Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People
Odalisio L. S. Neto
, Felipe G. Oliveira
, Jo
ao M. B. Cavalcanti
and Jos
e L. S. Pio
Institute of Computing (ICOMP), Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM), Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology (ICET), Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM),
Banknote Recognition, Convolutional Neural Network, Visually Impaired People, Accessibility.
This paper presents an approach based on computer vision techniques for the recognition of Brazilian ban-
knotes. The methods for identifying banknotes, proposed by the Brazilian Central Bank, are unsafe due to
intense banknote damage to their original state during daily use. These damages directly affect the recognition
ability of the visually impaired. The proposed approach takes into account the second family of the Brazilian
currency, the Real (plural Reais), regarding notes of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Reais. Thus, the proposed strategy
is composed by two main steps: i) Image Pre-Processing; and ii) Banknote Classification. In the first step, the
images of Brazilian banknotes, acquired by smartphone cameras, are processed to reduce the noise presence
and preserve edges, through the bilateral filter. Finally, in the banknote classification step, the feature learning
process is performed, representing the main features for banknote image classification. In addition, the Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) is used to classify the note denomination (value). Experiments demonstrated
the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach, achieving an accuracy of 99.103%, using the pro-
posed dataset with 6365 images of real banknotes in different environments and illumination conditions.
The most used payment method worldwide is through
banknotes and it still constitutes an essential part in
monetary transactions (Joshi et al., 2020). Banknotes
recognition is a non-trivial task for visually impaired
and blind people. The mentioned difficulty makes
people with visual impairment vulnerable to fraud.
Moreover, it creates a barrier to daily consumption ac-
tivities, like purchases and other banking tasks (Sousa
et al., 2020).
Studies carried out in 2015 demonstrated that
there were an estimated 36 million blind people glob-
ally. Meanwhile, moderate and severe vision impair-
ment affected 216.6 million people (Bourne et al.,
2017). According to the Brazilian National Health
Survey in 2019, 6.978 million Brazilian people have
severe vision impairment or blindness (IBGE, 2019).
Banking institutions around the world, respon-
sible for the banknotes manufacture, provide some
strategies to facilitate banknote recognition by the vi-
sually impaired, such as: different sizes, coded tactile
structure, braille markings, irregular edges or tangible
features (Joshi et al., 2020)(Ng et al., 2020). How-
ever, the tactile analysis represents a considerable dif-
ficulty due to intense banknotes turnover, promoting
damages in their original state resulting in incorrect
identification. Figure 1 presents an example of Brazil-
ian banknote damage, regarding tactile analysis.
Figure 1: Example of Brazilian banknote with damage in
tactile marks.
This paper presents an approach to recognizing
Brazilian banknotes and assisting people with vi-
sual impairment in financial operations. The ban-
knote denomination (value) is represented and clas-
sified through the proposed CNN architecture, with
a specific learning process for the banknote domain.
Experiments in real-world scenarios demonstrate the
proposed approach scalability and show that the ob-
tained results are accurate and reliable.
Our main contribution is to provide a robust and
Neto, O., Oliveira, F., Cavalcanti, J. and Pio, J.
Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People.
DOI: 10.5220/0011796200003417
In Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2023) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-634-7; ISSN: 2184-4321
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
efficient approach, based on Deep Learning, to clas-
sify Brazilian banknotes, assisting the visually im-
paired in daily monetary transactions. Based on the
proposed approach it is possible to embed the learn-
ing model into a mobile application to support vi-
sually impaired people, in monetary operations. We
also highlight the dataset used in this research work,
consisting of Brazilian banknotes in different environ-
ments and luminosity conditions. Furthermore, it is
important to mention the variety of images, including
crumpled banknotes and real acquisition scenarios.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section
2 we present the state-of-the-art regarding banknotes
recognition. In Section 3 is presented the proposed
methodology. We describe the experiments and dis-
cuss the obtained results in Section 4. Finally, in Sec-
tion 5, we provide concluding remarks and discuss
paths for future investigation.
Banknote analysis is a popular research area in Pat-
tern Recognition. It has been the focus of in-
tense investigation to achieve accurate and reliable re-
sults, with different approaches reported in the litera-
ture (Huang and Gai, 2020)(Tan et al., 2020)(Pham
et al., 2019)(Yousry et al., 2018). Several state-of-
the-art work perform the banknote image acquisi-
tion using different camera settings, with respect to
high-resolution (Dittimi et al., 2017), low-resolution
(Sousa et al., 2020) and smartphone cameras (Ng
et al., 2020). Other research work employ sensors,
including contact image sensor (Sanghun Lee et al.,
2017) and banknote readers (Tan et al., 2020). In this
work, we use smartphone cameras to collect our pro-
posed image dataset.
There are several research work analyzing distinct
currencies, including the US dollar, the Euro and the
Brazilian real (Sousa et al., 2020). Other work tackle
banknotes from countries such as China (Sun et al.,
2018), Hong Kong (Ng et al., 2020), India (Joshi
et al., 2020), among many others (Baykal et al., 2018),
(Yousry et al., 2018), (Tan et al., 2020) (Kongprasert
and chongstitvatana, 2019), (Huang and Gai, 2020),
(Pham et al., 2019) and (Dittimi et al., 2017).
In this paper we address banknotes from Brazil,
aiming at a robust and effective banknote recognition.
Unlike the work mentioned earlier, our image dataset
is composed by banknotes in real situations, including
crumpled banknotes, blurred and images captured in
non-ideal light condition.
Banknote classification techniques typically iden-
tify counterfeit (Laavanya and Vijayaraghavan,
2019), soiled (Sanghun Lee et al., 2017), worn (Tan
et al., 2020), old (Sun et al., 2018), nationality
(Khashman et al., 2018) or denomination (value) (Ng
et al., 2020) of banknotes. In some approaches, ban-
knote features are represented through size, color and
text (Abburu et al., 2017), Histogram of Oriented Gra-
dients (HOG) (Dittimi et al., 2017), Oriented FAST
and Rotated BRIEF (ORB) (Yousry et al., 2018), Dis-
crete Cosine Transformation (DCT) (Tan et al., 2020)
and Quaternion Wavelet Transform (QWT) (Huang
and Gai, 2020). Different approaches threaten the
classification problem using Fuzzy (Tan et al., 2020),
Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Kongprasert and
chongstitvatana, 2019), Random Forest (Sousa et al.,
2020), Neural Networks (Khashman et al., 2018) and
Hamming distance (Yousry et al., 2018). In the pro-
posed strategy we address the recognition of ban-
knotes denomination (value) problem. Furthermore,
we use a Deep Learning technique to learn better fea-
tures to depict the banknote characteristics.
State-of-the-art approaches tackle banknote
recognition using Deep Learning architectures,
including CNN fully trained on their own ban-
knote datasets (Ng et al., 2020)(Huang and Gai,
2020)(Baykal et al., 2018), YOLO-CNN model
(Joshi et al., 2020), Alex net tuned through transfer
leaning (Laavanya and Vijayaraghavan, 2019),
Alex net, VGG-11, VGG-16, Resnet-18 combining
(Pham et al., 2019) and DenseNet-121 tuned through
transfer leaning (Sun et al., 2018). We also define
our feature representation learning and classification
process using a CNN architecture. However, our
approach tackles images acquired in real scenarios,
with different environments and lighting conditions,
unlike the mentioned works. Additionally, The pro-
posed approach regards images in distinct capturing
settings, varying the positional relation between the
camera and the banknote.
The closer work to ours is (Thomas and Mee-
han, 2021), where the authors created a CNN for ban-
knote recognition, assisting visually impaired people
to identify different banknote values. The authors
used data augmentation techniques to simulate partial
banknote images, resembling those a blind or visu-
ally impaired person would take. The created model
achieved an average accuracy rate of 94%. The model
had some difficult in correctly identifying some ban-
knotes, likely attributed to issues such as poor lighting
in the images. Our approach uses varied lighting con-
ditions which may significantly improve the model’s
sensitivity to illumination conditions.
Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People
Our problem can be summarized as follows:
Problem (Brazilian Banknote Value Recognition).
Let I = {i
, i
, ..., i
} be a series of images provided by
a smartphone camera. Also let V = {v
, v
, ..., v
} be a
series of previously known banknote labels (values).
Our main goal is to correctly associate an unknown
Brazilian banknote image (i
) to the correspondent
banknote label (v
), representing its value.
In this paper, we propose an approach for the au-
tomatic recognition of Brazilian banknotes, based on
visual features and deep learning classification. The
proposed approach tackles the recognition problem of
banknote denomination (value). An overview of the
proposed methodology is shown in Figure 2, whose
details will be presented in the next subsections.
Figure 2: Overview of the proposed approach for Brazilian
banknote recognition.
In Figure 2, we present an overview of the
proposed approach, highlighting the main steps to
achieve the Brazilian banknote classification. To
reach this goal, images are acquired by the user and
an image pre-processing stage is performed. Differ-
ent visual aspects are learned in a deep learning pro-
cedure, understanding the banknote features for an ef-
ficient classification.
3.1 Image Pre-Processing
In this methodology, the images (I) are initially ac-
quired in Red, Green and Blue (RGB) model and later
the images are re-scaled to 640x480 pixels. After this,
it is needed to process the raw images to highlight the
main features to describe the banknote images.
In order to enhance the image quality for the
Brazilian banknote recognition, the Bilateral filtering
is applied. The Bilateral Filter (BF) is a nonlinear
weighted averaging filter, where the weights depend
on both the spatial distance and the intensity distance
concerning the central pixel. The main feature of the
bilateral filter is its ability to preserve edges while do-
ing spatial smoothing. The mentioned nonlinear filter
is performed as in the equation below:
(||p q||)G
where p is a pixel location, S is the spatial neighbor-
hood of p, q is every neighbor pixel in S, G
is the
spatial domain kernel and G
is the intensity range
kernel. W
is the normalization factor, as defined be-
(||p q||)G
|) (2)
In this stage, every banknote image (I
) is
smoothed, reducing the noise presence, meanwhile
the edge quality for the feature representation process
is preserved (I
). In this sense, the main features of
the banknote images are highlighted, improving the
learning step for banknote classification.
3.2 Banknote Classification
From the pre-processed Brazilian banknote images
), a feature learning process is applied. For this,
a deep learning based approach is used to understand
patterns and learn features in different conditions. A
CNN architecture is proposed for the feature learning
and banknote classification problem.
A CNN is a deep learning architecture strongly
used for computer vision applications. CNN models
can learn and represent effective features to allow the
classification or regression process in real problems.
In the banknote classification context, the proposed
CNN model, unlike other classical approaches, can
learn the features and its representation for the clas-
sification stage, even in different scenarios and do-
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 3: Proposed CNN architecture for Brazilian banknote recognition.
The proposed CNN model is composed by 4 con-
volutional layers. The first layer is defined with 4 fil-
ters, the second layer is defined with 16 filters, the
third layer is defined with 32 filters and, at last, the
fourth layer is defined with 64 filters. The filters size
in the first layer are (7x7), in the second layer are
(5x5) and in the third and fourth layers are (4x4).
In the first and third convolutional layers, the
LeakyReLu activation function is used, together with
the Average Pooling function, regarding a window
size of (2x2). In the second and fourth convolutional
layers, the ReLu activation function is used, together
with the Max Pooling function, regarding window
size of (2x2).
After the convolutional layers, 5 fully-connected
layers are proposed. The sizes of the fully-connected
layers are 256, 128, 128, 64, and 32, respectively
for each flatten layer. Between each fully-connected
layer are used Dropout layers with rate value of 0.1.
In the training stage, the Stochastic Gradient De-
scent (SGD) optimization algorithm is used, with
learning rate equal to 0.01 and momentum of 0.75.
The training procedure was performed for 20 epochs
and using a batch size of 20. The CNN model is used
for Brazilian banknote classification due to good re-
sults achieved in similar scenarios (Thomas and Mee-
han, 2021). The proposed CNN model is also used
due to good feature representation learning, depicting
distinct and complementary features for modeling dif-
ferent banknotes and environment conditions, unlike
classical approaches.
Figure 3 presents the proposed CNN architecture
for the Brazilian banknote value recognition. It also
provides details about the deep-learning model, de-
scribing the convolutional and dense layers, filters,
complementary functions and parameters involved.
In this section, we evaluate the proposed approach,
comparing it with traditional methods. Furthermore,
we evaluate the proposed approach regarding simu-
lated noisy and blurry images.
The proposed experimental setup is composed by
two low-cost smartphone cameras, with 8.0 megapix-
els and artificial illumination (flash). For the pro-
cessing stage a Dell computer, with an Intel Xeon
Silver 4114 2.20GHz CPU and 128 GB DDR4-2133
main memory, is used to execute the proposed ap-
4.1 Image Acquisition
The image dataset was collected using smartphone
cameras, depicting Brazilian banknotes in different
real environments and illumination conditions. The
proposed dataset is composed by 6 different types of
banknotes, regarding notes of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100
Reais, as can be observed in Figure 4.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 4: Different banknote images from the proposed im-
age dataset.
The image dataset consists of 6365 Brazilian ban-
knote images, with variation in natural illumination
Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People
and artificial illumination (with flash) conditions. Ad-
ditionally, images from the front and back surface of
each banknote were acquired.
For the image acquisition process, the smartphone
camera must be positioned keeping a distance of
about 10cm, between the banknote and the camera de-
vice. We suggest a region near the mid-forearm, as
reference point, for the correct position of the image
acquisition device, as can be seen in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Acquisition process of Brazilian banknote im-
4.2 Brazilian Banknote Classification
This experiment evaluates the accuracy of the pro-
posed approach for the Brazilian banknote classifica-
tion. Different approaches are implemented and eval-
uated to address this classification problem. The ap-
proaches used for comparison are: i) Local Binary
Pattern (LBP) and Ada Boosting (AB) classifier; ii)
LBP and Random Forest (RF) classifier; iii) HOG
and AB classifier; and iv) HOG and RF classifier.
The comparison techniques were used due to good
results obtained in related approaches for banknotes
recognition (Dittimi et al., 2017), (Sousa et al., 2020)
and overall banknotes analysis (Ayalew Tessfaw et al.,
2018) and (Thomas and Meehan, 2021).
The setting parameters for the AB classifier were
the number of estimators equals to 100. For the RF
classifier the setting parameters were the number of
estimators equal to 30 and the max depth equal to
30. The parameters tuning for the proposed approach
was performed by varying a set of parameters to max-
imize accuracy, during the training and testing stages.
Different scenarios changing the number of convolu-
tional layers, the number of filters, the size of filters,
the number of fully-connected layers, the size of the
fully-connected layers and the learning rate were ex-
The training stage of the classification model was
performed from a set of input images and the testing
stage uses another set of input images since the cross-
validation 5-fold protocol is applied. The dataset used
for the training process is composed of 6365 images
of Brazilian banknotes, acquired manually by a visu-
ally impaired human operator.
The achieved results show that the proposed CNN
model outperforms the other traditional techniques, as
we can observe in Table 1. The combination of the
LBP descriptor (depicting texture features) with the
RF classifier (banknote value recognition), obtained
the best results among the traditional techniques.
Table 1: Results for Brazilian banknote classification. This
experiment presents the accuracy for CNN (proposed),
HOG and LBP descriptors. Additionally, were used the
Random Forest (RF) and Ada Boosting (AB) for the classi-
fication problem.
Method Accuracy
LBP + AB 48.672 ± 1.226
LBP + RF 81.257 ± 1.301
HOG + AB 61.461 ± 0.670
HOG + RF 78.020 ± 0.985
Our method 99.103 ± 0.326
The proposed approach achieved accurate results,
in the Brazilian banknote classification process, due
to the learning of different filters during the value
recognition process. The CNN process allows the
learning of patterns in different contexts and regard-
ing different features. Thereby, some banknote con-
ditions can be better represented and classified using
the convolutional learning process.
4.3 Brazilian Banknote Evaluation:
Noise Analysis
This experiment evaluates the robustness of the pro-
posed approach for Brazilian banknote classification
in the presence of noise. Two different types of noise
are added in banknote images, Salt and Pepper and
Gaussian noises. All the traditional techniques used
in the experiment described in the previous subsection
and the proposed CNN model are evaluated. In this
experiment the added noise simulates possible prob-
lems in the image acquisition process in real-world
situations and different types of smartphone cameras.
For this assessment, the classification model train-
ing is performed from a set of images without noise
and the testing stage uses another set of images with
added noise. Figure 6 represents Brazilian banknote
image examples. Figure 6 represents a Brazilian ban-
knote without noise. Figure 6 represents a Brazilian
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 6: Examples of Brazilian banknote images. In Figure 6 a banknote image is presented without the presence of noise.
Figure 6 presents a banknote image with Salt and Pepper noise, with 0.02 noise density. Figure 6 presents a banknote image
with Gaussian noise, with 0.02 noise density.
Table 2: Results for robustness evaluation of Brazilian ban-
knotes classification, in the presence of noise. In this exper-
iment, all the considered methods are evaluated for Salt and
Pepper noise.
Salt and Pepper
Noise density 0.005 0.01 0.02
± 1.775
± 0.988
± 1.208
± 1.688
± 1.242
± 1.924
± 1.388
± 1.836
± 1.812
± 1.751
± 1.018
± 1.827
Our method
± 0.291
± 0.517
± 0.747
Table 3: Results for robustness evaluation of Brazilian ban-
knote classification, in the presence of noise. In this experi-
ment, all the considered methods are evaluated for Gaussian
Noise density 0.005 0.01 0.02
± 0.825
± 1.638
± 0.939
± 0.917
± 0.810
± 0.756
± 0.616
± 0.999
± 0.480
± 0.686
± 1.104
± 1.313
Our method
± 0.314
± 0.527
± 0.313
banknote with Salt and Pepper noise, with 0.02 noise
density. Figure 6 represents a Brazilian banknote with
Gaussian noise, with 0.02 noise density.
The achieved results in this experiment show that
the proposed CNN model presents better performance
even in the presence of noise, as we can observe in
Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 shows the Brazilian ban-
knote classification results for Salt and Pepper noise,
using the accuracy and standard deviation measures.
Table 3 shows the Brazilian banknote classification
results for Gaussian noise, also using the accuracy and
standard deviation measures. The results show that
the proposed CNN model outperforms the other clas-
sification approaches even in the presence of noise,
demonstrating the robustness of our approach.
4.4 Brazilian Banknote Evaluation:
Blurring Analysis
This experiment evaluates the robustness of the pro-
posed approach for Brazilian banknote classification
with blurred images. For this, the Gaussian blurring
technique is used to generate different blurring de-
grees for banknote images. In this experiment, Gaus-
sian filters were used with size 13x13, 15x15, 17x17,
19x19 and 21x21, simulating a blur effect in the image
capturing process.
All the traditional techniques used in the experi-
ments described in the previous subsections and our
proposed CNN model are evaluated. For this assess-
ment, the classification model training is performed
with a set of images without blur and the testing stage
uses another set of images with added blur. Figure 7
shows examples of blurred images of Brazilian ban-
knotes. Figures 7, 7, 7, 7 and 7 represent a Brazilian
banknote with 13x13, 15x15, 17x17, 19x19 and 21x21
filter sizes, respectively.
The achieved results in this experiment show that
the proposed CNN model presents better performance
even when the banknote image is blurred, as we can
observe in Table 4. Table 4 shows the Brazilian ban-
knote blurred image classification results, using the
accuracy and standard deviation measures.
In Figure 8, it is also possible to verify the perfor-
mance of the proposed approach regarding the blur-
ring problem in image capturing process, highlighting
Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e)
Figure 7: Examples of blurred images of Brazilian banknotes. Figures 7, 7, 7, 7 and 7 present blurring effects, with Gaussian
filters with sizes 13x13, 15x15, 17x17, 19x19 and 21x21, respectively.
Table 4: Results for robustness evaluation of Brazilian ban-
knote classification, in out of focus images. In this experi-
ment, all the considered methods are evaluated using low-
pass Gaussian filter.
Lowpass Gaussian Filter
Kernel size 13 15 17 19 21
Our method
± 0.211
± 0.212
± 0.484
± 0.444
± 0.767
the high accuracy of our method. Results show that
the proposed CNN model outperforms the other clas-
sification approaches even in blurred banknote im-
ages, demonstrating the robustness of the proposed
approach in real image capturing conditions.
In this paper we addressed the problem of Brazilian
banknote classification, recognizing the note denom-
ination (value), for visually impaired people. Un-
like other state-of-the-art approaches, our method
achieves high accuracy with images of banknotes in
a real-world scenario, reproducing the manual ban-
Figure 8: Evaluation of Brazilian banknote classification
methods under blurring impact.
knote image acquisition through smartphone cameras.
Experiments involving different classification
techniques have shown that the obtained Brazilian
banknote classification results are reliable and accu-
rate, considering the image dataset used. Addition-
ally, the proposed approach presents robustness, even
in presence of noise, blurring and defocusing during
image acquisition. It also demonstrates the feasibil-
ity for real applications, once the experiments were
carried out in real-world scenarios.
As future work, we intend to combine different
classification methods to improve the current classifi-
cation accuracy. We also plan to concentrate efforts
VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
on extending the banknote classification process to
tackle banknotes from other countries. Furthermore,
we intend to address deformed image banknotes, re-
producing crumpled banknotes.
This work was developed with support from the Mo-
torola, through the IMPACT-Lab R&D project, in the
Institute of Computing (ICOMP) of the Federal Uni-
versity of Amazonas (UFAM).
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Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People