A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats
Paul Tavolato
, Robert Luh
and Sebastian Eresheim
Research Group Security and Privacy, University of Vienna, Kolingasse 14-16, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Department of Computer Science, UAS St. Pölten, A-3100 St. Pölten, Austria
Keywords: Cyber Threat Analysis, Game Theory.
Abstract: Cyber threat analysis is crucial to securing modern IT systems. In the ongoing project described here a strictly
mathematical method for threat analysis is sketched. The threat landscape between an attacker (hacker) and a
defender (system owner) is modeled along the formalisms of stochastic game theory, thus opening the way
for a rigorous formal analysis. The key benefit of the project is its applicability to real-world situations.
Therefore, the information about possible attack and defense actions is taken from several proven data sources
resulting in a large number of actions (173 attack actions and 115 defense actions). We present an adaptation
of the so-called Princess-and-Monster game to model the problem. Various problems with the formalization
are discussed. To keep the model manageable despite the claim of practicality, it is applied only to specific
scenarios mimicking real-world situations.
Threat analysis, as part of cyber risk analysis, is a key
factor in today’s IT management. Risk analysis
studies the probability of potential risks and what
impact they would have if, in fact, they were to occur.
Such analysis is an indispensable requirement for the
planning of preventive and counteractive measures.
As these measures are generally financially relevant,
a quantitative approach to risk analysis is preferable.
This implies that threat analysis, too, must rest on a
strong quantitative foundation.
This paper focuses on the process of assessing the
capabilities and activities of unknown intelligence
entities or criminals aimed at an organization’s IT
system. In other words, we consider malicious acts
that seek to disrupt proper operation of an IT system
by violating one or more of the central cybersecurity
properties: the CIA triad confidentiality, integrity
and accessibility as defined in (Keyser, 2018).
In the literature some methods for threat analysis
have been proposed, including STRIDE and Pasta
(see for example (Shostack, 2014), (Tarandach &
Coles, 2020), or (Swiderski & Snyder, 2004)). These
methods, albeit useful in practice, have an essential
drawback: they are mainly of an informal or semi-
formal nature and thus lack a strong mathematical
background. We suggest using game theory as the
mathematical framework for a rigorous treatment of
threat analysis.
By formally defining the situation of an attacker
and a defender as a game, one can analyze essential
properties of the situation, giving valuable input
regarding the costing and planning of a defense
strategy together with the necessary measures to
enforce this strategy with the aim to detect, mitigate
or – at best – prevent attacks on the system.
The main objectives of the project are to develop
a rigorous mathematical framework for analyzing
real-world threat scenarios. The mathematical
framework is based on game theory. A high degree of
practical relevance is achieved by mimicking real-life
situations in cyber security by taking information
about attack and defense activities from several
proven data sources. Another innovative element of
the project is the incorporation of stochastic features
in the game theoretic model: Each action by one of
the players is assigned a success probability. Only if
the action succeeds, the effects associated with that
action are realized.
The current state of the project comprises a game
theoretic model representing the threat landscape of a
defender and an attacker as a game. The game is
based on a so-called Princess-and-Monster game,
which is adapted to fit cyber threat situations.
Furthermore, a complete list of attack actions is
compiled containing for each action a description, the
Tavolato, P., Luh, R. and Eresheim, S.
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats.
DOI: 10.5220/0011792700003405
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2023), pages 706-713
ISBN: 978-989-758-624-8; ISSN: 2184-4356
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
skill requirements of the action, a success probability,
and the damage effect in case of a successful
execution of the action. A complete list of defense
actions is compiled, too, containing the skill
requirements of the action, a success probability, and
eventually a mitigating (“healing”) effect of the
Some formal aspects of threat and/or attack modeling
are described in (Guelzim & Obaidat, 2015). A
method widely used in threat analysis is based on
attack-defense trees (ADT). Lately, semi-formal and
formal treatments of ADTs were developed; see
Wideł et al. (Wideł, Audinot, Fila, & Pinchinat, 2019)
for an overview of the use of formal models in
In particular, the paper (Aslanyan, Nielson, &
Parker, 2016) describes a formal system for analyzing
quantified properties of attacks while in a paper by
Gadyatskaya et al. (Gadyatskaya, Hansen, Larsen,
Legay, Olesen, & Poulsen, 2016) Priced Timed
Automata are used to formalize attack trees.
However, defense actions are not included, and no
stochastic aspects were used in this approach.
A stochastic analysis of attack trees is discussed
in (Pekergin, Tan, & Fourneau, 2016). In (Buldas,
Gadyatskaya, Lenin, Mauw, & Trujillo-Rasua, 2020)
constraint programming is used to evaluate attack
trees with incomplete information.
The first paper suggesting stochastic game theory
(Shapley, 1953) in connection with cyber security
was published in 2002 (Hamilton, Miller, Ott, &
Saydjari, 2002). Kordy et al. (Kordy, Mauw,
Melissen, & Schweitzer, 2010) formally proved the
equivalence of attack-defense trees and game theory.
There are several papers about the application of
game theory to various aspects of security: a good
overview, though restricted to cyber-physical
systems, is given in (Etesami & Basar, 2019). Other
game-theoretic approaches are discussed in
(Bommannavar, Alpcan, & Bambos, 2011), (He,
Zhuang, & Rao, 2012), (Luo, Szidarovszky, Al-
Nashif, & Hariri, 2010), (Nguyen, Alpcan, & Başar,
2009), (Sallhammar, Helvik, & Knapskog, 2006),
(Sajjan, Sankardas, & Dipankar, 2010), (Tabatabaei,
2016), (Zhang, Wang, & Zhuang, 2021), (Li, Peng,
Zhu, & Basar, 2021), (Jie, Choo, Li, Chen, & Guo,
2019), and (Han, Niyato, Saad, & Başar, 2019).All
the papers give some small examples to illustrate the
viability of the method, but do not cover threat
analysis for real-world situations.
The paper closest to our work is by Attiah et al.
(Attiah, Chatterjee, & Zou, 2018); they study
achievable mixed strategy Nash equilibria, but do not
incorporate success probabilities.
3.1 The Game
As a mathematical approach to rigorously model
threat situations, game theory for non-cooperative
games suggests itself. In cyber threat scenarios there
are two opponents playing (i.e., fighting) against each
other. Each opponent has an arsenal of actions,
though there are different actions available to the two
opponents (attack and defense actions, respectively).
The structure of the game discussed here is
adopted from PenQuest (Luh, Eresheim, Großbacher,
Petelin, Mayr, Tavolato & Schrittwieser, 2022), a
digital cyber security role-playing game, where an
attacker attempts to compromise an IT infrastructure
and the defender tries to prevent or mitigate the threat.
The attacker has a predefined goal (violating one part
of the CIA triad), and the defender has a given
infrastructure he wants to defend against attacks. The
distinct strength of this game, which distinguishes it
from others, is its closeness to real world situation: to
render it as realistic as possible the attack and defense
actions that are part of the game are taken from
several proven data sources such as STIX (Structured
Threat Information eXpression language) (MITRE
Corporation, D), the APT kill chain by Hutchinson
(Hutchins, Cloppert, & Amin, 2011), the CAPEC
(Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and
Classification) attack patterns (MITRE Corporation,
A), the MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics,
Techniques & Common Knowledge) attack and
mitigation patterns (MITRE Corporation, B), the
NIST SP 800-53 Countermeasures (Joint Task Force
Transformation Initiative, 2015), and MITRE
D3FEND (MITRE Corporation, C). In the game
mentioned above there are 173 different attack
actions and 115 different defense actions defined.
Attack actions are subdivided into three
categories along the attack stages: Reconnaissance,
Initial Access, and Execution. A stage can only be
entered if the preceding stage has been completed
successfully. Each action requires a minimum skill
level of the attacker (1, 2, 3, 4or 5) and has a success
probability. Effects of a successful attack action may
be twofold:
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats
a) the damage achieved within the defender’s
system in the three dimensions
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability.
Damage is measured with a number between 0
and 3, where 3 designates maximum damage
and means that the attacker has reached his/her
goal; damage accumulates throughout the
game; and
b) a gain of insight into the defender’s
configuration, enabling a more specific choice
of subsequent actions and thus resulting an
increase in the success probabilities of those
Table 1 shows some examples of attack actions
listing the action name, the attack stage, the necessary
skill requirement of the attacker, the success
probability, and the damage caused by the successful
Table 1: 7 Examples out of the 173 attack actions
Action Stage
Vulnerability Scan Recon. 2 0,6 0/0/0
Brute Force
ccess 1 0,4 0/0/1
ccess 3 0,5 1/1/0
Manipulate Website Execution 2 0,3 0/3/2
Buffer Overflow Execution 3 0,5 1/2/3
Wipe Disk Execution 3 0,3 0/0/3
Man in the Middle Execution 2 0,4 1/1/1
Defense actions are subdivided into three
categories as well: Prevention, Detection, and
Response. Response actions are only effective when
an attack has already been detected and therefore are
available only in such a situation. Each action
requires a minimum skill level of the defender (1, 2,
3, 4 or 5) and has a success probability. Effects of a
successful defense action may be twofold:
a) the “healing” effect triggered by the successful
action in the dimensions Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability, thus undoing some
or all of the damage already inflicted on the
defender’s system, which means that the
damage number is decreased again. Such
healing can only happen as a result of a
successful response action.
b) a decrease of the success probability of certain
attacker actions (e.g., awareness training
reduces the success probability of the attacker
action “phishing”) and/or an increase in the
success probabilities of other defense actions.
Table 2 shows some examples of defense actions
including the action name, the action category, the
necessary skill requirement of the defender, the
success probability of the action, and the healing
effects with respect to Confidentiality, Integrity and
Availability triggered by the (response) action.
Table 2: 7 Examples out of the 115 defense actions.
uthentication Prev. 2 0,5 0/0/0
Encrypt Transmission Prev. 2 0,7 0/0/0
Check Driver Integrity Prev. 2 0,5 0/0/0
nalyze Network Protocol Det. 3 0,5 0/0/0
nalyze File Access Det. 2 0,3 0/0/0
Terminate Connection Resp. 2 0,7 -1/-1/-1
Restore Configuration Resp. 2 0,6 0/-1/-1
As game theory is applicable to a wide variety of
quite different situations, one must specify the
characteristics of the game under consideration:
It is a non-cooperative game (quite obvious).
It is a two-player game between an attacker
and a defender.
It is an asymmetric game. The two players
have different actions to choose from.
It is a game of perfect recall. Each player
never forgets what s/he has done so far.
Whether it is a zero-sum game or not depends
on the details of the utility function. However,
there is always a winner and a loser, there are
no ties: either the attacker achieves her/his goal
and wins, or the defender wins, if the attacker
gives up without reaching her/his goal (time-
It is a non-deterministic game: each player can
in most situations choose between a number of
possible actions non-deterministically,
restricted only by some predefined constraints.
It is a stochastic game: the success of a players
action is defined by a probability distribution.
It is a game with imperfect information: the
current state of the game and its history is
mostly unknown to the players. In the
beginning of the game, for example, the
defender does not even know that the game has
already started, and an attack is well under-
way; and the attacker has no knowledge of the
defender’s configuration. In addition, neither
player knows which actions are available to the
opponent. Moreover, the defender does not
know which actions the attacker has already
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
carried out successfully and the attacker does
not know what defensive actions are already in
place. It is only during the course of the game
that parts of this information may gradually
become unveiled. For example, the attacker
may gain insight into the defender’s
configuration by conducting successful
reconnaissance actions and the defender may
somewhen find out that he or she is under
Whether the game is one with incomplete
information is a more complex question.
Usually, in game theory “incomplete
information means that the players don't know
each other’s utility or pay-off function. In
principle this information is clear on both sides:
the defender knows that an attacker wants to
violate at least one of the C-I-A dimensions and
the attacker knows that the defender wants to
prevent just that. In other words: the pay-off
function is comprised of the numbers that
represent the damage in the respective three
dimensions. The defender wants these numbers
to stay at zero and the attacker wants to increase
at least one of these numbers to three. But there
is some hidden information in the pay-off
functions, too: the opponents do not know each
other’s skill level, the defender does not know
about the attackers initiative - that is the time
(and budget) limit of the attacker which
determines when they will give up and stop
We restrict the game to being turn-based: only
one player can make a move at a time.
Moreover, the moves are executed alternately.
This property makes the game an extensive
form game: the sequence of moves can be
structured in a tree-like manner.
3.2 Game Theoretic Model
The game consists of the following information:
The players: attacker and defender.
The actions available to the respective players.
A success probability for each action.
A pay-off function that assigns rewards or
deals/heals damage points to the players.
Given this information we can view attacker-
defender scenarios as stochastic 2-player games:
= (Π, A, sp, S, U)
Π = {att, def} the players: attacker and
A = A
a finite set of actions of the
players (different actions for
attacker and defender)
sp: A [0,1] the (dynamic) success
probability of an action
S = S
the finite set of strategies for
the attacker respectively the
U: S
the utility function for the
players that assign pay-offs
to strategy combinations
When going through the various types of games
introduced in the literature, we chose some aspects of
the so-called “Princess and Monster Game” (Isaacs,
1965) and adapted it to the cyber threat domain. In the
original Princess-and-Monster game, two players, the
Princess and the Monster, are in a completely dark
room with defined boundaries. They don’t see each
other and move around in the dark. Usually, the
moving speed of the monster is defined as 1 and the
moving speed of the princess is ω < 1. The Monster
wins when it catches the princess in time (before an
initially defined time limit), that is when both are at
the same spot (or close enough to each other) in the
room. The utility function is the time it takes the
Monster to catch the Princess. The Monster tries to
minimize the catching time, the Princess tries to
maximize it (to survive as long as possible). There are
many variations of the game depending on the size of
the room, its metric, and the possible moves of the
players in it.
In our cyber-threat version of the game the
Princess is the defender (together with the system to
defend). The Monster the attacker is not in the
room but can remotely control the Princess’s moves.
The room is a three-dimensional cube with a discrete
net of size 4x4x4. The position of the defender is
hence a point (x,y,z) with three integer coordinates,
each in the range of 0 to 3. The coordinates
correspond to the three damage categories
Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability (see Figure 1).
The defender starts at point (0,0,0) and the game ends
when s/he reaches the target border of the room. In
other words, the attacker is victorious when the target
category defined at the beginning of the game reaches
the value 3. The main effect of a successful control
action of the attacker is to move the defender closer
to the target border (to increase the respective value),
while the defender can move farther away from it
when s/he successfully executes an appropriate action
with a healing effect. The utility function is the time
as in the original game, thus making it a zero-sum
game. But it has a predefined limit: if it takes the
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats
attacker too long to move the defender to the border,
he gives up: the game is over and the defender wins.
Besides the increase or decrease of the
coordinates the respective moves may have additional
effects such as dynamically changing success
probabilities (some defensive actions can reduce the
success probability of certain attack actions). In some
cases, the success probability could even be reduced
to 0.
Figure 1: The princess is in position (2,1,2) implying that
she is already in great danger in dimensions Confidentiality
and Availability.
So far, we have made an additional restriction: we
assume the game to be turn-based. The players
execute their actions alternatingly one after the other.
This is necessary to precisely localize the effects of
actions in time, as these effects might have
consequences on actions executed thereafter.
3.3 Strategies
A prerequisite for game theoretic analysis is the
definition of strategies and strategy combinations. A
strategy is a sequence of actions chosen by a player;
a strategy combination is the combination of the
respective strategies of the two players. A pure
strategy defines a fixed course of actions that a player
will stick to. In many cases, especially in games with
imperfect and/or incomplete information, it is better
for a player not to use the same strategy all the time,
but to mix strategies according to some probability
distribution. A mixed strategy of a player p is a
probability distribution q
over the set of his/her pure
: S
[0,1] where P Π = {att, def}
All the probabilities of the strategies of one player
sum up to 1. In a game of perfect recall mixed
strategies are equivalent to behavioral strategies
which define a probability distribution over actions at
each decision point of a player. We will use
behavioral strategies as they are easier to understand
in the context of this game. Furthermore, we assume
that the number of strategies is finite. To guarantee
this we do not allow a player to repeat an action
within a strategy.
Nevertheless, the number of possible strategies is
huge, taking into account the number of 173 attack
actions and 115 defense actions. This huge number of
strategies makes a straightforward game theoretic
analysis leading to a Nash equilibrium in mixed
strategies (which according to Nash’s famous
theorem always exists in a finite game) practically
infeasible. To reduce the number of strategies the
following aspects could be used:
The actions are assigned a skill requirement (1,
2, 3 or 4) necessary to play this action. Given a
predefined type of attacker and defender some
actions can be excluded for the scenario under
Strategies for an attacker must consist of three
consecutive stages: reconnaissance, initial
access, and execution. All actions are assigned
to one of these stages. Entering the next stage
requires the successful completion of the
previous stage.
Defense actions, too, have a type: prevention,
detection, response. The use of certain actions
is restricted by the progress of the game so far.
One problem to solve is the combination of the
probability distribution over the actions at a certain
point in the game (as defined in the behavioral
strategy) and the success probabilities of these
actions. An action is chosen due to the probability
distribution; but to realize the effects of this action it
must be successful, too. If the action chosen is not
successful, it has no effects whatsoever: the pay-off
does not change, and other effects are not realized
either (the only exception is the attacker’s initiative
which decreases with unsuccessful attacker actions as
well). To accomplish this, we multiply the
probabilities governing the choice of actions with the
success probabilities of the respective actions and
then normalize the results for the interval [0,1] such
that the probabilities sum up to 1 (at least one action
must be chosen). This gives the adapted probability
distribution for a successful behavioral strategy.
Even with the simplifications mentioned above, a
game theoretic analysis is only possible for clearly
ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
Figure 2: Set of attack actions available in a simplified ransomware scenario. Actions highlighted in grey deal only minor
damage (+1), while yellow actions (Execution stage) have a high damage potential in the game (+2). Defense actions are
exemplified on the right.
defined scenarios. Such a scenario defines the
following characteristics of a game and thereby
reduces the number of possible actions and strategies
of the players:
The skill level of the attacker
The skill level of the defender
The attacker’s goal: which part of the CIA triad
s/he wants to attack
The configuration of the defender
3.4 Example Scenario
Let’s have a short look at one such scenario, a
ransomware attack on a conventional IT network
configuration: a hacker with skill level 2 wants to
infiltrate the defender’s system in order to encrypt
substantial data and make the system inoperable.
Hence, the goal of the attack is the availability of the
system. Within the game, this means that the attacker
wants to drive the defender towards the third border
of the game room s/he wants to increase the third
dimension of the defender’s position to a value of 3.
In our setting, the defender has the same skill level of
2. Figure 2 shows the available actions independent
of skill level. The strategies available to the attacker
in our example are composed of a subset of these
attack actions and are structured in three stages:
Table 3 shows the possible attack actions in the
reconnaissance stage, named after the corresponding
MITRE ATT&CK technique: “Phishing”, “Gather
various victim Info”, “Search various info”,
“Vulnerability Scanning”. Table 4 shows the possible
attack actions in the initial access stage:
“Compromise Software Supply Chain” (i.e. provide a
malicious update) and “Remote Access Software”
(i.e. asking the user for a remote desktop connection);
others, like “Use removable media“, “Drive by
compromise” or “Exploitation for client execution”
require a higher skill level than 2. Table 5 shows the
possible attack actions in the execution stage: “Data
Encrypted for Impact” and “Disk Wipe”. Again, the
action “Firmware corruption” is not mentioned as it
requires a too high skill level.
For the defender side there are more options
available. In the prevention stage, out of more than 40
possible actions we can remove 16, since they require
a higher skill level than 2. Some of the remaining
actions would not prevent the ransomware attack, so
they could be removed from the scenario, too, leaving
13 actions in total. In the detection stage we have a
similar picture: out of 48 actions we can remove 15
because of a too high skill bar; and some more actions
could be removed in view of the details of the
configuration. In the response stage, there are 20
actions that fulfill the skill requirement.
Table 3: Reconnaissance actions in the example.
ction Stage
Phishing Recon. 2 0,5 1/1/0
Gather victim id info Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Gather victim network info Recon. 1 0,5 0/0/0
Gather victim org. info Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Gather victim host info Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Search open websites Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Search victim websites Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Search open technical DB Recon. 1 0,7 0/0/0
Search closed sources Recon. 1 0,5 0/0/0
Vulnerability scanning Recon. 2 0,6 0/0/0
Table 4: Initial access actions in the example.
ction Stage
Compromise supply chain
ccess 2 0,5 1/1/1
Remote access software
ccess 2 0,1 0/1/0
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats
Table 5: Execution actions in the example.
Action Stage
Data encryption for impact Exec. 2 0,5 0/1/2
Disk wipe Exec. 2 0,3 0/0/3
Only a path of attack actions, which results in a
damage value of 3 will render the attack successful.
However, the defender has the opportunity to mitigate
a current damage level by taking appropriate
defensive actions, which could lower the damage
level if successfully executed.
The analysis of the scenario should then yield
information on optimal strategies (for the defender).
Due to the success probabilities attached to the
actions there will not be a single best strategy, but
rather a set of probabilities denoting the success
probability of a specific attack and how this
probability would change due to specific defense
The formalism for modeling attack-defense scenarios
as described in this paper makes threat analysis
possible in a strictly mathematical way. The main
innovation here is that concepts of mathematical
game theory are applied to tactical threat analysis for
real-world situations. To keep the analysis as close to
practice as possible we collected attack and defense
actions from accepted data sources and vocabularies.
As mentioned earlier the model so far contains 173
different attack actions and 115 defense actions that
can be used in modeling attack and defense strategies.
Subsuming all these aspects into one single model
would clearly lead to too large a model, and hence
render a reasonable mathematical treatment
impossible. To keep the model in a manageable size
we break down the model into scenarios along the
lines of kill-chains (Hutchins, Cloppert, & Amin,
The main challenges that remain are on one side
the definitions of more elaborate scenarios
considering detailed configurations of the system
under attack and on the other side a detailed game
theoretic analysis of these scenarios. Such analysis
must be of stochastic nature as one of the main
analysis goals is the investigation of the influence of
specific defense actions on the success probabilities
of various attack strategies. Due to the huge number
of possible actions in a realistic scenario a traditional
game theoretic analysis might be very difficult, if not
infeasible. The application of formal methods, such
as stochastic model checking, could potentially be
considered as a viable alternative.
Future work will consider additional parameters
in the game, especially budgets: if costs are attached
to defense actions, what is the relation between an
increase in the defender’s budget and the overall
success probability of an attack strategy? Another
option for future work would be giving up the turn-
based property of the game at least partially: attacker
and defender could execute more than one action in a
row before the other player makes a move, especially
in the beginning of the game. So far, the
consequences of this have not yet been analyzed.
The main goal of the project is strategy synthesis
for defenders: Given a configuration with real-world
circumstances such as a given system configuration,
budgets, skill levels and the like, what is the optimal
defense strategy for anticipated threats?
This work is part of the project INODES funded by
the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), whose support is
gratefully acknowledged.
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