must be done to investigate if the claims made here
are more broadly applicable.
This paper seeks to answer the research question:
“How can the process of identifying yellow flags and
their signal terms in physiotherapeutic consultation
transcripts be automated?” The answer to this ques-
tion is that it is possible to automatically mark yel-
low flags and their signal terms in Physio Therapeutic
consultation transcripts by using an automated identi-
fication tool. Even though the tool constructed for this
paper was only able to mark yellow flags and signal
terms with a total precision of 13%, it reaches a recall
score of 72%. It can be said that the tool already does
well on retrieving real yellow flags and signal terms,
but it currently also retrieves too many irrelevant ones.
Due to time constraints the scope of this research was
narrow; more research needs to be conducted. Since
natural language is very ambiguous, more research
must be conducted to embed Natural Language Pro-
cessing (NLP) in the tool, to up the recall and the
precision scores. Also, more training data like ex-
amples of yellow flags and signal terms are needed,
and a standardized format must be established, stating
what components yellow flags consist of. The OS-
PRO, MPQ, PCS and HADS assessment guidelines
might be able to contribute to achieve this.
To conclude, it is safe to assume that automated iden-
tification of yellow flags and signal terms is possible
using the tool described in this research. However,
this is just the beginning, and much more research
must be done in the future to further enhance the tool,
aiming to improve the accuracy metrics. The recall
score of 72% can be improved, but the focus must be
on improving the precision score of 13%.
We want to thank Psychology researcher Wim van
Lankveld from the HAN University of Applied Sci-
ences for the interview, guidance, and providing us
with the transcripts and other relevant information.
Ethical approval for the data collection of this
study was given by the Ethical Research Committee
of the HAN University of Applied Sciences in Ni-
jmegen, the Netherlands (EACO 145.04/19).
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Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts