Figures 5 shows the comparison of smoothed versions
(slow changes in the illumination +
smoothed reflection coefficient) of all RFs, and their
synthesised by RF shrinkage versions
changes in the illumination + sharped changes
reflection coefficient) ( ).
The approach proposed in the article, based on a low-
count image RF shrinking, turned out to be very
promising as it offers new possibilities for synthesis
of real algorithms for nonlinear image reconstruction.
A special representation of images (sampling
representations) developed for these purposes made it
possible, on the one hand, to avoid problems
associated with the size of raster (bitmap)
representations of images, and, on the other hand,
opened wide opportunities for adapting machine
learning methods.
A feature of the proposed approach is the concept
of receptive fields. It provides both good image
quality for human perception and effectively solves
the problems associated with a huge number of
mixture components (4) in the algorithmic
implementation of the reconstruction problem.
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natural extension to the area of parameter
compression methods. As it turned out recently, it has
numerous, non-trivial connections with such areas of
machine learning as anisotropic diffusion methods,
wavelet approaches and variational methods, which
proved to be the best tools in the field of
convolutional neural networks (Alt, 2020).
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