In this paper, ‘You Can Dance’ , an automatic frame-
work for generating music-conditioned dances on real
3D scans, is proposed. The system is composed of
two main modules. The first one generates dance
motions that are coherent with a given music. The
second translates the generated motion dances to real
3D scans using SMPL body model fitting. The fit-
ting module has also been used to generate dancing
3D scans by translating the dance motions of AIST++
dataset to the real 3D scans of the 3DBodyTex.v2
dataset. A human-based evaluation study was con-
ducted to assess the quality of the animated 3D scans
when using dance motions performed by experts and
generated by the music-conditioned dance module.
The proposed framework achieved plausible qualita-
tive results, but had some limitations that are mainly
due to inaccurate 3D scan fitting and unrealistic gen-
erated dance motions. Nevertheless, the authors be-
lieve that this first attempt towards music-conditioned
dance animation of 3D scans might open the doors for
the community to investigate it further.
This work was funded by the National Research
Fund (FNR), Luxembourg in the context of the PSP-
F2018/12856451/Smart Schoul 2025 project and by
the Esch22 project entitled Sound of data. The au-
thors are grateful to the contributors of the open
source libraries used in this work.
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You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D Scans