the word to
which each sound belongs.
The size of the duration of every audio long be-
tween 1 second to 4 seconds made learning very
difficult, as it seems to compare the audio wave-
form of the spectrogram very simply. If it detects
that an audio has the sounds of 2 audios in dif-
ferent positions it can consider them as different
words even though they are not, reducing the ac-
curacy percentage.
Observations for the model in Azure Cognitive Ser-
Allows you to set the language of the audio input.
It is a very powerful model, that is evidenced by
the high accuracy rate.
This model is a paid model compared to
wav2vec2 which is free.
Main Conclusions.
Pertaining to the recommendations of the intervie-
The game has an easy learning curve, quite in-
tuitive to use, intuitive at first use.
Simple but plain but attractive and colorful de-
It could be focused on another target audience
such as children and elderly.
More games could be added.
The letters indicating how to play within the
mini-games could be more detailed to help
guide the player a little more when starting the
Some mentioned that the lighting looked un-
The large minority criticized the choice of col-
ors, as better color combinations could be cho-
sen for the game.
ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods
20% did not understand how to get started as
it was only mentioned to them that the game
worked by voice commands.
Belonging to the wav2vec2 model:
It uses the torch library which is not compat-
ible with Windows, it can only be trained by
virtual machines, other operating systems or by
Google Colab.
This model does a good job to isolate the
speech from the noise, it also does not lose ac-
curacy due to the size of the audio, compared to
the Tensorflow model that needed the duration
of the audios to be very close to each other for
The language of the input cannot be speci-
fied, that is done by the same model inter-
nally, which can cause a precision problem for
a syllable, word or phrase that sounds the same
in two different languages. For example, “i”
(spanish) and “e” (english) or “ji” (spanish) and
“he” (english).
By implementing the W2V2 convolutional neural net-
work model that transforms speech to text and in-
creasing the accuracy percentage of the trained words,
the computer can effectively understand the keywords
provided to it so that they can be used in this case as
input for the video game.
In the future, in terms of the video game, we
would like to increase the catalog of games, add diffi-
culty levels, some visual aspects such as color palette
or more detailed instructions on the screens. On the
other hand, as the speech-to-text method is such a
versatile topic, similar techniques could be applied in
other areas, such as voice-controlled office tools, cell
phone applications to understand the functionalities
of the cell phone for people with other disabilities,
etc. As long as you have a good speech-to-text model
or implement one and train it long enough and accu-
rately, any model is valid. Evenmore, the user expe-
rience can be improven greatly with animation mod-
els (Silva et al., 2022) or story creation (Fern
an et al., 2021).
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