are applied.
This study proposes a patch-based CNN model train-
ing technique to classify breast mammograms into be-
nign or malignant categories and test on a publicly
available dataset of mammograms, CBIS-DDSM,
which was used to classify cancerous and non-
cancerous regions. Our proposed system extracts
overlapping patches using the Overlapping Patch Ex-
traction method, and we compare them with the Non-
Overlapping Patch Extraction approach and Region-
Based-Extraction approach, which is state-of-the-art.
The state-of-the-art approach downsizes the images,
which may result in the loss of discriminative fea-
tures. However, full-size images are used in this work
for patch extraction. The patches are labelled based
on the threshold of ROI using the segmented masks.
The latest CNN models are explored to test the per-
formance of the proposed technique. In our suggested
Overlapping method, whole images are scanned using
the sliding window approach, and a patch database
is created for the training. The best results are ob-
tained using an augmented version of our proposed
approach, the Overlapping Patch Extraction method
trained on the EfficentNet-V2L architecture revealing
an AUC of 0.90.
In the future, a density-based patch extraction
technique can extract more informative patches that
help improve the model’s performance. Moreover,
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANS) can be
used to generate more synthetic data that can directly
contribute towards the successful training of DL mod-
This work was conducted with the financial support of
the Science Foundation Ireland Centre for Research
Training in Artificial Intelligence under Grant No.
18/CRT/6223. Moreover, we would like to thank
Naveed Shahid and Allan de Lima for their immense
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ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence