(a) IoU = 30% (b) IoU = 37%
(c) IoU = 47% (d) IoU = 60%
Figure 18: Example of person detections (ground-truth in
green; eYOLO’s output in red) and actual IoU percentages.
safety system.
There are several ways in which the work of this
paper can be further improved to achieve better de-
tection and runtime performances on low-cost em-
bedded devices. In particular, it would be worth ex-
ploring a detection solution based on centroids rather
than bounding boxes. As already reported in the pa-
per, decreasing the number of parameters is very use-
ful to increase the runtime performance of the net-
work. A CNN detecting only the center of a per-
son could achieve that, and at the same time provide
enough information for safety purposes. Future work
should also include a comparison to other methods
(e.g. SSD, Tiny-YOLO) and adapt the most recent
networks, such as YOLO v7, to embedded systems,
possibly pushing their applications even further on
low-cost/low-energy microcontroller-based devices.
This work has received funding from the EU H2020
research and innovation programme under grant
agreement No. 101017274 (DARKO).
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VISAPP 2023 - 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications