Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design:
Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method
Afef Awadid
and Remi Boyer
Technological Research Institute SystemX, 91120 Palaiseau, France
Keywords: Domain-Specific Modeling Method, Change Impact Analysis, System Architecture Design, Change Scenario.
Abstract: The architecture design update is appraised as a key issue in the domain of cyber-physical systems. One reason
for this is its significant cost that can increase up to several folds with each phase of the life cycle, from
conceptual design to operation. Therefore, before accepting such update, it is crucial to analyse its impact -
the so-called "Change Impact Analysis (CIA)". CIA is based on traceability of dependencies between
elements in system artefacts. However, in practice, traceability is not sufficient to allow the automated support
of CIA, as it lacks the consideration of CIA parameters. A CIA parameter is any information that could be
useful for quantitatively or qualitatively assessing change impact. Against this background, this paper
proposes a Domain-Specific Modeling Method for assisting CIA in the context of system architecture design.
Such method is composed of two parts. First, a traceability language built upon existing traceability patterns
and involving a set of CIA parameters. Second, a modeling procedure referring to a change scenario-based
approach that describes how to use such language to provide an automated support for CIA. For the sake of
validity, the method is applied in the aeronautical field.
Many highly complex systems such as cyber-physical
systems (e.g. smart grids) have reached a level of
complexity that only very few engineers have the
breadth of knowledge to gain an even cursory
understanding of the system in its entirety. A good
architecture design can help overcome this issue by
capturing the overall complexity of these systems at a
higher abstraction level (Thöne, 2005). Architecture
design refers to a sub-process that focuses on
"modelling and mapping system functions, structure
and predicted behavior of a system" (Eckert and
Jankovic, 2016).
System architecture design allows to reduce the
system complexity by delineating what one can build,
and what requirements are reasonable (Garlan, 2003).
Nevertheless, the architecture design of complex
systems is appraised as challenging. On reason for
this is the need to constantly update such design.
Indeed, architecture design update has been identified
as a key issue in the cyber-physical systems domain
(Wolf and Feron, 2015). Such update is due to
different changes such as operating environment,
stakeholder’s requirements, and implementation
technology. Against this background, it is worthwhile
noting that the cost associated with architecture
design update can increase up to several folds with
each phase of the life cycle, from conceptual design
to operation (Chew et al, 2013). Therefore, before
accepting any architecture design update, it is crucial
to analyse its impact known as "Change Impact
Analysis (CIA)".
CIA relies on traceability of relationships
between elements in system artefacts (Holt et al,
2016). Nevertheless, a traceability graph is not
enough to ensure the automated support of CIA, as it
does not explicitly include CIA parameters. The latter
refers to any information that could be useful for
quantitatively or qualitatively assessing change
To fill this research gap, this paper proposes a
Domain-Specific Modeling Method (DSMM) that is
made up of two parts. First, a traceability language
built upon existing traceability patterns and involving
a set of CIA parameters. Second, a modeling
procedure defined as a change scenario-based
approach that explains how to use such language to
Awadid, A. and Boyer, R.
Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design: Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0011795800003402
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2023), pages 245-252
ISBN: 978-989-758-633-0; ISSN: 2184-4348
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
ensure the automated support of CIA. Given this, the
proposed method is an attempt to answer the
following research question: how to provide
automated support for change impact analysis based
on a traceability language?
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 introduces the theoretical foundations of
this work. The proposed DSMM for supporting
change impact analysis in system architecture is
presented in Section 3. Section 4 is devoted to the
application of the method to a use case in the
aeronautic domain. Section 5 rounds off the paper
with some future research directions.
The key foundations on which this work is built are
introduced as follows: change impact analysis
(Section 2.1) and domain-specific modeling methods
(Section 2.3).
2.1 Change Impact Analysis
Change Impact Analysis (CIA) can be defined as the
process of exploring the tentative effects of a change
in other parts of a system (Kretsou et al, 2021). A
typical way to analyze change impact is the
following: If I change this requirement or this design
element, what are the elements that will be affected
and must also be modified? ; If I change this model
element, what will the cost be and what effort is
required? (Douglass, 2021). In this sense, CIA is
much about how change propagates and affects its
surroundings (Breivoll, 2010). Building on this, CIA
allows to reduce risks, which often arises from
changes being made without consideration as to the
possible impacts.
When dealing with change in the system
architecture design, one generally refers to three
change types: architecture element's addition,
alteration, or removal (Damak, 2020). Behind each
change type is a Design Change Request (DCR). A
DCR can occur for several reasons, instigated from
within the design consultancy, the contractor or the
project owner/client" (Hindmarch, 2010). For
instance, A DCR is issued when the design team
found that the design of a subsystem should be
changed in order to accommodate constraints from
another subsystem (Guegan and Bonnaud, 2018).
Such requests undergo reviews in terms of change
impact analysis and need to be endorsed before
changes get implemented (Akaikine, 2010). These
reviews are performed by a change board. For the
sake of illustration, the process of CIA as described
above is visualized in Figure 1.
In practice, CIA is based on traceability between
elements in system artefacts (Holt et al, 2016)
(Douglass, 2021). Traceability is defined as "a
discernible association among two or more logical
entities such as requirements, system elements,
verifications, or tasks" (Hunt, 2007). Different types
of artefacts can therefore be subject to traceability
(e.g. needs, requirements, and models). Although
traceability is considered as one of the most
frequently adopted technique for CIA (Kretsou et al,
2021), it has been argued that due to the hidden
coupling issue and the evolvability of architectural
elements, a traceability graph is not sufficient to
support the CIA (Yadav et al, 2019). One reason for
this is the disregarding of CIA parameters. The latter
have been extensively studied in the context of
software development (Kretsou et al, 2021) (e.g.
change proneness (Jaafar et al, 2014) (i.e. the
probability of a software artefact to change) and
amount of change (Arisholm et al, 2001) (i.e. the
extent of changes that occurred on a software
artefact)). However, they are still overlooked in the
field of complex systems.
Figure 1: The process of change impact analysis.
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
2.2 Domain-Specific Modeling Methods
Domain Specific Modeling Methods could be a
promising candidate for CIA support. This could be
ascribed to several reasons. First, in addition to a
modeling language, a DSMM provides a modeling
procedure, mechanisms and algorithms (Karagiannis
and Kühn, 2002). The modelling procedure describes
how to use the modeling language in order to achieve
results (Awadid and Nurcan, 2019).
Second, a DSMM allows users "to employ
familiar concepts to the domain while constructing
models of applications" (Hernández et al, 2005) as
Domain-Specific Modeling is about creating "models
for a specific domain using concepts and terminology
from that domain» (Gray et al, 2001). Third, a DSMM
"is well suited for domains where the composition of
different elements is very flexible" (Leitner et al,
2011), as is the case in the field of system architecture
design. Such method is developed by first creating a
meta-model that specifies the ontology of the domain
and that can be built either from scratch or based on
existing solutions (Hernández et al, 2005).
The proposed method involves the domain specific
modeling language (Section 3.1)), and the modeling
procedure (Section 3.2)).
3.1 A Domain-Specific Modeling
Language for Supporting CIA
By domain specific modeling language for supporting
change impact analysis, we refer to a metamodel that
provides the concepts and relationships needed for the
construction of traceability models, and that
foregrounds the “CIA parameters”. Such parameters
are required not only to analyze changes, but also to
evaluate their potential impacts. As said before, such
language can either be established from scratch or
adapted from existing language(s) (Section 2.2).
In our case, to specify the intended metamodel,
we used two existing traceability patterns coming
from the fields of systems engineering and software
engineering. The former denotes an ontology
definition view showing traceability concepts (Holt et
al, 2016), while the latter stands for a traceability
pattern for crosscutting (Van Den Berg, 2006). The
latter assumes that at least two domains/phases/ levels
are somehow related to each other.
The choice of these two patterns drew on our
experience gained from several industrial research
projects. Once chosen, such patterns are investigated
by considering 1) the notion of “CIA parameters”, 2)
the meaning of the concepts and relationships they
use, and 3) the relevance of these concepts and
relationships to change impact analysis. Given this,
we construct the language/metamodel for supporting
CIA. Such metamodel is presented in Figure 2 and
lays the basis for the analysis of changes and the
assessment of their impacts.
Figure 2: The metamodel for supporting CIA in system architecture design.
Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design: Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method
Table 1: Metamodel concepts descriptions.
Concept Description
View An instance of a viewpoint (i.e. a definition to which a view must conform (e.g. the
underlying diagram types)). That instance (view) is made up of View Elements
Traceable Element The element that can be traced. This may be view or view element. Hence, a traceable
element can be abstract. For each two related traceable elements, we distinguish between
“Source traceable element” (i.e. the traceable element being modified) and “Target traceable
one” (i.e. the traceable element being impacted)
Traceable Element
A property of a traceable element that could be modified or impacted. Hence, traceable
element attribute refers to both the modified attribute(s) of the source traceable element and
the impacted attribute(s) of the target traceable one
Relationship A representation of the actual traceability relationship which is being considered between
two traceable elements
Domain A specific domain of application
Level Each level is a refinement of the previous one
Phase A phase can refer to any phase in the system development lifecycle
Change Any change (in terms of addition, alteration, or deletion) that can be made to a traceable
element or a traceability relationship
CIA parameter Any information that could be useful for quantitatively or qualitatively assessing change
Change Nature Addition, alteration, or deletion (e.g. deletion of an aircraft component)
Traceable element Level The level of the source traceable element (e.g. the aircraft level)
Traceable Element
The domain of the source traceable element (e.g. the aircraft safety analysis domain)
Traceable Element Phase The phase of the source traceable element (e.g. the aircraft functional architecture)
Traceable Element Type
It distinguishes between two types of traceable elements: atomic and composite (e.g. an
aircraft function is atomic, while aircraft safety requirements are of type composite)
Traceable Element
It focuses on how many target traceable elements are related to the considered source
traceable element (e.g. there are x target traceable elements that are linked to the aircraft
component in question)
Relationship Type
It is described in terms of domain, phase, and/ or level. We distinguish then between intra-
domain (e.g. within the systems engineering domain) and inter-domain (e.g. between
systems engineering and safety analysis domains), intra-level (e.g. within the aircraft level)
and inter-level (e.g. between aircraft and item levels) , and intra-phase (e.g. within the phase
of aircraft functional architecture) and inter-phase relationships (e.g. between the phases of
aircraft functional architecture and functional safety verification)
Relationship Semantics
The meaning of a traceability relationship (e.g. refinement, verification, and validation)
As shown in Figure 2, the resulting metamodel
incorporates CIA parameters as inherent constitutive
fragment. All the concepts that seem germane to the
understanding of this metamodel are summarized in
Table 1, where CIA parameters are marked in yellow.
The list of CIA parameters presented in table 1 is
not exhaustive. As mentioned earlier, the definition of
these parameters are based on a review of existing
literature on traceability patterns and on our
experience with system architecture design.
3.2 A Modeling Procedure: A Change
Scenario-Based Approach
As stated previously, a modeling procedure stands for
the part of the domain-specific modeling method
(DSMM) that explains how the underlying
metamodel can be used in order to achieve results. On
that basis, the focus of this section is to elucidate the
way in which the metamodel presented above can
provide support for change impact analysis (CIA).
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
To do so, we advocate a change scenario-based
approach, where the concept of a “change scenario”
refers to a description of a given change by
instantiating the concepts of the CIA metamodel
according to the application domain.
This implies a customized instantiation of such
metamodel for the considered application domain.
There are at least two motivations that drive the
adoption of a scenario-based approach. First, the use
of scenarios is highly recommended for evaluations
purposes. In this vein, such use has been accentuated
as one of the best industrial practices for evaluating
architectures (Kazman et al, 2000). Second, a change
scenario-based approach is considered as suitable
basis for handling analysis complexity (Dobrica and
Ovaska, 2011).
The proposed modeling procedure relies on the
change-scenario concept and requires the
involvement of different experts from the considered
application domain. Indeed, two categories of experts
are needed. The first category includes experts on
system architecture design such as system engineers
and system architects. This kind of experts is
generally accustomed to architecture design changes.
Hence, it is likely to be more willing and able to
identify change-scenarios. The second category
encompasses experts on system design quality
assessment like quality engineers. Such experts are
acquainted with impact analysis. Accordingly, they
are in the best position to evaluate the severity of
change scenarios. Having this in mind, the modeling
procedure goes through the following steps:
Identification of change scenarios according to
the application domain. In this step, experts
from the first category describe each possible
change by instantiating the concepts of the
metamodel, including the CIA parameters. It is
worthwhile to note here that the concepts that
have to be instantiated are determined in
accordance with the application domain
characteristics. The aim of this step is to point
out all the possible changes that can be made to
traceability elements or traceability
relationships, and that can induce different
impacts. Therefore, change analysis can be
facilitated. To define change scenarios, the
experts resort to previous experience and to
existing guidelines and standards in the domain
under consideration (for an illustration of this
step, see Table 2 and Step 1 in Section 4);
Given the defined change scenarios, experts
belonging to the second category determine the
standpoint(s) from which the change impact
evaluation can be undertaken. This allows them
to identify the most significant CIA parameters
that can be used to quantitatively and/or
qualitatively evaluate the impact of each change
scenario (for an illustration of this step, see Step
2 in Section 4);
For each considered standpoint, the same
experts define an evaluation criterion along with
its scale for scoring. An evaluation criterion
refers to either one CIA parameter or the
combination of several CIA parameters, among
those previously selected in Step 2 (for an
illustration of this step, see Step 3 in Section 4);
Using the defined evaluation criteria, the experts
evaluate the impact severity of each change
scenario. The evaluated change scenarios are
then stored in a tool database in order to be used
by the change board, when analysing change
requests (cf. Figure 1) (for an illustration of this
step, see Step 4 in Section 4). In light of this, the
described modeling procedure needs to be tool-
supported, so that new change scenarios can be
easily added, and the time expended on
evaluating and/ or prioritizing change requests
can be significantly reduced.
The initial evaluation of the proposed DSMM has been
realized within the joint academic-industrial research
project "S2C-System and Safety Continuity", which
aims to support the consistency between model-based
systems engineering and model-based safety analysis
in the aeronautical industry (De Bossoreille, 2019).
The participation of so many experts in this project
such as systems, safety and quality engineers makes it
a prime candidate for proof-of-concept.
Following the modeling procedure described
above, we first identify the two categories of the
required experts. Once done, the first category of
experts proceed to the identification of change
scenarios. For this end, they count not only on their
experience, but also on Aerospace Recommended
Practices (ARP) viz. ARP4754A (SAE Aerospace,
2010) and ARP4761 (SAE Aerospace, 1996), which
allowed them to instantiate only the metamodel
concepts that they consider relevant to change analysis.
As a result hundreds of change scenarios have been
reported. However, due to space limitations, only a
small selection of these scenarios is presented in Table
Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design: Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method
Table 2: A sample of identified change scenarios in the aeronautical field.
Source traceable element Target traceable element Change
Attribute Traceable
1 Aircraft
Name FHA_Failure
Assumption Alter Aircraft Systems
(i.e. a given
& intra-level
2 System
Alter System SE <x Inter-domain
& Inte
3 Aircraft
All Aircraft Safety
Add Aircraft SE >x Inter-domain
& inte
4 System
All Safety
Description Delete System SE <x Inter-domain
& inte
5 System
IDAL Safety
Assumption Alter System SE =x Inter-domain
& inte
6 Item
Name Item_Safety
Description Alter Item SE <x Inter-domain
& intra-level
7 Aircraft
All Aircraft
FDAL Add Aircraft Safety
& intra-level
8 Aircraft
IDAL Add Aircraft SA
& inter-
9 FHA_Failure
probability Aircraft
Assumption Alter Aircraft SA
domains &
Step 1: As illustrated in Table 2, the metamodel
concepts that have been instantiated by the experts
are: source and target traceable elements, change
nature, traceable element level, domain, and
magnitude, and finally traceability relationship type.
The five last concepts stand for the CIA parameters.
Such instantiation is based on the relevance to change
analysis and to specific context of the aeronautical
field. Against this background, it is interesting to note
that the reader not familiar with the terminology used
in such field, and hence in Table 2 may refer to
Aerospace Recommended Practices (SAE
Aerospace, 1996) and (SAE Aerospace, 2010).
Step 2: Once change scenarios are identified, the
second category of experts determined the
standpoint(s) from which the change impact
evaluation can be performed. Indeed, two standpoints
have been advocated. The first standpoint emphasizes
on the impact of the change on the results of systems
engineering or safety analysis activities, while the
second standpoint concerns the impact with respect to
workload related to the resumption of the safety
analysis. To evaluate the change impact from these
two standpoints, the experts selected the most
significant CIA parameters among the five ones
instantiated in Step 1 (cf. Table 2). Consequently,
only three CIA parameters have been considered:
“Traceable Element Level”, “Traceable Element
Magnitude”, and “Traceability Relationship Type”.
Step 3: The experts specified an evaluation
criterion per standpoint. As a matter of fact, the
evaluation criterion that has been defined according
to the first standpoint refers to a combination of two
CIA parameters viz. “Traceable Element Level” and
“Traceable Element Magnitude”. However, that
defined according to the second standpoint
corresponds to only one CIA parameter: “Traceability
Relationship Type”. These two evaluation criteria
along with their scale for scoring are given in Table 3
and Table 4 respectively. In both tables, m denotes
“minor” impact, me denotes “medium” impact, and
M denotes “Major” impact.
Table 3: Evaluation criterion according to the first
CIA parameter 1
CIA parameter 2
Traceable element level
stem Aircraft
1m m me
<= x m me M
> x me M M
Table 4: Evaluation criterion according to the second
arameter 3 Ratin
Intra-level m
-level me
-levels M
Note that “Intra-level” here means that the target
traceable element belongs to only one systemic level
(i.e. item level, system level, or aircraft level); “Inter-
level” implies rather that the target traceable element
belongs to two systemic levels, while “Inter-levels”
denotes that it belongs to the three systemic levels.
MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering
Figure 3: Illustration of the evaluated stored change scenarios.
To evaluate the impact severity of each change
scenario from those identified in Step 1, the experts
consider both standpoints, and thus both evaluation
criteria, as illustrated in Table 5.
Table 5: Evaluation of change scenarios severity.
according to
the first
according to
the second
m m m
m me m
m M me
me m me
me me me
me M me
M m me
M me M
Step 4: Using Table 5, the change scenarios have
been evaluated and stored in the tool database for
further use by the change board (cf. Figure 3). In this
sense, to evaluate a new change request, the change
board has just to search for the concerned change
within the scenarios database. This avoids having to
perform a change impact evaluation from scratch.
Figure 3 is offered just for illustrative purposes, as the
tool is still under development and some
improvements are yet to be done.
Architecture design update has been identified as a
challenging issue, as it may come at an exuberant
cost. Therefore, it is essential to analyse the impact of
such update before it is accepted. This is referred to
as "Change Impact Analysis (CIA)". The latter rests
on traceability of dependencies between elements in
system artefacts. However, in practice, traceability is
not enough to allow the automated support of CIA, as
it does not involve CIA parameters, where a CIA
parameter stands for any information that could be
useful for quantitatively or qualitatively assessing
change impact. To overcome this limitation, the
current paper proposes a domain-specific modeling
method for supporting change impact analysis in the
context of system architecture design. Such method is
composed of two parts. First, a traceability language
(metamodel) endowed with key CIA parameters.
Second, a modeling procedure referring to a change
scenario based approach. The method has the
potential to be easily extended to cover new CIA
A first application of the method has been carried
out within the S2C research project in the
aeronautical field, and was promising. Indeed, it has
brought resoundingly positive feedback from
industrial partners of the project, who expressed their
interest in the change scenario based approach. As
future prospects, we plan to perform further
validation of the method, and hence to apply it to
Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design: Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method
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MODELSWARD 2023 - 11th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering