database. Here, the data owner uploads the graph data
to the cloud in a certain format: it is divided into three
pieces and sent to separate locations in the cloud in
encrypted form. All of these components are regarded
as multi-party, and none of them can independently
know the entire graph, a query, or its result. Addi-
tionally, the AES algorithm is used to encrypt every
message sent between them.
Although SMPC has been used in relational
databases and graph databases in the past, multi-party
queries over graph databases are new. We, there-
fore, suggested a system called SMPQ. It helps to
secure multi-party computation on graph databases.
In order to conduct queries over graph databases,
the SMPQ uses SMPC protocols. To show how well
an SMPC query performed on a graph database, we
implemented a prototype top on the Conclave system.
Table 5 compares our proposed system, SMPQ, to all
of the earlier systems.
In this paper, we have proposed a system for se-
cure joint querying over federated graph databases
based on secure multiparty computation (SMPC) pro-
tocols called SMPQ. We implemented our system us-
ing Conclave and enhanced a query’s execution time
until it was as close as possible to that of Neo4j Fab-
ric. Furthermore, we expanded our system to be fully
automatic and handle more queries than it did pre-
viously by using the Neo4j Fabric functionality ex-
tended with the APOC library. The current system
remains to be tested on some Cypher query language,
which was beyond the scope of this paper, such as
a correlated query, and we have yet to add support
for dealing with different databases separately. In fu-
ture work, we will extend this system to handle traver-
sal queries between all databases using SMPC proto-
cols. Furthermore, we intend to reduce the overheads
of SMPQ by removing Conclave and instead directly
connecting to the JIFF server to apply SMPC proto-
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ICISSP 2023 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy