or poor sensor range. This kind of SLAM (simulta-
neous localisation and mapping) control system will
be hugely important as a facet of an autonomous true
virtual human. However for the goal of creating com-
puter controlled artificial social agents which move in
a realistic way, autonomy is not a requirement. Re-
inforcing the research into navigation within an envi-
ronment with movable obstacles, (Djerroud and Ali-
erif, 2021) created ”VICA” a vicarious cognitive
architecture for autonomous robots, though this re-
search differs as it follows the ”theory of mind” in
saying that a form of ”vicariance” is important for
a robot’s strategy to interact with the outside word.
This architecture employs a multi agent system to al-
low the robot a representation of how it’s interactions
would cause the outside world to react. (Sutera et al.,
2021) have pushed the field of marrying navigation
with learning even further, by using ultra-wide band
technology for precise tracking combined with a low-
cost point-to-point local planner learnt with deep re-
inforcement learning (the notion of intelligent agents
taking actions to maximise a cumulative reward, see
(Akalin and Loutfi, 2021)), they are able to path-find
robustly in noisy and complex environments. This
is something important for robots in real-world envi-
ronments, but unnecessary for artificial social agents,
who by virtue of their medium already have access to
all data on their environment. These approaches once
again however, all miss a vital component of realism
in these artificial social agents, the micro behaviours
that we propose need formalisation.
1.2 Approaches in the Social Robotics
Robotics has a wealth of valuable data on naviga-
tion due to the field of Human-robot interaction (HRI)
being one of the largest in artificial social agents,
with increasing amounts of research being done in the
area due to the uptake of complex and use-specific
robots that exist in the world today (Goodrich and
Schultz, 2007). One may think this domain has re-
search into micro-movements due to it’s size, how-
ever even though the field of HRI is so large, the
most related research in this field is focused primar-
ily on interactive social robots. For example (Ghaz-
ali et al., 2019) Looked at the effect of social cues
in robots on user’s psychological reactance, liking
among other psychological measures, however they
do not investigate navigational realism as a social
cue, instead focusing only head mimicry and social
praise timing. (Liu et al., 2018) investigated human-
robot behaviour in a shopkeeper scenario and in-
cluded locomotion in the multi-model behaviour of
the robot. Finding that cross-validation on the train-
ing data showed higher social appropriateness of the
robot’s behaviours. Though once again this research
was conducted on a wheeled form of locomotion, and
realistic human movement was not the intention of
the research. Apart from investigations into social
robots such as these, the bulk of research is directed
around navigation systems that create efficient (a) to
(b) routes for robotic agents (Olcay et al., 2020), (Li
et al., 2019). Despite the field of HRI being so large,
it is still missing research into the micro-movements
that we describe in this paper. This is primarily due
to robotics in general not being advanced enough in
their mimicry of human movement in a reliable way
to focus on these higher-level behaviours, causing the
area of advanced realism of movement to be some-
thing that will need to be researched in the future.
2.1 Micro-Movements - The Small
Movements We Make
Research into the small movements we unconsciously
make is an even smaller subset of the navigation field
and is ongoing, and these behaviours give a true sense
of realism when simulated or replicated well, though
most of this research is focused on face or arm move-
ments, rather than the implicit orientations and move-
ments we make during locomotion. These locomotion
movements are what we hope to formalise, as work
on facial realism and animation realism is quite ma-
ture in comparison due to the important role the face
has for humanoid perception, as well as due to mo-
tion capture as a technology. For example (Davison
et al., 2018) in their work in the field of micro fa-
cial movements have created a formalised dataset of
micro-facial movements, poised to become the new
standard. No such dataset exists for this kind of data
relevant to human navigational movements however,
and this sort of gap in the field explains why even in
highly funded, yet unreleased video games such as
”Star Citizen” (see (Ahrens et al., 2019)) non player
character performance is still substandard, and often
consists of movement to a position before rotating and
continuing a path. (Onishi et al., 2003) investigated
creating a new laboratory application to record hu-
man robot movements and test new humanoid robots,
that describe in their future work section the need to
capture human locomotion data accurately to make
robots that realistically move like humans. This is a
good example of the need for these realistic move-
ments being recognised, with work being done to im-
ICAART 2023 - 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence