the winning rate of the proposed method. This figure
demonstrates that the proposed method is as strong
as or stronger than almost all other agents, regard-
less of which deck is used. In particular, the pro-
posed method outperforms AlvaroAgent, which has
the same state evaluation function, by an average of
53%, suggesting that the proposed method is equally
or even better than AlvaroAgent at searching for ac-
tions. On the other hand, when using AggroPirate-
Warrior, the win rate was 40% against MCGS. This
is most likely because MCGS has an ingenious way
of pruning options even when conducting playouts,
which was more powerful than the state evaluation
function for the relatively simple deck of AggroPi-
rateWarrior, which was able to correctly evaluate the
state of the game.
In this paper, we proposed a method for decision-
making for actions in Hearthstone based on the
RHEA. To apply the RHEA to Hearthstone, we im-
proved the original algorithm by introducing tech-
niques of genetic manipulation, utilizing past search
information, and filtering action options.
We implemented agents based on the proposed
method and the original RHEA to evaluate the ef-
fectiveness of the proposed method. The results
showed that the winning rate for each improvement
was higher than that without the improvement. Fur-
thermore, our agent played against the top-performing
agents in past Hearthstone AI Competitions and out-
performed most of them.
In future work, we would like to investigate the
performance improvement by parameter tuning be-
cause the proposed method has various hyperparame-
ters. We are also interested in improving search effi-
ciency. Specifically, we shall attempt to take over bet-
ter individuals found during the previous search steps
instead of generating the initial group only at random.
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence