Figure 2: Average utility for each strategy when the cosine
similarities of predictions were 0.99, 0.95, and 0.9.
Figure 3: Win rate (denoted by red) and draw rate (denoted
by orange) for each strategy when the cosine similarities of
predictions were 0.99, 0.95, and 0.9.
• w
= (0.2,0.3,0.5).
• V
= (0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0).
• w
= (0.5,0.3,0.2).
• V
= (1.0,0.9,0.8,0.7,0.6,0.5,0.4,0.3,0.2,0.1).
Each agent i was not informed about the exact
preferences of its opponent. Instead, it was initially
informed of its own and its opponent’s preferences
with a certain range of error, which mimicked the pre-
dicted value U
and U
. Specifically, for each
of the weights of the agents’ preferences and the eval-
uation functions, we gave predictions with errors such
that the cosine similarity is 0.99,0.95 and 0.9. Here,
since the difference between the preferences of it’s
own and the opponent can be large or small depend-
ing on the predicted values, in the experiment all of
the cases were evaluated.
5.2 Experimental Results
Under the settings described in the previous section,
the results of round-robin matches with six negotia-
tion strategies are shown below.
Figure 2 shows the average utility obtained by
each strategy. Here, the horizontal axis represents
the results of each strategy, and the three graphs show
the results when the cosine similarities of the prefer-
ence predictions are 0.99, 0.95, and 0.90, respectively,
from the left. The vertical axis shows average utilities
with their maximum and minimum values.
Figure 3 shows the sum of the win and draw rates
for each strategy. Here, the horizontal axis represents
the results of each strategy, and the three graphs show
the results when the preference predictions have co-
sine similarities of 0.99, 0.95, and 0.90, respectively,
from the left. The vertical red and orange graphs rep-
resent win and draw rates, respectively.
As shown in Figure 2, PMT and TRT strategies
were found to be superior to the other strategies, with
a positive average utility regardless of the error rate
of prediction. Specifically, when the cosine similar-
ity of the preference predictions was 0.99, the aver-
age utilities of PMT and TRT strategies were about
0.043 and 0.049, respectively. Also, when the cosine
similarity was 0.9, the average utilities of these two
strategies were about 0.168 and 0.187, respectively.
On the other hand, the average utilities of the other
four strategies always had negative average utility.
From the above results, it can be seen that the
utility of both PMT and TRT strategies increases as
the difference in expectations increases. A possible
reason for this is that both the PMT and TRT strate-
gies have time-dependent target values for agreement.
The larger the prediction error, the greater the proba-
bility of making a wrong decision about one’s rela-
tive gain for a proposal, and the greater the probabil-
ity of a larger error in the value of that relative gain.
While other strategies choose to agree when their rel-
ative gains are large (relative utilities greater than 0),
the PMT and TRT strategies have stricter criteria for
agreement, so they are less likely to agree to an agree-
ment that will actually be to their detriment. As a re-
sult, the larger the forecast error, the higher the rela-
tive utility of the PMT and TRT strategies, suggesting
that having a time-dependent agreement target value
is important for competitive negotiation.
Figure 3 shows that PMT strategy had a lower win
rate than TRT strategy, but the sum of the draw rate
and the win rate was always the highest for the PMT
strategy. For example, when the cosine similarity of
preference predictions was 0.99, the win rates of PMT
and TRT strategies were about 0.452 and 0.482, re-
spectively. The draw rates for these strategies were
about 0.365 and 0.293 respectively. Thus, the sum
of the win and draw rates for PMT and TRT were
about 0.816 and 0.775, respectively, with 4.2 percent-
age point higher win or draw rate for the PMT strat-
Examples of the negotiation process for PMT and
Strategy Analysis for Competitive Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation