Cyber Teaching Hospitals: Developing Cyber Workforce Competence
James R. Elste
and David Croasdell
Cyberworkerz, 5 Cowboys Way, Suite 300, Frisco, Texas, U.S.A.
Department of Information Systems, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV, U.S.A.
Keywords: Cybersecurity Education, Cyber Workforce, Cyber Skills Gap, Cyber Teaching Hospitals, Cyber Clinics,
Cyber Hygiene, Conscious Competency.
Abstract: The cybersecurity profession suffers from a crisis commonly referred to as the “Cyber Skills Gap.” The crisis
highlights the dramatic shortage of cybersecurity awareness and skills in the modern workforce. This
manuscript presents an alternative approach to the current cybersecurity educational paradigm. We propose a
novel solution that would establish a system of cyber teaching hospitals. We provide an overview of the
history and development of medical teaching hospitals and extrapolate the model to the cyber security domain.
Incorporating the Conscious Competence model into the development of practical skills in a Cyber Teaching
Hospital provides a structure for experiential learning and the acquisition of cybersecurity skills.
The cybersecurity profession suffers from a crisis
commonly referred to as the “Cyber Skills Gap.” The
crisis highlights the dramatic shortage of
cybersecurity awareness and skills in the modern
workforce. This manuscript presents an enhancement
to the cybersecurity educational paradigm. What is
required is an orthogonal strategy that catalyses the
adaptation of existing education programs and
cybersecurity practices. Put simply, we need to try
something different. We propose a novel solution by
creating a network of cyber teaching hospitals – a
construct that fosters the adaptation of education
programs and advancement of cybersecurity
practices, while complimenting existing programs.
We borrow from the field of that medicine to propose
a sufficiently instructive model for effectively
developing both practices and practitioners in a
complex problem space. Specifically, the practical
education of medical professionals in teaching
hospitals. A conventional approach to medicine with
a long and progressive history of the effective
development of competent practitioners in a complex
knowledge domain.
1.1 Efforts to Quantify the
Cybersecurity Skills Gap
The current consensus is that there is a worldwide gap
in skills needed for a competent cybersecurity
workforce. (Vogel, 2016) Implied in the multitude of
references in current research publications to this
cybersecurity skills gap crisis is a concern regarding
the competence of cybersecurity practitioners and the
relative efficacy of the education programs that strive
to produce qualified cybersecurity professionals. This
is not an indictment of the practitioners, who with
time, effort and experience will usually achieve a
level of proficiency. It does, however, bring into
sharp relief the complex challenges extant in the
cybersecurity domain and failure of academic
programs to adequately adapt curriculum to prepare
students to enter the cybersecurity profession. “An
evaluation of U.S. cybersecurity workforce
development initiatives must ask whether
cybersecurity education and training programs are
preparing students for the kinds of high-skilled
technical roles that represent the most serious
workforce shortage. The evidence suggests that the
answer may be no.” (Crumpler, 2019)
Alan Paller, in his testimony before the Nevada
Technological Crimes Advisory Board (“NV-
Elste, J. and Croasdell, D.
Cyber Teaching Hospitals: Developing Cyber Workforce Competence.
DOI: 10.5220/0011783800003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 643-650
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
TCAB”) was more direct – “…the colleges and
community colleges are not working as a supply
pipeline. They are completely failing the nation.
Well, maybe not ‘completely’ – maybe one half of
one percent is not failing the nation.” (Paller, 2011)
This is not for lack of effort, as many institutions
of higher education have established or expanded
cybersecurity education programs and associated
degrees. To the contrary, there is a significant global
effort to formalize and improve cybersecurity
education. So why do we still have a gap? Is this
simply a matter of demand exceeding the production
capacity of our educational institutions to produce a
supply? Do we have a thornier problem of adequately
defining the requirements for a qualified security
practitioner? Why do we appear to be unable to define
requirements, develop effective curriculum, share
practices across institutions so that we can achieve
some level of consistency matriculating qualified
practitioners, and then simply increase the volume of
There is a significant amount of work being
undertaken to try and understand these very
questions. An extensive two volume RAND
Corporation study of the U.S. Air Force (“USAF”)
exploring the views of the enlisted and civilian
workforce to support the USAF goal to “revamp and
improve the training and development of its offensive
and defensive cyberwarfare workforce” provides
insight into the perspectives of the individuals in the
workforce. (Hardison, 2022) The examination of
programs, such as the National Initiative for
Cybersecurity Careers and Studies Workforce
Framework for Cybersecurity (“NICE Framework”),
for the development of profiles of cyber security job
roles, commonly encompassing inventories of
knowledge skills and abilities to define the activities
of cybersecurity professionals, reflect the initiative to
address the problem, but lack the practical solutions
to effect change in the current educational programs.
Borka Jerman Blažič provides a good review of
the efforts in the European Union and observes they
“…indicate that cybersecurity encompasses a very
broad range of specialty areas and work roles, and
that no single educational programme can be
expected to cover all of the specialized skills and
sector-specific knowledge desired by each employer.
However, the studies pointed clearly that there are
certain knowledge sets and skills that are essential for
any new employee performing critical technical work
where cybersecurity issues are present, regardless of
the field they are in or the specialty they adopt.”
(Blažič, 2021) In a review of the the academic
literature Ruoslahti et al indicate a bias that
“primarily discusses current cybersecurity issues,
such as cyber threats, cyber-related training and
qualifications, and training.” (Ruoslahti, 2022)
1.2 Our Approach to Address the
Cybersecurity Skills Gap
“One of the challenges in writing an article reviewing
the current state of cyber education and workforce
development is that there is a paucity of quantitative
assessment regarding the cognitive aptitudes, work
roles, or team organization required by cybersecurity
professionals to be successful.” (Dawson, 2018)
We will not recapitulate the current efforts to
analyse and quantify these job profiles and training
requirements for the cyber domain, rather we
highlight the gap in the practical application of skills
and experiential learning, which is commonly
addressed in the medical profession through
residency in a teaching hospital.
We will provide a overview of the history and
development of medical teaching hospitals and
extrapolate the model to the cyber security domain.
We incorporate the conscious competence teaching
model to address questions of the development and
measurement of competence in a complex field of
study. Finally, we demonstrate the potential for the
Cyber Teaching Hospital construct by incorporating
the results of our prior research into training
interventions in the form of “Cyber Clinics.” “In a
cyber clinic, trained “cyber-medics” provide
individualized guidance on good cybersecurity
practices to the participants. This provides a more
engaging and effective interaction for the participants
and allows the students to apply their cybersecurity
knowledge in a meaningful way, generating an
experiential learning opportunity.” (Croasdell, 2018)
Humankind has always faced the existential threat of
illness. We have evolved from a reliance on
superstitious folk medicine, practices such as
bloodletting and leeches, to effective, scientifically
evaluated and proven practices of bloodletting and
leeches. “Medicinal leeches were used by Egyptian,
Indian, Greek and Arab physicians thousands of years
ago. The main application was bloodletting…In the
1960s, physicians rediscovered the pharmacological
potential of leech saliva.” (Lemke, 2020)
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
2.1 A Few Thousand Years of
The art and science of teaching medicine has evolved
significantly over the last few thousand years and in
that evolution the current medical training paradigm
favours the teaching hospital as the final stage of the
development of practitioners to ensure their
competence in the application of medical knowledge
and practices.
While we enjoy the benefits of the current
practice of medicine, it took a little while to develop
these teaching modalities. According to HD
Modanlou, the origins of the teaching hospital are
inaccurately portrayed as emerging in Europe during
the Middle Ages or early renaissance periods,
however this appears to be the re-emergence of the
academic medical center after the “Dark Ages”. The
development of modern academic medicine includes
“the contributions of Greeks, Persians, Indians,
Syriacs and Jews assembled first in the city of Gondi-
Shapur in the Persian empire (third to eighth century
AD), then later in Baghdad and Spain (ninth to
thirteen century AD). The innovative medical
practice and teaching hospitals and writings of
medical texts during these periods ushered in the birth
of current teaching hospitals, medical schools and the
rise of academic medicine.” (Modanlou, 2011)
As late as the 19th century, the practice of training
competent medical professionals still suffered from
challenges, not always related to the lack of scientific
knowledge about medicine, but rather defects in the
institutions. One example from Sir Arthur Tomson’s
“History and Development of Teaching Hospitals in
England” describes oversights in the process as a
“nineteenth century official inquiry established the
interesting fact that, though many doctorates of
medicine had been conferred on members of this
university…the men trained in this haphazard way
[produced] a vast army of quacks who had no
instruction of any kind and who certainly never
endured any examination before they embarked on
their careers. (Thomson, 1960)
Quackery has not been eliminated from medicine,
however, as the rise of the Internet seems to have
revitalized some superstitious practices, but science
continues to redeem itself and demonstrates that it
produces more reliable interventions.
2.2 The Practical Application of Skills
In a teaching hospital the focus is on the delivery of
medical interventions to real patients. It is the
practical application of knowledge and skill, in an
operational setting, that provides the opportunity for
the practitioner to solidify their ability to practice
medicine. Becoming a qualified medical professional
is not simply a matter of developing sufficient
knowledge in a classroom setting, it involves
integrating the education into an operational function.
A comparative analysis of a primarily didactic
learning model and a teaching hospital that is “multi-
faceted, employing lectures, outpatient clinic
attachments, inpatient bedside teaching, clinical skill
practice, small group learning, clinical reasoning and
others” favoured the teaching hospital. (Fanwei,
This brief history of teaching hospitals illustrates
both the time-tested efficacy of the teaching hospital
model, as well as the long and arduous journey to
develop effective interventions and competent
practitioners. Society and individuals enjoy benefits
from modern medical advances like penicillin, MRIs,
and when medically necessary and prescribed by a
qualified practitioner – leeches.
Developing competent cybersecurity practitioners
presents a unique challenge that is in many ways very
different than the development of qualified medical
practitioners. It requires the evaluation of competence
in the application of skills in an adversarial
environment, not simply evaluating the acquisition of
3.1 Incorporating the Conscious
Competence Model
Developing skills in any field of endeavour is
different than mastering a body of knowledge.
Effectively, the development of skills comes from the
application of the skill. This truth is summed up best
in the old joke – “How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
Practice, practice, practice.”
This simple truism applied to music is illustrative
of the cyber skills development challenge. One may
study music theory, attend lectures and recitals, but
the primary development of a musician’s ability to
play the instrument comes from extensive practice.
Cybersecurity professionals are practitioners of
applied knowledge through the instrument of
information technology. Some play their instrument
well, others need more practice to become competent.
Cyber Teaching Hospitals: Developing Cyber Workforce Competence
The heart of the cybersecurity skills gap problem
is the competence of practitioners with the application
of skills in the “real-world” of industry. Citing both
PriceWaterhouseCoopers and European
Cybersecurity Organization (“ECSO”) studies,
Blažič revealed that the inefficient skills-matching
among the candidates was the leading cause of failed
hires and in the ECSO study that “results pointed also
to several gaps in the organizational capabilities and
of the employee’s skills required for implementing
cybersecurity rules and tools in everyday business
life.” (Blažič, 2021)
Incorporating the Conscious Competence model
into the development of practical skills in a Cyber
Teaching Hospital provides both a structure for
experiential learning and a basis for evaluating
performance and the acquisition of cybersecurity
Howell succinctly describes the four stages as
"Unconscious incompetence - this is the stage
where you are not even aware that you do not have a
particular competence. Conscious incompetence -
this is when you know that you want to learn how to
do something, but you are incompetent at doing it.
Conscious competence - this is when you can achieve
this particular task, but you are very conscious about
everything you do. Unconscious competence - this is
when you finally master it and you do not even think
about what you have to do such as when you have
learned to ride a bike very successfully." (Howell,
Just like learning to ride a bike, we struggle and
fail at first, then, as we practice, often with guidance,
we develop sufficient skill to ride unaided, and as we
continue to ride the bike, encountering unknown
challenges (i.e. bumps in the road) we develop the
unconscious mastery of bike riding. We simply no
longer have to think about what we are doing; we just
do it. This level of competence is the goal in
cybersecurity skills development.
Applying the conscious competence model to
cybersecurity skills is arguably more difficult than
riding a bike, however a more precise objective is to
develop sufficient competence to evaluate a situation,
make a decision, and take appropriate action. As Alan
Paller noted in his testimony “It’s a shift in thinking
about cyber security – from it being something you
learn from a book, to it being something you actually
have to know how to do. And, you have to do it under
pressure when other people are fighting against you.
It is just a whole different view of cyber security
training.” (Paller, 2011)
3.2 Developing Cybersecurity Skills
Through Simulations and Games
As Higher Education institutions (“HEI”) expand
cybersecurity offerings, they predominantly focus on
theory and fall short on practical “hands-on”
experimentation. (Topham et al., 2016) The
conventional approach to developing practical
cybersecurity skills is through case studies,
simulations, cyber ranges and cyber contests.
“Case studies are prevalent in cybersecurity
courses that teach adversarial thinking. Students are
taught about specific attacks, which often requires
spending time on idiosyncratic implementation
details…Some students are able to generalize from
this material, and they develop an intuition for
identifying assumptions that can be violated to
achieve some goal—the essence of any attack. Other
students, who don’t make the leap from specific
attacks to adversarial thinking, are not well served.”
(Schneider, 2013)
Simulations attempt to model case studies in an
interactive environment. While this is an
improvement to the “read and discuss” approach to
case studies, it suffers from a lack of integration into
the broader operational practices that are required in
real world situations.
Simulations are “a powerful modality for training
medical professionals to improve team-based
communication skills, manage uncommon or high-
stakes clinical situations, practice procedural
techniques, and refine medical decision-making skills
in a safe environment that allows for the learner to
benefit from both self-reflection and constructive
feedback.” (Dameff et al., 2019)
Cybersecurity simulations are predefined and
controlled, not something that replicates the often
times chaotic reality of incident response. They may
be tightly focused on a specific cybersecurity
challenge or more elaborate simulations of
cybersecurity and have utility early in the
development of a cybersecurity practitioner.
In their extensive analysis of Cyber Ranges and
Test Beds, Ukwandu et al. (2022) provide an analysis
of current cyber ranges and a taxonomy to describe
the elements of cyber ranges and test beds. They go
on to describe the objectives of a cyber range. The
spine of the training is founded on strategies informed
by educational methodologies and is most often
segmented into two classes. The first is centred on the
relationship between coach and trainee using classical
training methods characterised by the use of a number
of support tools such as online courses, certification,
training, and presentation. The second method relies
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
more heavily on new elements such as gamification
and video-assisted techniques. (Ukwandu, 2020)
Cybersecurity games are less contrived than
simulations allowing the student to develop their
skills in an adaptive manner. The generally accepted
and oxymoronic term “serious games” aptly describes
the objective of most cyber contests, such as Capture
the Flag and Red Team/Blue Team exercises.
According to Le Compte, et al the definition has been
debated and redefined. They use Zyda’s 2005
definition describing serious games as “a mental
contest, played with a computer in accordance with
specific rules, that uses entertainment to further
government or corporate training, education, health,
public policy, and strategic communication
objectives” (Le Compte, 2015)
While simulations, cyber ranges and cyber
competitions are useful tools in developing a
competent cybersecurity practitioner, they share one
common weakness – they are disintegrated from the
actual practice of cybersecurity in the real-world.
3.3 Developing Conscious Competence
Through “Combat” Experience
As the saying goes, “experience is the hardest teacher,
it gives the test first and the lesson after.”
One of the realities uncovered via surveys of
USAF cybersecurity practitioners reflects the schism
between training and actual practice. Describing the
training system as broken and lacking relevance. One
study participant sums it up:
“That’s why I say just get people to mission…the
Air Force way of training is they send you to school
and you learn everything you can there, but only that.
Then, at the next school, they tell you to forget
everything from the last school and learn only what
we’re teaching you. Then, you get to your unit, and
they tell you to forget everything that you learned in
training because it’s all bull and out of date—this is
the stuff you need to learn here. Then, you get to your
actual shop, and they say to forget what your unit told
you. Then, you go to another base, and it happens
again. It takes 3.5 years to get through training, and,
at every stage of the pipeline, this happens. That’s
how Air Force training goes.” (Hardison, 2021)
Just get the people to mission is perhaps the most
succinct description of the objective of a Cyber
Teaching Hospital. We learn much in the preparation
of modern Cyber Warfighters. Regrettably, we learn
more from actual warfare.
The U.S. Civil War was fought “in over 10,000
places and was the bloodiest war in the history of the
United States. More Americans died in the Civil War
than in all other wars combined…During the Civil
War, there were many medical advances and
discoveries…How medical care was delivered on and
off the battlefield changed during the war. (Reilly,
A surplus of patients in need of medical attention,
from both battlefield wound and disease, provided the
opportunity to advance the practice of medicine born
out of necessity. Innovation occurs when demand for
improvements intersects with the opportunity to
apply and evaluate novel interventions. Both
practitioner competence, as well as the practices and
protocols improve.
Do we not also have a surplus of organizations
that struggle in the face of constant cyber-attacks?
Are we not involved in a conflict with a motivated
adversary? If so, why are we not taking full advantage
of the real-world opportunities to develop both
cybersecurity practices and competent cybersecurity
In researching the issues with small to mid-size
businesses (“SMB”), we reinforced the need for
direct intervention and propose to enlist the resources
of the National Guard Defensive Cyber Operations
Elements (“DCO-E”) to aid struggling businesses
with their cyber-defense. “Extending the cyber
capabilities of the National Guard Defensive Cyber
Operations Elements (NG DCO-E) to assist SMBs
requires a delivery model that addresses the gap of
cybersecurity practices between public and private
sector organizations and the scalability challenge.
While public sector organizations are few and large,
as we have addressed, SMBs are many, smaller, and
with limited resources…with government-funded
Cyber Squads of student interns to help SMBs and to
fill a desperately needed talent pipeline. By doing so,
we will also be educating the next generation of cyber
leaders.” (Lathrop et al., 2023)
While calling out the National Guard to assist
SMBs approaches the hyperbolic, the principles
espoused in the proposal are relevant to developing a
model of practical interventions with public and
private sector organizations – legitimate casualties of
the cyber-battlefield.
Approached as part of a network of Cyber
Teaching Hospitals, designed to support the patient,
train the practitioner, and advance research into
cybersecurity practices capitalizes on the crisis,
benefits the practitioner, and provides meaningful
support to organizations struggling to cope with
In other words, we do not need war games, we
need to enter combat and fight the war.
Cyber Teaching Hospitals: Developing Cyber Workforce Competence
There is clearly a significant focus on the cyber skills
gap problem, developing a cyber workforce and on
enhancing cybersecurity education. As stated, we do
not propose to recapitulate those evaluations or argue
with their conclusions, they serve as a rational basis
for developing Cyber Teaching Hospitals is a novel
model that addresses some of the challenges and an
augmentation to existing educational programs.
4.1 Cyber Clinics Demonstrate the
Potential of the Cyber Teaching
In 2016, we developed a program to engage students
in a direct cybersecurity intervention with students
delivering cybersecurity expertise to individuals. We
used the medical metaphors of “Cyber Clinics” and
“Cyber-Medics” to focus expectations and orient the
development of the student practitioners.
“Using the concept of a cyber teaching hospital as
the organizing principle, the initial intervention
focused on the problem of individual cyber-
hygiene…To deliver the cyber-hygiene guidance in
the most effective manner the model of a mobile
medical clinic was adapted to take public health
approach to “treat” individual participants. Cyber
Clinics follow a triage, treat, and train approach
where trained “Cyber-Medics” (students with
sufficient knowledge to teach basic cybersecurity
practices) provide personalized cybersecurity
guidance. The main objective of a Cyber Clinic is to
evaluate an individual’s level of knowledge and
current cybersecurity practices and then, in a one-on-
one sessions with Cyber-Medics, to teach participants
effective techniques in cyber self-defense. Cyber
Clinics provide a mutually beneficial value
proposition; the “patients” learn how to improve their
cyber self-defense, and cyber-medics apply their
cybersecurity knowledge and develop practical
experience.” (Croasdell et al., 2018)
Although the sample size was small, the results
were notable:
All participants said their knowledge of data,
device and identity security issues and their
awareness of issues increased after the clinic
All participants said the Cyber Medics were
“very helpful” and they would attend
another Cyber Clinic
Multiple participants implemented advice
from the Cyber Clinic, specifically changing
their passwords more often and backing up
their device
Not captured in the 2018 paper, was the response
from decision makers who authorized Cyber Clinics
within their respective organizations. First, Nevada
State CIO Shanna Rahming, after attending a Cyber
Clinic held at University of Nevada, Reno offered to
host a Cyber Clinic for state employees and their
families. Governor Brian Sandoval allowed the Cyber
Clinic to be hosted at the Governor’s Mansion. In a
single day, the Cyber-Medics trained over 100
individuals. When CIO Rahming reported the success
of the Governor’s Mansion Cyber Clinic to the NV-
TCAB, the Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt
requested Cyber Clinics for the employees in his
Northern Nevada offices.
Seeing students train Deputy Attorney Generals,
Law Enforcement Officers, and state employees in a
professional and competent manner demonstrated the
efficacy of the Cyber Teaching Hospital model for
individual practitioners.
The success with students in the Cyber Clinic is
supported by Ben Shneiderman’s Relate-Create-
Donate philosophy. He begins his 1998 paper with the
following observation:
“Memorable educational experiences are
enriching, joyful, and transformational. They enrich
students with increased knowledge and skills, provide
them with a satisfying sense of accomplishment, and
reshape their expectations. Students are driven by
intense motivation that propels them to solve
challenging problems and fills them with the thrill of
accomplishment. They are proud of what they have
done, have a clearer sense of who they are, and are
ready to take greater responsibility for their
education.” (Shneiderman, 1998)
His three-component philosophy called Relate-
Create-Donate stresses:
1. Relate: work in collaborative teams
2. Create: develop ambitious projects
3. Donate: produce results that are meaningful to
someone outside the classroom.
He goes on to describe the central challenge to the
model, one that we will elaborate upon. “A central
problem is how to deal with the resistance to change,
especially among teachers, but also among
administrators and occasionally among students.
He describes it quite effectively as “the rewards of
doing good by helping others are especially sweet
when you are also helping yourself. This can be the
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
case when students work on service-oriented
authentic projects for clients outside the classroom.”
(Shneiderman, 1998)
All analogies to medicine and warfare aside, this
is the philosophy/principle at the heart of the Cyber
Teaching Hospital – education with a legitimate
purpose and tangible benefits.
While we have developed the concept of the Cyber
Teaching Hospital in terms of the fundamental value
propositions of providing and adaptive model to
address the cyber skills gap, enhance cybersecurity
education, and create a collective intelligence facility
to accelerate the development of effective
cybersecurity practices, there are several aspects of
the concept that require further elaboration and work.
Specific areas include:
Contracting – patients in the Cyber Teaching
Hospital model are in fact legal entities that establish
relationships through contracts. A contracting model
similar to a Managed Security Services Provider
(“MSSP”) looks like the best model but must
integrate the legal requirements of the academic
institutions and patient organizations.
Liability – Cybersecurity is a hazardous
undertaking and the good guys. do not always win.
Legal liability considerations must be accounted for
and potentially ameliorated through statutory
provisions for the benefit of society.
Cost – While we believe that the Cyber Teaching
Hospital is a self-sufficient financial model at scale,
potentially a profit center, if medical hospitals are any
indication, however the catalysing funds are required
to establish the initial Cyber Teaching Hospitals.
Faculty – academic institutions are also subject to
the cyber skills gap. Some individuals in faculty
positions would not be well qualified for a hands-on
role, and we need to develop recruitment and
development strategies to address the most noble role
in cybersecurity – the competent educator.
Finally, the coordination and information-sharing
potential of a system of Cyber Teaching Hospitals
becomes the principal consideration once an
implementation creates the first prototype and as the
network emerges. The administration of the network
of Cyber Teaching Hospitals.
In this paper we introduce the Cyber Teaching
Hospital. An adaptive solution to address the
cybersecurity skills gap, improve the education of
cybersecurity practitioners, conduct research into
novel cybersecurity interventions. support the
continued formalization of the cybersecurity
profession and, most importantly, to assist public and
private sector organizations with their cybersecurity
We provided an overview of the history and
development of medical teaching hospitals and
extrapolated the model to the cyber security domain.
Incorporating the Conscious Competence model into
the development of practical skills in a Cyber
Teaching Hospital will provides a structure for
experiential learning and the acquisition of
cybersecurity skills.
Sir Thomson provides two examples of letters
promoting Teaching Hospitals in England which led
to the “foundation of the Royal Infirmary in Sheffield
in 1789 is characteristic of many at the time. ‘Of all
the virtues which form our national character,’ it runs,
‘that of mercy and compassion may be justly
esteemed the highest ornament.’ Candour compels
me to add, regretfully, that Dr. John Ash, in 1765 in
Birmingham, did not take as high a line as your Dr.
William Younge, for all he said in his original
advertisement was, ‘A general hospital for the relief
of the sick and lame situated near the town of
Birmingham is presumed would be greatly beneficial
to the populous country about it as well as that
place.’" (Thomson, 1960)
We conclude that the establishment of a network
of Cyber Teaching Hospitals would likewise be
greatly beneficial to any populous country and that
mercy and compassion surely remain justly esteemed
as the highest ornament.
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy