els, in particular, in the case of the Contact-Point hy-
pothesis, we were able to demonstrate that although
our hypothesis was significantly worse than posit-
ing no structure at all, the statistical mechanism un-
derlying HYPOTHESISTESTER clearly indicated that
there is additional structure present, below the scale
of 6Mb: we are able to confirm that there is a statisti-
cal mechanism to be discovered - we are just not quite
sure what it is yet.
In addition, our work on the length of the ostra-
cons generated by the chromothripsis event provided
a glimpse that, although breakpoints undoubtedly ex-
hibit clustering around a series of nexuses, the distri-
bution of these focal points seems to be random and
uniform across chromosome 6, in strong tension with
some claims we have highlighted from the previous
literature. The presence of a uniform distribution of
focal points seems to lie in contradiction to the oth-
erwise highly structured suprachromosomal pattern
(i.e. chromothripsis on only a single copy of a few
chromosomes), and the clustering around these focal
points, a tension which might help inform future stud-
ies into the actual mechanisms of chromothripsis.
We emphasise again that these are some prelim-
inary results, and aknowledge that we must expand
our data beyond the single, unusually prolific case
of chromothripsis we have studied here. We have
also demonstrated several further steps that need to
be taken from a theoretical perspective, in formualt-
ing more robust and powerful statistical models for
both the ostracon size analysis, and the mapless Con-
tact Point testing. However, despite their preliminary
nature, the results here undoubtedly represent an in-
truiging insight into the future work ahead.
We want to thank Dr Peter Campbell and Dr Jannat
Ijaz, Wellcome Sanger Institute, for providing the oe-
sophageal cancer datasets in the analysis.
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Ongoing Work to Study the Underlying Statistical Patterns of Oesophageal Chromothripsis