Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative
Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support Systems
Tim Polzehl
, Vera Schmitt
, Nils Feldhus
, Joachim Meyer
and Sebastian M
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Berlin, Germany
Technische Universit
at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
{sebastian.moeller, vera.schmitt},
Disinformation, Fake Detection, Multimodal Multimedia Text Audio Speech Video Analysis, Trust, XAI,
Bias, Human in the Loop, Crowd, HCI.
Methods for automatic disinformation detection have gained much attention in recent years, as false informa-
tion can have a severe impact on societal cohesion. Disinformation can influence the outcome of elections,
the spread of diseases by preventing adequate countermeasures adoption, and the formation of allies, as the
Russian invasion in Ukraine has shown. Hereby, not only text as a medium but also audio recordings, video
content, and images need to be taken into consideration to fight fake news. However, automatic fact-checking
tools cannot handle all modalities at once and face difficulties embedding the context of information, sarcasm,
irony, and when there is no clear truth value. Recent research has shown that collaborative human-machine
systems can identify false information more successfully than human or machine learning methods alone.
Thus, in this paper, we present a short yet comprehensive state of current automatic disinformation detection
approaches for text, audio, video, images, multimodal combinations, their extension into intelligent decision
support systems (IDSS) as well as forms and roles of human collaborative co-work. In real life, such systems
are increasingly applied by journalists, setting the specifications to human roles according to two most promi-
nent types of use cases, namely daily news dossiers and investigative journalism.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies promise great
opportunities in the fight against disinformation. Es-
sential components of concurrent AI models include
the areas of text analysis, audio analysis, image/video
analysis, and their combination into a comprehen-
sive and multimodal analysis of media content. In
addition, disinformation disguises itself in multiple
forms, such as media manipulation, media fabrica-
tion, and decontextualization of all media types. Fol-
lowing the recommendation of the High-Level Expert
Group of the European Commission (EC), the term
disinformation can be defined as ”verifiable false or
misleading information that is created, presented and
disseminated for economic gain or to intentionally de-
ceive the public, and may cause public harm” (HLEG,
2018). In the following, this definition is used to de-
scribe disinformation, and fake news interchangeably.
The automatic identification of fake news items is in-
herently difficult for several reasons. News items have
no clear, discrete truth value or verifiable evidence,
and the truthfulness of items is on a continuum be-
tween clearly true and clearly false. Furthermore, the
classification of news items depends on the viewer’s
prior beliefs and knowledge about relevant domains,
and items can contain sarcasm and irony, which re-
verse their meaning. Therefore, detecting fake news
still requires the involvement of human expertise, ex-
perience, and judgment. The EC further proposes a
legal framework for Harmonised Rules on AI sug-
gesting human supervision in safety-critical domains
affecting human rights, which can be affected when
claiming shared content as fake (Schmitt et al., 2021).
Moreover, recent research shows that hybrid human-
machine systems accomplish tasks that neither can do
alone (Glockner et al., 2022). Hereby, Intelligent De-
cision Support Systems (IDSS) can support human
judgment to facilitate the processing and classifica-
tion of news items. In such systems, human and ma-
chine intelligence are joined in a collaborative frame-
work. Often the human decision-maker monitors and
Polzehl, T., Schmitt, V., Feldhus, N., Meyer, J. and Möller, S.
Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0011788900003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
interprets the performance and results of the AI sys-
tem, which aids in identifying potentially problematic
news items. Also, the AI component can actively re-
quest human input when the news item is in a pre-
defined fakeness range. IDSS need to be desingend
such, that humans can easily interact with the sys-
tem and understand the provided content. Therefore,
adequate Explainable AI (XAI) methods must enable
users to understand the provided predictions, foster-
ing trust in IDSS for collaborative fake news detec-
tion. Trust further includes the awareness of biases
that can distort the predictions, oftentimes emerging
from the data, the AI method itself, or the background
of humans involved. Overall, a set of adequate de-
sign criteria for human-AI collaboration needs to be
specified and aligned with the intended purpose of
the system and specific use case the system is ap-
plied to. Disinformation detection can require domain
experts to assess incoming information or media, but
also broad human intelligence, e.g. crowdworkers can
be incorporated for the collaborative fake news detec-
tion task. Humans may act out several roles, such as
sensors, data qualifiers, anomaly checkers, context in-
terpreters, or AI teachers, respectively, requiring dif-
ferent skills, knowledge, and availability.
In this work, recent developments on three lev-
els are discussed. On the first level we provide an
overview of recent developments of disinformation
detection for different modalities. Second, we provide
an overview of important requirements which need to
be considered in the design process of an IDSS for the
collaborative disinformation detection task. Third, we
provide an overview of different roles of human intel-
ligence and how it can be incorporated in an IDSS
to improve the overall performance. Furthermore, we
discuss two distinct use cases which can be observed
most often nowadays, i.e., daily news dossier and in-
vestigative journalism. We discuss the roles of hu-
mans concerning their relation to AI-based system
components and related trust aspects. We present a
state-of-the-art literature overview on AI-based mod-
els in Sec. 2 first, followed by a discussion of impor-
tant aspects of IDSS for fake news detection in Sec. 3.
Different roles of humans for the joint disinformation
detection task are discussed in Sec. 4, and realistic
use cases from organizations leading the global fight
against disinformation are scrutinized in Sec. 5.
2 AI-based MODELS
Current approaches for automatic credibility assess-
ment of information can be deviated according to the
data input they require. Most of the research in the
fake news detection domain has been done for tex-
tual inputs. Hereby, various types of text items and
sources have been used to train AI models, not only
news articles, but also social media text messages
have been analyzed. Models for fake news detec-
tion for images and videos mainly consider analysing
deepfakes, which are often shared and used in the so-
cial media context. In the domain of fake news de-
tection in speech recognition, there are very few ap-
proaches. Furthermore, approaches concerning mul-
timodal fake news detection have emerged recently.
Especially in the social media context images are of-
ten used in combination with text messages. Some
models have been already proposed to handle both in-
put formats at once and achieved reasonable perfor-
mance. In the following, the state-of-the-art models
for the different modalities and multimodal fake news
detection are briefly described.
Fake News Detection for Text Items. The numer-
ous approaches for automated textual analysis (An-
toun et al., 2020) include dissemination pattern anal-
ysis (Liu and Wu, 2018), early disinformation de-
tection and source analysis (Baly et al., 2018), and
content-based approaches to disinformation detec-
tion, which in turn include methods for extracting lex-
ical or syntactic and linguistic features. Here, dis-
information is assumed to use misleading language
and certain syntactic styles (P
erez-Rosas et al., 2018).
Many approaches combine deep learning (DL) mod-
els with handcrafted features (Borges et al., 2019).
Most recent results show that pre-trained deep lan-
guage model classifiers such as BERT-based mod-
els (Szczepa
nski et al., 2021), XLNet (Antoun et al.,
2020), and GPT-3 (Nakov et al., 2022) perform better
than feature-based models. This suggests that a deep
understanding of the language is required to detect the
subtle stylistic differences in writing disinformation
(Antoun et al., 2020). Moreover, analyzing the repe-
tition or reuse of news elements can also be informa-
tive in detecting fake news and sometimes combined
with unsourced content (Evans et al., 2020). Addi-
tionally, NLP methods can be used to pre-process in-
formation to facilitate the work of experts identify-
ing false content (Demartini et al., 2020). Accord-
ingly, truthfulness classification, check worthiness,
and source identification can be done by DL mod-
els and also in a hybrid collaborative setting incor-
porating crowdworkers (Glockner et al., 2022). This
also applies to several datsets which have been pub-
lished to train and evaluate large language models for
the disinformation detection task. Some exemplary
datasets for text items are LIAR (Wang, 2017), Fak-
eNewsNet (Shu et al., 2018), FEVER (Thorne et al.,
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
2018), BuzzFeed-Webis (Potthast et al., 2018), Re-
alNews (Zellers et al., 2019), FakeEdit (Nakamura
et al., 2020), MultiFC (Augenstein et al., 2019), Vita-
minC (Schuster et al., 2021), COVID-Fact (Saakyan
et al., 2021), and Mocheg (Yao et al., 2022), ClaimD-
iff (Ko et al., 2022), Emergent (Ferreira and Vlachos,
2016), SufficientFacts (Atanasova et al., 2022), Red-
HOT (Wadhwa et al., 2022), mainly published for
the English language only, data on other languages is
rare, e.g German GermanFakeNC (Vogel and Jiang,
2019). However, most DL methods apply different
definitions of disinformation, different domains, con-
text, and accuracy evaluation; therefore, further re-
search is necessary to standardize disinformation de-
tection for the text domain.
Fake Detection for Images and Videos. Advanced
image and video editing tools facilitated the creation
of fake video content and imagery, highlighting the
need for better visual forensics algorithms (Huh et al.,
2018). The fast recognition of perceptual image/video
partial duplicates for verification purposes, especially
for decontextualization analysis, can, in turn, be
achieved by perceptual hashing (Thyagharajan and
Kalaiarasi, 2021) and partial matching, modified by
suitable visual features. One of the most prominent
and severe phenomena that are rapidly growing are
deepfakes. This term refers to all multimedia content
that is somehow synthetically generated or altered by
DL approaches. Hereby, DL methods are used to ei-
ther automatically generate, alter or swap objects, e.g.
a person’s face in videos or images. Deepfakes are
mainly based on autoencoders or Generative Adver-
sarial Networks (GANs), which are becoming more
accessible and accurate yearly. The synthesized me-
dia is very difficult to distinguish from real images
or videos. Hereby, face swapping describes the pro-
cess of transfering a person’s face from a source im-
age to another person in a target image while main-
taining photorealism (Nirkin et al., 2018). To miti-
gate such risks, many deepfake detection approaches
have been proposed (Zhao et al., 2021). By using vi-
sion transformers (ViT) and convolutional networks
(Ding et al., 2020) as well as deep transfer learning
(Coccomini et al., 2022), methods for face-swapping
detection could be developed that provide high detec-
tion rates, including uncertainty estimates (Guarnera
et al., 2020). Some further approaches have already
been developed as countermeasures to face forgery
(Qian et al., 2020; Li et al., 2020) mostly based on
GAN-based models. Models to generate and detect
deepfakes must be trained on lots of data. Some ex-
emplary datasets which can be used for deepfake de-
tection in images and videos are the DFDC dataset
(Dolhansky et al., 2020), containing a large amount
of face swap videos, and the WildDeepfake dataset
(Zi et al., 2020), containing 7,314 face sequences ex-
tracted from 707 deepfake videos.
Fake Detection for Speech Recordings. DL-based
speech synthesis has made great progress in re-
cent years, mainly due to the end-to-end learning
paradigm: text analysis, acoustic modeling, and
speech synthesis are no longer isolated but integrated,
trained, and optimized jointly, eliminating the need
for expensive expert annotations and achieving ever-
improving speech quality. Already methods such as
Tacotron 2 (Shen et al., 2018) achieved high speech
quality already. Again, GAN-based models recently
prevail (Dhar et al., 2022). However, not only is
the quality of speech improving but there is also an
preference with attackers to use GANs because they
can more easily be hardened against new recognizers
that try to detect the fake. So-called voice cloning
and voice conversion systems are freely available,
achieve good speech quality in mimicking a target
speaker’s voice, e.g. (Luong, 2020; Sadekova et al.,
2022; Huang et al., 2022), and can directly be used
to fake custom speech of almost any target speaker,
particularly important for human or automated per-
son identification. Best systems are able to cheat
speaker identification systems, with the largest eval-
uation organized as VoxCeleb Speaker Recognition
Challenge (VoxSRC-21) (Kwon et al., 2021), con-
taining over 1.1 million utterances from over 7,300
celebrity speakers to be recognized. In another way,
audio manipulation detection tries to localize and
falsify information about audio recordings, e.g., re-
garding recording device, time and location, encod-
ing, etc., i.e. detect recording and processing traces
(Aichroth et al., 2021), potentially exploit the fact
that many subsequent manipulations of audio mate-
rial cause inconsistencies concerning natural record-
ing tracks that can be detected.
Comprehensive up to date tools for fake detection
are urgently needed.
Multimodal Fake Detection. In practice, disinfor-
mation almost always manifests itself in multiple
modalities. The development of combined analysis
methods that are as diverse as possible is therefore
Multimodal systems have just recently begun to
mature until a degree of practical applicability, e.g.,
the evaluation of messages and associated images in
social media, e.g. SpotFake uses NLP models such
as BERT to learn text features, in conjunction with
VGG-19 to consider image features (Singhal et al.,
Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support
2019), and others (Dhawan et al., 2022; Palani et al.,
2022) also for general fake news detection (Singh
et al., 2021).
Most recently, (Fung et al., 2021) proposes a fine-
grained, knowledge element-level cross-media infor-
mation consistency checking for fake news detection,
where knowledge elements include entities, relations
and events extracted from the message body, head-
lines, images and meta-data of news articles. The
authors run experiments on two datasets: (1) The
NYTimes-NeuralNews, an established benchmark for
multi-media fake news detection with pristine news
articles collected by (Biten et al., 2019) fake news
generated by Grover in (Tan et al., 2020), as well as
(2) a proposed new VOA-KG2txt dataset, which con-
sists of 15k real news articles scraped from Voice of
America and 15k machine-generated fake news ar-
ticles. Comparing against recent baselines of (Tan
et al., 2020; Zellers et al., 2019) the authors reached
94.5% and 92.1% detection accuracy, respectively.
However, these results must be interpreted with a
grain of salt, as current NLP fact-checking bench-
mark models cannot realistically combat real-world
disinformation (Glockner et al., 2022), specifically
because it depends on unrealistic assumptions about
counter-evidence in the data and/or found evidence
may not be strong enough to refute disinformation up
to the level required in real life. Finally, the authors
also demonstrate that models trained on large-scale
fact-checking datasets rely on leaked evidence, cast-
ing even more doubt on the interpretability of bench-
mark results. Overall, one major challenge multi-
modal fake news detection is the lack of standardiza-
tion. There are no standards established for rating the
fakeness of an item (e.g., binary vs. continuous credi-
bility assessment), how to deal with biases in data and
models, how human intelligence can be integrated in
the collaborative fake news detection task also with
respect to the various use cases, where human intelli-
gence is needed.
For the domain of fake news detection, previous re-
search has shown that hybrid human-machine systems
outperform settings where only humans or machines
are used (Kapantai et al., 2021; Glockner et al., 2022).
However, there are different requirements that need to
be fulfilled for hybrid human-AI fake news detection
(Nasir et al., 2021). Criteria that have been identified
to be important are the transparency, usefulness, and
understandability of model predictions (Lopes et al.,
2022), but also user interface design and user expe-
rience criteria (Schulz et al., 2022). Furthermore, to
create reliable overall predictions of the hybrid fake
news detection task, the consideration of different bi-
ases is crucial, as biases in data, the model, or also
human biases can influence model predictions and hu-
man assessment of the given information (Mehrabi
et al., 2021). Therefore, these aspects are described
in more detail in the following.
XAI. Fake news detection is an ambiguous task
with a lack of consensus on definitions of what can
be determined as being true or not. Recent research
shows that providing explanations for methods of au-
tomatic credibility assessment increases human un-
derstanding, trust, and confidence in the AI system for
certain tasks (Vilone and Longo, 2021; Lopes et al.,
2022). In recent years, much work aimed to develop
methods for improving the transparency and personal-
ization of AI-based systems (Schneider and Handali,
2019). Hereby, XAI explanations should answer the
questions for a human observer of how models work
and why a prediction is made for a particular input
(Mohseni et al., 2021; Kotonya and Toni, 2020).
XAI methods can be broadly divided into three
different types (Zhou et al., 2021; Lopes et al., 2022):
(1) Attribution-based explanations are one of the most
common types of explanations and are used to pro-
duce importance scores for each input feature based
on its relevance for the final prediction (Hase et al.,
2021). (2) Rationalization, i.e., textual explanations
that are generated by language models. This can ei-
ther be done in a post-hoc fashion where a separate
model, e.g., GPT-3, extrinsically tries to make sense
of the input (and the prediction) (Wiegreffe et al.,
2022) or ad-hoc with a model that jointly produces
both prediction and explanation (Atanasova et al.,
2020). (3) Example-based explanations can either
manifest as finding very similar examples in the train-
ing data (Das et al., 2022) or generating counterfactu-
als (Dai et al., 2022).
On top of those, interactive tools have been de-
vised for model analysis (Hoover et al., 2020; Tenney
et al., 2020; Geva et al., 2022, i.a.), but require a thor-
ough understanding of the explained AI models and
thus are mostly aimed at AI model developers. Tools
such as dEFEND (Shu et al., 2019), Propagation2Vec
(Silva et al., 2021), and XFake (Yang et al., 2019) are
more targeted at professional fact checkers.
There are several limitations that have been ad-
dressed in previous literature (Lopes et al., 2022):
(1) there is still a lack of evaluating XAI approaches
on a broad scale and different domains and standard-
ized evaluation procedures (van der Waa et al., 2021),
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
which is vital to ensure that the integration of XAI
methods fulfills the desired goals. (2) Also, a lack of
visualization and interaction strategies can be identi-
fied. Thus, usability evaluation criteria and context-
specific requirements need to be considered (Liao
et al., 2022), and the role of dialogue-based expla-
nations needs to be assessed (Feldhus et al., 2022).
(3) One of the main shortcomings is the lack of multi-
disciplinarity (e.g., computer science, HCI, social sci-
ences (Miller, 2019) in the creation and evaluation of
XAI methods (Mohseni et al., 2021). As explain-
ability is an inherently human-centric property, re-
search in human-computer interaction can contribute
to evaluating objective and subjective useful XAI ap-
proaches for different domains and tasks (Lopes et al.,
2022). Hence, a multidisciplinary approach to XAI is
required to significantly improve the application and
display of comprehensible and robust XAI methods
and incorporate objective and subjective evaluation
metrics (Mohseni et al., 2021).
Bias. AI systems are usually data-driven and the
prediction performance, generalizing ability, and us-
able results depend heavily on the availability of data
(Mehrabi et al., 2021). Especially in the domain of
fake news detection, where there exist subtle and sub-
jective differences in defining the degree of the fake-
ness of an item, bias plays an eminent role (Zhu et al.,
2022). Thus, for the fake news detection task, differ-
ent types of biases can be identified, which need to
be considered in the collection of data, training of AI
models, and presentation of model results. There are
many different biases identified in related research so
far, which can be broadly classified into three differ-
ent types (Mehrabi et al., 2021): (1) Data bias: rep-
resentation biases exist in unbalanced datasets and
are not representative of the respective population
the data is sampled from (Zhu et al., 2022). More-
over, historic biases can emerge from human biases
and perspectives deeply rooted in different societies
(Daneshjou et al., 2021) or measurement biases oc-
cur when features and labels are used to measure
a construct that is not directly encoded, or observ-
able in the data (Suresh and Guttag, 2021). (2) Al-
gorithmic bias: can be caused by the selection of
model-specific parameters such as the optimization
function or regularization method (Kordzadeh and
Ghasemaghaei, 2022; Baeza-Yates, 2022). (3) Hu-
man bias: several human level biases could be identi-
fied in previous research (Mehrabi et al., 2021; Draws
et al., 2022), whereas social biases (Gumusel et al.,
Cartolovni et al., 2022), confirmation bias, be-
havioral bias, and emergent bias addressing design
biases based on cultural values and societal knowl-
edge which can differ among different user groups
(Mehrabi et al., 2021). During data collection, train-
ing models, and design of user interfaces, various
types of biases need to be considered where also XAI
methods can help to highlight the existence of algo-
rithmic and data biases. However, mitigating human
biases is more challenging, as some biases are deeply
rooted in beliefs, opinions, and social contexts con-
nected to a human user of such systems. Thus, stan-
dardized approaches and techniques must be devel-
oped to mitigate such biases on different levels.
Usability Aspects. In collaborative decision-
making scenarios, several aspects must be considered
in the design of the IDSS when human intelligence
is integrated to approve AI-based predictions or
used as an additional signal for the prediction task,
e.g. effectiveness, efficiency, and user experience.
Effectiveness can be examined primarily through the
Limited Inter-Rater Agreement of humans with the
AI classification, for which the Epsilon-Corrected
Root Mean Squared Error serves as the primary per-
formance metric. System efficiency can be measured
by the time it takes an AI model to classify a news
item, but also by the Cognitive Load (Singh et al.,
2021) of the user. Another usability aspect is the user
experience (Schulz et al., 2022), where pragmatic or
functional aspects, but also hedonic aspects (Meel
and Vishwakarma, 2020) have to be considered.
Moreover, trust can be used as a parameter that can
be measured in a hybrid approach to disinformation
detection by evaluating user choices [accept, reject,
revise] regarding suggestions of analysis procedures
(Chancey et al., 2017), but also by the perception
of system performance, control over the system and
transparency of the system (Mohseni et al., 2020).
Preliminary research has been done on the usability
aspects in the domain of collaborative fake news
detection, but future research is needed to empirically
validate the different aspects mentioned above and
standardize UI criteria and usability aspects.
In the context of disinformation, human in the loop
is a methodology that can provide human supervision
and judgment. While expert judgments may not be
directly replaced by crowd workers’ judgments in this
respect, naive or trained human online crowdworkers
can provide reliable labels (Demartini et al., 2016).
Also, dealing with human judgments, the impact of
the humans’ background, e.g., political bias, and the
timeliness of the assessed statements have been ana-
Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support
lyzed (Roitero et al., 2020). Results show that also
recent statements can still reliably be fact-checked by
the crowd. Hereby, crowdworkers can be deployed
especially when the effectiveness of fully automated
credibility assessment of news items is very low (El-
sayed et al., 2019). Especially for tasks such as ana-
lyzing public interest in the assessed content, the pos-
sible impact of false calims on the formation of opin-
ions, and also to assess the timeliness of the content
the crowd can be used (Elsayed et al., 2019).
Several collaborative human-machine systems
have been proposed to detect false news in a collab-
orative setting, e.g. hybrid human-machine systems
connected to crowds based on a probabilistic graph-
ical model (Nguyen et al., 2020). A probabilistic
model CURB was proposed (Kim et al., 2018) decid-
ing when humans should check suspicious claims, i.e.
check-worthiness. A Bayesian Inference model was
proposed, which integrates crowd flagging for fake
news detection (Tschiatschek et al., 2018). In an-
other work, a hybrid detection model, using the text,
the source of an article, and the user response as fea-
tures was proposed (Ruchansky et al., 2017). Sim-
ilarly, interactive frameworks were developed to de-
termine the credibility of news items, integrating a
collaborative learning system for the fast identifica-
tion of fake news (Bhattacharjee et al., 2017). The
WeVerify project gathered human-in-the-loop judg-
ments through an open platform to verify the content,
the source, and the analysis of disinformation flows
(Marinova et al., 2020). Accordingly, the classifica-
tion of fake news items strengthens the viewers’ trust
in the items that were not flagged, even if they are of
dubious accuracy.
To date, the roles of humans throughout the pro-
cess of fake news identification seem underspecified
wrt. a systematic stratification of human skills, out-
reach, and knowledge needed in the various steps.
We propose the following 5 roles: (1) human as sen-
sor, (2) human as data verifier, (3) human as system
anomaly/sanity checker, (4) human as context info
and XAI interpreter, and (5) human as AI teacher.
Accordingly, concerning the emergence of any
information, humans (individually or organized as
crowds) can act as sensors or sensor networks reg-
istering and recording data. Taking photos, creating
videos, or posting messages are essential examples
of this role. Regardless of which way any data has
been acquired, both experts and crowds are frequently
used to qualify data, i.e., assess noisiness and/or fil-
ter out irrelevant bits. Also, annotation and labeling
steps and proofing or finishing passes can be seen
as qualifications in this regard. Data is now ready
to be received by AI components. Monitoring the
training as well as monitoring inference by means
of learning curves, error margins, and classification
results on known and unknown data, AI experts are
needed to steer the training of AI models. However,
once trained and in inference mode, a sanity check
or check for abnormal inference can also be executed
by semi-experts, trained laymen or crowds. Over-
all, this step safeguards high-quality, representative
model building that potentially generalizes well. As
argued above, the monitoring of AI-System behavior
oftentimes requires methods from the field of explain-
able AI to shed light on inner model parameters. In
contrast to the safeguarding role, another role needed
to interpret the explanations is the domain expert, who
can interpret XAI results like scores and counterfacts.
In many cases, this will be a journalist able to ver-
ify and double-check model results and XAI expla-
nations with the help of experience and potential fur-
ther internet research for verification. Ultimately, a
final verdict on the helpfulness of any AI-generated
suggestion or prediction is essentially and inevitably
with the journalists or users that act as domain ex-
perts. They can evaluate the findings against any kind
of expert world knowledge like historical, processual,
and content-related information. Finally, humans can
also act as implicit or explicit AI teachers when pro-
viding corrections or approval information in return
to the system, which then may correct its databases
and prepare for retraining.
Figure 1: Components of IDSS and Human Roles.
In Figure 1 the IDSS, the requirements for collab-
orative fake news detection, and the human roles are
depicted. Hereby, the human as data verifier and sen-
sor is assigned to the level of the input to the IDSS.
The IDSS consists of AI-based models for automatic
fake news detection, but also contains the model ex-
planations which are necessary for a useful integra-
tion of human intelligence for the collaborative fake
news detection task. The IDSS also needs to be de-
signed such, that the content and information is pre-
HUCAPP 2023 - 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
sented to the respective end user in the most com-
prehensible way. Hereby the human role as con-
text information and XAI interpreter verifies the out-
put of the XAI and IDSS and can also contribute to
the final credibility rating. Furthermore, the human
as anomaly detector and sanity checker monitors the
overall system performance for anomalies and mal-
function. The human as a teacher for AI can interact
with the system on multiple levels. Hereby, the hu-
man not only receives the overall output and can ver-
ify a linkage to data, which can then be used in train-
ing again, but also has the opportunity to influence
the AI-based model by verifying the training process,
hyperparameters used, and training data distribution.
Finally, biases affect the process on different levels,
e.g., the data can already be biased due to imbalanced
datasets or historical biases, biases can emerge from
the model implementation and feature distribution it-
self, but also from human roles influencing the train-
ing and prediction process.
Daily News Dossiers. In addition to the usual
sources such as own investigation results, correspon-
dents’ reports, or agency material, user-generated
content from the Internet is increasingly being taken
into account in creating news items. This content,
distributed via social networks, gives media outlets
faster access to event content without having journal-
ists on the ground themselves and also puts issues on
the agenda that might otherwise be overlooked. To
date, this is enormously time-consuming and staff-
intensive because automated, AI-based tools are only
available in parts and in technological isolation.
Here, the most important roles of human collab-
oration are as a sensor (1) in order to provide social
media clips (mostly naive users), as well as context in-
formation and XAI interpreter (mostly expert users)
(4). Tight daily editorial deadlines disqualify non-
verifiable news candidates by the mere time pressure
and a limited number of news in a dossier. Thus, AI-
based models may have the function to pre-filter and
pre-qualify the abundance and massive information.
For the majority of cases, no crowds are included,
and the work is done by journalists and profession-
als. Many media companies have moved to work
with fact-checking agencies or set up such units them-
selves within their corporate structures.
Investigative Journalism. Another equally impor-
tant use case refers to private and public media organi-
zations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
striving to conduct comprehensive and in-depth inves-
tigative research on socially relevant grievances and
malpractices. Thematically, they cover a broad spec-
trum from politics and business to the environment
and society. The ultimate aim here is to provide trust-
worthy, honest and impartial background reporting.
For investigative journalists, this means they have to
be especially mindful and careful in their work, which
oftentimes spans over several days or weeks. They
also face hard-to-find sources and deliberate cover-
up and disinformation tactics. In this context, it is
essentially and inevitably important that the avail-
able information is screened as thoroughly as possible
and checked for significance and authenticity down
to the smallest detail. The larger well-known orga-
nizations in this environment include, for example,
Follow the Money, Bellingcat, Correctiv, Netzwerk
Recherche, The Intercept, The Center for Investiga-
tive Reporting, The Global Investigative Journalism
Network and EUObserver as well as Deutsche Welle.
Here, non-verifiable information cannot simply be
dropped. There is no limitation like a daily editorial
deadline, forcing obscure information to be left out,
but rather a longer duration of investigative time and
efforts to be spent on a specific topic. Truthfulness,
check-worthiness, or source reliability analyses will
be carried out thoroughly potentially involving col-
laborative systems including both crowds and experts.
The most important roles of human collaboration are
thus as data verifier (2), as well as context and XAI
interpreter (4). When using online platforms, this can
be organized at scale to achieve all of speed, coverage,
and high-quality assessments. Being able to consol-
idate, evaluate, and analyze information with respect
to its context and sharing history is crucial to deter-
mine the credibility of the information. Still, AI mod-
els struggle with this task which is especially crucial
for the use case of investigative journalism.
This paper aims to give an overview about (1) current
developments for AI-based fake news detection for
text, image/video, speech and mutlimodal fake news
detection, (2) requirements, which need to be consid-
ered in the design process of an IDSS for collaborative
fake news detection, and (3) how human intelligence
can be incorporated in the IDSS to improve the overall
performance. In addition to the short discussion of re-
cent developments in AI-based automated modeling,
we stress the need for human collaboration making
the systems applicable for real-life applications. In
alignment with the recommendation of the EC calling
Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support
to keep humans in the loop in scenarios where human
rights (e.g., free speech) are affected, the incorpora-
tion of human intelligence also increases the over-
all performance of uni- or multimodal disinformation
detection when extended to hybrid systems such as
IDSS. Here, we identify and discuss explainability,
bias, and usability aspects to be essentially calling for
human collaboration, mostly in form of help and in-
terpretation. Finally, looking more closely at the di-
verse roles humans resume throughout the explained
processes, we identify 5 roles of humans paramount
in the respective steps, which are to be seen in the
light of realistic use cases for the most important con-
currently applied disinformation fight, e.g. compiling
daily news dossiers as well as conducting investiga-
tive journalistic inquiries.
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