In the past two decades, IPS have been increasing in
popularity, due to the wide range of technologies and
value they can provide to multiple business areas.
There are multiple techniques used in location
systems, such as multilateration (Carotenuto et al.,
2019), angulation (Pom
arico-Franquiz et al., 2014),
fingerprinting (Suroso et al., 2021) and others. These
techniques require some information provided by
the antennas and tags used, like the Time of Ar-
rival (ToA) (Shen et al., 2014), Angle of Arrival
(AoA) (Xiong and Jamieson, 2013) and Received
Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) (Hightower et al.,
2001). The tags used in these systems can be active
or passive.
SpotON (Hightower et al., 2001) is a location sys-
tem that uses RSSI to locate active RFID tags in a
three-dimensional space. LANDMARC (Ni et al.,
2003) is a system that also reflects the relationship
between RSSI and power levels and makes use of ref-
erence tags and the K-NN algorithm to estimate the
positions. It has an accuracy of 2 m and a location
delay of 7.5 s. In (Suroso et al., 2021) Dwi et al. pro-
pose a fingerprinting based positioning system using
a RF algorithm and RSSI data, which achieved an er-
ror of 0.5 m, which is 18% lower than the compared
Euclidean distance method. In (Chanama and Wong-
wirat, 2018), Lummanee et al. compare the perfor-
mance of a Gradient Boosting algorithm to a typical
Decision Tree (DT) applied in a positioning system.
The experiment was based on a 324 m
area divided
in 9 zones. The DT based Gradient Boosting algo-
rithm achieved an estimation error of 0.754 m for 19
reference radio signals at 50 samples per zone, 17.8%
more accurate than the typical DT. In (Choi et al.,
2009) Jae et al. developed a passive RFID based lo-
calization system which uses RSSI information and
reference tags to predict one-dimensional position of
the asset. It achieves an error of 0.2089 m using the
K-NN technique in a 3 m space.
These methods are mainly based on RSSI, which
has the disadvantage of suffering greatly from attenu-
ation due to internal obstacles and dynamic environ-
ments. Unlike SpotON and LANDMARC, the ap-
proach in (Wilson et al., 2007) by Wilson et al. does
not depend on RSSI, however, is based on the same
RSSI principles. This research work is based on pas-
sive RSSI technology. Two scenarios of stationary
and mobile RSSI tags are considered. The method
gives tag count percentages for various signal atten-
uation conditions. The tags are located by recording
characteristic curves of readings under different atten-
uation values at multiple locations in an environment.
Similarly, Vorst et al. (Vorst et al., 2008) use passive
RFID tags and an onboard reader to locate mobile ob-
jects. Particle Filter (PF) technique is exploited to es-
timate the location from a prior learned probabilistic
model, achieving a precision of 0.20–0.26 m.
Given the setting where this work has developed, the
hardware was pre-selected. The hardware consists of
two units (processing + radio), that communicate with
each other through a physical bus (RS232, RS485 or
Ethernet). The local processing unit was designed
to have Long Term Evolution (LTE) and Ethernet
communications support, a 230 V Alternating Cur-
rent (AC) power supply and an Advanced RISC Ma-
chine (ARM) processor running a GNU/Linux oper-
ating system with low power consumption. The an-
tenna model is quite common and is used as provided
by the manufacturer without any custom firmware.
The use of unmodified hardware increases the usabil-
ity and availability of the system while reducing its
price. The drawback is that the antenna processing
capabilities or the information that it reports may be
sub-optimal. According to the manufacturer there is
an automatic gain compensation done at the firmware
level. This is done to allows the detection of the pas-
sive tags. The work we present aims at bringing value
by providing an effective solution, even with unmod-
ified hardware.
Figure 1 presents the smart antenna module used
as well as RFID tags.
The communication between the antenna and the
tags is made through a carrier wave in the 865–
868 MHz (Ultra High Frequency (UHF)) frequency
range as defined in the EN 302 208 v3.2.0
tive for the European region, and cannot exceed 2 W
emission power. In this way, the antenna controller
allows the RF emission power adjustment 0–300 mW,
allowing readings up to 25 m and writings up to 6 m
according to the manufacturer. The antenna polariza-
tion is circular with a gain of 12 dBi. The controller
uses the Impinj R2000 chipset supporting the EPC C1
GEN2 protocol
, ISO18000-6C
(see Table 1). This
setup should be one of the most commonly used, as
the hardware and chipset are very popular. We see
this as a major contribution from our work, as the out-
put can be applied to a wide set of existing or future,
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Towards Improved Indoor Location with Unmodified RFID Systems