used in the implementation of physical rehabilitation
activities, specifically for this type of patient. To de-
velop and implement correctly this kind of device is
necessary to have a properly defined physical rehabil-
itation program. Several programs have been defined
by some authors, specifically for bedridden patients,
like the works of (Akar et al., 2017) and (Maimaiti
et al., 2019).
According to (Barandas et al., 2015) and (Condino
et al., 2019) the implementation of real-time biofeed-
back systems is important for the effectiveness of
rehabilitation plans, since there are a progressive
growth in people’s motivation and emotional involve-
ment. (Barandas et al., 2015) even mentions that one
of the reasons for the lack of adherence to the pre-
scribed exercise program is precisely the lack of mo-
During rehabilitation exercises sessions, it is im-
portant to monitor the patient’s evolution and the pa-
tient’s physical state. To do it, is required to have
one or more equipment capable of monitoring the pa-
tient’s vital signs and the forces that the patient can
produce autonomously. The monitoring of vital signs
can be performed through common medical equip-
ment/devices. However, given the technological evo-
lution, there are already commercialized devices that
allow monitoring some of the most important vital
signs, in a practical and fast way. Moreover, the mea-
surement of forces produced by the patient during the
exercises, allows the clinics to better judge the patient
rehabilitation. In addition, measurement history al-
lows for better evaluation and fine-tuning of rehabil-
itation exercises. Another important aspect of mea-
suring the forces applied/suffered by the patient is the
possibility of automatically adjust the exercises and
limiting the amplitude of movements to the patient’s
The work presented has its context in the project
ABLEFIT, which aims to contribute to the develop-
ment of methodologies and systems that ensure phys-
ical activity for this type of patient. This project
focuses on the development of physical rehabilita-
tion equipment for bedridden patients, that can con-
tribute to the prevention of complications associated
with their immobility for long periods. The developed
equipment involves a structural support and position-
ing unit, a set of actuators with biofeedback sensors,
and a control, monitoring and gamification unit, with
user interface. In the following chapters, the design
and development of this mechatronic physical reha-
bilitation system and its user interface are addressed.
The ABLEFIT project comprises the research and de-
velopment of an advanced physical rehabilitation sys-
tem for bedridden patients with prolonged immobil-
ity, capable of:
• Prevent complications associated with immobility
in bed;
• Increase the functional capacity of the muscu-
loskeletal, cardiac and respiratory systems;
• Promote the integration of physical exercise pro-
grams suited to the clinical condition of each pa-
• Improve the patient’s quality of life.
The equipment should have an advanced control
system to monitor several parameters related to both
the patient and the performed exercise, especially tak-
ing into account the speed and strength performed by
the patient, or imposed by the equipment. This will
allow to record and evaluate the patient’s progress
and performance. This registration, together with the
implementation of a future gamification solution, are
two extremely important factors when it comes to pa-
tient motivation. Gamification serves as a stimulus
for the user to practice certain exercises. The exis-
tence of a record that allows users to understand their
evolution throughout the rehabilitation period encour-
ages them not to give up on the process, which can
be an important factor in the efficiency/effectiveness
of the exercises. Real-time biofeedback systems are
extremely important for the effectiveness of rehabili-
tation plans, as there is a progressive increase in peo-
ple’s motivation and emotional involvement.
Regarding the physical-motor rehabilitation com-
ponent, the equipment must have the ability to per-
form a set of exercises that guarantee results for pa-
tients. The base system was thus defined for mobi-
lization requirements with flexion, extension, abduc-
tion and adduction of both upper and lower limbs.
2.1 The Prototype
Some of the most common exercise equipment fo-
cuses on one type of movement. This is the case
of stationary bicycles where circular movements are
performed or rowing simulation machines with linear
movements. The prototype concept brings together
both types of movement, and is based on two comple-
mentary modules:
• Linear module for the implementation of linear
movements with a curvilinear trajectory of the up-
per and lower limbs;
Biomechanical System Prototype with Advanced Biofeedback for Rehabilitation of Bedridden Patients