4.3 Ablation Study
In order to investigate the contribution of each part
of the propose framework to the final accuracy we
perform experiments on Columbia database. Specif-
ically, we studied the impact of fine-tuning the gaze
estimation network using the calibration samples, as
well as, the impact of importing the head pose infor-
mation to the final performance. Results presented
on Table 3 demonstrate the importance of these parts.
Specifically, the head pose information increases ac-
curacy by 1.2
, while the fine-tuning of the network
adds 1.8
more accuracy increase.
Finally, we studied the impact of the applied gaze-
preserving transformation of Eq. (2) to the reference
images. Results showed an accuracy decrease of 1.6
(from 6.1
to 7.7
) after removing this step, revealing
that this step is crucial in order to disentangle the gaze
feature from the eye-related features.
In this paper a few-shot gaze estimation method was
introduced. In order to overcome the dependency of
the labeled data, the proposed framework aimed to
learn an unsupervised gaze representation via the joint
training of a gaze transfer and a gaze estimation net-
work. Only few calibration samples were enough to
fine-tune the gaze estimation network with promis-
ing accuracy results. Extensive evaluation of the pro-
posed method was performed on two publicly avail-
able databases. A comparison with existing few-shot
gaze estimation methods demonstrated a significant
improvement in accuracy in within-dataset experi-
ments. Also, the benefits of every individual step of
the proposed framework to the achieved performance
were highlighted. The validity of this work makes us
believe that this approach can be used as a pretraining
process in order to exploit the great amount of the ex-
isting unlabeled data and become less dependent from
the labeled ones.
This research has been co-financed by the Euro-
pean Union and Greek national funds through the
Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneur-
ship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH –
CREATE – INNOVATE (project SignGuide, code:
T2EDK - 00982)
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications