shows the loss trajectory when the weight update is in
single precision and only gradient computations are
performed using Bfloat number format. In this ex-
periment, the stochastic bound is numerically equal
to the single-precision SGD, confirming what already
observed in Figure 8.
Figure 12: Logistic regression trained using single-
precision SGD and a fixed learning rate.
Figure 13: Logistic regression trained using Bfloat gra-
dients with accumulator size of 50, and single-precision
weight update (s
= 0 and r
̸= 0).
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floating-point SGD for quasi-convex loss func-
tions and extended some existing deterministic and
stochastic bounds for convex loss functions. In our
theoretical setup, we considered numerical errors for
weight update and gradient computations. We have
also derived the optimal step size as a corollary of our
theoretical results. Furthermore, in our experiments,
the effect of numerical errors on weight update and
gradient computations are demonstrated. Our experi-
ments show that the accumulator mantissa size plays
a key role in reducing the numerical error and im-
proving the convergence of SGD. Although our ex-
periments with logistic regression are promising, ex-
tension of the experiments for more complex models
is an appealing direction as the future work.
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ICPRAM 2023 - 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods