Figure 3: Probability of correct classification - weighted.
Figure 4: Probability of correct classification - non-
tance measure between sample covariance matrices
calculated from the HCI real data set. In order to
improve the performance of previously used distance
measures in this paper we use weighted distance mea-
sure as it allows to reduce the probability of clas-
sification errors by increasing the cluster center dis-
tances. We evaluate the performance using dataset
consisting of 11 different classes corresponding to
different treatments. To further improve the classifi-
cation results we perform maximum likelihood based
classification fusion. Our results indicate that the re-
Table 2: Medications and doses.
Treatment ML-fused improvement
Ethanol 3%
BFA 1%
Rapamycin 2%
Tamoxifen 2%
Thapsigargin 1%
Tunicamycin 2%
TNFalpha 2%
Starvation24 3%
Starvation72 5%
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rithms. In future work we plan to develop more ef-
ficient computational algorithms and evaluate perfor-
mance as a function of training set size. In addition,
the performance of the proposed algorithm may de-
pend significantly on the algorithm used to construct
a sample covariance set and therefore an effort should
be made to investigate robustness/dependency of the
proposed algorithm on the sampling process.
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Classification of HCI Datasets Using Information Fusion and Weighted Frechet Distance