HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to
Remind You to Drink!
Nishiki Motokawa, Anna Yokokubo and Guillaume Lopez
Aoyama Gakuin University, Kanagawa, Japan
Hydration, System, Water Intake, Heart Rate, Wearable.
Hydration is essential for maintaining life. Consequently, a lack of awareness of the amount of water required
and the actual amount of water intake has been issued for all generations and may lead to diseases that result
in death. However, existing systems still have limited capabilities for tracking hydration reminder systems
in unconstrained, realistic environments. Therefore, this study employs personalized information based on
the user’s biometric information and environmental information. We proposed and developed a smart bottle
cap system that includes an environmental sensor, a barometric pressure sensor, an infrared sensor, the user’s
heart rate from a smartwatch, and a cap-shaped shell to create a compact system. Our proposed system,
‘HydReminder-W, promotes proper hydration using the individual’s biometric information, which teaches
individuals about the lack of hydration. A comparison of hydration with HydReminder-W showed that the
amount of water intake increased with the use of HydReminder-W. The average System Usability Scale (SUS)
score of all the subjects was 78.9 points, confirming that HydReminder-W has excellent usability and is helpful
as a hydration promotion system.
Water supports human life activities and is indispens-
able for maintaining life. Water in the body plays a vi-
tal role in providing nutrients, oxygen, and hormones
to each cell while circulating nutrients obtained from
food and other sources throughout the body and dis-
charging metabolic wastes that are no longer needed
in the body as urine. Lack of water in the body can
cause thirst and loss of mobility and heatstroke, cere-
bral infarction, myocardial infarction, and other dis-
eases that can lead to death (Kawaraban, 2019).
According to a report published by the Ministry
of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan
(MIC) (of IMinistry of Internal Affairs and Commu-
nications, 2020), a total of 64,869 people were trans-
ported to emergency rooms due to heatstroke nation-
wide from June to September 2020, and 43.4% of
them developed the disease even though they were
at home. In addition, there is also data (Suntory,
2019) that office workers consume less than 1L of
water in a day, which means that they cannot replen-
ish the amount of water they need in a day and are
chronically underhydrated. That is to say, we may be-
come water-deficient at any time and in any location.
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan
(MHLW) recommends that 1.2 liters of drinking wa-
ter is necessary to replenish the body’s daily water
intake. In addition, depending on the state of per-
spiration caused by exercise, consuming even more
drinking water may be necessary.
On the other hand, the human body cannot ab-
sorb a large amount of water at a time, with a limit
of 250 ml per hour. Therefore, in addition to the
hydration status of the user, it is necessary and ade-
quate to support the user with a system that compre-
hensively takes into account the user’s health status
related to perspiration, etc., and environmental infor-
mation such as the temperature and humidity of the
environment in which the user is located.
In this study, we propose and develop a hydration
promotion system, HydReminder-W, to notify users
of the lack of hydration, eliminate the lack of hydra-
tion at an appropriate time, and verify its usefulness.
We will also clarify the issues that need to be ad-
dressed in practical use from the results of evaluation
experiments. In this paper, we present HydReminder-
W, a smart bottle cap system that promotes proper
hydration using biometric information and verifies
whether hydration can be promoted to replenish flu-
ids regularly by conducting an evaluation experiment.
HydReminder-W measures the user’s hydration sta-
Motokawa, N., Yokokubo, A. and Lopez, G.
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!.
DOI: 10.5220/0011800700003414
In Proceedings of the 16th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2023) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 199-208
ISBN: 978-989-758-631-6; ISSN: 2184-4305
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Figure 1: HydReminder-W.
tus from the tube pressure sensor and infrared dis-
tance sensor inside the cap-shaped shell, the user’s
environment (temperature and humidity) from the en-
vironmental sensor also mounted inside the shell, and
heart rate from the smartwatch worn by the user. If the
user’s hydration status is insufficient, an alarm sounds
to alert the user to the lack of hydration.
We illustrated our method in one distinct exam-
ple scenario to confirm whether hydration is pro-
moted when using HydReminder-W. To evaluate the
impression of HydReminder-W, we measured 1-hour
fluid intake for 10 subjects and 8-hour fluid intake
for 10 subjects and evaluated the impression using
SUS(System Usability Scale). SUS is a question-
naire method to measure the evaluation of the us-
ability of a new system. The SUS is a Likert-based
evaluation to express the degree of agreement of the
participants with ten questions, five evaluating pos-
itive aspects and the other five evaluating negative
aspects of the system. Our findings showed that us-
ing the HydReminder-W resulted in more hydration.
Comparing the amount of hydration with and with-
out the HydReminder-W, we found that using the
HydReminder-W increased the amount of fluid in-
take. The average SUS score for all participants was
78.5, confirming that the HydReminder-W has excel-
lent usability and is helpful as a hydration promotion
Here we review technology and systems related to hy-
dration assistance. We explore various techniques that
enable tracking of drinking water and existing system
structures created using different embedded systems.
2.1 Research on Hydration Assistance
The following are some of the studies that have fo-
cused on drinking water. Beddoe et al. (Beddoe et al.,
2020) developed a system based on Nudge Technol-
ogy, a mechanism or method to encourage users to
make appropriate choices and avoid risks. The sys-
tem overflows the bottle’s contents if the user is not
hydrated at the right time, reminding the user that he
or she is not fully hydrated and encouraging the user
not to spill anymore. Lessel et al. (Lessel et al., 2016)
developed a coaster-type device that measures water
content based on weight and proposed a smartphone
game that reflects the user’s hydration status. This
system was effective in promoting hydration by in-
creasing the amount of water consumed, but no sig-
nificant difference was found by using the feedback
function of the smartphone game.
On the other hand, Nagata et al. (nagata, 2017) de-
veloped a system to encourage people to drink enough
water when taking medication by creating an intel-
ligent cup with sensors embedded in the cup. As a
result, the system measured the amount of water con-
sumed, and many subjects could drink the specified
amount of water. It was confirmed that the system
could provide appropriate medication guidance to pa-
tients. Chiu et al. (Chiu et al., 2009) developed a
system to support hydration with two games by at-
taching a smartphone to a cup. The proposed system
uses an accelerometer, and a camera mounted on a
smartphone. The accelerometer is used to detect the
drinking motion. Zhou et al. (Zhou et al., 2021) de-
veloped a system that estimates the user’s hydration
state from a cup equipped with a tilt sensor and re-
flects it in the state of moss on the tabletop. Although
positive impressions were obtained from the system,
which watered and dried the plants according to the
user’s hydration, the actual increase in water intake
was not verified.
Besides this, Kaner et al. (Kaner et al., 2018) de-
veloped a bottle with a design on a copper plate on the
bottle wall depending on the amount of water con-
sumed. Gouko et al. (Gouko and Arakawa, 2017)
created a sound-emitting coaster to explore the ap-
propriate feedback interval for promoting hydration.
Sanchez et al. (Sanchez and Gonzales, 2018) con-
ducted a study to promote hydration by mounting a
screen on a bottle. Nakano et al. (Nakano et al., 2006)
developed a system that uses a weight sensor to calcu-
late the fullness of a cup and notify colleagues when
the cup is empty to promote communication in a par-
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
titioned office. Beigl et al. (Beigl et al., 2001) de-
veloped a cup that can measure the temperature of a
Ko et al. (Ko et al., 2007) proposed a system
that estimates the state of hydration from the tilt of a
mug and provides feedback through a water-drinking
game using a digital photo frame. Hamatani et
al. (Hamatani et al., 2017) proposed a method for es-
timating the amount of water consumed in milliliters
based on the recognition of drinking motions from a
smartwatch’s built-in sensor. Amft et al. (Amft et al.,
2010) proposed a method to recognize the type of
container and the amount of water consumed by es-
timating the posture of the upper body while drink-
ing from a wrist-mounted accelerometer. Cohen et
al. (Cohen et al., 2021) summarized a state-of-the-art
solution for automatic monitoring of water intake.
2.2 Policy of this Study Based on
Related Research
In general, the above-mentioned studies have many
limitations. For example, if the bottle falls over, the
contents will overflow, and using such a system in an
actual office environment or carrying it around may
lead to the failure of surrounding electronic devices,
which is not practical. On the other hand, preparing
and operating devices such as smartphones is chal-
lenging to use such systems. Also, staying away from
the device makes the work more difficult. As well as
users may overlook feedback at the same time. It is
also necessary to verify to what extent the system in-
creases the amount of water intake.
Regardless of the smartphone games (Lessel et al.,
2016), capabilities of sensing in the cup (nagata,
2017) or sound emitting systems, it is also possible
to acknowledge the users about the lack of hydration
and promote it. However, those mentioned existing
systems still have limited capabilities for tracking hy-
dration reminder systems in unconstrained, realistic
environments to enable tracking. In addition, few sys-
tems take into account whether the environment in
which the user is located is hot or cold or the user’s
health status. Therefore, to solve the above problems,
this study employs personalized information based on
the user’s biometric information and the environment
in which the user is located. We believe that person-
alized information presentation is helpful because it
allows the user to replenish the water depleted from
the user’s body without his/her knowledge, such as
through perspiration caused by exercise, etc.
Figure 2: HydReminder-W.
HydReminder-W is a bottle cap system that promotes
hydration. HydReminder-W is a combination of the
words Hydration, Reminder, and Wearable. Focus-
ing on the ‘timing’ of hydration, HydReminder is a
portable system that can be used anywhere and pro-
vides personalized assistance using heart rate infor-
mation and information about the user’s environment.
If the user’s hydration status is inadequate, the bottle
cap-type device emits an audible tone and a message
on the smartwatch screen that says, It is time to drink.
The HydReminder-W device is shown in figure 1, and
the system configuration is in figure 3. Details are de-
scribed in the next section.
3.1 Hardware
HydReminder-W consists of an environmental sensor,
a barometric pressure sensor, an infrared sensor, and
a cap-shaped shell to make a compact system. Also,
in the system, we use a smartwatch (heart rate sensor)
and a control unit (M5AtomLite) to computer-control
all of these with a drinking straw. The HydReminder-
W obtains air pressure data in the straw and dis-
tance data from the water surface in the container
from the air pressure sensor and infrared sensor to
check whether the user is hydrated or not. The mea-
sured air pressure data and infrared data are sent to
a preferentially connected control unit, which uses
them to recognize whether the user has rehydrated
and whether the user has ingested enough water. Sim-
ilarly, environmental sensors are mounted to measure
the environment in which the user is located, and the
data is sent to the control unit. The control unit is
wired to various sensors. It also communicates with
the smartwatch via the Firebase real-time database, a
cloud-hosted NoSQL database. The control unit can
be powered from an electrical outlet and turned on
with a switch on the side. To integrate these parts,
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!
Figure 3: System Configuration.
a 3D printer was used to create a spherical cap that
meets the requirements of being comfortable in a liv-
ing space and being able to contain all sensors and
control units.
3.2 Software
3.2.1 Roles of Various Sensors
HydReminder-W obtains data from an environmen-
tal sensor, a barometric pressure sensor, an infrared
distance sensor, a smartwatch (heart rate sensor), and
a control unit (M5AtomLite) that computer controls
these sensors. The control unit acquires the user’s
heart rate from the smartwatch via the Firebase Real-
time Database, a cloud-hosted NoSQL database. The
acquired heart rate data is used as the user’s health
and exercise status. In addition, the temperature and
humidity of the user’s environment are acquired from
the environmental sensor connected by wire and are
used to determine the degree of risk of heat stroke or
extreme dryness of the environment. The user’s hy-
dration status is based on the air pressure in the straw
and the distance from the cap device to the surface of
the water in the bottle. If there is a significant change
in the air pressure inside the straw, the system deter-
mines that the user is hydrated and, a short time af-
ter the air pressure returns to normal, uses an infrared
distance sensor to measure the distance between the
device and the water surface inside the bottle to con-
firm that the user has been sufficiently hydrated. If the
user is not sufficiently hydrated, the cap-type device
emits an audible warning, and the smartwatch screen
displays a message to remind the user to rehydrate.
The relationship between infrared distance and mois-
ture content is discussed in 3.2.2.
3.2.2 Relationship between Water Content in
the Bottle and Infrared Distance
An experiment was conducted to verify whether the
amount of water ingested could be measured by in-
Figure 4: Relationship between water content in the bottle
and infrared distance.
frared distance. Using the infrared distance sensor in
this study, we measured whether the distance to the
water surface could be measured correctly. Details of
the experiment are shown below.
1. Prepare a commercially available 500 ml bottle.
2. We poured water into the bottles in 20 ml incre-
ments from 100 ml to 460 ml and measured the
infrared distance to the water’s surface in each in-
3. This data was measured ten times for each ml.
The results are shown in figure 4. The results show
that the distance to the water surface is measured cor-
rectly to some extent, but the deviation increases as
the distance between the sensor and the water surface
increases. In addition, there is a slight deviation de-
pending on the measurement time. These results indi-
cate that obtaining detailed water content in units of 1
ml is difficult. On the other hand, the infrared distance
sensor is sufficient to measure a difference of about
20 ml, which is necessary to determine whether a per-
son has drunk enough water in one hydration session.
Based on the above, this system uses the infrared dis-
tance sensor to determine whether a person has drunk
enough water in a single hydration session.
3.2.3 Algorithm for Diagnosing a User’s
Hydration Needs
Describes the algorithm for diagnosing the need for
hydration. The system workflow diagram is shown
in figure 5. The degree of need for hydration is di-
vided into three primary levels based on external fac-
tors (temperature and humidity).
1. Necessity level 1: necessity 1 is defined as a tem-
perature of 25
C or lower and humidity of 40%-
60%, which is considered comfortable for hu-
mans. In this environment, there is a slight de-
crease in body water due to external factors, but
moderate rehydration is necessary. It is desirable
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
to rehydrate at a pace of about once every 30 min-
2. Necessity level 2: necessity 2 is a slightly hot
space (temperature 25
C) or dry space (hu-
midity 30%-40%). Due to perspiration and dry-
ness associated with hot temperatures, more hy-
dration is considered necessary than in comfort-
able spaces. It is desirable to rehydrate at a pace
of about once every 20 minutes.
3. Necessity level 3: necessity 3 is when the envi-
ronment is sweltering (temperature above 30
and extremely dry (humidity below 30%). The
body loses much water in this environment due to
profuse sweating and extreme dryness. Therefore,
the amount of water intake must be very high. It
is desirable to rehydrate at a pace of about once
every 10 minutes.
The degree of need also considers information on the
user’s heart rate. If the user’s heart rate is 60bpm-
90bpm, we assume that the user is not exercising in
particular and is in good physical condition, and we
do not change the level of need. For example, if the
degree of need due to external factors were 2, it would
remain at 2. On the other hand, if the user’s heart rate
is above 90bpm, the user is assumed to be doing light
exercise or in some physical condition, and the degree
of need is raised by 1. For example, if the need level
due to external factors were 2, it would be changed to
Based on these Necessity levels, the system deter-
mines how often the user should hydrate. The system
determines if the user is hydrating at a set pace based
on data obtained from the pressure sensor in the tube
and the infrared distance sensor. If the user is not fully
hydrated, the system will display a message on the
smartwatch screen and emit a warning tone from the
device to remind the user to rehydrate.
If the user intentionally or unintentionally ignores
this feedback and does not hydrate, the system will
again prompt the user to hydrate at half the pace ac-
cording to the need (15 minutes, half of 30 minutes
for a need of 1), with an on-screen message on the
smartwatch and an alert tone on the device.
3.2.4 Feedback Method
Identify user hydration through the algorithm de-
scribed above and provide feedback when inadequate
trends are observed. There are two types of feedback.
The first is an audible tone from the bottle cap de-
vice, and the second is a message on the screen of the
smartwatch. The message is shown in figure 6. There
are three types of messages depending on the user’s
hydration status. A graph of the user’s hydration and
the messages displayed is shown in table 1.
Figure 5: HydReminder-W system transition diagram.
HydReminder-W SYSTEM
In this study, two different experiments were con-
ducted to confirm whether hydration was promoted
when using the HydReminder-W and to evaluate the
impression of the HydReminder-W. Below, we will
explain the pilot study experiment method, details of
the system used in general/existing methods, and our
findings elaborately.
4.1 Method of Pilot Study
Experiment-A: Verification of the
Effectiveness of the System when
Used for Short Periods of Time
A usability validation experiment was conducted to
verify the following three points of the proposed
HydReminder-W. The experiment was conducted in
an office that the participants usually use, and the en-
vironment was kept free from extreme dryness and
humidity. Therefore, we believe the surrounding en-
vironment does not affect the hydration process. The
point are:
1. Confirmation that HydReminder-W promotes hy-
dration and ensures that hydration is above the
minimum required.
2. Evaluate the ease of use and user experience of
There were 10 subjects in the study. The subjects
were divided into the following two groups:
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!
Figure 6: Example of feedback on a smartwatch.
Table 1: The hydration requirement algorithm.
Environment/Necessity level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
C / 40-60% Let’s drink It’s about time. Drink and rest now.
C / -40% Let’s drink It’s about time. Drink and rest now.
C- / -30% It’s about time. Drink and rest now. Drink and rest now.
Group A: Day 1 without HydReminder-W; Day 2
with HydReminder-W
Group B: Day 1 with HydReminder-W; Day 2 with-
out HydReminder-W
The experiment is shown in Figure 7. The exper-
imenter explained the use of the HydReminder-W to
each participant for about 3 minutes. Each participant
then worked at his or her desk for one hour. The sys-
tem monitors whether the user is hydrating regularly
using the tube pressure sensor and infrared sensor
data from each sensor mounted in the HydReminder-
W, which measures the amount of water present in
the bottle. If the user is under-hydrated compared to
the hydration needs of the environment in which he
or she is located, the bottle cap device will emit an
audible sound, and the smartwatch screen will dis-
play a message encouraging the user to hydrate. Af-
ter one hour of work, participants completed a ques-
tionnaire on the usability of HydReminder-W, and the
amount of water consumed by the experimenter dur-
ing the desk work was measured with a digital scale.
In addition, the number of times they rehydrated was
measured from the videos taken. The system usability
scale (SUS) was included in the questionnaire to eval-
uate the system. The SUS is a Likert-based evaluation
to express the degree of agreement (from 1—strongly
disagree to 5—strongly agree) of the participants with
ten questions, five evaluating positive aspects, and the
other five evaluating negative aspects of the system:
1. I think that I would like to use HydReminder-W
2. I found HydReminder-W unnecessarily complex.
3. I thought HydReminder-W was easy to use.
4. I think that I would need the support of a technical
person to be able to use HydReminder-W.
5. I found the various functions in HydReminder-W
were well integrated.
6. I thought there was too much inconsistency in
7. I would imagine that most people would learn to
use HydReminder-W very quickly.
8. I found HydReminder-W very cumbersome to
9. I felt very confident using HydReminder-W.
10. I needed to learn a lot of things before I could get
going with HydReminder-W.
4.2 Pilot Study Experiment Method-B:
Validation of the Effectiveness of the
System During Prolonged Use
To validate the proposed HydReminder-W, an ex-
periment was conducted to verify its effectiveness
over a longer time period. The experiment was con-
ducted in the participants’ daily lives, including their
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Figure 7: Scene of the experiment.
usual commuting environment. The environments
ranged in temperature from 12
C to 32
C and hu-
midity from 40% to 76%, and it is believed that
these conditions would change users’ attitudes to-
ward hydration. The experiment’s purpose is to con-
firm that HydReminder-W promotes hydration and
ensures that hydration is above the minimum re-
quired and evaluate the ease of use and user experi-
ence of HydReminder-W, the same as in Pilot Study
Experiment-A. There were ten subjects. The ex-
perimenter explained to participants how to use the
hyd-reminder for 3 minutes the day before the ex-
periment. The next day, participants worked their
usual commute for 8 hours (8:00 am-12:00 pm, 2:00-
6:00 pm). After the 8 hours of work, participants
completed a questionnaire about the usability of the
HydReminder-W, and a digital scale measured the
amount of water the experimenter consumed while
working at his/her desk. The questionnaire content
was the same as that used in Pilot Study Experiment-
4.3 Results
In this study, experiments were conducted to ver-
ify the usefulness of HydReminder-w and to evaluate
the impression of HydReminder-w. This section de-
scribes the results obtained from the experiment.
4.3.1 Results Comparing Water Intake and
Frequency of Water Intake with and
without HydReminder-W for 1 Hour
The amount of water intake and the number of
water intakes were compared with and without
HydReminder-W.The results of the comparison of the
amount of water ingested are shown in figure8, and
the results of the comparison of the number of times
water was ingested are shown in figure 9. The results
show that 9 of the 10 subjects increased their water in-
take. In addition, hydration frequency increased by 7
out of 10. Therefore, it is thought that HydReminder-
W makes it possible for users to be informed of the
Figure 8: Comparison of the amount of water consumed by
each subject (ml).
Figure 9: Comparison of water intake frequency per sub-
need for hydration at the appropriate time when there
is a lack of water and promotes hydration.
4.3.2 Results of Impression Evaluation Using
In the usability verification experiment of
HydReminder-W, we conducted a questionnaire
using SUS. A score out of 100 was calculated for
each item to quantify the usability. The results are
shown in Table 2. The results show that seven out
of ten users scored higher than the ‘ease of use’
standard score of 68. The average score of the 10
users was 78.5. Therefore, it was confirmed that
HydReminder-W has excellent usability.
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!
Table 2: SUS score per subject(points).
Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ave
Score 50 77.5 67.5 82.5 92.5 87.5 95 90 87.5 55 78.5
Figure 10: Comparison of the amount of water consumed
by each subject (ml).
Figure 11: Comparison of water intake frequency per sub-
4.3.3 Results Comparing Water Intake and
Frequency of Water Intake with and
without HydReminder-W for 8 Hours
To validate the proposed HydReminder-W, an exper-
iment was conducted to verify its effectiveness over
a longer time period. Fluid intake and frequency of
fluid intake with and without the HydReminder-W
were compared during an 8-hour period in a normal
daily routine. The results of the comparison of the
amount of water ingested are shown in Figure 10, and
the results of the comparison of the number of times
water was ingested are shown in Figure 11. The re-
sults show that 10 of the 10 subjects increased their
water intake. In addition, the frequency of water in-
take increased for 7 out of 10. Therefore, it is thought
that HydReminder-W makes it possible for users to
be informed of the need for hydration at the appropri-
ate time when there is a lack of water and promotes
4.3.4 Results of Impression Evaluation Using
In the effectiveness validation experiment of
HydReminder-W, we conducted a questionnaire us-
ing SUS. The usability was quantified by calculating
a score of 100 points for each item. The usability
of each item was quantified. The results are shown
in Table 3. The results show that 8 out of 10 users
scored higher than the standard score of 68 for ‘good
usability. The average score of the 3 users was 79.2.
Therefore, it was confirmed that HydReminder-W
has excellent usability.
This section discusses the system based on data ob-
tained through verification experiments.
5.1 Verify Data from Effectiveness
Testing Experiments
After 1 hour of use of the HydReminder-W, 7 of 10
subjects increased their fluid intake and the mean fluid
intake increased by approximately 80 ml. After 8
hours of use of the HydReminder-W, 10 out of 10
subjects increased their fluid intake and the average
fluid intake increased by approximately 500ml. We
believe this is mainly due to two factors: (1) Many
people forget to hydrate when they are concentrating,
such as during work. (2) Support for small changes
in physical condition and temperature that users are
not aware of In this system, we provided simple no-
tification support in the form of warning tones and
smartwatch messages. However, some people do not
want to touch their cell phones or other electronic de-
vices while at work, so further study is needed to de-
termine how to provide the support that makes the
user aware of hydration and does not interfere with
the user’s activities. In the free-text section of the sur-
vey of subjects who used the HydReminder-W for one
hour, they said that they did not know that they needed
to drink so much in an hour and that the amount
they drank was not that different from what they nor-
mally drank. In addition, in the free response sec-
tion of the questionnaire of the subjects who used the
HydReminder-W for 8 hours, there were comments
such as ‘I now understand that the amount I usually
HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics
Table 3: SUS score per subject(points).
Subject 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ave
Score 55 87.5 92.5 77.5 85 90 77.5 80 67.5 85 79.2
drink is too little’ and ‘I now understand the need to
hydrate before I get thirsty. We believe that using the
HydReminder-W for a longer period will help the par-
ticipants feel the system’s effectiveness. In addition,
one respondent commented, ‘I was surprised to re-
ceive a notification when I was thinking it was time
to rehydrate. suggesting that personalized support
based on biometric information and the user’s envi-
ronment may be adequate. As shown in Fig. 2 and
Section4.3.2, the average SUS score was 78.5, which
is higher than the standard score of 68 for ‘ease of
use. In particular, the item ‘Did you have to learn a
lot of things before using the system?’ received a very
high score, indicating that the system is easy to use.
This indicates that the HydReminder-W has excellent
usability. When asked if the presence of the device
interfered with their work, all subjects responded that
the device was small enough that it did not interfere
with their work. This suggests that the devices do not
get in the way when working at the desk and can be
integrated into the office environment. On the other
hand, in response to hydration through a straw em-
ployed in this system, some subjects commented that
‘drinking through a straw is a little uncomfortable’
and ‘it takes time to drink a large amount of water.
In addition, users who had used the system for a long
time commented that it was a hassle to recharge the
battery. Therefore, the method of acquiring water in-
take and device design should be improved. We be-
lieve that designing a system that does not require
recharging for longer periods of time will gain more
positive feedback. As mentioned above, we believe
that the HydReminder-W can be used to notify users
of the need for hydration at the appropriate time and
encourage them to hydrate when they are short of wa-
5.2 Consideration of Temperature and
Humidity and User’s Heart Rate
after 8 Hours of Use of
The effects of temperature, humidity, and user’s heart
rate in an experiment in which the HydReminder-w
was used for 8 hours are discussed. Table 4 shows
the temperature and humidity at which the system
prompted hydration during the experiment. From
this table, we can see that there are very few data at
temperatures above 30
C or at humidity below 30%.
Table 4: The temperature and humidity at which the system
prompted hydration during the experiment(number of sam-
C)/Humi(%) -30% 30%-40% 40%-
C 8 17 38
C 0 3 25
C- 0 0 15
Table 5: Data on the distribution of heart rate during the ex-
periment when hydration was prompted during the experi-
ment. (Number of samples).
60bpm - 90bpm 90bpm - 110bpm 110bpm-
73 21 12
Therefore, in the future, we would like to acquire ex-
perimental data under these environments to further
verify the usefulness of the system.
Table 5 also shows the distribution of users’ heart
rates when the system prompted them to hydrate dur-
ing the experiment. The data at high heart rates is
very small, as is the data at high temperatures. There-
fore, we would like to acquire data in situations where
the user’s heart rate increases due to exercise, etc., to
verify the system’s usefulness.
This paper developed a smart bottle cap system that
promotes proper hydration using biometric informa-
tion ‘HydReminder-W’ and conducted an evaluation
experiment to verify whether it can promote hydration
at appropriate timing. HydReminder-W measures the
user’s hydration status from the tube pressure sen-
sor and infrared distance sensor inside the cap-shaped
shell, the user’s environment (temperature and hu-
midity) from the environmental sensor also mounted
inside the shell, and heart rate from the smartwatch
worn by the user. If the user’s hydration status is
insufficient, an alarm sounds to alert the user to the
lack of hydration. A comparison of hydration with
and without the HydReminder-W, per hour and per 8
hours that in each case, the amount of water intake
increased with the use of HydReminder-W. We be-
lieve that this is due to the effect of feedback. In addi-
tion, the results of the questionnaire survey using the
SUS showed that the average score was 78.9 points,
confirming that the HydReminder-W has excellent us-
ability and is helpful as a hydration promotion sys-
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!
tem. On the other hand, some users commented that
‘drinking through a straw is a hassle/embarrassing’
and ‘charging is a hassle’, and there are many oppor-
tunities for improvement in device design and opera-
tion. Therefore, we would like to improve the device
design to make it more familiar to more users and im-
prove the device system to make it easier to use and
more habit-forming.
This work was supported by SECOM Science and
Technology Foundation research grant.
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HEALTHINF 2023 - 16th International Conference on Health Informatics