ENIGMA: Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring
and Anticipation
Francesco Ragusa
, Antonino Furnari
, Antonino Lopes
, Marco Moltisanti
, Emanuele Ragusa
Marina Samarotto
, Luciano Santo
, Nicola Picone
, Leo Scarso
and Giovanni Maria Farinella
FPV@IPLAB, DMI - University of Catania, Italy
Next Vision s.r.l. - Spinoff of the University of Catania, Italy
Xenia Gestione Documentale s.r.l. - Xenia Progetti s.r.l., Acicastello, Catania, Italy
Morpheos s.r.l. - Catania, Italy
Egocentric Vision, First Person Vision, Industrial Domain.
We present ENIGMA (Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation), an inte-
grated system to support workers in an industrial laboratory. ENIGMA includes a wearable assistant which
understands the worker’s behavior through Computer Vision algorithms which 1) localize the operator, 2)
recognize the objects present in the laboratory, 3) detect the human-object interactions which happen and 4)
anticipate the next-active object with which the worker will interact. Furthermore, a back-end extracts high
semantic information about the worker behavior to provide useful services and to improve his safety. Prelimi-
nary experiments were conducted showing good performance on the tasks of localization, object detection and
recognition and egocentric human-object interaction detection considering the challenging industrial scenario.
Understanding human behavior from an egocentric
point of view allows to build an intelligent system
able to support humans equipped with a camera (e.g.,
smartglasses, head-mounted, etc.) to achieve daily
goals in different scenarios such as home environ-
ments (Damen et al., 2014), cultural sites (Farinella
et al., 2019; Cucchiara and Bimbo, 2014), and indus-
trial buildings (Colombo et al., 2019; Ragusa et al.,
2021; Ragusa et al., 2022).
In particular, in the industrial scenario, localiz-
ing the users in an indoor workplace can be helpful
in managing rescue situations such as fires or heart-
quakes guiding them to the closest emergency exit
as well as detecting and recognizing objects in the
surrounding environment allows to provide additional
information on how to use them (i.e., automatic and
continuous training). Moreover, recognizing human-
object interactions can be useful to provide sugges-
tions on how to execute a complex procedure of main-
tenance as well as to implement energy saving strate-
gies. Furthermore, anticipating with which objects a
worker will interact, allows to improve his safety in
a factory, for example by notifying the user with an
alert in case of a dangerous object.
Nowadays different systems have been devel-
oped to train workers for specific tasks using virtual
(Osti et al., 2021) or augmented reality (Sorko and
Brunnhofer, 2019) as well as to support them with re-
mote assistance (Gurevich et al., 2012) guiding the lo-
cal operator during the execution of procedural tasks
(Rebol et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2021). Despite these
systems provide help to workers in different manners,
they suffer from several limitations due to the inability
to understand the human behavior and the surround-
ing environment.
In this paper, we present ENIGMA (Egocentric
Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and
Anticipation), an AI wearable assistant capable of
supporting the workers of an industrial laboratory
during the execution of complex tasks, providing sug-
gestions on how to perform different maintenance
and repairing procedures, improving their safety an-
ticipating potential dangerous interactions and imple-
menting energy saving strategies to reduce electricity
consumption. To achieve the aforementioned goals,
ENIGMA implements algorithms to localize workers
in the industrial laboratory, to recognize the objects
present in the surrounding environment and the inter-
action with them and to anticipate the next-active ob-
jects with which workers will interact from the ego-
centric point of view. Figure 1 shows the concept of
the proposed AI assistant.
Ragusa, F., Furnari, A., Lopes, A., Moltisanti, M., Ragusa, E., Samarotto, M., Santo, L., Picone, N., Scarso, L. and Farinella, G.
ENIGMA: Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation.
DOI: 10.5220/0011787900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: The concept of the proposed ENIGMA Assistant.
The proposed system has been tested in a labora-
tory which represents a realistic industrial scenario.
In the considered laboratory there are 23 different ob-
jects both fixed such as electric panels, a power supply
and a welding station and mobile such as screwdrivers
and electric boards. In addition, there are different
IoT devices installed in the sockets of the worktable
and in the electric panel which allow to powering on
and off the electricity of the tools connected to the
sockets. In this laboratory, we have considered 8 con-
texts, 23 objects and 22 different human-object inter-
actions. Preliminary experiments show that the pro-
posed ENIGMA system achieves good performances
on the tasks of Localization, Object Detection and
Recognition and Egocentric Human-Object Interac-
tion Detection while, future experiments will address
the tasks of and Next-Active Objects Detection.
The reminder of the paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 reports the related work. Section 3 presents
the collected and labeled datasets. Section 4 describes
the architecture of the ENIGMA system and explains
the provided services. Section 5 reports the prelim-
inary experimental results, whereas Section 6 con-
cludes the paper.
Our work is related to different lines of research,
including, visual localization, object detection and
recognition and egocentric human-object interaction
detection. The following sections discuss the relevant
works belonging to the aforementioned research ar-
2.1 Visual Localization
Localization from egocentric images can be addressed
considering both classification and camera pose es-
timation methods. In particular, classification based
methods allow to localize the input image discretiz-
ing the space in cells and training a classifier which
assigns the image to a cell. These cells can represent
different generic areas (Torralba et al., 2003), daily-
life environments (Furnari et al., 2018) or specific
rooms of a museum (Ragusa et al., 2020). Instead,
camera pose estimation methods establish correspon-
dences between 2D pixels positions in the input im-
age and 3D scene coordinates. This phase can be ad-
dressed using a matching algorithm or by regressing
3D coordinates from image patches (Brachmann and
Rother, 2018; Taira et al., 2018). In this work, we
focus on approaches based on both classification and
camera pose estimation to give localization informa-
tion to workers at different level of granularity.
2.2 Object Detection and Recognition
Object detection and recognition task has been
tackled exploiting one-stage methods (Redmon and
Farhadi, 2018) which prioritize the speed of detection
over the accuracy of prediction, as well as two-stages
approaches (Girshick, 2015), (Ren et al., 2015) which
localize objects and classify them more precisely at
higher computational time. Several works addressed
the task of detecting and recognizing objects consid-
ering museums (Seidenari et al., 2017; Farinella et al.,
2019) in which objects are represented by statues or
artworks as well as industrial environments in which
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: The industrial-like laboratory where the
ENIGMA system has been tested.
tiny and small objects need to be recognized (Ra-
gusa et al., 2021; Ragusa et al., 2022). The proposed
ENIGMA system leverages state of the art object de-
tectors to recognize objects present on the worktable
of the considered industrial laboratory. Specifically,
our system depends on the Faster-RCNN object de-
tector (Ren et al., 2015).
2.3 Egocentric Human-Object
Interaction Detection
Previous works focused on the Human-Object Inter-
action (HOI) detection task considering third person
view. The authors of (Gupta and Malik, 2015) were
the first to explore the HOI task annotating the COCO
dataset (Lin et al., 2014) with verbs. (Gkioxari et al.,
2018) proposed a method which detects and local-
izes humans and objects present in the scene, analyzes
each human-object pair using a heat map to represent
their relationship as well as to estimate the verb which
describes it. The aforementioned problem has been
studied also from the first point of view. The authors
of (Nagarajan et al., 2019) studied the problem of un-
derstanding how to interact with an object, learning
human-object interaction “hotspots” from egocentric
videos. (Nagarajan et al., 2020) introduced a model
to capture primary spatial zones of an environment
and the possible activities which could happen there
(i.e. environment affordance). The authors of (Shan
et al., 2020) proposed an hand-centric method which
classifies objects into the active and passive classes
depending if they are or not involved in an interac-
tion. A few works addressed this task considering
an industrial domain. The authors of (Ragusa et al.,
2021; Ragusa et al., 2022) studied human-object in-
teraction releasing the MECCANO dataset while peo-
ple building a toy model of a motorcycle. (Leonardi
et al., 2022) studied egocentric human-object interac-
tion exploiting both synthetic and real images in an
industrial environment.
In the proposed system we adopted an hand-
centric method based on a standard object detector
Figure 3: The 8 contexts of the industrial laboratory.
(Ren et al., 2015) to detect and recognize hands and
objects in the scene as well as to understand their re-
lationship considering the overlap between bounding
Our system has been tested in an industrial context.
Specifically, we set up a laboratory (as shown in Fig-
ure 2) in which there are 23 different objects such as
an electric screwdriver, a welding station and electri-
cal boards as well as there is an electrical panel which
allows powering on and off the sockets placed in the
worktable. We have collected and labeled two dif-
ferent datasets of egocentric videos useful to design
the services which compose the ENIGMA system: 1)
Localization, 2) Object Detection and Recognition,
3) Egocentric Human-Object Interaction and 4) Next-
active Object Detection.
3.1 Localization Dataset
We acquired 62 videos using using Hololens 2 device
with a resolution of 2272x1278 at 30 frame per sec-
ond. We extracted 55824 frames which have been di-
vided into Training, Validation and Test sets consider-
ing 39437, 4394 and 11993 frames respectively. We
labeled the dataset exploiting a Structure from Mo-
tion (SfM) approach using the open source software
, obtaining for each frame the 2D/3D posi-
tions and its orientation. The collected dataset is use-
ful to assess the performances of algorithms for both
punctual and contextual localization. In particular, for
ENIGMA: Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation
Figure 4: Examples of images annotated with bounding
boxes around the objects.
the contextual localization we divided the laboratory
into 8 cells which represents 8 different contexts: C1
Lab Door, C2 Panel A, C3 Panel B, C4 Fire Extin-
guisher, C5 Workbench, C6 Cabinet, C7 Lab (which
represents where the user is in the lab but is not in
any of the other cells) and C8 Out of the Lab. We
assigned each frame to the correspondent cell consid-
ering its 2D position. Figure 3 shows the 8 contexts
in the industrial laboratory.
3.2 Procedural Dataset
This dataset consists in 8 egocentric videos acquired
with a Microsoft Hololens 2 device while 7 different
subjects performed test and repair procedures on elec-
trical boards in the industrial laboratory. The 8 videos
have been acquired with a resolution of 2272x1278
with a framerate of 30 fps. We manually annotated
human-object interactions selecting the first frame in
which the hand of the subject touches an object and
the frame after the hand releases it and assigning a
verb which describes the interaction: 1) Take, 2) Re-
lease, 3) Contact and 4) De-contact. Moreover, for
each frame we annotated both the objects which are
involved in the human-object interaction (active ob-
jects) and all the other objects. In particular, we an-
notated each object with (x, y, w, h, c, a) tuple where
(x,y,w,h) represent the 2D coordinates of the bound-
ing box, c indicates the object class considering a to-
tal of 23 object classes and a indicates if the object
is involved in the current interaction or not. Follow-
ing this procedure we labeled 20000 objects. Figure 4
shows some examples of the annotated frames.
In this Section, we first discuss the architecture of the
proposed system (Section 4.1), then we present the
services implemented by ENIGMA (Section 4.2).
4.1 Architecture
Figure 5 shows the whole architecture of the proposed
ENIGMA system which is composed of 4 main com-
Wearable Devices: devices such as smartglasses
(i.e. Microsoft Hololens 2) are provided to the
operator in the industrial laboratory. Repair and
testing activities are shown on the screen through
Augmented Reality. Moreover, images and videos
are acquired from the point of view of the sub-
ject and sent to the Artificial Intelligence Infer-
ence Engine via a dedicated A/V Message Broker;
AI Inference Engine: high performance multi
core processing unit specifically designed for AI
tasks. This engine executes AI algorithms on
a dedicated GPU in order to process egocentric
videos and address operator localization, object
detection and recognition, human-object interac-
tions and next-active object detection;
BI Logic Engine: collects information from AI
inferences and IoT sensors status to take decisions
considering the behavior of the operator (e.g., turn
off the electric power in case of electrical risk).
Messages are exchanged through a message bro-
ker specifically designed for short messages pro-
IoT Devices: sensing and controlling periphery of
the ENIGMA system. They continuously check
the status of electronic devices connected to the
sockets (e.g., oscilloscope, power supply).
Furthermore, the system relies on different stan-
dard modules which enable 1) the communication be-
tween modules (message broker), fast-access storage
(IMDB), persistent storage (non-relational database),
REST API services (web server - python modules)
and administration, remote control and analytics (web
4.2 Services
This Section presents the services implemented by
Augmented Reality. The ENIGMA system uses
Augmented Reality in order to provide additional
and meaningful information while keeping the
operator’s hands free to work safely. Alarms
and warnings will be shown onto the holographic
glass and the whole interface can be controlled us-
ing vocal commands.
Localization. This information is used to provide
suggestions and alerts through the Augmented
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Overall architecture of ENIGMA system which is composed of 4 main components.
Reality, as well as to show the position of the op-
erator in the web application, in order to log and
monitor his activities.
Object Detection. Recognizing the objects
present in the surrounding environment allows
the system to provide useful information to the
worker about the objects such as time of usage
for maintenance purposes or suggestions on how
to use that specific object.
Human-Object Interaction. This service allows
to check the correctness of the procedures which
the operator is doing, and also to implement en-
ergy saving strategies and tools preservation in an
automatic way.
Next-Active Object. Predicting which object is
going to be used in the near future can prevent
dangerous interactions, such as touching powered
devices or tools. These information are used to
alert the operator and to improve his safety.
Context-based Services. A laboratory equipped
with the ENIGMA system can be used as train-
ing space for people who needs to improve their
skills. The capabilities of the system, allows also
remote training and assistance, ensuring safety
and health of both operator and instructor.
Authentication, Accounting and Administra-
tion. The ENIGMA system relies on an admin-
istrative backend that provides control and moni-
toring of the system itself and also to the workers
and their activities. A web application, enables
the supervisors and the administrators to assign
the activities to the operators and to monitor the
status of the work. Moreover, the operator can
consult his state of work using the same interface.
Visual Analytics. An overall view of the labora-
tory, with all the devices and the operator, is avail-
able through a web based interface. The system
reports useful information, such energy consump-
tion, peaks, detected alerts, and so on, as well as
provides an historical log of the events that hap-
pened in the laboratory.
Energy Saving. The proposed system allows to
optimize energy savings within laboratory due to
the analysis provided by the energy consumption
sensors present in the IOT devices installed in the
laboratory. The system can warn operators or au-
tonomously deactivate working tools that are not
necessary for the current task allowing to save en-
ergy due to any worker oversights.
Safety. The system is able to detect and provide
solutions to the following safety risks:
High/Low Voltage: working with high and low
voltage electrical boards exposes the operator
to the electrical risks, due to the fact that the
board could be under current, or to the residual
electricity stored in the capacitors. The system
is able to alert workers with visual and acous-
tic alarms before the board is touched and to
ENIGMA: Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation
Table 1: The results obtained by the proposed system in the
task of contextual localization.
Contexts Validation Test
C1 Door 0.936 0.584
C2 Panel A 0.986 0.831
C3 Panel B 0.985 0.727
C4 Fire Extinguisher 0.980 0.870
C5 Workbench 0.937 0.689
C6 Cabinet 0.964 0.242
C7 Lab 0.981 0.752
C8 Out of the Lab 0.960 0.294
Average 0.975 0.647
turn off the electrical current preventing elec-
trical shocks;
Break from Work: work’s regulations pre-
scribe to take breaks at regular time intervals.
ENIGMA can monitor how long the operator
has been working continuously, and suggest
when it’s time to take a break.
Safety Procedures: specific tools and equip-
ment need specific procedures and usage
modalities. The system provides hints and sug-
gestions and checks that the procedures are re-
spected, improving the safety of workers.
We tested our ENIGMA system to assess the perfor-
mances of localization (contextual and punctual), ob-
ject detection and recognition and egocentric human-
object interaction detection tasks, which represent
three of the main cores of the whole system. Ta-
ble 1 reports the results of the context-based localiza-
tion system based on TripletNet (Hoffer and Ailon,
2015) for the feature extraction phase and a K-NN
with K = 1 to assign the correct context.
Table 2 reports the results of the punctual localiza-
tion task also based on TripletNet (Hoffer and Ailon,
2015) considering both 6 degrees (Table 2-top) and
3 degrees (Table 2-bottom) of freedom. We reported
the mean and the median errors considering position
(meters), quaternion rotation (degrees) and Euler an-
gles (degrees).
Table 3 shows the results for the object detection
and recognition task. We report the Average Preci-
sion (AP) for each of the 23 object classes. We also
computed the mean Average Precision (mAP) mea-
sure with an Intersection over Union (IoU) of 0.5
(mAP@50). We obtained an mAP@50 over the Test
set of 73.41%. Results suggest that the system is able
to recognize well large objects such as oscilloscope
or the socket obtaining a mAP of 90.12% and 90.27%
Table 2: The results obtained by the proposed system in the
task of punctual localization considering both 6 (top) and 3
(bottom) degrees of freedom.
Validation Test
Errors Avg Median Avg Median
Position 0.034 0.012 0.787 0.406
Quaternion 36.28 01.50 29.82 15.49
X angle 1.095 0.517 7.130 4.934
Y angle 0.756 0.315 5.116 3.732
Z angle 1.874 0.798 25.889 10.902
Validation Test
Errors Avg Median Avg Median
Position 0.031 0.011 0.769 0.386
Angle 1.874 0.798 25.889 10.902
Table 3: The results obtained by the object detector on the
industrial laboratory.
Object Category AP Object Category AP
Power Supply 80.18 Working Area 90.18
Oscilloscope 90.12 Welder Base 88.82
Welder Station 89.87 Socket 90.27
Electric Screwdriver 81.45 Left Red Button 100.00
Screwdriver 58.73 Left Green Button 100.00
Pliers 79.18 Right Red Button 81.82
Welder Probe Tip 50.63 Right Green Button 90.91
Oscilloscope Probe Tip 51.72 Power Supply Cables 41.34
Low Voltage Board 88.53 Ground Clip 44.84
High Voltage Board 61.44 Battery Charger Connector 15.91
Register 71.07 Electric Panel 89.77
Electric Screwdriver Battery 51.72
respectively, whereas it has trouble to recognize small
objects such as the Power Supply Cables (mAP of
41.34%) or the Battery Charger Connector (mAP of
Furthermore, we addressed the egocentric human-
object interaction detection task detecting all the ac-
tive objects involved in the interactions. We trained
an hand-centric method based on a standard object
detector (Ren et al., 2015) on 6 videos of the procedu-
ral dataset and tested on the 2 remaining videos. We
choose the active objects filtering all the detected ob-
jects considering the minimum distance between the
centers of hands and objects bounding boxes. We
evaluated the performance computing the mAP@50
and the mean Average Recall (mAR) obtaining a
value of 36.80% and 28.31% respectively.
We have presented ENIGMA, a wearable system able
to assist workers in an industrial laboratory provid-
ing information about the surrounding environment
as well as improving the safety of workers and im-
plementing energy saving strategies. Preliminary ex-
periments show good performance considering local-
ization, object detection and recognition and egocen-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tric human-object interaction tasks. Future work are
related to the improvement of these services as well
as the integration of the next-active object detection
This research has been supported by Next Vision s.r.l.,
by the project MISE - PON I&C 2014-2020 - Pro-
getto ENIGMA - Prog n. F/190050/02/X44 CUP:
B61B19000520008 and by MEGABIT - PIAno di in-
CEntivi per la RIcerca di Ateneo 2020/2022 (PIAC-
ERI) linea di intervento 2, DMI - University of Cata-
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