Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist
Alexandre Neto
1,2 a
, Diogo Couto
, Miguel Coimbra
2,3 b
and António Cunha
1,2 c
Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,
Quinta de Prados, 5001-801 Vila Real, Portugal
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, Tecnologia e Ciência, 3200-465 Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Deep Learning, Colorectal Cancer, Polyps, Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Colonoscopy.
Abstract: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and the second cause of cancer-related deaths in the world.
Colonoscopic surveillance is extremely important to find cancer precursors such as adenomas or serrated
polyps. Identifying small or flat polyps can be challenging during colonoscopy and highly dependent on the
colonoscopist's skills. Deep learning algorithms can enable improvement of polyp detection rate and
consequently assist to reduce physician subjectiveness and operation errors. This study aims to compare
YOLO object detection architecture with self-attention models. In this study, the Kvasir-SEG polyp dataset,
composed of 1000 colonoscopy annotated still images, were used to train (700 images) and validate
(300images) the performance of polyp detection algorithms. Well-defined architectures such as YOLOv4 and
different YOLOv5 models were compared with more recent algorithms that rely on self-attention
mechanisms, namely the DETR model, to understand which technique can be more helpful and reliable in
clinical practice. In the end, the YOLOv5 proved to be the model achieving better results for polyp detection
with 0.81 mAP, however, the DETR had 0.80 mAP proving to have the potential of reaching similar
performances when compared to more well-established architectures.
Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is the third most commonly
diagnosed type of cancer (10.0% of total cancer
cases) and the second deadliest type of cancer (9.4%
of the total cancer deaths), estimating in more than 1.9
million colorectal cancer cases and 935,000 deaths
worldwide following the report of GLOBOCAN
2020 (Sung et al., 2021). This type of cancer has
higher rates in men than in women and has more
incidence in Europe, North America and Eastern Asia
(Sung et al., 2021).
Usually, CRC has precursors, namely polyps
growing on the surface of the colon or rectum
mucosal tissue. These polyps can change into cancer
over many years, depending on their type and other
associated risk factors. The main types of polyps are
inflammatory, adenomatous and serrated (Figure 1).
Other risk factors associated with polyps can as
well indicate CRC risks, such as their size and their
number (Huck & Bohl, 2016; Shaukat et al., 2020).
Over time polyps can accumulate mutations and
consequently develop high-grade dysplasia that can
lead to the invasion into the submucosa and
metastasis (Shaukat et al., 2020).
Thus, for these reasons, CRC screening along
with polyp detection and removal are fundamental
and allow for CRC prevention. Colonoscopy is the
gold standard screening method which involves an
endoscope that examines the entire length of the
colon and detects and removes polyps. Using this
screening tool allows us to detect polyps more often
and remove them before developing mutations that
can lead to CRC, leading to a higher survival rate
(Montminy et al., 2020). However, due to lack of
attention and tiredness, mistakes could be made by
experts, leading to misdiagnosis. Indeed, polyp
detection may be difficult to detect since some of
them are hidden behind folds and only appear on the
screen for a few moments; additionally, some lesions
are flat and with subtle colour changes and may not
Neto, A., Couto, D., Coimbra, M. and Cunha, A.
Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist.
DOI: 10.5220/0011792300003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: a) inflammatory polyps, b) adenomatous polyps and c) serrated polyps.
be recognized easily by human eyes. Besides,
endoscopists with more experience have a higher
detection rate when compared with inexperienced
ones, leading sometimes to inconsistent diagnostics
(Murakami et al., 2021).
To aid endoscopists and maintain the consistency
between different exams and examiners, computer-
aided systems appear to help minimize these issues.
Currently, with the modern-day computational
power, computer-aided systems rely mostly on
machine learning and Deep Learning (DL) algorithms
which can help during colonoscopy procedures.
Computer-aided systems can be divided into
Computer-Aided Detection (CADe) and Computer-
Aided Diagnosis (CADx), where the first is designed
to help in the detection of polyps during colonoscopy
while the second aims to classify the polyp as
adenomatous or hyperplastic/serrated or invasive
cancer (Mori et al., 2017; van der Sommen et al.,
Object detection DL algorithms are the gold
standard for the development of CADe systems.
These types of models deal with object instance
detection, according to a certain class, given an input
image, to find the precise location of the object and
surround it within bounding boxes (Sharma & Mir,
2020; Srivastava et al., 2021). These algorithms can
be mainly divided into two types: one-stage and two-
stage detectors. One stage detector considers all
positions on the image as possible candidates for
object targeting and tries to categorize each of these
Regions Of Interest (ROI) as an object or background.
On the other hand, two-stage detectors propose ROI
in the first stage, which is then used for the second
stage, where features are extracted from these
proposed ROIs for class prediction (Sharma & Mir,
Polyp detection is a problem already well solved
in the machine learning community with clinical
available solutions in the market. However, the
solutions available use well-defined classic object
detection architectures and more recent algorithms
are now available. In this study we will address the
challenge of Computer-Aided Detection, by
implementing recent object detection architectures
that will be evaluated for the task of polyp detection
and localization in colonoscopy images. Well-defined
models will be compared, namely YOLOv4, and
more recent versions of this architecture, YOLOv5,
with new methods which rely on attention
mechanisms for detection, to understand if similar
performances can be reached.
This work is organised as follows: section 1 gives
the clinical context about polyp detection and DL
applied to this field; section 2 describes some studies
using object detection algorithms applied to polyp
detection, explains how object detection DL models
work, followed by the contributions of this work,
section 3 shows how the methodology of this work
was organized, section 4 describes and discusses the
results achieved; and for last, in section 5, are taken
the respective conclusions and point out the future
directions of this work.
Object detection models seek to classify each
identified target in the image that is surrounded by
bounding boxes. Thus, at the same time, beyond the
localization, the identified object is classified
accordingly to its class. As said before, mainly exists
two types of object detection architectures, namely,
one-stage and two-stage detectors.
Follows some examples of polyp detection studies
using both types of detectors, a brief explanation of
the object detection architectures used for this work
and, in the end, the contributions of this study.
2.1 State-of-the-Art
In recent years, several studies have been published
presenting new CAD methods which can improve the
polyp detection rate of colonoscopies. This field of
Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist
study has already huge contributions with clinical
solutions already available in the market to be used in
the hospital environment. For this work, only studies
which used one-stage detectors were selected,
especially with the focus on studies which used
YOLO architecture versions.
In the work of Pacal & Karaboga (2021) a CAD
system was implemented to detect polyps and
consequently helping to prevent CRC. For these
different versions were implemented of a scaled
YOLOv4 where the backbone or the entire
architecture is replaced by a Cross Stage Partial
Network (CSP). The first version is a YOLOv4-CSP,
using as backbone a CSPDarknete53, replacing the
first CSP layer with a residual DarkNet layer. In the
Neck, was used the PAN with CSP. In the end, on the
SPP module, was added a CSP. The second version
removed the last CSP block on the backbone and
place it with a transformer block with CSP. The
remaining blocks were employed with CSPNet. To
train these models was used the CVC-ClinicDB
dataset and to test and evaluate them used the ETIS-
LARIB and CVC-ColonDB. The first version of the
model achieved a precision of 92%, recall of 83% and
F1-Score of 87%. The second version with
transformer blocks achieved a precision of 89%,
recall of 81% and F1-Score of 85%.
The study of Chen et al. (2021) proposed an
automatic polyp detection algorithm, using Single
Shot Multibox Detecto (SSD) based on a VGG-16
model, changing the fully connected layer to a
convolutional layer and four convolutional layers
with decreased scales added successively. This model
was then compared to the real annotations available
from the datasets and to the results from a Mask R-
CNN. A total of 4900 images, 2000 for training, 1500
for validation and 1400 for testing the model were
collected. The SSD reach an mAP of 96%, higher
than the manual detection and the Mask R-CNN.
Shen et al. (2021) proposed a convolutional
transformer for polyp detection. The Convolutional
Transformer network (COTR) is composed of a CNN
responsible for feature extraction, transformer
encoder layers with convolutional layers for feature
encoding, a transformer decoder layer for object
querying and a feed-forward network for object
detection. To train this model was used the CVC-
ClinicDB dataset and ETIS-LARIB and CVC-
ColonDB for testing. COTR reached 92% precision,
83% sensitivity and 87% F1-Score to the ETIS-
LARIB and 92% precision, 94% sensitivity and 93%
F1-Score on the CVC-ColonDB.
The work done by Wan et al. (2021) combined a
YOLOv5 model with self-attention mechanisms to
detect polyps. For the feature extraction module, an
attention block is added for the enhancement of the
feature channels. To train this model was used a
Kvasir-SEG dataset which contains a total of 1000
images and 1000 images were collected from a local
hospital to construct the WCY dataset. To increase
the number of data available was used mosaic data
augmentation. This model achieved 92% of precision,
90% of recall and 91% of F1-Score for the Kvasir
dataset and 91% of precision, 92% of recall and 92%
of F1-Score for the WCY dataset.
Quan et al. (2022) developed a CAD system,
called EndoVigilant, based on single shot detection
architecture for polyp detection. To train this system
83,000 colonoscopic images were used, which
included polyps of various sizes, morphology and
difficulty detection, annotated and reviewed by a
specialized team. To validate the Endo Vigilant
system, 21,454 colon images from an external dataset
were used. The system achieved a sensitivity of 0.90,
specificity of 0.97 and AUC of 0.94 per image.
In the selected studies are proposed modify DL
models with addition of self-attention mechanisms in
standard networks like YOLO architecture. These
proposed algorithms are then compared to the results
available in the state-of-the-art of polyp detection. In
our study, the comparations between standard
algorithms like YOLO and specific design self-
attention object detection architectures are made
under the same study and circumstances
2.2 Contributions
Regarding DL object detection models, more
precisely one-stage detectors, the proposal ROI is
made simultaneously with the classification of the
target object, which makes this type of architecture
much quicker compared to two-stage detectors. You
Only Look Once (YOLO) detectors target the object
in a single regression problem, by simultaneously
predicting multiple bounding boxes and the
respective class probabilities for each of those boxes
(Figure 2), turning this algorithm extremely fast by
looking at the image globally and generalizing the
representation of the object (Redmon et al., 2016).
The anchor boxes have been introduced in more
recent versions of YOLO to help predict multiple
objects in the same grid cell and objects with different
alignments. YOLOv2, YOLOv3, YOLOv4 and
YOLOv5 use anchor boxes with the ability to predict
boxes at 3 different scales for detecting objects of
different sizes. However, YOLO architectures have
some disadvantages such as comparatively low recall
and more localization error when compared to Faster
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 2: YOLO system detection, dividing the image into
S x S grid and for each cell predicts bounding boxes,
confidence for the boxes and class probabilities, from
(Redmon et al., 2016).
R-CNN, struggle to detect close objects because each
grid can propose only two bounding boxes and
struggles to detect small objects (Bochkovskiy et al.,
2020; Redmon & Farhadi, 2017, 2018;
Ultralytics/Yolov5, 2020/2022).
The use of self-attention mechanisms provides the
advantage in terms of speed regarding object
detection problems, due to the fact of its parallel
processing capability and for not using restrictive
techniques such as anchor boxes and non-maximum
suppression. The End-to-End Object Detection with
Transformers (DETR) uses an encoder-decoder
architecture, based on transformers, to detect and
localize objects in images (Figure 3). Transformers
are a self-attention mechanism that model the
interactions between pairwise elements in a sequence
(Carion et al., 2020).
DETR uses a Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) as a backbone to collect features from the
input images that are then flattened and supplemented
with a positional encoding before passing it into a
transformer encoder. Additionally, DETR is more
powerful in cases the object is important in the image,
ie the objects to be detected are generally related to
each other and the surrounding environment.
For these reasons, this study aims to compare
different versions of YOLO architectures with DETR,
to understand if the differences in these architectures
can enhance or jeopardize the performance of polyp
For this, the following research question was
formulated: Can self-attention mechanisms such as
transformers applied to object detection
architectures enhance polyp detection?
Thus, the proposed study will contribute to
finding if DETR can have similar performance when
compared to YOLO architectures for polyp detection.
This work compares recent object detection
architectures for polyp detection, namely, YOLOv4
(Bochkovskiy et al., 2020), YOLOv5 [19] (different
versions of this model) and the DETR (Carion et al.,
2020), as described in section 2.2. The pipeline
representing the workflow of this study is presented
in figure 4.
First, colonoscopic images were collected from a
public database, pre-processed and annotated into
datasets. These datasets were then used to train the
mentioned models. For last, these trained models
were evaluated for polyp detection.
3.1 Data Preparation
To train all the different architectures were collected
colonoscopic images with the presence of polyps
from the Kvasir-SEG dataset with a total of 1000
images with 640x640 resolution (Borgli et al., 2020).
The 1000 images were labelled and manually
segmented the polyp outlines by a multidiscipline
team composed of engineers and medical doctors
from Vestre Viken Health Trust in Norway. In the
end, the annotations were reviewed by an experienced
gastroenterologist (Borgli et al., 2020; Jha et al.,
From the 1000 polyp images, 700 were used for
training and 300 to evaluate the models.
All these images had the respective annotation in
txt files, with the respective class, bounding box
coordinates (x and y centre), width and height. The
box coordinates must be normalized by the
dimensions of the image (values must be between 0
and 1).
3.2 Training
YOLOv5 was trained with a batch size of 16 during
320 epochs, starting with a learning rate at 0.01, using
as an optimizer the Stochastic Gradient Descent
(SGD) with a momentum of 0.937 and a weight decay
of 5e-4. As loss function was used a Binary Cross-
Entropy. These hyperparameters were the ones
selected for all versions of YOLOv5, except for
YOLOv5x which had 8 as batch size. YOLOv4
follow the same hyperparameters, only changing the
batch size for 4 due to memory consumption. The
Intersection Over the Union (IoU) between the
ground truth and predicted bounding boxes threshold
was equal to or superior to 20%. Random
transformations in colour, saturation, and brightness
Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist
Figure 3: DETR overall architecture from (Carion et al., 2020).
Figure 4: Pipeline of the proposed study.
were applied to the polyp images to increase the
dataset. The images also suffered random flipping
and were randomly resized. For last, Mosaic and mix-
up data augmentation were used.
The DETR model was trained with a batch size of
16 for 320 epochs, starting with a learning rate of 1e-
3 for the first 20 epochs and after that passing to 1e-
4. The optimizer used was the Adam and the loss
function is an optimal bipartite matching function that
calculates the best match of predictions given the
ground truths, and after calculating the matched pairs
for the set, computes the Hungarian loss function. For
the backbone, DETR uses a ResNet50.
3.3 Evaluation
The evaluation of polyp detection was made using the
detection evaluation metrics used by Common
Objects in Context. Average Precision (AP) is the
average over multiple IoU values. The AP is the
average over all categories, traditionally called mAP.
AP.50 – AP at IoU=0.50
AP.75 – AP at IoU=0.75
The AP (1) is to find the area under the precision-
recall curve. The AP curve has on the x-axis the recall
and on the y-axis the precision. The AP computes the
average values of p(r) over the interval from r=0 to
r=1. The mAP (2) is the mean of the AP, that is, the
AP for each class (Q) is calculated, and, in the end, it
is averaged.
AP= p
Pre =
Precision (pre) (2) is the ratio of correct
predictions to the number of positive results predicted
by the classifier.
Specificity (spe) (4) measures the proportion of
the negative cases that were correctly classified.
Recall or sensitivity (sen) (5) is the number of
correctly predicted results divided by the number of
all those that should have been classified as positive.
Spe =
Sen =
F1-Score (F1) (6) outputs a value between zero and
one and tries to find the balance between precision
and recall, letting know how accurate the model is
and how many samples it correctly classifies. The F1
is the harmonic mean of these two.
F1 =
4.1 Results
The results of the different object detection
architectures are presented in Table 1.
Overall, all the different architectures reached
similar results. All the models achieved an mAP
above 0.70, specificity around 0.90, and sensitivity,
precision and f1-score around 0.65. The YOLOv5x
reached slightly better results and the DETR model,
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: Results for polyp detection for each architecture.
Model mAP AP
Spe Sen Pre F1
YOLOv4 0.71 0.71 0.57 0.90 0.66 0.65 0.63
YOLOv5l 0.81 0.81 0.68 0.91 0.65 0.65 0.64
YOLOv5m 0.81 0.80 0.68 0.90 0.65 0.65 0.64
YOLOv5n 0.75 0.75 0.60 0.89 0.64 0.64 0.62
YOLOv5s 0.74 0.74 0.63 0.89 0.62 0.63 0.61
YOLOv5x 0.80 0.80 0.69 0.91 0.66 0.67 0.65
DETR 0.80 0.80 0.48 0.90 0.69 0.65 0.66
despite not achieving the best performance, had
similar results when compared to the remaining
models. In most cases, the models correctly detect the
polyp, even though the bounding box does not match
the expert annotation, however, this does not mean
that the models’ are making wrong decisions. Some
examples are illustrated in figure 5.
4.2 Discussion
The DETR model achieved similar results to YOLO
architectures with an mAP of 0.80. All the models
have similar results, with slight differences among the
different used metrics. In terms of specificity and
precision, the YOLOv5x reached better results and
regarding the sensitivity and f1-score DETR had the
highest values. Either way, sensitivity and specificity
do not fully represent the performance of the model,
since the object can be detected despite the detection
do not fully match with the ground truth annotation.
This can jeopardize the result values but the detection
is well-made anyway. Some examples of this will be
illustrated in figure 5.
The DETR predicts the polyp localization directly
in the input image, without the need for anchor boxes,
and thus has more knowledge of polyp localization
using pair-wise pixel relations between them, while
being able to use the whole image as context. These
characteristics of the DETR architecture allow a more
complete understanding of the image domain, with
more highlights for features which can be associated
with polyp presence, such as texture and size
regarding the intestinal background context.
Besides analysing the global results of our
experiment, some additional insights can be obtained
by visually inspecting some individual examples,
such as the ones depicted in figure 5. The top row
images have a large size polyp present, with the
ground truth bounding box in green and the prediction
in yellow. All the models can detect the presence of
the lesion, with the YOLOv5l as the closer prediction
when compared to the manual annotation. Despite the
DETR prediction not matching the ground truth
annotation, the predicted bounding box surrounds the
local with more polyp characteristics, with a smaller
bounding box but with a more precise location of the
The bottom row images exhibit more
disagreement between the models, namely the size of
the bounding box which surrounds the polyp and
consequently the localization. All the architectures
can detect the presence of the polyp but some of them
have difficulties in correctly identifying the region of
interest, namely the YOLOv4, YOLOv5n and
YOLOv5s. The remaining models do a more accurate
detection, even if they do not match exactly the
ground truth bounding box. These models correctly
detect the polyp with bounding boxes more adjusted
to the size of the manual annotation.
Figure 6 shows us an example of a
misclassification made by all the models, where a
bubble was detected instead of the polyp. In this case,
all the architectures confused the bubble due to the
circular shape, instead of detecting the polyp region,
which this time did not have the typical form, even
when compared to the examples in figure 5.
In this particular case, learning features such as
textures can lead DL models to more accurate
decisions. Enhanced texture features can be made to
upgrade object recognition algorithms by using pre-
processing methods such as the wavelet transform
approach, local binary pattern or grey-level co-
occurrence matrices. Textures can be a common
characteristic in specific lesions, helping DL models
to learn the association of certain textures with a
determined lesion.
For these reasons, we believe that architectures
with self-attention mechanisms show advantages
which can be helpful in this specific scenario. These
new types of models can perform as well as well-
established algorithms such as the YOLOs
architectures. As such, our answer to our proposed
research question is that self-attention mechanisms
such as transformers applied to object detection
architectures can achieve similar performances as
well-established algorithms in polyp detection in a
colonoscopic imaging scenario and deserve more
depth research to fully explore this potential.
Early polyp detection has a key role in the prevention
and development of CRC. Object detection DL
architecture can assist during colonoscopy well
specialized and experienced physicians to maintain
consistency for each exam.
Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist
Figure 5: Predictions for each architecture used. Green line
ground truth bounding boxes; Yellow line predicted
bounding boxes.
Figure 6: Example of a false positive prediction in all
In this work, the aim was to compare well-
established algorithms for this purpose with more
recent methods which rely upon attention
mechanisms. This was verified since the DETR
algorithm had similar or more precise predictions
compared to the YOLOs architectures. Several
commercial products already exist for polyp
detection, achieving satisfying results in clinical
practice. Our study showed that object detection
algorithms, based on self-attention mechanisms, can
have similar performance when compared to well-
established architectures such as YOLO, while
having additional potential advantages such as less
probability of inductive bias, increasing in speed
detection and more contextualization with the
surrounding environment of the object, motivating
further research in this field with the potential of
surpassing current state-of-the-art solutions. In future
work, we intend to combine YOLO and SSD
architectures with attention blocks from transformers,
to understand if this mechanism can further enhance
our ability to detect colonic polyps and explore
specific texture features associated with each type of
polyp to increase the domain knowledge of DL
This work is financed by National Funds through the
Portuguese funding agency, FCT - Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project PTDC/EEI-
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