
propose to understand more deeply which features are
selected to be preserved in each style and which dis-
tortion they could generate through the network lay-
This work was supported by Carlos Chagas Filho
Foundation for Research Support of Rio de Janeiro
State (FAPERJ)-Brazil (grant #E-26/201.424/2021),
ao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP)-Brazil
(grant #2021/07012-0), and the School of Ap-
plied Mathematics at Fundac¸
ao Getulio Vargas
(FGV/EMAp). Any opinions, findings, conclusions,
or recommendations expressed in this material are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the
views of the FAPESP, FAPERJ, or FGV.
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WSAM: Visual Explanations from Style Augmentation as Adversarial Attacker and Their Influence in Image Classification