duced mobility. As an example, the program estab-
lishes that electronic voting machines, in addition to
Braille keys, must also be enabled with an audio sys-
tem, providing the Regional Electoral Courts (TRE)
with headphones in special polling stations. The poll
workers are also guided by the Electoral Courts to fa-
cilitate the entire adaptation process, including part-
nerships to encourage the registration of employees
with knowledge of L
ıngua Brasileira de Sinais (LI-
BRAS) (TSE, 2020).
Although the adoption of these initiatives are rele-
vant, it is believed that broad and unrestricted access,
with security and autonomy to people with disabilities
or reduced mobility in the electoral process, can still
advance further. In Brazil, according to data from the
IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statis-
tics) through the National Health Survey (PNS), in
2019 the percentage of the population aged two years
or more with some type of disability was 8.4%, with
6.5% with motor disabilities, representing about 13.3
million Brazilians who have difficulties not only in
locomotion, but also in accessing entertainment and
communication resources (IBGE, 2019).
According to data from the Superior Electoral
Court (TSE), the number of voters with disabilities
jumped from 1,059,077 in 2018 to 1,281,611 in 2020,
which corresponds to an increase of 21% in the previ-
ous electorate. The TSE highlights that 32.56% of
voters with disabilities have some mobility impair-
ment and another 5.57% have difficulty voting. The
current voting process for people who do not have
arm/hand movement involves allowing a chaperone
who can enter the voting booth and enter the num-
bers into the ballot box. Such an initiative, therefore,
does not guarantee the secrecy of the vote. Another
relevant point to note is that the voter turnout and ab-
stention rate shows that voters with mobility impair-
ments or with some difficulty in voting had 41.74%
and 90.37% abstention respectively. These numbers
show that this portion of the population is significant
and is growing, requiring improvements and facilita-
tors to be created, increasingly contributing to inclu-
sion (TSE, 2022).
Thus, the development and application of an ef-
ficient human-computer interface, for people with
quadriplegia, combined with a system that helps vot-
ers with disabilities to vote without a person help-
ing them, respecting the secrecy of the vote, becomes
increasingly necessary. The present work proposes
a HeadMouse and Auxiliary Arm system, based on
computer vision techniques, such as detection and fa-
cial recognition, in addition to robotics, to provide a
voter with severe motor disability to carry out the en-
tire voting process.
The main contributions of this work are:
• Development of a support system for people with
motor disabilities to vote;
• Validation of the system through different tests.
The tests were carried out with individuals with-
out motor disabilities and focused on validating the
functioning of the tool. Assuming that the tool was
designed for users who only have head movements,
the test subjects were informed that in order to per-
form the tests they had to remain immobile and could
only use their head movements, in order to simulate
the use by a motor impaired person. Test results were
compared to see if the user would be able to vote us-
ing the inclusive tool and without the tool, comparing
both voting times. By using the tool, an individual
without disability, but with the movement restrictions
of a person with motor disability, only with the move-
ment of the head could carry out the voting process
and that during the day of the election, it would be
possible a total of 120 disabled people carry out the
voting process using the tool, considering the time pe-
riod of 8AM to 5PM.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows. Section 2 will deal with related work, both on
tools based on computer vision, and the joining of
tools with auxiliary technologies using robotics. In
section 3, the methods used for the development of
the system will be presented, as well as the tests per-
formed with users. In section 4, the results obtained
in the development and in the tests carried out will
be presented. Finally, section 5 will present the final
considerations on the research carried out.
Robotics is a relatively young field of study compared
to other areas of study, however, it has highly am-
bitious goals, such as making it possible to perform
detailed tasks, such as surgeries, by robots. One of
the main focuses of study in robotics lately revolves
around the creation of machines that can behave and
perform activities like humans. This attempt to cre-
ate intelligent machines leads us to question why our
bodies are designed the way they are. A robotic
arm is a mechanism built by connecting rigid bod-
ies, called links, to each other through joints, so that
relative motion between adjacent links becomes pos-
sible. The action of the joints, normally by electric
motors, makes the robot move and exert forces in de-
sired ways (Lynch and Park, 2017).
A relevant area of study in robotics involves the
application of robots in an inclusive context, as an
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications